#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: dnsmadeeasy short_description: Interface with dnsmadeeasy.com (a DNS hosting service) description: - > Manages DNS records via the v2 REST API of the DNS Made Easy service. It handles records only; there is no manipulation of domains or monitor/account support yet. See: U(https://www.dnsmadeeasy.com/integration/restapi/) extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: none diff_mode: support: none options: account_key: description: - Account API Key. required: true type: str account_secret: description: - Account Secret Key. required: true type: str domain: description: - Domain to work with. Can be the domain name (e.g. "mydomain.com") or the numeric ID of the domain in DNS Made Easy (e.g. "839989") for faster resolution required: true type: str sandbox: description: - Decides if the sandbox API should be used. Otherwise (default) the production API of DNS Made Easy is used. type: bool default: false record_name: description: - Record name to get/create/delete/update. If record_name is not specified; all records for the domain will be returned in "result" regardless of the state argument. type: str record_type: description: - Record type. choices: [ 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'ANAME', 'HTTPRED', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SRV', 'TXT' ] type: str record_value: description: - > Record value. HTTPRED: , MX: , NS: , PTR: , SRV: , TXT: " - > If record_value is not specified; no changes will be made and the record will be returned in 'result' (in other words, this module can be used to fetch a record's current id, type, and ttl) type: str record_ttl: description: - record's "Time to live". Number of seconds the record remains cached in DNS servers. default: 1800 type: int state: description: - whether the record should exist or not required: true choices: [ 'present', 'absent' ] type: str validate_certs: description: - If V(false), SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. type: bool default: true monitor: description: - If V(true), add or change the monitor. This is applicable only for A records. type: bool default: false systemDescription: description: - Description used by the monitor. default: '' type: str maxEmails: description: - Number of emails sent to the contact list by the monitor. default: 1 type: int protocol: description: - Protocol used by the monitor. default: 'HTTP' choices: ['TCP', 'UDP', 'HTTP', 'DNS', 'SMTP', 'HTTPS'] type: str port: description: - Port used by the monitor. default: 80 type: int sensitivity: description: - Number of checks the monitor performs before a failover occurs where Low = 8, Medium = 5,and High = 3. default: 'Medium' choices: ['Low', 'Medium', 'High'] type: str contactList: description: - Name or id of the contact list that the monitor will notify. - The default V('') means the Account Owner. type: str httpFqdn: description: - The fully qualified domain name used by the monitor. type: str httpFile: description: - The file at the Fqdn that the monitor queries for HTTP or HTTPS. type: str httpQueryString: description: - The string in the httpFile that the monitor queries for HTTP or HTTPS. type: str failover: description: - If V(true), add or change the failover. This is applicable only for A records. type: bool default: false autoFailover: description: - If true, fallback to the primary IP address is manual after a failover. - If false, fallback to the primary IP address is automatic after a failover. type: bool default: false ip1: description: - Primary IP address for the failover. - Required if adding or changing the monitor or failover. type: str ip2: description: - Secondary IP address for the failover. - Required if adding or changing the failover. type: str ip3: description: - Tertiary IP address for the failover. type: str ip4: description: - Quaternary IP address for the failover. type: str ip5: description: - Quinary IP address for the failover. type: str notes: - The DNS Made Easy service requires that machines interacting with the API have the proper time and timezone set. Be sure you are within a few seconds of actual time by using NTP. - This module returns record(s) and monitor(s) in the "result" element when 'state' is set to 'present'. These values can be be registered and used in your playbooks. - Only A records can have a monitor or failover. - To add failover, the 'failover', 'autoFailover', 'port', 'protocol', 'ip1', and 'ip2' options are required. - To add monitor, the 'monitor', 'port', 'protocol', 'maxEmails', 'systemDescription', and 'ip1' options are required. - The monitor and the failover will share 'port', 'protocol', and 'ip1' options. requirements: [ hashlib, hmac ] author: "Brice Burgess (@briceburg)" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Fetch my.com domain records