#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2016 Red Hat | Ansible # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: docker_image short_description: Manage docker images. description: - Build, load or pull an image, making the image available for creating containers. Also supports tagging an image into a repository and archiving an image to a .tar file. - Since Ansible 2.8, it is recommended to explicitly specify the image's source (I(source) can be C(build), C(load), C(pull) or C(local)). This will be required from community.general 2.0.0 on. options: source: description: - "Determines where the module will try to retrieve the image from." - "Use C(build) to build the image from a C(Dockerfile). I(build.path) must be specified when this value is used." - "Use C(load) to load the image from a C(.tar) file. I(load_path) must be specified when this value is used." - "Use C(pull) to pull the image from a registry." - "Use C(local) to make sure that the image is already available on the local docker daemon, i.e. do not try to build, pull or load the image." - "Before community.general 2.0.0, the value of this option will be auto-detected to be backwards compatible, but a warning will be issued if it is not explicitly specified. From community.general 2.0.0 on, auto-detection will be disabled and this option will be made mandatory." type: str choices: - build - load - pull - local build: description: - "Specifies options used for building images." type: dict suboptions: cache_from: description: - List of image names to consider as cache source. type: list elements: str dockerfile: description: - Use with state C(present) and source C(build) to provide an alternate name for the Dockerfile to use when building an image. - This can also include a relative path (relative to I(path)). type: str http_timeout: description: - Timeout for HTTP requests during the image build operation. Provide a positive integer value for the number of seconds. type: int path: description: - Use with state 'present' to build an image. Will be the path to a directory containing the context and Dockerfile for building an image. type: path required: yes pull: description: - When building an image downloads any updates to the FROM image in Dockerfile. - The default is currently C(yes). This will change to C(no) in community.general 2.0.0. type: bool rm: description: - Remove intermediate containers after build. type: bool default: yes network: description: - The network to use for C(RUN) build instructions. type: str nocache: description: - Do not use cache when building an image. type: bool default: no etc_hosts: description: - Extra hosts to add to C(/etc/hosts) in building containers, as a mapping of hostname to IP address. type: dict args: description: - Provide a dictionary of C(key:value) build arguments that map to Dockerfile ARG directive. - Docker expects the value to be a string. For convenience any non-string values will be converted to strings. - Requires Docker API >= 1.21. type: dict container_limits: description: - A dictionary of limits applied to each container created by the build process. type: dict suboptions: memory: description: - Set memory limit for build. type: int memswap: description: - Total memory (memory + swap), -1 to disable swap. type: int cpushares: description: - CPU shares (relative weight). type: int cpusetcpus: description: - CPUs in which to allow execution, e.g., "0-3", "0,1". type: str use_config_proxy: description: - If set to C(yes) and a proxy configuration is specified in the docker client configuration (by default C($HOME/.docker/config.json)), the corresponding environment variables will be set in the container being built. - Needs Docker SDK for Python >= 3.7.0. type: bool target: description: - When building an image specifies an intermediate build stage by name as a final stage for the resulting image. type: str archive_path: description: - Use with state C(present) to archive an image to a .tar file. type: path load_path: description: - Use with state C(present) to load an image from a .tar file. - Set I(source) to C(load) if you want to load the image. The option will be set automatically before community.general 2.0.0 if this option is used (except if I(path) is specified as well, in which case building will take precedence). From community.general 2.0.0 on, you have to set I(source) to C(load). type: path dockerfile: description: - Use with state C(present) and source C(build) to provide an alternate name for the Dockerfile to use when building an image. - This can also include a relative path (relative to I(path)). - Please use I(build.dockerfile) instead. This option will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. type: str force: description: - Use with state I(absent) to un-tag and remove all images matching the specified name. Use with state C(present) to build, load or pull an image when the image already exists. Also use with state C(present) to force tagging an image. - Please stop using this option, and use the more specialized force options