# Copyright (c) 2017, Roman Belyakovsky # # This file is part of Ansible # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type from ansible_collections.community.general.tests.unit.compat import unittest from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.modules import interfaces_file from shutil import copyfile, move import difflib import inspect import io import json import os import re import shutil import tempfile class AnsibleFailJson(Exception): pass class ModuleMocked: def atomic_move(self, src, dst): move(src, dst) def backup_local(self, path): backupp = os.path.join("/tmp", os.path.basename(path) + ".bak") copyfile(path, backupp) return backupp def fail_json(self, msg): raise AnsibleFailJson(msg) module = ModuleMocked() fixture_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'interfaces_file_fixtures', 'input') golden_output_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'interfaces_file_fixtures', 'golden_output') class TestInterfacesFileModule(unittest.TestCase): def getTestFiles(self, include_filter=None, exclude_filter=None): flist = next(os.walk(fixture_path))[2] flist = [file for file in flist if not file.endswith('.license')] if include_filter: flist = filter(lambda x: re.match(include_filter, x), flist) if exclude_filter: flist = filter(lambda x: not re.match(exclude_filter, x), flist) return flist def compareFileToBackup(self, path, backup): with open(path) as f1: with open(backup) as f2: diffs = difflib.context_diff(f1.readlines(), f2.readlines(), fromfile=os.path.basename(path), tofile=os.path.basename(backup)) # Restore backup move(backup, path) deltas = list(diffs) self.assertTrue(len(deltas) == 0) def compareInterfacesLinesToFile(self, interfaces_lines, path, testname=None): if not testname: testname = "%s.%s" % (path, inspect.stack()[1][3]) self.compareStringWithFile("".join([d['line'] for d in interfaces_lines if 'line' in d]), testname) def compareInterfacesToFile(self, ifaces, path, testname=None): if not testname: testname = "%s.%s.json" % (path, inspect.stack()[1][3]) self.compareStringWithFile(json.dumps(ifaces, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')), testname) def compareStringWithFile(self, string, path): # self.assertEqual("","_",msg=path) testfilepath = os.path.join(golden_output_path, path) if string and not string.endswith('\n'): string += '\n' goldenstring = string if not os.path.isfile(testfilepath): f = io.open(testfilepath, 'wb') f.write(string.encode()) f.close() else: with open(testfilepath, 'r') as goldenfile: goldenstring = goldenfile.read() goldenfile.close() self.assertEqual(string, goldenstring) def test_no_changes(self): for testfile in self.getTestFiles(): path = os.path.join(fixture_path, testfile) lines, ifaces = interfaces_file.read_interfaces_file(module, path) self.compareInterfacesLinesToFile(lines, testfile) self.compareInterfacesToFile(ifaces, testfile) def test_add_up_option_to_aggi(self): testcases = { "add_aggi_up": [ { 'iface': 'aggi', 'option': 'up', 'value': 'route add -net netmask dev aggi', 'state': 'present', } ], "add_and_delete_aggi_up": [ { 'iface': 'aggi', 'option': 'up', 'value': 'route add -net netmask dev aggi', 'state': 'present', }, { 'iface': 'aggi', 'option': 'up', 'value': None, 'state': 'absent', }, ], "add_aggi_up_twice": [ { 'iface': 'aggi', 'option': 'up', 'value': 'route add -net netmask dev aggi', 'state': 'present', }, { 'iface': 'aggi', 'option': 'up', 'value': 'route add -net netmask dev aggi', 'state': 'present', }, ], "aggi_remove_dup": [ { 'iface': 'aggi', 'option': 'up', 'value': None, 'state': 'absent', }, { 'iface': 'aggi', 'option': 'up', 'value': 'route add -net netmask dev aggi', 'state': 'present', }, ], "set_aggi_slaves": [ { 'iface': 'aggi', 'option': 'slaves', 'value': 'int1 int3', 'state': 'present', }, ], "set_aggi_and_eth0_mtu": [ { 'iface': 'aggi', 'option': 'mtu', 'value': '1350', 'state': 'present', }, { 'iface': 'eth0', 'option': 'mtu', 'value': '1350', 'state': 'present', }, ], } for testname, options_list in testcases.items(): for testfile in self.getTestFiles(): path = os.path.join(fixture_path, testfile) lines, ifaces = interfaces_file.read_interfaces_file(module, path) fail_json_iterations = [] for i, options in enumerate(options_list): try: dummy, lines = interfaces_file.set_interface_option(module, lines, options['iface'], options['option'], options['value'], options['state']) except AnsibleFailJson as e: fail_json_iterations.append("[%d] fail_json message: %s\noptions:\n%s" % (i, str(e), json.dumps(options, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))) self.compareStringWithFile("\n=====\n".join(fail_json_iterations), "%s_%s.exceptions.txt" % (testfile, testname)) self.compareInterfacesLinesToFile(lines, testfile, "%s_%s" % (testfile, testname)) self.compareInterfacesToFile(ifaces, testfile, "%s_%s.json" % (testfile, testname)) def test_revert(self): testcases = { "revert": [ { 'iface': 'eth0', 'option': 'mtu', 'value': '1350', } ], } for testname, options_list in testcases.items(): for testfile in self.getTestFiles(): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file: src_path = os.path.join(fixture_path, testfile) path = temp_file.name shutil.copy(src_path, path) lines, ifaces = interfaces_file.read_interfaces_file(module, path) backupp = module.backup_local(path) options = options_list[0] for state in ['present', 'absent']: fail_json_iterations = [] options['state'] = state try: dummy, lines = interfaces_file.set_interface_option(module, lines, options['iface'], options['option'], options['value'], options['state']) except AnsibleFailJson as e: fail_json_iterations.append("fail_json message: %s\noptions:\n%s" % (str(e), json.dumps(options, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))) interfaces_file.write_changes(module, [d['line'] for d in lines if 'line' in d], path) self.compareStringWithFile("\n=====\n".join(fail_json_iterations), "%s_%s.exceptions.txt" % (testfile, testname)) self.compareInterfacesLinesToFile(lines, testfile, "%s_%s" % (testfile, testname)) self.compareInterfacesToFile(ifaces, testfile, "%s_%s.json" % (testfile, testname)) self.compareFileToBackup(path, backupp) def test_change_method(self): testcases = { "change_method": [ { 'iface': 'eth1', 'option': 'method', 'value': 'dhcp', 'state': 'present', } ], } for testname, options_list in testcases.items(): for testfile in self.getTestFiles(): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file: src_path = os.path.join(fixture_path, testfile) path = temp_file.name shutil.copy(src_path, path) lines, ifaces = interfaces_file.read_interfaces_file(module, path) backupp = module.backup_local(path) options = options_list[0] fail_json_iterations = [] try: changed, lines = interfaces_file.set_interface_option(module, lines, options['iface'], options['option'], options['value'], options['state']) # When a changed is made try running it again for proper idempotency if changed: changed_again, lines = interfaces_file.set_interface_option(module, lines, options['iface'], options['option'], options['value'], options['state']) self.assertFalse(changed_again, msg='Second request for change should return false for {0} running on {1}'.format(testname, testfile)) except AnsibleFailJson as e: fail_json_iterations.append("fail_json message: %s\noptions:\n%s" % (str(e), json.dumps(options, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))) interfaces_file.write_changes(module, [d['line'] for d in lines if 'line' in d], path) self.compareStringWithFile("\n=====\n".join(fail_json_iterations), "%s_%s.exceptions.txt" % (testfile, testname)) self.compareInterfacesLinesToFile(lines, testfile, "%s_%s" % (testfile, testname)) self.compareInterfacesToFile(ifaces, testfile, "%s_%s.json" % (testfile, testname)) # Restore backup move(backupp, path) def test_inet_inet6(self): testcases = { "change_ipv4": [ { 'iface': 'eth0', 'address_family': 'inet', 'option': 'address', 'value': '', 'state': 'present', } ], "change_ipv6": [ { 'iface': 'eth0', 'address_family': 'inet6', 'option': 'address', 'value': 'fc00::42', 'state': 'present', } ], "change_ipv4_pre_up": [ { 'iface': 'eth0', 'address_family': 'inet', 'option': 'pre-up', 'value': 'XXXX_ipv4', 'state': 'present', } ], "change_ipv6_pre_up": [ { 'iface': 'eth0', 'address_family': 'inet6', 'option': 'pre-up', 'value': 'XXXX_ipv6', 'state': 'present', } ], "change_ipv4_post_up": [ { 'iface': 'eth0', 'address_family': 'inet', 'option': 'post-up', 'value': 'XXXX_ipv4', 'state': 'present', } ], "change_ipv6_post_up": [ { 'iface': 'eth0', 'address_family': 'inet6', 'option': 'post-up', 'value': 'XXXX_ipv6', 'state': 'present', } ], } for testname, options_list in testcases.items(): for testfile in self.getTestFiles(): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file: src_path = os.path.join(fixture_path, testfile) path = temp_file.name shutil.copy(src_path, path) lines, ifaces = interfaces_file.read_interfaces_file(module, path) backupp = module.backup_local(path) options = options_list[0] fail_json_iterations = [] try: dummy, lines = interfaces_file.set_interface_option(module, lines, options['iface'], options['option'], options['value'], options['state'], options['address_family']) except AnsibleFailJson as e: fail_json_iterations.append("fail_json message: %s\noptions:\n%s" % (str(e), json.dumps(options, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))) interfaces_file.write_changes(module, [d['line'] for d in lines if 'line' in d], path) self.compareStringWithFile("\n=====\n".join(fail_json_iterations), "%s_%s.exceptions.txt" % (testfile, testname)) self.compareInterfacesLinesToFile(lines, testfile, "%s_%s" % (testfile, testname)) self.compareInterfacesToFile(ifaces, testfile, "%s_%s.json" % (testfile, testname)) # Restore backup move(backupp, path)