#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Cronvar Plugin: The goal of this plugin is to provide an idempotent # method for set cron variable values. It should play well with the # existing cron module as well as allow for manually added variables. # Each variable entered will be preceded with a comment describing the # variable so that it can be found later. This is required to be # present in order for this plugin to find/modify the variable # This module is based on the crontab module. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: cronvar short_description: Manage variables in crontabs description: - Use this module to manage crontab variables. - This module allows you to create, update, or delete cron variable definitions. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: none diff_mode: support: none options: name: description: - Name of the crontab variable. type: str required: true value: description: - The value to set this variable to. - Required if O(state=present). type: str insertafter: description: - If specified, the variable will be inserted after the variable specified. - Used with O(state=present). type: str insertbefore: description: - Used with O(state=present). If specified, the variable will be inserted just before the variable specified. type: str state: description: - Whether to ensure that the variable is present or absent. type: str choices: [ absent, present ] default: present user: description: - The specific user whose crontab should be modified. - This parameter defaults to V(root) when unset. type: str cron_file: description: - If specified, uses this file instead of an individual user's crontab. - Without a leading V(/), this is assumed to be in C(/etc/cron.d). - With a leading V(/), this is taken as absolute. type: str backup: description: - If set, create a backup of the crontab before it is modified. The location of the backup is returned in the C(backup) variable by this module. # TODO: C() above should be RV(), but return values have not been documented! type: bool default: false requirements: - cron author: - Doug Luce (@dougluce) ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Ensure entry like "EMAIL=doug@ansibmod.con.com" exists community.general.cronvar: name: EMAIL value: doug@ansibmod.con.com - name: Ensure a variable does not exist. This may remove any variable named "LEGACY" community.general.cronvar: name: LEGACY state: absent - name: Add a variable to a file under /etc/cron.d community.general.cronvar: name: LOGFILE value: /var/log/yum-autoupdate.log user: root cron_file: ansible_yum-autoupdate ''' import os import platform import pwd import re import shlex import sys import tempfile from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote class CronVarError(Exception): pass class CronVar(object): """ CronVar object to write variables to crontabs. user - the user of the crontab (defaults to root) cron_file - a cron file under /etc/cron.d """ def __init__(self, module, user=None, cron_file=None): self.module = module self.user = user self.lines = None self.wordchars = ''.join(chr(x) for x in range(128) if chr(x) not in ('=', "'", '"',)) self.cron_cmd = self.module.get_bin_path('crontab', required=True) if cron_file: self.cron_file = "" if os.path.isabs(cron_file): self.cron_file = cron_file else: self.cron_file = os.path.join('/etc/cron.d', cron_file) else: self.cron_file = None self.read() def read(self): # Read in the crontab from the system self.lines = [] if self.cron_file: # read the cronfile try: f = open(self.cron_file, 'r') self.lines = f.read().splitlines() f.close() except IOError: # cron file does not exist return except Exception: raise CronVarError("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) else: # using safely quoted shell for now, but this really should be two non-shell calls instead. FIXME (rc, out, err) = self.module.run_command(self._read_user_execute(), use_unsafe_shell=True) if rc != 0 and rc != 1: # 1 can mean that there are no jobs. raise CronVarError("Unable to read crontab") lines = out.splitlines() count = 0 for l in lines: if count > 2 or (not re.match(r'# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.', l ) and not re.match(r'# \(/tmp/.*installed on.*\)', l) and not re.match(r'# \(.*version.*\)', l)): self.lines.append(l) count += 1 def log_message(self, message): self.module.debug('ansible: "%s"' % message) def write(self, backup_file=None): """ Write the crontab to the system. Saves all information. """ if backup_file: fileh = open(backup_file, 'w') elif self.cron_file: fileh = open(self.cron_file, 'w') path = None else: filed, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='crontab') fileh = os.fdopen(filed, 'w') fileh.write(self.render()) fileh.close() # return if making a backup if backup_file: return # Add the entire crontab back to the user crontab if not self.cron_file: # quoting shell args for now but really this should be two non-shell calls. FIXME (rc, out, err) = self.module.run_command(self._write_execute(path), use_unsafe_shell=True) os.unlink(path) if rc != 0: self.module.fail_json(msg=err) def remove_variable_file(self): try: os.unlink(self.cron_file) return True except OSError: # cron file does not exist return False except Exception: raise CronVarError("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) def parse_for_var(self, line): lexer = shlex.shlex(line) lexer.wordchars = self.wordchars varname = lexer.get_token() is_env_var = lexer.get_token() == '=' value = ''.join(lexer) if is_env_var: return (varname, value) raise CronVarError("Not a variable.") def find_variable(self, name): for l in self.lines: try: (varname, value) = self.parse_for_var(l) if varname == name: return value except CronVarError: pass return None def get_var_names(self): var_names = [] for l in self.lines: try: var_name, dummy = self.parse_for_var(l) var_names.append(var_name) except CronVarError: pass return var_names def add_variable(self, name, value, insertbefore, insertafter): if insertbefore is None and insertafter is None: # Add the variable to the top of the file. self.lines.insert(0, "%s=%s" % (name, value)) else: newlines = [] for l in self.lines: try: varname, dummy = self.parse_for_var(l) # Throws if not a var line if varname == insertbefore: newlines.append("%s=%s" % (name, value)) newlines.append(l) elif varname == insertafter: newlines.append(l) newlines.append("%s=%s" % (name, value)) else: raise CronVarError # Append. except CronVarError: newlines.append(l) self.lines = newlines def remove_variable(self, name): self.update_variable(name, None, remove=True) def update_variable(self, name, value, remove=False): newlines = [] for l in self.lines: try: varname, dummy = self.parse_for_var(l) # Throws if not a var line if varname != name: raise CronVarError # Append. if not remove: newlines.append("%s=%s" % (name, value)) except CronVarError: newlines.append(l) self.lines = newlines def render(self): """ Render a proper crontab """ result = '\n'.join(self.lines) if result and result[-1] not in ['\n', '\r']: result += '\n' return result def _read_user_execute(self): """ Returns the command line for reading a crontab """ user = '' if self.user: if platform.system() == 'SunOS': return "su %s -c '%s -l'" % (shlex_quote(self.user), shlex_quote(self.cron_cmd)) elif platform.system() == 'AIX': return "%s -l %s" % (shlex_quote(self.cron_cmd), shlex_quote(self.user)) elif platform.system() == 'HP-UX': return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, '-l', shlex_quote(self.user)) elif pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] != self.user: user = '-u %s' % shlex_quote(self.user) return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, user, '-l') def _write_execute(self, path): """ Return the command line for writing a crontab """ user = '' if self.user: if platform.system() in ['SunOS', 'HP-UX', 'AIX']: return "chown %s %s ; su '%s' -c '%s %s'" % ( shlex_quote(self.user), shlex_quote(path), shlex_quote(self.user), self.cron_cmd, shlex_quote(path)) elif pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] != self.user: user = '-u %s' % shlex_quote(self.user) return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, user, shlex_quote(path)) # ================================================== def main(): # The following example playbooks: # # - community.general.cronvar: name="SHELL" value="/bin/bash" # # - name: Set the email # community.general.cronvar: name="EMAILTO" value="doug@ansibmod.con.com" # # - name: Get rid of the old new host variable # community.general.cronvar: name="NEW_HOST" state=absent # # Would produce: # SHELL = /bin/bash # EMAILTO = doug@ansibmod.con.com module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( name=dict(type='str', required=True), value=dict(type='str'), user=dict(type='str'), cron_file=dict(type='str'), insertafter=dict(type='str'), insertbefore=dict(type='str'), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), backup=dict(type='bool', default=False), ), mutually_exclusive=[['insertbefore', 'insertafter']], supports_check_mode=False, ) name = module.params['name'] value = module.params['value'] user = module.params['user'] cron_file = module.params['cron_file'] insertafter = module.params['insertafter'] insertbefore = module.params['insertbefore'] state = module.params['state'] backup = module.params['backup'] ensure_present = state == 'present' changed = False res_args = dict() # Ensure all files generated are only writable by the owning user. Primarily relevant for the cron_file option. os.umask(int('022', 8)) cronvar = CronVar(module, user, cron_file) module.debug('cronvar instantiated - name: "%s"' % name) # --- user input validation --- if name is None and ensure_present: module.fail_json(msg="You must specify 'name' to insert a new cron variable") if value is None and ensure_present: module.fail_json(msg="You must specify 'value' to insert a new cron variable") if name is None and not ensure_present: module.fail_json(msg="You must specify 'name' to remove a cron variable") # if requested make a backup before making a change if backup: dummy, backup_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='cronvar') cronvar.write(backup_file) if cronvar.cron_file and not name and not ensure_present: changed = cronvar.remove_job_file() module.exit_json(changed=changed, cron_file=cron_file, state=state) old_value = cronvar.find_variable(name) if ensure_present: if old_value is None: cronvar.add_variable(name, value, insertbefore, insertafter) changed = True elif old_value != value: cronvar.update_variable(name, value) changed = True else: if old_value is not None: cronvar.remove_variable(name) changed = True res_args = { "vars": cronvar.get_var_names(), "changed": changed } if changed: cronvar.write() # retain the backup only if crontab or cron file have changed if backup: if changed: res_args['backup_file'] = backup_file else: os.unlink(backup_file) if cron_file: res_args['cron_file'] = cron_file module.exit_json(**res_args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()