I(force_source), I(force_absent) and I(force_tag) instead. - This option will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. type: bool force_source: description: - Use with state C(present) to build, load or pull an image (depending on the value of the I(source) option) when the image already exists. type: bool default: false force_absent: description: - Use with state I(absent) to un-tag and remove all images matching the specified name. type: bool default: false force_tag: description: - Use with state C(present) to force tagging an image. type: bool default: false http_timeout: description: - Timeout for HTTP requests during the image build operation. Provide a positive integer value for the number of seconds. - Please use I(build.http_timeout) instead. This option will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. type: int name: description: - "Image name. Name format will be one of: name, repository/name, registry_server:port/name. When pushing or pulling an image the name can optionally include the tag by appending ':tag_name'." - Note that image IDs (hashes) are not supported. type: str required: yes path: description: - Use with state 'present' to build an image. Will be the path to a directory containing the context and Dockerfile for building an image. - Set I(source) to C(build) if you want to build the image. The option will be set automatically before community.general 2.0.0 if this option is used. From community.general 2.0.0 on, you have to set I(source) to C(build). - Please use I(build.path) instead. This option will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. type: path aliases: - build_path pull: description: - When building an image downloads any updates to the FROM image in Dockerfile. - Please use I(build.pull) instead. This option will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. - The default is currently C(yes). This will change to C(no) in community.general 2.0.0. type: bool push: description: - Push the image to the registry. Specify the registry as part of the I(name) or I(repository) parameter. type: bool default: no rm: description: - Remove intermediate containers after build. - Please use I(build.rm) instead. This option will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. type: bool default: yes nocache: description: - Do not use cache when building an image. - Please use I(build.nocache) instead. This option will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. type: bool default: no repository: description: - Full path to a repository. Use with state C(present) to tag the image into the repository. Expects format I(repository:tag). If no tag is provided, will use the value of the C(tag) parameter or I(latest). type: str state: description: - Make assertions about the state of an image. - When C(absent) an image will be removed. Use the force option to un-tag and remove all images matching the provided name. - When C(present) check if an image exists using the provided name and tag. If the image is not found or the force option is used, the image will either be pulled, built or loaded, depending on the I(source) option. - By default the image will be pulled from Docker Hub, or the registry specified in the image's name. Note that this will change in community.general 2.0.0, so to make sure that you are pulling, set I(source) to C(pull). To build the image, provide a I(path) value set to a directory containing a context and Dockerfile, and set I(source) to C(build). To load an image, specify I(load_path) to provide a path to an archive file. To tag an image to a repository, provide a I(repository) path. If the name contains a repository path, it will be pushed. - "*Note:* C(state=build) is DEPRECATED and will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. Specifying C(build) will behave the same as C(present)." type: str default: present choices: - absent - present - build tag: description: - Used to select an image when pulling. Will be added to the image when pushing, tagging or building. Defaults to I(latest). - If I(name) parameter format is I(name:tag), then tag value from I(name) will take precedence. type: str default: latest buildargs: description: - Provide a dictionary of C(key:value) build arguments that map to Dockerfile ARG directive. - Docker expects the value to be a string. For convenience any non-string values will be converted to strings. - Requires Docker API >= 1.21. - Please use I(build.args) instead. This option will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. type: dict container_limits: description: - A dictionary of limits applied to each container created by the build process. - Please use I(build.container_limits) instead. This option will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. type: dict suboptions: memory: description: - Set memory limit for build. type: int memswap: description: - Total memory (memory + swap), -1 to disable swap. type: int cpushares: description: - CPU shares (relative weight). type: int cpusetcpus: description: - CPUs in which to