#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright Edward Hilgendorf, # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: dnsimple_info short_description: Pull basic info from DNSimple API version_added: "4.2.0" description: Retrieve existing records and domains from DNSimple API. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes - community.general.attributes.info_module options: name: description: - The domain name to retrieve info from. - Will return all associated records for this domain if specified. - If not specified, will return all domains associated with the account ID. type: str account_id: description: The account ID to query. required: true type: str api_key: description: The API key to use. required: true type: str record: description: - The record to find. - If specified, only this record will be returned instead of all records. required: false type: str sandbox: description: Whether or not to use sandbox environment. required: false default: false type: bool author: - Edward Hilgendorf (@edhilgendorf) ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Get all domains from an account community.general.dnsimple_info: account_id: "1234" api_key: "1234" - name: Get all records from a domain community.general.dnsimple_info: name: "example.com" account_id: "1234" api_key: "1234" - name: Get all info from a matching record community.general.dnsimple_info: name: "example.com" record: "subdomain" account_id: "1234" api_key: "1234" ''' RETURN = r''' dnsimple_domain_info: description: Returns a list of dictionaries of all domains associated with the supplied account ID. type: list elements: dict returned: success when O(name) is not specified sample: - account_id: 1234 created_at: '2021-10-16T21:25:42Z' id: 123456 last_transferred_at: name: example.com reverse: false secondary: false updated_at: '2021-11-10T20:22:50Z' contains: account_id: description: The account ID. type: int created_at: description: When the domain entry was created. type: str id: description: ID of the entry. type: int last_transferred_at: description: Date the domain was transferred, or empty if not. type: str name: description: Name of the record. type: str reverse: description: Whether or not it is a reverse zone record. type: bool updated_at: description: When the domain entry was updated. type: str dnsimple_records_info: description: Returns a list of dictionaries with all records for the domain supplied. type: list elements: dict returned: success when O(name) is specified, but O(record) is not sample: - content: ns1.dnsimple.com admin.dnsimple.com created_at: '2021-10-16T19:07:34Z' id: 12345 name: 'catheadbiscuit' parent_id: null priority: null regions: - global system_record: true ttl: 3600 type: SOA updated_at: '2021-11-15T23:55:51Z' zone_id: example.com contains: content: description: Content of the returned record. type: str created_at: description: When the domain entry was created. type: str id: description: ID of the entry. type: int name: description: Name of the record. type: str parent_id: description: Parent record or null. type: int priority: description: Priority setting of the record. type: str regions: description: List of regions where the record is available. type: list system_record: description: Whether or not it is a system record. type: bool ttl: description: Record TTL. type: int type: description: Record type. type: str updated_at: description: When the domain entry was updated. type: str zone_id: description: ID of the zone that the record is associated with. type: str dnsimple_record_info: description: Returns a list of dictionaries that match the record supplied. returned: success when O(name) and O(record) are specified type: list elements: dict sample: - content: created_at: '2021-11-15T23:55:51Z' id: 123456 name: catheadbiscuit parent_id: null priority: null regions: - global system_record: false ttl: 3600 type: A updated_at: '2021-11-15T23:55:51Z' zone_id: example.com contains: content: description: Content of the returned record. type: str created_at: description: When the domain entry was created. type: str id: description: ID of the entry. type: int name: description: Name of the record. type: str parent_id: description: Parent record or null. type: int priority: description: Priority setting of the record. type: str regions: description: List of regions where the record is available. type: list system_record: description: Whether or not it is a system record. type: bool ttl: description: Record TTL. type: int type: description: Record type. type: str updated_at: description: When the domain entry was updated. type: str zone_id: description: ID of the zone that the record is associated with. type: str ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils import deps with deps.declare("requests"): from requests import Request, Session def build_url(account, key, is_sandbox): headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(key)} sandbox = '.sandbox' if is_sandbox else '' url = 'https://api{sandbox}.dnsimple.com/v2/{account}'.format(sandbox=sandbox, account=account) req = Request(url=url, headers=headers) prepped_request = req.prepare() return prepped_request def iterate_data(module, request_object): base_url = request_object.url response = Session().send(request_object) if 'pagination' not in response.json(): module.fail_json('API Call failed, check ID, key and sandbox values') data = response.json()["data"] total_pages = response.json()["pagination"]["total_pages"] page = 1 while page < total_pages: page = page + 1 request_object.url = '{url}&page={page}'.format(url=base_url, page=page) new_results = Session().send(request_object) data = data + new_results.json()['data'] return data def record_info(dnsimple_mod, req_obj): req_obj.url, req_obj.method = req_obj.url + '/zones/' + dnsimple_mod.params["name"] + '/records?name=' + dnsimple_mod.params["record"], 'GET' return iterate_data(dnsimple_mod, req_obj) def domain_info(dnsimple_mod, req_obj): req_obj.url, req_obj.method = req_obj.url + '/zones/' + dnsimple_mod.params["name"] + '/records?per_page=100', 'GET' return iterate_data(dnsimple_mod, req_obj) def account_info(dnsimple_mod, req_obj): req_obj.url, req_obj.method = req_obj.url + '/zones/?per_page=100', 'GET' return iterate_data(dnsimple_mod, req_obj) def main(): # define available arguments/parameters a user can pass to the module fields = { "account_id": {"required": True, "type": "str"}, "api_key": {"required": True, "type": "str", "no_log": True}, "name": {"required": False, "type": "str"}, "record": {"required": False, "type": "str"}, "sandbox": {"required": False, "type": "bool", "default": False} } result = { 'changed': False } module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=fields, supports_check_mode=True ) params = module.params req = build_url(params['account_id'], params['api_key'], params['sandbox']) deps.validate(module) # At minimum we need account and key if params['account_id'] and params['api_key']: # If we have a record return info on that record if params['name'] and params['record']: result['dnsimple_record_info'] = record_info(module, req) module.exit_json(**result) # If we have the account only and domain, return records for the domain elif params['name']: result['dnsimple_records_info'] = domain_info(module, req) module.exit_json(**result) # If we have the account only, return domains else: result['dnsimple_domain_info'] = account_info(module, req) module.exit_json(**result) else: module.fail_json(msg="Need at least account_id and api_key") if __name__ == '__main__': main()