#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017, Joseph Benden # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' module: xfconf author: - "Joseph Benden (@jbenden)" - "Alexei Znamensky (@russoz)" short_description: Edit XFCE4 Configurations description: - This module allows for the manipulation of Xfce 4 Configuration with the help of xfconf-query. Please see the xfconf-query(1) man page for more details. seealso: - name: xfconf-query(1) man page description: Manual page of the C(xfconf-query) tool at the XFCE documentation site. link: 'https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfconf/xfconf-query' - name: xfconf - Configuration Storage System description: XFCE documentation for the Xfconf configuration system. link: 'https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfconf/start' extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: full options: channel: description: - A Xfconf preference channel is a top-level tree key, inside of the Xfconf repository that corresponds to the location for which all application properties/keys are stored. See man xfconf-query(1). required: true type: str property: description: - A Xfce preference key is an element in the Xfconf repository that corresponds to an application preference. See man xfconf-query(1). required: true type: str value: description: - Preference properties typically have simple values such as strings, integers, or lists of strings and integers. See man xfconf-query(1). type: list elements: raw value_type: description: - The type of value being set. - When providing more than one O(value_type), the length of the list must be equal to the length of O(value). - If only one O(value_type) is provided, but O(value) contains more than on element, that O(value_type) will be applied to all elements of O(value). - If the O(property) being set is an array and it can possibly have only one element in the array, then O(force_array=true) must be used to ensure that C(xfconf-query) will interpret the value as an array rather than a scalar. - Support for V(uchar), V(char), V(uint64), and V(int64) has been added in community.general 4.8.0. type: list elements: str choices: [ string, int, double, bool, uint, uchar, char, uint64, int64, float ] state: type: str description: - The action to take upon the property/value. - The state V(get) has been removed in community.general 5.0.0. Please use the module M(community.general.xfconf_info) instead. choices: [ present, absent ] default: "present" force_array: description: - Force array even if only one element. type: bool default: false aliases: ['array'] version_added: 1.0.0 ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: Change the DPI to "192" xfconf: channel: "xsettings" property: "/Xft/DPI" value_type: "int" value: "192" - name: Set workspace names (4) xfconf: channel: xfwm4 property: /general/workspace_names value_type: string value: ['Main', 'Work1', 'Work2', 'Tmp'] - name: Set workspace names (1) xfconf: channel: xfwm4 property: /general/workspace_names value_type: string value: ['Main'] force_array: true """ RETURN = ''' channel: description: The channel specified in the module parameters returned: success type: str sample: "xsettings" property: description: The property specified in the module parameters returned: success type: str sample: "/Xft/DPI" value_type: description: - The type of the value that was changed (V(none) for O(state=reset)). Either a single string value or a list of strings for array types. - This is a string or a list of strings. returned: success type: any sample: '"int" or ["str", "str", "str"]' value: description: - The value of the preference key after executing the module. Either a single string value or a list of strings for array types. - This is a string or a list of strings. returned: success type: any sample: '"192" or ["orange", "yellow", "violet"]' previous_value: description: - The value of the preference key before executing the module. Either a single string value or a list of strings for array types. - This is a string or a list of strings. returned: success type: any sample: '"96" or ["red", "blue", "green"]' cmd: description: - A list with the resulting C(xfconf-query) command executed by the module. returned: success type: list elements: str version_added: 5.4.0 sample: - /usr/bin/xfconf-query - --channel - xfce4-panel - --property - /plugins/plugin-19/timezone - --create - --type - string - --set - Pacific/Auckland ''' from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.module_helper import StateModuleHelper from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.xfconf import xfconf_runner class XFConfProperty(StateModuleHelper): change_params = ('value', ) diff_params = ('value', ) output_params = ('property', 'channel', 'value') module = dict( argument_spec=dict( state=dict(type='str', choices=("present", "absent"), default="present"), channel=dict(type='str', required=True), property=dict(type='str', required=True), value_type=dict(type='list', elements='str', choices=('string', 'int', 'double', 'bool', 'uint', 'uchar', 'char', 'uint64', 'int64', 'float')), value=dict(type='list', elements='raw'), force_array=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['array']), ), required_if=[('state', 'present', ['value', 'value_type'])], required_together=[('value', 'value_type')], supports_check_mode=True, ) use_old_vardict = False default_state = 'present' def __init_module__(self): self.runner = xfconf_runner(self.module) self.does_not = 'Property "{0}" does not exist on channel "{1}".'.format(self.vars.property, self.vars.channel) self.vars.set('previous_value', self._get()) self.vars.set('type', self.vars.value_type) self.vars.set_meta('value', initial_value=self.vars.previous_value) def process_command_output(self, rc, out, err): if err.rstrip() == self.does_not: return None if rc or len(err): self.do_raise('xfconf-query failed with error (rc={0}): {1}'.format(rc, err)) result = out.rstrip() if "Value is an array with" in result: result = result.split("\n") result.pop(0) result.pop(0) return result def _get(self): with self.runner('channel property', output_process=self.process_command_output) as ctx: return ctx.run() def state_absent(self): with self.runner('channel property reset', check_mode_skip=True) as ctx: ctx.run(reset=True) self.vars.stdout = ctx.results_out self.vars.stderr = ctx.results_err self.vars.cmd = ctx.cmd if self.verbosity >= 4: self.vars.run_info = ctx.run_info self.vars.value = None def state_present(self): # stringify all values - in the CLI they will all be happy strings anyway # and by doing this here the rest of the code can be agnostic to it self.vars.value = [str(v) for v in self.vars.value] value_type = self.vars.value_type values_len = len(self.vars.value) types_len = len(value_type) if types_len == 1: # use one single type for the entire list value_type = value_type * values_len elif types_len != values_len: # or complain if lists' lengths are different self.do_raise('Number of elements in "value" and "value_type" must be the same') # calculates if it is an array self.vars.is_array = \ bool(self.vars.force_array) or \ isinstance(self.vars.previous_value, list) or \ values_len > 1 with self.runner('channel property create force_array values_and_types', check_mode_skip=True) as ctx: ctx.run(create=True, force_array=self.vars.is_array, values_and_types=(self.vars.value, value_type)) self.vars.stdout = ctx.results_out self.vars.stderr = ctx.results_err self.vars.cmd = ctx.cmd if self.verbosity >= 4: self.vars.run_info = ctx.run_info if not self.vars.is_array: self.vars.value = self.vars.value[0] self.vars.type = value_type[0] else: self.vars.type = value_type def main(): XFConfProperty.execute() if __name__ == '__main__': main()