allow execution, e.g., "0-3", "0,1". type: str use_tls: description: - "DEPRECATED. Whether to use tls to connect to the docker daemon. Set to C(encrypt) to use TLS. And set to C(verify) to use TLS and verify that the server's certificate is valid for the server." - "*Note:* If you specify this option, it will set the value of the I(tls) or I(validate_certs) parameters if not set to C(no)." - Will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. type: str choices: - 'no' - 'encrypt' - 'verify' extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.docker - community.general.docker.docker_py_1_documentation requirements: - "L(Docker SDK for Python,https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) >= 1.8.0 (use L(docker-py,https://pypi.org/project/docker-py/) for Python 2.6)" - "Docker API >= 1.20" author: - Pavel Antonov (@softzilla) - Chris Houseknecht (@chouseknecht) - Sorin Sbarnea (@ssbarnea) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Pull an image community.general.docker_image: name: pacur/centos-7 source: pull - name: Tag and push to docker hub community.general.docker_image: name: pacur/centos-7:56 repository: dcoppenhagan/myimage:7.56 push: yes source: local - name: Tag and push to local registry community.general.docker_image: # Image will be centos:7 name: centos # Will be pushed to localhost:5000/centos:7 repository: localhost:5000/centos tag: 7 push: yes source: local - name: Add tag latest to image community.general.docker_image: name: myimage:7.1.2 repository: myimage:latest # As 'latest' usually already is present, we need to enable overwriting of existing tags: force_tag: yes source: local - name: Remove image community.general.docker_image: state: absent name: registry.ansible.com/chouseknecht/sinatra tag: v1 - name: Build an image and push it to a private repo community.general.docker_image: build: path: ./sinatra name: registry.ansible.com/chouseknecht/sinatra tag: v1 push: yes source: build - name: Archive image community.general.docker_image: name: registry.ansible.com/chouseknecht/sinatra tag: v1 archive_path: my_sinatra.tar source: local - name: Load image from archive and push to a private registry community.general.docker_image: name: localhost:5000/myimages/sinatra tag: v1 push: yes load_path: my_sinatra.tar source: load - name: Build image and with build args community.general.docker_image: name: myimage build: path: /path/to/build/dir args: log_volume: /var/log/myapp listen_port: 8080 source: build - name: Build image using cache source community.general.docker_image: name: myimage:latest build: path: /path/to/build/dir # Use as cache source for building myimage cache_from: - nginx:latest - alpine:3.8 source: build ''' RETURN = ''' image: description: Image inspection results for the affected image. returned: success type: dict sample: {} stdout: description: Docker build output when building an image. returned: success type: str sample: "" version_added: 1.3.0 ''' import errno import os import re import traceback from distutils.version import LooseVersion from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.docker.common import ( clean_dict_booleans_for_docker_api, docker_version, AnsibleDockerClient, DockerBaseClass, is_image_name_id, is_valid_tag, RequestException, ) from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native if docker_version is not None: try: if LooseVersion(docker_version) >= LooseVersion('2.0.0'): from docker.auth import resolve_repository_name else: from docker.auth.auth import resolve_repository_name from docker.utils.utils import parse_repository_tag from docker.errors import DockerException except ImportError: # missing Docker SDK for Python handled in module_utils.docker.common pass class ImageManager(DockerBaseClass): def __init__(self, client, results): super(ImageManager, self).__init__() self.client = client self.results = results parameters = self.client.module.params self.check_mode = self.client.check_mode self.source = parameters['source'] build = parameters['build'] or dict() self.archive_path = parameters.get('archive_path') self.cache_from = build.get('cache_from') self.container_limits = build.get('container_limits') self.dockerfile = build.get('dockerfile') self.force_source = parameters.get('force_source') self.force_absent = parameters.get('force_absent') self.force_tag = parameters.get('force_tag') self.load_path = parameters.get('load_path') self.name = parameters.get('name') self.network = build.get('network') self.extra_hosts = clean_dict_booleans_for_docker_api(build.get('etc_hosts')) self.nocache = build.get('nocache', False) self.build_path = build.get('path') self.pull = build.get('pull') self.target = build.get('target') self.repository = parameters.get('repository') self.rm = build.get('rm', True) self.state = parameters.get('state') self.tag = parameters.get('tag') self.http_timeout = build.get('http_timeout') self.push = parameters.get('push') self.buildargs = build.get('args') self.use_config_proxy = build.get('use_config_proxy') # If name contains a tag, it takes precedence