#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2016, Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: sefcontext short_description: Manages SELinux file context mapping definitions description: - Manages SELinux file context mapping definitions. - Similar to the C(semanage fcontext) command. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes - community.general.attributes.platform attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: full platform: platforms: linux options: target: description: - Target path (expression). type: str required: true aliases: [ path ] ftype: description: - The file type that should have SELinux contexts applied. - "The following file type options are available:" - V(a) for all files, - V(b) for block devices, - V(c) for character devices, - V(d) for directories, - V(f) for regular files, - V(l) for symbolic links, - V(p) for named pipes, - V(s) for socket files. type: str choices: [ a, b, c, d, f, l, p, s ] default: a setype: description: - SELinux type for the specified O(target). type: str substitute: description: - Path to use to substitute file context(s) for the specified O(target). The context labeling for the O(target) subtree is made equivalent to this path. - This is also referred to as SELinux file context equivalence and it implements the C(equal) functionality of the SELinux management tools. version_added: 6.4.0 type: str aliases: [ equal ] seuser: description: - SELinux user for the specified O(target). - Defaults to V(system_u) for new file contexts and to existing value when modifying file contexts. type: str selevel: description: - SELinux range for the specified O(target). - Defaults to V(s0) for new file contexts and to existing value when modifying file contexts. type: str aliases: [ serange ] state: description: - Whether the SELinux file context must be V(absent) or V(present). - Specifying V(absent) without either O(setype) or O(substitute) deletes both SELinux type or path substitution mappings that match O(target). type: str choices: [ absent, present ] default: present reload: description: - Reload SELinux policy after commit. - Note that this does not apply SELinux file contexts to existing files. type: bool default: true ignore_selinux_state: description: - Useful for scenarios (chrooted environment) that you can't get the real SELinux state. type: bool default: false notes: - The changes are persistent across reboots. - O(setype) and O(substitute) are mutually exclusive. - If O(state=present) then one of O(setype) or O(substitute) is mandatory. - The M(community.general.sefcontext) module does not modify existing files to the new SELinux context(s), so it is advisable to first create the SELinux file contexts before creating files, or run C(restorecon) manually for the existing files that require the new SELinux file contexts. - Not applying SELinux fcontexts to existing files is a deliberate decision as it would be unclear what reported changes would entail to, and there's no guarantee that applying SELinux fcontext does not pick up other unrelated prior changes. requirements: - libselinux-python - policycoreutils-python author: - Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Allow apache to modify files in /srv/git_repos community.general.sefcontext: target: '/srv/git_repos(/.*)?' setype: httpd_sys_rw_content_t state: present - name: Substitute file contexts for path /srv/containers with /var/lib/containers community.general.sefcontext: target: /srv/containers substitute: /var/lib/containers state: present - name: Delete file context path substitution for /srv/containers community.general.sefcontext: target: /srv/containers substitute: /var/lib/containers state: absent - name: Delete any file context mappings for path /srv/git community.general.sefcontext: target: /srv/git state: absent - name: Apply new SELinux file context to filesystem ansible.builtin.command: restorecon -irv /srv/git_repos ''' RETURN = r''' # Default return values ''' import traceback from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native SELINUX_IMP_ERR = None try: import selinux HAVE_SELINUX = True except ImportError: SELINUX_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() HAVE_SELINUX = False SEOBJECT_IMP_ERR = None try: import seobject HAVE_SEOBJECT = True except ImportError: SEOBJECT_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() HAVE_SEOBJECT = False # Add missing entries (backward compatible) if HAVE_SEOBJECT: seobject.file_types.update( a=seobject.SEMANAGE_FCONTEXT_ALL, b=seobject.SEMANAGE_FCONTEXT_BLOCK, c=seobject.SEMANAGE_FCONTEXT_CHAR, d=seobject.SEMANAGE_FCONTEXT_DIR, f=seobject.SEMANAGE_FCONTEXT_REG, l=seobject.SEMANAGE_FCONTEXT_LINK, p=seobject.SEMANAGE_FCONTEXT_PIPE, s=seobject.SEMANAGE_FCONTEXT_SOCK, ) # Make backward compatible option_to_file_type_str = dict( a='all files', b='block device', c='character device', d='directory', f='regular file', l='symbolic link', p='named pipe', s='socket', ) def get_runtime_status(ignore_selinux_state=False): return True if ignore_selinux_state is True else selinux.is_selinux_enabled() def semanage_fcontext_exists(sefcontext, target, ftype): ''' Get the SELinux file context mapping definition from policy. Return None if it does not exist. ''' # Beware that records comprise of a string representation of the file_type record = (target, option_to_file_type_str[ftype]) records = sefcontext.get_all() try: return records[record] except KeyError: return None def semanage_fcontext_substitute_exists(sefcontext, target): ''' Get the SELinux file context path substitution definition from policy. Return None if it does not exist. ''' return sefcontext.equiv_dist.get(target, sefcontext.equiv.get(target)) def