# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2020 Orion Poplawski # Copyright (c) 2020 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' author: Orion Poplawski (@opoplawski) name: cobbler short_description: Cobbler inventory source version_added: 1.0.0 description: - Get inventory hosts from the cobbler service. - "Uses a configuration file as an inventory source, it must end in C(.cobbler.yml) or C(.cobbler.yaml) and have a C(plugin: cobbler) entry." - Adds the primary IP addresses to C(cobbler_ipv4_address) and C(cobbler_ipv6_address) host variables if defined in Cobbler. The primary IP address is defined as the management interface if defined, or the interface who's DNS name matches the hostname of the system, or else the first interface found. extends_documentation_fragment: - inventory_cache options: plugin: description: The name of this plugin, it should always be set to V(community.general.cobbler) for this plugin to recognize it as it's own. type: string required: true choices: [ 'cobbler', 'community.general.cobbler' ] url: description: URL to cobbler. type: string default: 'http://cobbler/cobbler_api' env: - name: COBBLER_SERVER user: description: Cobbler authentication user. type: string required: false env: - name: COBBLER_USER password: description: Cobbler authentication password. type: string required: false env: - name: COBBLER_PASSWORD cache_fallback: description: Fallback to cached results if connection to cobbler fails. type: boolean default: false exclude_mgmt_classes: description: Management classes to exclude from inventory. type: list default: [] elements: str version_added: 7.4.0 exclude_profiles: description: - Profiles to exclude from inventory. - Ignored if O(include_profiles) is specified. type: list default: [] elements: str include_mgmt_classes: description: Management classes to include from inventory. type: list default: [] elements: str version_added: 7.4.0 include_profiles: description: - Profiles to include from inventory. - If specified, all other profiles will be excluded. - O(exclude_profiles) is ignored if O(include_profiles) is specified. type: list default: [] elements: str version_added: 4.4.0 inventory_hostname: description: - What to use for the ansible inventory hostname. - By default the networking hostname is used if defined, otherwise the DNS name of the management or first non-static interface. - If set to V(system), the cobbler system name is used. type: str choices: [ 'hostname', 'system' ] default: hostname version_added: 7.1.0 group_by: description: Keys to group hosts by. type: list elements: string default: [ 'mgmt_classes', 'owners', 'status' ] group: description: Group to place all hosts into. default: cobbler group_prefix: description: Prefix to apply to cobbler groups. default: cobbler_ want_facts: description: Toggle, if V(true) the plugin will retrieve host facts from the server. type: boolean default: true want_ip_addresses: description: - Toggle, if V(true) the plugin will add a C(cobbler_ipv4_addresses) and C(cobbleer_ipv6_addresses) dictionary to the defined O(group) mapping interface DNS names to IP addresses. type: boolean default: true version_added: 7.1.0 ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # my.cobbler.yml plugin: community.general.cobbler url: http://cobbler/cobbler_api user: ansible-tester password: secure ''' import socket from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_text from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin, Cacheable, to_safe_group_name from ansible.module_utils.six import text_type from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.plugin_utils.unsafe import make_unsafe # xmlrpc try: import xmlrpclib as xmlrpc_client HAS_XMLRPC_CLIENT = True except ImportError: try: import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpc_client HAS_XMLRPC_CLIENT = True except ImportError: HAS_XMLRPC_CLIENT = False class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin, Cacheable): ''' Host inventory parser for ansible using cobbler as source. ''' NAME = 'community.general.cobbler' def __init__(self): super(InventoryModule, self).