over tag parameter. if not is_image_name_id(self.name): repo, repo_tag = parse_repository_tag(self.name) if repo_tag: self.name = repo self.tag = repo_tag if self.state == 'present': self.present() elif self.state == 'absent': self.absent() def fail(self, msg): self.client.fail(msg) def present(self): ''' Handles state = 'present', which includes building, loading or pulling an image, depending on user provided parameters. :returns None ''' image = self.client.find_image(name=self.name, tag=self.tag) if not image or self.force_source: if self.source == 'build': # Build the image if not os.path.isdir(self.build_path): self.fail("Requested build path %s could not be found or you do not have access." % self.build_path) image_name = self.name if self.tag: image_name = "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.tag) self.log("Building image %s" % image_name) self.results['actions'].append("Built image %s from %s" % (image_name, self.build_path)) self.results['changed'] = True if not self.check_mode: self.results.update(self.build_image()) elif self.source == 'load': # Load the image from an archive if not os.path.isfile(self.load_path): self.fail("Error loading image %s. Specified path %s does not exist." % (self.name, self.load_path)) image_name = self.name if self.tag: image_name = "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.tag) self.results['actions'].append("Loaded image %s from %s" % (image_name, self.load_path)) self.results['changed'] = True if not self.check_mode: self.results['image'] = self.load_image() elif self.source == 'pull': # pull the image self.results['actions'].append('Pulled image %s:%s' % (self.name, self.tag)) self.results['changed'] = True if not self.check_mode: self.results['image'], dummy = self.client.pull_image(self.name, tag=self.tag) elif self.source == 'local': if image is None: name = self.name if self.tag: name = "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.tag) self.client.fail('Cannot find the image %s locally.' % name) if not self.check_mode and image and image['Id'] == self.results['image']['Id']: self.results['changed'] = False if self.archive_path: self.archive_image(self.name, self.tag) if self.push and not self.repository: self.push_image(self.name, self.tag) elif self.repository: self.tag_image(self.name, self.tag, self.repository, push=self.push) def absent(self): ''' Handles state = 'absent', which removes an image. :return None ''' name = self.name if is_image_name_id(name): image = self.client.find_image_by_id(name) else: image = self.client.find_image(name, self.tag) if self.tag: name = "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.tag) if image: if not self.check_mode: try: self.client.remove_image(name, force=self.force_absent) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error removing image %s - %s" % (name, str(exc))) self.results['changed'] = True self.results['actions'].append("Removed image %s" % (name)) self.results['image']['state'] = 'Deleted' def archive_image(self, name, tag): ''' Archive an image to a .tar file. Called when archive_path is passed. :param name - name of the image. Type: str :return None ''' if not tag: tag = "latest" image = self.client.find_image(name=name, tag=tag) if not image: self.log("archive image: image %s:%s not found" % (name, tag)) return image_name = "%s:%s" % (name, tag) self.results['actions'].append('Archived image %s to %s' % (image_name, self.archive_path)) self.results['changed'] = True if not self.check_mode: self.log("Getting archive of image %s" % image_name) try: image = self.client.get_image(image_name) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error getting image %s - %s" % (image_name, str(exc))) try: with open(self.archive_path, 'wb') as fd: if self.client.docker_py_version >= LooseVersion('3.0.0'): for chunk in image: fd.write(chunk) else: for chunk in image.stream(2048, decode_content=False): fd.write(chunk) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error writing image archive %s - %s" % (self.archive_path, str(exc))) image = self.client.find_image(name=name, tag=tag) if image: self.results['image'] = image def push_image(self, name, tag=None): ''' If the name of the image contains a repository path, then push the image. :param name Name of the image to push. :param tag Use a specific tag. :return: None ''' repository = name if not tag: repository, tag = parse_repository_tag(name) registry, repo_name = resolve_repository_name(repository) self.log("push %s to %s/%s:%s" % (self.name, registry, repo_name, tag)) if registry: self.results['actions'].append("Pushed image %s to %s/%s:%s" % (self.name, registry, repo_name, tag)) self.results['changed'] = True if not self.check_mode: status = None try: changed = False for line in self.client.push(repository, tag=tag, stream=True, decode=True): self.log(line, pretty_print=True) if line.get('errorDetail'): raise Exception(line['errorDetail']['message']) status = line.get('status') if status == 'Pushing': changed = True self.results['changed'] = changed except Exception as exc: if