semanage_fcontext_modify(module, result, target, ftype, setype, substitute, do_reload, serange, seuser, sestore=''): ''' Add or modify SELinux file context mapping definition to the policy. ''' changed = False prepared_diff = '' try: sefcontext = seobject.fcontextRecords(sestore) sefcontext.set_reload(do_reload) if substitute is None: exists = semanage_fcontext_exists(sefcontext, target, ftype) if exists: # Modify existing entry orig_seuser, orig_serole, orig_setype, orig_serange = exists if seuser is None: seuser = orig_seuser if serange is None: serange = orig_serange if setype != orig_setype or seuser != orig_seuser or serange != orig_serange: if not module.check_mode: sefcontext.modify(target, setype, ftype, serange, seuser) changed = True if module._diff: prepared_diff += '# Change to semanage file context mappings\n' prepared_diff += '-%s %s %s:%s:%s:%s\n' % (target, ftype, orig_seuser, orig_serole, orig_setype, orig_serange) prepared_diff += '+%s %s %s:%s:%s:%s\n' % (target, ftype, seuser, orig_serole, setype, serange) else: # Add missing entry if seuser is None: seuser = 'system_u' if serange is None: serange = 's0' if not module.check_mode: sefcontext.add(target, setype, ftype, serange, seuser) changed = True if module._diff: prepared_diff += '# Addition to semanage file context mappings\n' prepared_diff += '+%s %s %s:%s:%s:%s\n' % (target, ftype, seuser, 'object_r', setype, serange) else: exists = semanage_fcontext_substitute_exists(sefcontext, target) if exists: # Modify existing path substitution entry orig_substitute = exists if substitute != orig_substitute: if not module.check_mode: sefcontext.modify_equal(target, substitute) changed = True if module._diff: prepared_diff += '# Change to semanage file context path substitutions\n' prepared_diff += '-%s = %s\n' % (target, orig_substitute) prepared_diff += '+%s = %s\n' % (target, substitute) else: # Add missing path substitution entry if not module.check_mode: sefcontext.add_equal(target, substitute) changed = True if module._diff: prepared_diff += '# Addition to semanage file context path substitutions\n' prepared_diff += '+%s = %s\n' % (target, substitute) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="%s: %s\n" % (e.__class__.__name__, to_native(e))) if module._diff and prepared_diff: result['diff'] = dict(prepared=prepared_diff) module.exit_json(changed=changed, seuser=seuser, serange=serange, **result) def semanage_fcontext_delete(module, result, target, ftype, setype, substitute, do_reload, sestore=''): ''' Delete SELinux file context mapping definition from the policy. ''' changed = False prepared_diff = '' try: sefcontext = seobject.fcontextRecords(sestore) sefcontext.set_reload(do_reload) exists = semanage_fcontext_exists(sefcontext, target, ftype) substitute_exists = semanage_fcontext_substitute_exists(sefcontext, target) if exists and substitute is None: # Remove existing entry orig_seuser, orig_serole, orig_setype, orig_serange = exists if not module.check_mode: sefcontext.delete(target, ftype) changed = True if module._diff: prepared_diff += '# Deletion to semanage file context mappings\n' prepared_diff += '-%s %s %s:%s:%s:%s\n' % (target, ftype, exists[0], exists[1], exists[2], exists[3]) if substitute_exists and setype is None and ((substitute is not None and substitute_exists == substitute) or substitute is None): # Remove existing path substitution entry orig_substitute = substitute_exists if not module.check_mode: sefcontext.delete(target, orig_substitute) changed = True if module._diff: prepared_diff += '# Deletion to semanage file context path substitutions\n' prepared_diff += '-%s = %s\n' % (target, orig_substitute) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="%s: %s\n" % (e.__class__.__name__, to_native(e))) if module._diff and prepared_diff: result['diff'] = dict(prepared=prepared_diff) module.exit_json(changed=changed, **result) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( ignore_selinux_state=dict(type='bool', default=False), target=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['path']), ftype=dict(type='str', default='a', choices=list(option_to_file_type_str.keys())), setype=dict(type='str'), substitute=dict(type='str', aliases=['equal']), seuser=dict(type='str'), selevel=dict(type='str', aliases=['serange']), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), reload=dict(type='bool', default=True), ), mutually_exclusive=[ ('setype', 'substitute'), ('substitute', 'ftype'), ('substitute', 'seuser'), ('substitute', 'selevel'), ], required_if=[ ('state', 'present', ('setype', 'substitute'), True), ], supports_check_mode=True, ) if not HAVE_SELINUX: module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib("libselinux-python"), exception=SELINUX_IMP_ERR) if not HAVE_SEOBJECT: module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib("policycoreutils-python"), exception=SEOBJECT_IMP_ERR) ignore_selinux_state = module.params['ignore_selinux_state'] if not get_runtime_status(ignore_selinux_state): module.fail_json(msg="SELinux is disabled on this host.") target = module.params['target'] ftype = module.params['ftype'] setype = module.params['setype'] substitute = module.params['substitute'] seuser = module.params['seuser'] serange = module.params['selevel'] state = module.params['state'] do_reload = module.params['reload'] result = dict(target=target, ftype=ftype, setype=setype, substitute=substitute, state=state) if state == 'present': semanage_fcontext_modify(module, result, target, ftype, setype, substitute, do_reload, serange, seuser) elif state == 'absent': semanage_fcontext_delete(module, result, target, ftype, setype, substitute, do_reload) else: module.fail_json(msg='Invalid value of argument "state": {0}'.format(state)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()