#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013, Nimbis Services, Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' module: htpasswd short_description: Manage user files for basic authentication description: - Add and remove username/password entries in a password file using htpasswd. - This is used by web servers such as Apache and Nginx for basic authentication. attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: path: type: path required: true aliases: [ dest, destfile ] description: - Path to the file that contains the usernames and passwords. name: type: str required: true aliases: [ username ] description: - User name to add or remove. password: type: str required: false description: - Password associated with user. - Must be specified if user does not exist yet. hash_scheme: type: str required: false default: "apr_md5_crypt" description: - Hashing scheme to be used. As well as the four choices listed here, you can also use any other hash supported by passlib, such as V(portable_apache22) and V(host_apache24); or V(md5_crypt) and V(sha256_crypt), which are Linux passwd hashes. Only some schemes in addition to the four choices below will be compatible with Apache or Nginx, and supported schemes depend on passlib version and its dependencies. - See U(https://passlib.readthedocs.io/en/stable/lib/passlib.apache.html#passlib.apache.HtpasswdFile) parameter C(default_scheme). - 'Some of the available choices might be: V(apr_md5_crypt), V(des_crypt), V(ldap_sha1), V(plaintext).' aliases: [crypt_scheme] state: type: str required: false choices: [ present, absent ] default: "present" description: - Whether the user entry should be present or not. create: required: false type: bool default: true description: - Used with O(state=present). If V(true), the file will be created if it does not exist. Conversely, if set to V(false) and the file does not exist it will fail. notes: - "This module depends on the C(passlib) Python library, which needs to be installed on all target systems." - "On Debian < 11, Ubuntu <= 20.04, or Fedora: install C(python-passlib)." - "On Debian, Ubuntu: install C(python3-passlib)." - "On RHEL or CentOS: Enable EPEL, then install C(python-passlib)." requirements: [ passlib>=1.6 ] author: "Ansible Core Team" extends_documentation_fragment: - files - community.general.attributes ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: Add a user to a password file and ensure permissions are set community.general.htpasswd: path: /etc/nginx/passwdfile name: janedoe password: '9s36?;fyNp' owner: root group: www-data mode: 0640 - name: Remove a user from a password file community.general.htpasswd: path: /etc/apache2/passwdfile name: foobar state: absent - name: Add a user to a password file suitable for use by libpam-pwdfile community.general.htpasswd: path: /etc/mail/passwords name: alex password: oedu2eGh hash_scheme: md5_crypt """ import os import tempfile from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils import deps from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native with deps.declare("passlib"): from passlib.apache import HtpasswdFile, htpasswd_context from passlib.context import CryptContext apache_hashes = ["apr_md5_crypt", "des_crypt", "ldap_sha1", "plaintext"] def create_missing_directories(dest): destpath = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.exists(destpath): os.makedirs(destpath) def present(dest, username, password, hash_scheme, create, check_mode): """ Ensures user is present Returns (msg, changed) """ if hash_scheme in apache_hashes: context = htpasswd_context else: context = CryptContext(schemes=[hash_scheme] + apache_hashes) if not os.path.exists(dest): if not create: raise ValueError('Destination %s does not exist' % dest) if check_mode: return ("Create %s" % dest, True) create_missing_directories(dest) ht = HtpasswdFile(dest, new=True, default_scheme=hash_scheme, context=context) ht.set_password(username, password) ht.save() return ("Created %s and added %s" % (dest, username), True) else: ht = HtpasswdFile(dest, new=False, default_scheme=hash_scheme, context=context) found = ht.check_password(username, password) if found: return ("%s already present" % username, False) else: if not check_mode: ht.set_password(username, password) ht.save() return ("Add/update %s" % username, True) def absent(dest, username, check_mode): """ Ensures user is absent Returns (msg, changed) """ ht = HtpasswdFile(dest, new=False) if username not in ht.users(): return ("%s not present" % username, False) else: if not check_mode: ht.delete(username) ht.save() return ("Remove %s" % username, True) def check_file_attrs(module, changed, message): file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params) if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False): if changed: message += " and " changed = True message += "ownership, perms or SE linux context changed" return message, changed def main(): arg_spec = dict( path=dict(type='path', required=True, aliases=["dest", "destfile"]), name=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=["username"]), password=dict(type='str', required=False, default=None, no_log=True), hash_scheme=dict(type='str', required=False, default="apr_md5_crypt", aliases=["crypt_scheme"]), state=dict(type='str', required=False, default="present", choices=["present", "absent"]), create=dict(type='bool', default=True), ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=arg_spec, add_file_common_args=True, supports_check_mode=True) path = module.params['path'] username = module.params['name'] password = module.params['password'] hash_scheme = module.params['hash_scheme'] state = module.params['state'] create = module.params['create'] check_mode = module.check_mode deps.validate(module) # TODO double check if this hack below is still needed. # Check file for blank lines in effort to avoid "need more than 1 value to unpack" error. try: with open(path, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() # If the file gets edited, it returns true, so only edit the file if it has blank lines strip = False for line in lines: if not line.strip(): strip = True break if strip: # If check mode, create a temporary file if check_mode: temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() path = temp.name with open(path, "w") as f: f.writelines(line for line in lines if line.strip()) except IOError: # No preexisting file to remove blank lines from pass try: if state == 'present': (msg, changed) = present(path, username, password, hash_scheme, create, check_mode) elif state == 'absent': if not os.path.exists(path): module.exit_json(msg="%s not present" % username, warnings="%s does not exist" % path, changed=False) (msg, changed) = absent(path, username, check_mode) else: module.fail_json(msg="Invalid state: %s" % state) check_file_attrs(module, changed, msg) module.exit_json(msg=msg, changed=changed) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()