re.search('unauthorized', str(exc)): if re.search('authentication required', str(exc)): self.fail("Error pushing image %s/%s:%s - %s. Try logging into %s first." % (registry, repo_name, tag, str(exc), registry)) else: self.fail("Error pushing image %s/%s:%s - %s. Does the repository exist?" % (registry, repo_name, tag, str(exc))) self.fail("Error pushing image %s: %s" % (repository, str(exc))) self.results['image'] = self.client.find_image(name=repository, tag=tag) if not self.results['image']: self.results['image'] = dict() self.results['image']['push_status'] = status def tag_image(self, name, tag, repository, push=False): ''' Tag an image into a repository. :param name: name of the image. required. :param tag: image tag. :param repository: path to the repository. required. :param push: bool. push the image once it's tagged. :return: None ''' repo, repo_tag = parse_repository_tag(repository) if not repo_tag: repo_tag = "latest" if tag: repo_tag = tag image = self.client.find_image(name=repo, tag=repo_tag) found = 'found' if image else 'not found' self.log("image %s was %s" % (repo, found)) if not image or self.force_tag: self.log("tagging %s:%s to %s:%s" % (name, tag, repo, repo_tag)) self.results['changed'] = True self.results['actions'].append("Tagged image %s:%s to %s:%s" % (name, tag, repo, repo_tag)) if not self.check_mode: try: # Finding the image does not always work, especially running a localhost registry. In those # cases, if we don't set force=True, it errors. image_name = name if tag and not re.search(tag, name): image_name = "%s:%s" % (name, tag) tag_status = self.client.tag(image_name, repo, tag=repo_tag, force=True) if not tag_status: raise Exception("Tag operation failed.") except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error: failed to tag image - %s" % str(exc)) self.results['image'] = self.client.find_image(name=repo, tag=repo_tag) if image and image['Id'] == self.results['image']['Id']: self.results['changed'] = False if push: self.push_image(repo, repo_tag) def build_image(self): ''' Build an image :return: image dict ''' params = dict( path=self.build_path, tag=self.name, rm=self.rm, nocache=self.nocache, timeout=self.http_timeout, pull=self.pull, forcerm=self.rm, dockerfile=self.dockerfile, decode=True, ) if self.client.docker_py_version < LooseVersion('3.0.0'): params['stream'] = True if self.tag: params['tag'] = "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.tag) if self.container_limits: params['container_limits'] = self.container_limits if self.buildargs: for key, value in self.buildargs.items(): self.buildargs[key] = to_native(value) params['buildargs'] = self.buildargs if self.cache_from: params['cache_from'] = self.cache_from if self.network: params['network_mode'] = self.network if self.extra_hosts: params['extra_hosts'] = self.extra_hosts if self.use_config_proxy: params['use_config_proxy'] = self.use_config_proxy # Due to a bug in docker-py, it will crash if # use_config_proxy is True and buildargs is None if 'buildargs' not in params: params['buildargs'] = {} if self.target: params['target'] = self.target build_output = [] for line in self.client.build(**params): # line = json.loads(line) self.log(line, pretty_print=True) if "stream" in line or "status" in line: build_line = line.get("stream") or line.get("status") or '' build_output.append(build_line) if line.get('error'): if line.get('errorDetail'): errorDetail = line.get('errorDetail') self.fail( "Error building %s - code: %s, message: %s, logs: %s" % ( self.name, errorDetail.get('code'), errorDetail.get('message'), build_output)) else: self.fail("Error building %s - message: %s, logs: %s" % ( self.name, line.get('error'), build_output)) return {"stdout": "\n".join(build_output), "image": self.client.find_image(name=self.name, tag=self.tag)} def load_image(self): ''' Load an image from a .tar archive :return: image dict ''' # Load image(s) from file load_output = [] has_output = False try: self.log("Opening image %s" % self.load_path) with open(self.load_path, 'rb') as image_tar: self.log("Loading image from %s" % self.load_path) output = self.client.load_image(image_tar) if output is not None: # Old versions of Docker SDK of Python (before version 2.5.0) do not return anything. # (See https://github.com/docker/docker-py/commit/7139e2d8f1ea82340417add02090bfaf7794f159) # Note that before that commit, something else than None was returned, but that was also # only introduced in a commit that first appeared in 2.5.0 (see # https://github.com/docker/docker-py/commit/9e793806ff79559c3bc591d8c52a3bbe3cdb7350). # So the above check works for every released version of Docker SDK for Python. has_output = True for line in output: self.log(line, pretty_print=True) if "stream" in line or "status" in line: load_line = line.get("stream") or line.get("status") or '' load_output.append(load_line) else: if LooseVersion(docker_version) < LooseVersion('2.5.0'): self.client.module.warn( 'The installed version of the Docker SDK for Python does not return the loading results' ' from the Docker daemon. Therefore, we