community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com state: present register: response - name: Create a record community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com state: present record_name: test record_type: A record_value: - name: Update the previously created record community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com state: present record_name: test record_value: - name: Fetch a specific record community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com state: present record_name: test register: response - name: Delete a record community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com record_type: A state: absent record_name: test - name: Add a failover community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com state: present record_name: test record_type: A record_value: failover: true ip1: ip2: - name: Add a failover community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com state: present record_name: test record_type: A record_value: failover: true ip1: ip2: ip3: ip4: ip5: - name: Add a monitor community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com state: present record_name: test record_type: A record_value: monitor: true ip1: protocol: HTTP # default port: 80 # default maxEmails: 1 systemDescription: Monitor Test A record contactList: my contact list - name: Add a monitor with http options community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com state: present record_name: test record_type: A record_value: monitor: true ip1: protocol: HTTP # default port: 80 # default maxEmails: 1 systemDescription: Monitor Test A record contactList: 1174 # contact list id httpFqdn: http://my.com httpFile: example httpQueryString: some string - name: Add a monitor and a failover community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com state: present record_name: test record_type: A record_value: failover: true ip1: ip2: monitor: true protocol: HTTPS port: 443 maxEmails: 1 systemDescription: monitoring my.com status contactList: emergencycontacts - name: Remove a failover community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com state: present record_name: test record_type: A record_value: failover: false - name: Remove a monitor community.general.dnsmadeeasy: account_key: key account_secret: secret domain: my.com state: present record_name: test record_type: A record_value: monitor: false ''' # ============================================ # DNSMadeEasy module specific support methods. # import json import hashlib import hmac import locale from time import strftime, gmtime from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types class DME2(object): def __init__(self, apikey, secret, domain, sandbox, module): self.module = module self.api = apikey self.secret = secret if sandbox: self.baseurl = 'https://api.sandbox.dnsmadeeasy.com/V2.0/' self.module.warn(warning="Sandbox is enabled. All actions are made against the URL %s" % self.baseurl) else: self.baseurl = 'https://api.dnsmadeeasy.com/V2.0/' self.domain = str(domain) self.domain_map = None # ["domain_name"] => ID self.record_map = None # ["record_name"] => ID self.records = None # ["record_ID"] => self.all_records = None self.contactList_map = None # ["contactList_name"] => ID # Lookup the domain ID if passed as a domain name vs. ID if not self.domain.isdigit(): self.domain = self.getDomainByName(self.domain)['id'] self.record_url = 'dns/managed/' + str(self.domain) + '/records' self.monitor_url = 'monitor' self.contactList_url = 'contactList' def _headers(self): currTime = self._get_date() hashstring = self._create_hash(currTime) headers = {'x-dnsme-apiKey': self.api, 'x-dnsme-hmac': hashstring, 'x-dnsme-requestDate': currTime, 'content-type': 'application/json'} return headers def _get_date(self): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'C') return strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime()) def _create_hash(self, rightnow): return hmac.new(self.secret.encode(), rightnow.encode(), hashlib.sha1).hexdigest() def query(self, resource, method, data=None): url = self.baseurl + resource if data and not isinstance(data, string_types): data = urlencode(data) response, info = fetch_url(self.module, url, data=data, method=method, headers=self._headers()) if info['status'] not in (200, 201, 204): self.module.fail_json(msg="%s returned %s, with body: %s" % (url, info['status'], info['msg'])) try: return json.load(response) except Exception: return {} def getDomain(self, domain_id): if not self.domain_map: self._instMap('domain') return self.domains.get(domain_id, False) def getDomainByName(self, domain_name): if not self.domain_map: self._instMap('domain') return self.getDomain(self.domain_map.get(domain_name, 0)) def getDomains(self): return self.query('dns/managed', 'GET')['data'] def