__init__() self.cache_key = None self.connection = None def verify_file(self, path): valid = False if super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(path): if path.endswith(('cobbler.yaml', 'cobbler.yml')): valid = True else: self.display.vvv('Skipping due to inventory source not ending in "cobbler.yaml" nor "cobbler.yml"') return valid def _get_connection(self): if not HAS_XMLRPC_CLIENT: raise AnsibleError('Could not import xmlrpc client library') if self.connection is None: self.display.vvvv('Connecting to %s\n' % self.cobbler_url) self.connection = xmlrpc_client.Server(self.cobbler_url, allow_none=True) self.token = None if self.get_option('user') is not None: self.token = self.connection.login(text_type(self.get_option('user')), text_type(self.get_option('password'))) return self.connection def _init_cache(self): if self.cache_key not in self._cache: self._cache[self.cache_key] = {} def _reload_cache(self): if self.get_option('cache_fallback'): self.display.vvv('Cannot connect to server, loading cache\n') self._options['cache_timeout'] = 0 self.load_cache_plugin() self._cache.get(self.cache_key, {}) def _get_profiles(self): if not self.use_cache or 'profiles' not in self._cache.get(self.cache_key, {}): c = self._get_connection() try: if self.token is not None: data = c.get_profiles(self.token) else: data = c.get_profiles() except (socket.gaierror, socket.error, xmlrpc_client.ProtocolError): self._reload_cache() else: self._init_cache() self._cache[self.cache_key]['profiles'] = data return self._cache[self.cache_key]['profiles'] def _get_systems(self): if not self.use_cache or 'systems' not in self._cache.get(self.cache_key, {}): c = self._get_connection() try: if self.token is not None: data = c.get_systems(self.token) else: data = c.get_systems() except (socket.gaierror, socket.error, xmlrpc_client.ProtocolError): self._reload_cache() else: self._init_cache() self._cache[self.cache_key]['systems'] = data return self._cache[self.cache_key]['systems'] def _add_safe_group_name(self, group, child=None): group_name = self.inventory.add_group(to_safe_group_name('%s%s' % (self.get_option('group_prefix'), group.lower().replace(" ", "")))) if child is not None: self.inventory.add_child(group_name, child) return group_name def _exclude_profile(self, profile): if self.include_profiles: return profile not in self.include_profiles else: return profile in self.exclude_profiles def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True): super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path) # read config from file, this sets 'options' self._read_config_data(path) # get connection host self.cobbler_url = self.get_option('url') self.cache_key = self.get_cache_key(path) self.use_cache = cache and self.get_option('cache') self.exclude_mgmt_classes = self.get_option('exclude_mgmt_classes') self.include_mgmt_classes = self.get_option('include_mgmt_classes') self.exclude_profiles = self.get_option('exclude_profiles') self.include_profiles = self.get_option('include_profiles') self.group_by = self.get_option('group_by') self.inventory_hostname = self.get_option('inventory_hostname') for profile in self._get_profiles(): if profile['parent']: self.display.vvvv('Processing profile %s with parent %s\n' % (profile['name'], profile['parent'])) if not self._exclude_profile(profile['parent']): parent_group_name = self._add_safe_group_name(profile['parent']) self.display.vvvv('Added profile parent group %s\n' % parent_group_name) if not self._exclude_profile(profile['name']): group_name = self._add_safe_group_name(profile['name']) self.display.vvvv('Added profile group %s\n' % group_name) self.inventory.add_child(parent_group_name, group_name) else: self.display.vvvv('Processing profile %s without parent\n' % profile['name']) # Create a hierarchy of profile names profile_elements = profile['name'].split('-') i = 0 while i < len(profile_elements) - 1: profile_group = '-'.join(profile_elements[0:i + 1]) profile_group_child = '-'.join(profile_elements[0:i + 2]) if self._exclude_profile(profile_group): self.display.vvvv('Excluding profile %s\n' % profile_group) break group_name = self._add_safe_group_name(profile_group) self.display.vvvv('Added profile group %s\n' % group_name) child_group_name = self._add_safe_group_name(profile_group_child) self.display.vvvv('Added profile child group %s to %s\n' % (child_group_name, group_name)) self.inventory.add_child(group_name, child_group_name) i = i + 1 # Add default group for this inventory if specified self.group = to_safe_group_name(self.get_option('group')) if