cannot verify whether the expected image was' ' loaded, whether multiple images where loaded, or whether the load actually succeeded.' ' If you are not stuck with Python 2.6, *please* upgrade to a version newer than 2.5.0' ' (2.5.0 was released in August 2017).' ) else: self.client.module.warn( 'The API version of your Docker daemon is < 1.23, which does not return the image' ' loading result from the Docker daemon. Therefore, we cannot verify whether the' ' expected image was loaded, whether multiple images where loaded, or whether the load' ' actually succeeded. You should consider upgrading your Docker daemon.' ) except EnvironmentError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT: self.client.fail("Error opening image %s - %s" % (self.load_path, str(exc))) self.client.fail("Error loading image %s - %s" % (self.name, str(exc)), stdout='\n'.join(load_output)) except Exception as exc: self.client.fail("Error loading image %s - %s" % (self.name, str(exc)), stdout='\n'.join(load_output)) # Collect loaded images if has_output: # We can only do this when we actually got some output from Docker daemon loaded_images = set() for line in load_output: if line.startswith('Loaded image:'): loaded_images.add(line[len('Loaded image:'):].strip()) if not loaded_images: self.client.fail("Detected no loaded images. Archive potentially corrupt?", stdout='\n'.join(load_output)) expected_image = '%s:%s' % (self.name, self.tag) if expected_image not in loaded_images: self.client.fail( "The archive did not contain image '%s'. Instead, found %s." % ( expected_image, ', '.join(["'%s'" % image for image in sorted(loaded_images)])), stdout='\n'.join(load_output)) loaded_images.remove(expected_image) if loaded_images: self.client.module.warn( "The archive contained more images than specified: %s" % ( ', '.join(["'%s'" % image for image in sorted(loaded_images)]), )) return self.client.find_image(self.name, self.tag) def main(): argument_spec = dict( source=dict(type='str', choices=['build', 'load', 'pull', 'local']), build=dict(type='dict', options=dict( cache_from=dict(type='list', elements='str'), container_limits=dict(type='dict', options=dict( memory=dict(type='int'), memswap=dict(type='int'), cpushares=dict(type='int'), cpusetcpus=dict(type='str'), )), dockerfile=dict(type='str'), http_timeout=dict(type='int'), network=dict(type='str'), nocache=dict(type='bool', default=False), path=dict(type='path', required=True), pull=dict(type='bool'), rm=dict(type='bool', default=True), args=dict(type='dict'), use_config_proxy=dict(type='bool'), target=dict(type='str'), etc_hosts=dict(type='dict'), )), archive_path=dict(type='path'), container_limits=dict(type='dict', options=dict( memory=dict(type='int'), memswap=dict(type='int'), cpushares=dict(type='int'), cpusetcpus=dict(type='str'), ), removed_in_version='2.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'), # was Ansible 2.12 dockerfile=dict(type='str', removed_in_version='2.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'), # was Ansible 2.12 force=dict(type='bool', removed_in_version='2.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'), # was Ansible 2.12 force_source=dict(type='bool', default=False), force_absent=dict(type='bool', default=False), force_tag=dict(type='bool', default=False), http_timeout=dict(type='int', removed_in_version='2.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'), # was Ansible 2.12 load_path=dict(type='path'), name=dict(type='str', required=True), nocache=dict(type='bool', default=False, removed_in_version='2.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'), # was Ansible 2.12 path=dict(type='path', aliases=['build_path'], removed_in_version='2.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'), # was Ansible 2.12 pull=dict(type='bool', removed_in_version='2.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'), # was Ansible 2.12 push=dict(type='bool', default=False), repository=dict(type='str'), rm=dict(type='bool', default=True, removed_in_version='2.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'), # was Ansible 2.12 state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present', 'build']), tag=dict(type='str', default='latest'), use_tls=dict(type='str', choices=['no', 'encrypt', 'verify'], removed_in_version='2.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'), # was Ansible 2.12 buildargs=dict(type='dict', removed_in_version='2.