getRecord(self, record_id): if not self.record_map: self._instMap('record') return self.records.get(record_id, False) # Try to find a single record matching this one. # How we do this depends on the type of record. For instance, there # can be several MX records for a single record_name while there can # only be a single CNAME for a particular record_name. Note also that # there can be several records with different types for a single name. def getMatchingRecord(self, record_name, record_type, record_value): # Get all the records if not already cached if not self.all_records: self.all_records = self.getRecords() if record_type in ["CNAME", "ANAME", "HTTPRED", "PTR"]: for result in self.all_records: if result['name'] == record_name and result['type'] == record_type: return result return False elif record_type in ["A", "AAAA", "MX", "NS", "TXT", "SRV"]: for result in self.all_records: if record_type == "MX": value = record_value.split(" ")[1] # Note that TXT records are surrounded by quotes in the API response. elif record_type == "TXT": value = '"{0}"'.format(record_value) elif record_type == "SRV": value = record_value.split(" ")[3] else: value = record_value if result['name'] == record_name and result['type'] == record_type and result['value'] == value: return result return False else: raise Exception('record_type not yet supported') def getRecords(self): return self.query(self.record_url, 'GET')['data'] def _instMap(self, type): # @TODO cache this call so it's executed only once per ansible execution map = {} results = {} # iterate over e.g. self.getDomains() || self.getRecords() for result in getattr(self, 'get' + type.title() + 's')(): map[result['name']] = result['id'] results[result['id']] = result # e.g. self.domain_map || self.record_map setattr(self, type + '_map', map) setattr(self, type + 's', results) # e.g. self.domains || self.records def prepareRecord(self, data): return json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':')) def createRecord(self, data): # @TODO update the cache w/ resultant record + id when implemented return self.query(self.record_url, 'POST', data) def updateRecord(self, record_id, data): # @TODO update the cache w/ resultant record + id when implemented return self.query(self.record_url + '/' + str(record_id), 'PUT', data) def deleteRecord(self, record_id): # @TODO remove record from the cache when implemented return self.query(self.record_url + '/' + str(record_id), 'DELETE') def getMonitor(self, record_id): return self.query(self.monitor_url + '/' + str(record_id), 'GET') def updateMonitor(self, record_id, data): return self.query(self.monitor_url + '/' + str(record_id), 'PUT', data) def prepareMonitor(self, data): return json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':')) def getContactList(self, contact_list_id): if not self.contactList_map: self._instMap('contactList') return self.contactLists.get(contact_list_id, False) def getContactlists(self): return self.query(self.contactList_url, 'GET')['data'] def getContactListByName(self, name): if not self.contactList_map: self._instMap('contactList') return self.getContactList(self.contactList_map.get(name, 0)) # =========================================== # Module execution. # def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( account_key=dict(required=True, no_log=True), account_secret=dict(required=True, no_log=True), domain=dict(required=True), sandbox=dict(default=False, type='bool'), state=dict(required=True, choices=['present', 'absent']), record_name=dict(required=False), record_type=dict(required=False, choices=[ 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'ANAME', 'HTTPRED', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SRV', 'TXT']), record_value=dict(required=False), record_ttl=dict(required=False, default=1800, type='int'), monitor=dict(default=False, type='bool'), systemDescription=dict(default=''), maxEmails=dict(default=1, type='int'), protocol=dict(default='HTTP', choices=['TCP', 'UDP', 'HTTP', 'DNS', 'SMTP', 'HTTPS']), port=dict(default=80, type='int'), sensitivity=dict(default='Medium', choices=['Low', 'Medium', 'High']), contactList=dict(default=None), httpFqdn=dict(required=False), httpFile=dict(required=False), httpQueryString=dict(required=False), failover=dict(default=False, type='bool'), autoFailover=dict(default=False, type='bool'), ip1=dict(required=False), ip2=dict(required=False), ip3=dict(required=False), ip4=dict(required=False), ip5=dict(required=False), validate_certs=dict(default=True, type='bool'), ), required_together=[ ['record_value', 'record_ttl', 'record_type'] ], required_if=[ ['failover', True, ['autoFailover', 'port', 'protocol', 'ip1', 'ip2']], ['monitor', True, ['port', 'protocol', 'maxEmails', 'systemDescription', 'ip1']] ] ) protocols = dict(TCP=1, UDP=2, HTTP=3, DNS=4, SMTP=5, HTTPS=6) sensitivities = dict(Low=8, Medium=5, High=3) DME = DME2(module.params["account_key"], module.params[ "account_secret"], module.params["domain"], module.params["sandbox"], module) state = module.params["state"] record_name = module.params["record_name"] record_type = module.params["record_type"] record_value = module.params["record_value"] # Follow Keyword Controlled Behavior if record_name is None: domain_records = DME.getRecords() if not domain_records: module.fail_json( msg="The requested domain name is not accessible with this api_key; try using its ID if known.") module.exit_json(changed=False, result=domain_records) # Fetch existing record + Build new one current_record = DME.getMatchingRecord(record_name, record_type, record_value) new_record = {'name': record_name} for i in ["record_value", "record_type", "record_ttl"]: if not module.params[i] is None: new_record[i[len("record_"):]] = module.params[i] # Special handling for mx record if new_record["type"] == "MX": new_record["mxLevel"] = new_record["value"].split(" ")[0] new_record["value"] = new_record["value"].split(" ")[1] # Special handling for SRV records if new_record["type"] == "SRV": new_record["priority"] = new_record["value"].split(" ")[0] new_record["weight"] = new_record["value"].split(" ")[1] new_record["port"] = new_record["value"].split(" ")[2] new_record["value"] = new_record["value"].split(" ")[3] # Fetch existing monitor if the A record indicates it should exist and build the new monitor current_monitor = dict() new_monitor = dict() if current_record and current_record['type'] == 'A' and current_record.get('monitor'): current_monitor = DME.getMonitor(current_record['id']) # Build the new monitor for i in ['monitor', 'systemDescription', 'protocol', 'port', 'sensitivity', 'maxEmails', 'contactList', 'httpFqdn', 'httpFile', 'httpQueryString', 'failover', 'autoFailover', 'ip1', 'ip2', 'ip3', 'ip4', 'ip5']: if module.params[i] is not None: if i == 'protocol': # The API requires protocol to be a numeric in the range 1-6 new_monitor['protocolId'] = protocols[module.params[i]] elif i == 'sensitivity': # The API requires sensitivity to be a numeric of 8, 5, or 3 new_monitor[i] = sensitivities[module.params[i]] elif i == 'contactList': # The module accepts either the name or the id of the contact list contact_list_id = module.params[i] if not contact_list_id.isdigit() and contact_list_id != '': contact_list = DME.getContactListByName(contact_list_id) if not contact_list: module.fail_json(msg="Contact list {0} does not exist".format(contact_list_id)) contact_list_id = contact_list.get('id', '') new_monitor['contactListId'] = contact_list_id else: # The module option names match the API field names new_monitor[i] = module.params[i] # Compare new record against existing one record_changed = False if current_record: for i in new_record: # Remove leading and trailing quote character from values because TXT records # are surrounded by quotes. if str(current_record[i]).strip('"') != str(new_record[i]): record_changed = True new_record['id'] = str(current_record['id']) monitor_changed = False if current_monitor: for i in new_monitor: if str(current_monitor.get(i)) != str(new_monitor[i]): monitor_changed = True # Follow Keyword Controlled Behavior if state == 'present': # return the record if no value is specified if "value" not in new_record: if not current_record: module.fail_json( msg="A record with name '%s' does not exist for domain '%s.'" % (record_name, module.params['domain'])) module.exit_json(changed=False, result=dict(record=current_record, monitor=current_monitor)) # create record and monitor as the record does not exist if not current_record: record = DME.createRecord(DME.prepareRecord(new_record)) if new_monitor.get('monitor') and record_type == "A": monitor = DME.updateMonitor(record['id'], DME.prepareMonitor(new_monitor)) module.exit_json(changed=True, result=dict(record=record, monitor=monitor)) else: module.exit_json(changed=True, result=dict(record=record, monitor=current_monitor)) # update the record updated = False if record_changed: DME.updateRecord(current_record['id'], DME.prepareRecord(new_record)) updated = True if monitor_changed: DME.updateMonitor(current_monitor['recordId'], DME.prepareMonitor(new_monitor)) updated = True if updated: module.exit_json(changed=True, result=dict(record=new_record, monitor=new_monitor)) # return the record (no changes) module.exit_json(changed=False, result=dict(record=current_record, monitor=current_monitor)) elif state == 'absent': changed = False # delete the record (and the monitor/failover) if it exists if current_record: DME.deleteRecord(current_record['id']) module.exit_json(changed=True) # record does not exist, return w/o change. module.exit_json(changed=changed) else: module.fail_json( msg="'%s' is an unknown value for the state argument" % state) if __name__ == '__main__': main()