self.group is not None and self.group != '': self.inventory.add_group(self.group) self.display.vvvv('Added site group %s\n' % self.group) ip_addresses = {} ipv6_addresses = {} for host in self._get_systems(): # Get the FQDN for the host and add it to the right groups if self.inventory_hostname == 'system': hostname = make_unsafe(host['name']) # None else: hostname = make_unsafe(host['hostname']) # None interfaces = host['interfaces'] if set(host['mgmt_classes']) & set(self.include_mgmt_classes): self.display.vvvv('Including host %s in mgmt_classes %s\n' % (host['name'], host['mgmt_classes'])) else: if self._exclude_profile(host['profile']): self.display.vvvv('Excluding host %s in profile %s\n' % (host['name'], host['profile'])) continue if set(host['mgmt_classes']) & set(self.exclude_mgmt_classes): self.display.vvvv('Excluding host %s in mgmt_classes %s\n' % (host['name'], host['mgmt_classes'])) continue # hostname is often empty for non-static IP hosts if hostname == '': for iname, ivalue in interfaces.items(): if ivalue['management'] or not ivalue['static']: this_dns_name = ivalue.get('dns_name', None) if this_dns_name is not None and this_dns_name != "": hostname = make_unsafe(this_dns_name) self.display.vvvv('Set hostname to %s from %s\n' % (hostname, iname)) if hostname == '': self.display.vvvv('Cannot determine hostname for host %s, skipping\n' % host['name']) continue self.inventory.add_host(hostname) self.display.vvvv('Added host %s hostname %s\n' % (host['name'], hostname)) # Add host to profile group if host['profile'] != '': group_name = self._add_safe_group_name(host['profile'], child=hostname) self.display.vvvv('Added host %s to profile group %s\n' % (hostname, group_name)) else: self.display.warning('Host %s has an empty profile\n' % (hostname)) # Add host to groups specified by group_by fields for group_by in self.group_by: if host[group_by] == '<>': groups = [] else: groups = [host[group_by]] if isinstance(host[group_by], str) else host[group_by] for group in groups: group_name = self._add_safe_group_name(group, child=hostname) self.display.vvvv('Added host %s to group_by %s group %s\n' % (hostname, group_by, group_name)) # Add to group for this inventory if self.group is not None: self.inventory.add_child(self.group, hostname) # Add host variables ip_address = None ip_address_first = None ipv6_address = None ipv6_address_first = None for iname, ivalue in interfaces.items(): # Set to first interface or management interface if defined or hostname matches dns_name if ivalue['ip_address'] != "": if ip_address_first is None: ip_address_first = ivalue['ip_address'] if ivalue['management']: ip_address = ivalue['ip_address'] elif ivalue['dns_name'] == hostname and ip_address is None: ip_address = ivalue['ip_address'] if ivalue['ipv6_address'] != "": if ipv6_address_first is None: ipv6_address_first = ivalue['ipv6_address'] if ivalue['management']: ipv6_address = ivalue['ipv6_address'] elif ivalue['dns_name'] == hostname and ipv6_address is None: ipv6_address = ivalue['ipv6_address'] # Collect all interface name mappings for adding to group vars if self.get_option('want_ip_addresses'): if ivalue['dns_name'] != "": if ivalue['ip_address'] != "": ip_addresses[ivalue['dns_name']] = ivalue['ip_address'] if ivalue['ipv6_address'] != "": ip_addresses[ivalue['dns_name']] = ivalue['ipv6_address'] # Add ip_address to host if defined, use first if no management or matched dns_name if ip_address is None and ip_address_first is not None: ip_address = ip_address_first if ip_address is not None: self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, 'cobbler_ipv4_address', make_unsafe(ip_address)) if ipv6_address is None and ipv6_address_first is not None: ipv6_address = ipv6_address_first if ipv6_address is not None: self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, 'cobbler_ipv6_address', make_unsafe(ipv6_address)) if self.get_option('want_facts'): try: self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, 'cobbler', make_unsafe(host)) except ValueError as e: self.display.warning("Could not set host info for %s: %s" % (hostname, to_text(e))) if self.get_option('want_ip_addresses'): self.inventory.set_variable(self.group, 'cobbler_ipv4_addresses', make_unsafe(ip_addresses)) self.inventory.set_variable(self.group, 'cobbler_ipv6_addresses', make_unsafe(ipv6_addresses))