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'), # was Ansible 2.12 ) required_if = [ # ('state', 'present', ['source']), -- enable in community.general 2.0.0 # ('source', 'build', ['build']), -- enable in community.general 2.0.0 ('source', 'load', ['load_path']), ] def detect_build_cache_from(client): return client.module.params['build'] and client.module.params['build'].get('cache_from') is not None def detect_build_network(client): return client.module.params['build'] and client.module.params['build'].get('network') is not None def detect_build_target(client): return client.module.params['build'] and client.module.params['build'].get('target') is not None def detect_use_config_proxy(client): return client.module.params['build'] and client.module.params['build'].get('use_config_proxy') is not None def detect_etc_hosts(client): return client.module.params['build'] and bool(client.module.params['build'].get('etc_hosts')) option_minimal_versions = dict() option_minimal_versions["build.cache_from"] = dict(docker_py_version='2.1.0', docker_api_version='1.25', detect_usage=detect_build_cache_from) option_minimal_versions["build.network"] = dict(docker_py_version='2.4.0', docker_api_version='1.25', detect_usage=detect_build_network) option_minimal_versions["build.target"] = dict(docker_py_version='2.4.0', detect_usage=detect_build_target) option_minimal_versions["build.use_config_proxy"] = dict(docker_py_version='3.7.0', detect_usage=detect_use_config_proxy) option_minimal_versions["build.etc_hosts"] = dict(docker_py_version='2.6.0', docker_api_version='1.27', detect_usage=detect_etc_hosts) client = AnsibleDockerClient( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_if=required_if, supports_check_mode=True, min_docker_version='1.8.0', min_docker_api_version='1.20', option_minimal_versions=option_minimal_versions, ) if client.module.params['state'] == 'build': client.module.deprecate('The "build" state has been deprecated for a long time. ' 'Please use "present", which has the same meaning as "build".', version='2.0.0', collection_name='community.general') # was Ansible 2.11 client.module.params['state'] = 'present' if client.module.params['use_tls']: client.module.deprecate('The "use_tls" option has been deprecated for a long time. ' 'Please use the "tls" and "validate_certs" options instead.', version='2.0.0', collection_name='community.general') # was Ansible 2.11 if not is_valid_tag(client.module.params['tag'], allow_empty=True): client.fail('"{0}" is not a valid docker tag!'.format(client.module.params['tag'])) build_options = dict( container_limits='container_limits', dockerfile='dockerfile', http_timeout='http_timeout', nocache='nocache', path='path', pull='pull', rm='rm', buildargs='args', ) for option, build_option in build_options.items(): default_value = None if option in ('rm', ): default_value = True elif option in ('nocache', ): default_value = False if client.module.params[option] != default_value: if client.module.params['build'] is None: client.module.params['build'] = dict() if client.module.params['build'].get(build_option, default_value) != default_value: client.fail('Cannot specify both %s and build.%s!' % (option, build_option)) client.module.params['build'][build_option] = client.module.params[option] client.module.deprecate('Please specify build.%s instead of %s. The %s option ' 'has been renamed' % (build_option, option, option), version='2.0.0', collection_name='community.general') # was Ansible 2.12 if client.module.params['source'] == 'build': if (not client.module.params['build'] or not client.module.params['build'].get('path')): client.fail('If "source" is set to "build", the "build.path" option must be specified.') if client.module.params['build'].get('pull') is None: client.module.deprecate("The default for build.pull is currently 'yes', but will be changed to " "'no' in community.general 2.0.0. Please set build.pull explicitly to the value you need", version='2.0.0', collection_name='community.general') # was Ansible 2.12 client.module.params['build']['pull'] = True # TODO: change to False in community.general 2.0.0 if client.module.params['state'] == 'present' and client.module.params['source'] is None: # Autodetection. To be removed in community.general 2.0.0. if (client.module.params['build'] or dict()).get('path'): client.module.params['source'] = 'build' elif client.module.params['load_path']: client.module.params['source'] = 'load' else: client.module.params['source'] = 'pull' client.module.deprecate('The value of the "source" option was determined to be "%s". ' 'Please set the "source" option explicitly. Autodetection will ' 'be removed in community.general 2.0.0.' % client.module.params['source'], version='2.0.0', collection_name='community.general') # was Ansible 2.12 if client.module.params['force']: client.module.params['force_source'] = True client.module.params['force_absent'] = True client.module.params['force_tag'] = True client.module.deprecate('The "force" option will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. Please ' 'use the "force_source", "force_absent" or "force_tag" option ' 'instead, depending on what you want to force.', version='2.0.0', collection_name='community.general') # was Ansible 2.12 try: results = dict( changed=False, actions=[], image={} ) ImageManager(client, results) client.module.exit_json(**results) except DockerException as e: client.fail('An unexpected docker error occurred: {0}'.format(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) except RequestException as e: client.fail('An unexpected requests error occurred when docker-py tried to talk to the docker daemon: {0}'.format(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()