#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017, Kenneth D. Evensen # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' module: pamd author: - Kenneth D. Evensen (@kevensen) short_description: Manage PAM Modules description: - Edit PAM service's type, control, module path and module arguments. - In order for a PAM rule to be modified, the type, control and module_path must match an existing rule. See man(5) pam.d for details. notes: - This module does not handle authselect profiles. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: name: description: - The name generally refers to the PAM service file to change, for example system-auth. type: str required: true type: description: - The type of the PAM rule being modified. - The O(type), O(control), and O(module_path) options all must match a rule to be modified. type: str required: true choices: [ account, -account, auth, -auth, password, -password, session, -session ] control: description: - The control of the PAM rule being modified. - This may be a complicated control with brackets. If this is the case, be sure to put "[bracketed controls]" in quotes. - The O(type), O(control), and O(module_path) options all must match a rule to be modified. type: str required: true module_path: description: - The module path of the PAM rule being modified. - The O(type), O(control), and O(module_path) options all must match a rule to be modified. type: str required: true new_type: description: - The new type to assign to the new rule. type: str choices: [ account, -account, auth, -auth, password, -password, session, -session ] new_control: description: - The new control to assign to the new rule. type: str new_module_path: description: - The new module path to be assigned to the new rule. type: str module_arguments: description: - When O(state=updated), the O(module_arguments) will replace existing module_arguments. - When O(state=args_absent) args matching those listed in O(module_arguments) will be removed. - When O(state=args_present) any args listed in O(module_arguments) are added if missing from the existing rule. - Furthermore, if the module argument takes a value denoted by C(=), the value will be changed to that specified in module_arguments. type: list elements: str state: description: - The default of V(updated) will modify an existing rule if type, control and module_path all match an existing rule. - With V(before), the new rule will be inserted before a rule matching type, control and module_path. - Similarly, with V(after), the new rule will be inserted after an existing rulematching type, control and module_path. - With either V(before) or V(after) O(new_type), O(new_control), and O(new_module_path) must all be specified. - If state is V(args_absent) or V(args_present), O(new_type), O(new_control), and O(new_module_path) will be ignored. - State V(absent) will remove the rule. type: str choices: [ absent, before, after, args_absent, args_present, updated ] default: updated path: description: - This is the path to the PAM service files. type: path default: /etc/pam.d backup: description: - Create a backup file including the timestamp information so you can get the original file back if you somehow clobbered it incorrectly. type: bool default: false ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Update pamd rule's control in /etc/pam.d/system-auth community.general.pamd: name: system-auth type: auth control: required module_path: pam_faillock.so new_control: sufficient - name: Update pamd rule's complex control in /etc/pam.d/system-auth community.general.pamd: name: system-auth type: session control: '[success=1 default=ignore]' module_path: pam_succeed_if.so new_control: '[success=2 default=ignore]' - name: Insert a new rule before an existing rule community.general.pamd: name: system-auth type: auth control: required module_path: pam_faillock.so new_type: auth new_control: sufficient new_module_path: pam_faillock.so state: before - name: Insert a new rule pam_wheel.so with argument 'use_uid' after an \ existing rule pam_rootok.so community.general.pamd: name: su type: auth control: sufficient module_path: pam_rootok.so new_type: auth new_control: required new_module_path: pam_wheel.so module_arguments: 'use_uid' state: after - name: Remove module arguments from an existing rule community.general.pamd: name: system-auth type: auth control: required module_path: pam_faillock.so module_arguments: '' state: updated - name: Replace all module arguments in an existing rule community.general.pamd: name: system-auth type: auth control: required module_path: pam_faillock.so module_arguments: 'preauth silent deny=3 unlock_time=604800 fail_interval=900' state: updated - name: Remove specific arguments from a rule community.general.pamd: name: system-auth type: session control: '[success=1 default=ignore]' module_path: pam_succeed_if.so module_arguments: crond,quiet state: args_absent - name: Ensure specific arguments are present in a rule community.general.pamd: name: system-auth type: session control: '[success=1 default=ignore]' module_path: pam_succeed_if.so module_arguments: crond,quiet state: args_present - name: Ensure specific arguments are present in a rule (alternative) community.general.pamd: name: system-auth type: session control: '[success=1 default=ignore]' module_path: pam_succeed_if.so module_arguments: - crond - quiet state: args_present - name: Module arguments requiring commas must be listed as a Yaml list community.general.pamd: name: special-module type: account control: required module_path: pam_access.so module_arguments: - listsep=, state: args_present - name: Update specific argument value in a rule community.general.pamd: name: system-auth type: auth control: required module_path: pam_faillock.so module_arguments: 'fail_interval=300' state: args_present - name: Add pam common-auth rule for duo community.general.pamd: name: common-auth new_type: auth new_control: '[success=1 default=ignore]' new_module_path: '/lib64/security/pam_duo.so' state: after type: auth module_path: pam_sss.so control: 'requisite' ''' RETURN = r''' change_count: description: How many rules were changed. type: int sample: 1 returned: success backupdest: description: - "The file name of the backup file, if created." returned: success type: str ... ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule import os import re from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from datetime import datetime RULE_REGEX = re.compile(r"""(?P-?(?:auth|account|session|password))\s+ (?P\[.*\]|\S*)\s+ (?P\S*)\s* (?P.*)\s*""", re.X) RULE_ARG_REGEX = re.compile(r"(\[.*\]|\S*)") VALID_TYPES = ['account', '-account', 'auth', '-auth', 'password', '-password', 'session', '-session'] class PamdLine(object): def __init__(self, line): self.line = line self.prev = None self.next = None @property def is_valid(self): if self.line.strip() == '': return True return False def validate(self): if not self.is_valid: return False, "Rule is not valid " + self.line return True, "Rule is valid " + self.line # Method to check if a rule matches the type, control and path. def matches(self, rule_type, rule_control, rule_path, rule_args=None): return False def __str__(self): return str(self.line) class PamdEmptyLine(PamdLine): pass class PamdComment(PamdLine): def __init__(self, line): super(PamdComment, self).__init__(line) @property def is_valid(self): if self.line.startswith('#'): return True return False class PamdInclude(PamdLine): def __init__(self, line): super(PamdInclude, self).__init__(line) @property def is_valid(self): if self.line.startswith('@include'): return True return False class PamdRule(PamdLine): valid_simple_controls = ['required', 'requisite', 'sufficient', 'optional', 'include', 'substack', 'definitive'] valid_control_values = ['success', 'open_err', 'symbol_err', 'service_err', 'system_err', 'buf_err', 'perm_denied', 'auth_err', 'cred_insufficient', 'authinfo_unavail', 'user_unknown', 'maxtries', 'new_authtok_reqd', 'acct_expired', 'session_err', 'cred_unavail', 'cred_expired', 'cred_err', 'no_module_data', 'conv_err', 'authtok_err', 'authtok_recover_err', 'authtok_lock_busy', 'authtok_disable_aging', 'try_again', 'ignore', 'abort', 'authtok_expired', 'module_unknown', 'bad_item', 'conv_again', 'incomplete', 'default'] valid_control_actions = ['ignore', 'bad', 'die', 'ok', 'done', 'reset'] def __init__(self, rule_type, rule_control, rule_path, rule_args=None): self.prev = None self.next = None self._control = None self._args = None self.rule_type = rule_type self.rule_control = rule_control self.rule_path = rule_path self.rule_args = rule_args # Method to check if a rule matches the type, control and path. def matches(self, rule_type, rule_control, rule_path, rule_args=None): return (rule_type == self.rule_type and rule_control == self.rule_control and rule_path == self.rule_path) @classmethod def rule_from_string(cls, line): rule_match = RULE_REGEX.search(line) rule_args = parse_module_arguments(rule_match.group('args')) return cls(rule_match.group('rule_type'), rule_match.group('control'), rule_match.group('path'), rule_args) def __str__(self): if self.rule_args: return '{0: <11}{1} {2} {3}'.format(self.rule_type, self.rule_control, self.rule_path, ' '.join(self.rule_args)) return '{0: <11}{1} {2}'.format(self.rule_type, self.rule_control, self.rule_path) @property def rule_control(self): if isinstance(self._control, list): return '[' + ' '.join(self._control) + ']' return self._control @rule_control.setter def rule_control(self, control): if control.startswith('['): control = control.replace(' = ', '=').replace('[', '').replace(']', '') self._control = control.split(' ') else: self._control = control @property def rule_args(self): if not self._args: return [] return self._args @rule_args.setter def rule_args(self, args): self._args = parse_module_arguments(args) @property def line(self): return str(self) @classmethod def is_action_unsigned_int(cls, string_num): number = 0 try: number = int(string_num) except ValueError: return False if number >= 0: return True return False @property def is_valid(self): return self.validate()[0] def validate(self): # Validate the rule type if self.rule_type not in VALID_TYPES: return False, "Rule type, " + self.rule_type + ", is not valid in rule " + self.line # Validate the rule control if isinstance(self._control, str) and self.rule_control not in PamdRule.valid_simple_controls: return False, "Rule control, " + self.rule_control + ", is not valid in rule " + self.line elif isinstance(self._control, list): for control in self._control: value, action = control.split("=") if value not in PamdRule.valid_control_values: return False, "Rule control value, " + value + ", is not valid in rule " + self.line if action not in PamdRule.valid_control_actions and not PamdRule.is_action_unsigned_int(action): return False, "Rule control action, " + action + ", is not valid in rule " + self.line # TODO: Validate path return True, "Rule is valid " + self.line # PamdService encapsulates an entire service and contains one or more rules. It seems the best way is to do this # as a doubly linked list. class PamdService(object): def __init__(self, content): self._head = None self._tail = None for line in content.splitlines(): if line.lstrip().startswith('#'): pamd_line = PamdComment(line) elif line.lstrip().startswith('@include'): pamd_line = PamdInclude(line) elif line.strip() == '': pamd_line = PamdEmptyLine(line) else: pamd_line = PamdRule.rule_from_string(line) self.append(pamd_line) def append(self, pamd_line): if self._head is None: self._head = self._tail = pamd_line else: pamd_line.prev = self._tail pamd_line.next = None self._tail.next = pamd_line self._tail = pamd_line def remove(self, rule_type, rule_control, rule_path): current_line = self._head changed = 0 while current_line is not None: if current_line.matches(rule_type, rule_control, rule_path): if current_line.prev is not None: current_line.prev.next = current_line.next if current_line.next is not None: current_line.next.prev = current_line.prev else: self._head = current_line.next current_line.next.prev = None changed += 1 current_line = current_line.next return changed def get(self, rule_type, rule_control, rule_path): lines = [] current_line = self._head while current_line is not None: if isinstance(current_line, PamdRule) and current_line.matches(rule_type, rule_control, rule_path): lines.append(current_line) current_line = current_line.next return lines def has_rule(self, rule_type, rule_control, rule_path): if self.get(rule_type, rule_control, rule_path): return True return False def update_rule(self, rule_type, rule_control, rule_path, new_type=None, new_control=None, new_path=None, new_args=None): # Get a list of rules we want to change rules_to_find = self.get(rule_type, rule_control, rule_path) new_args = parse_module_arguments(new_args, return_none=True) changes = 0 for current_rule in rules_to_find: rule_changed = False if new_type: if current_rule.rule_type != new_type: rule_changed = True current_rule.rule_type = new_type if new_control: if current_rule.rule_control != new_control: rule_changed = True current_rule.rule_control = new_control if new_path: if current_rule.rule_path != new_path: rule_changed = True current_rule.rule_path = new_path if new_args is not None: if current_rule.rule_args != new_args: rule_changed = True current_rule.rule_args = new_args if rule_changed: changes += 1 return changes def insert_before(self, rule_type, rule_control, rule_path, new_type=None, new_control=None, new_path=None, new_args=None): # Get a list of rules we want to change rules_to_find = self.get(rule_type, rule_control, rule_path) changes = 0 # There are two cases to consider. # 1. The new rule doesn't exist before the existing rule # 2. The new rule exists for current_rule in rules_to_find: # Create a new rule new_rule = PamdRule(new_type, new_control, new_path, new_args) # First we'll get the previous rule. previous_rule = current_rule.prev # Next we may have to loop backwards if the previous line is a comment. If it # is, we'll get the previous "rule's" previous. while previous_rule is not None and isinstance(previous_rule, (PamdComment, PamdEmptyLine)): previous_rule = previous_rule.prev # Next we'll see if the previous rule matches what we are trying to insert. if previous_rule is not None and not previous_rule.matches(new_type, new_control, new_path): # First set the original previous rule's next to the new_rule previous_rule.next = new_rule # Second, set the new_rule's previous to the original previous new_rule.prev = previous_rule # Third, set the new rule's next to the current rule new_rule.next = current_rule # Fourth, set the current rule's previous to the new_rule current_rule.prev = new_rule changes += 1 # Handle the case where it is the first rule in the list. elif previous_rule is None: # This is the case where the current rule is not only the first rule # but the first line as well. So we set the head to the new rule if current_rule.prev is None: self._head = new_rule # This case would occur if the previous line was a comment. else: current_rule.prev.next = new_rule new_rule.prev = current_rule.prev new_rule.next = current_rule current_rule.prev = new_rule changes += 1 return changes def insert_after(self, rule_type, rule_control, rule_path, new_type=None, new_control=None, new_path=None, new_args=None): # Get a list of rules we want to change rules_to_find = self.get(rule_type, rule_control, rule_path) changes = 0 # There are two cases to consider. # 1. The new rule doesn't exist after the existing rule # 2. The new rule exists for current_rule in rules_to_find: # First we'll get the next rule. next_rule = current_rule.next # Next we may have to loop forwards if the next line is a comment. If it # is, we'll get the next "rule's" next. while next_rule is not None and isinstance(next_rule, (PamdComment, PamdEmptyLine)): next_rule = next_rule.next # First we create a new rule new_rule = PamdRule(new_type, new_control, new_path, new_args) if next_rule is not None and not next_rule.matches(new_type, new_control, new_path): # If the previous rule doesn't match we'll insert our new rule. # Second set the original next rule's previous to the new_rule next_rule.prev = new_rule # Third, set the new_rule's next to the original next rule new_rule.next = next_rule # Fourth, set the new rule's previous to the current rule new_rule.prev = current_rule # Fifth, set the current rule's next to the new_rule current_rule.next = new_rule changes += 1 # This is the case where the current_rule is the last in the list elif next_rule is None: new_rule.prev = self._tail new_rule.next = None self._tail.next = new_rule self._tail = new_rule current_rule.next = new_rule changes += 1 return changes def add_module_arguments(self, rule_type, rule_control, rule_path, args_to_add): # Get a list of rules we want to change rules_to_find = self.get(rule_type, rule_control, rule_path) args_to_add = parse_module_arguments(args_to_add) changes = 0 for current_rule in rules_to_find: rule_changed = False # create some structures to evaluate the situation simple_new_args = set() key_value_new_args = dict() for arg in args_to_add: if arg.startswith("["): continue elif "=" in arg: key, value = arg.split("=") key_value_new_args[key] = value else: simple_new_args.add(arg) key_value_new_args_set = set(key_value_new_args) simple_current_args = set() key_value_current_args = dict() for arg in current_rule.rule_args: if arg.startswith("["): continue elif "=" in arg: key, value = arg.split("=") key_value_current_args[key] = value else: simple_current_args.add(arg) key_value_current_args_set = set(key_value_current_args) new_args_to_add = list() # Handle new simple arguments if simple_new_args.difference(simple_current_args): for arg in simple_new_args.difference(simple_current_args): new_args_to_add.append(arg) # Handle new key value arguments if key_value_new_args_set.difference(key_value_current_args_set): for key in key_value_new_args_set.difference(key_value_current_args_set): new_args_to_add.append(key + '=' + key_value_new_args[key]) if new_args_to_add: current_rule.rule_args += new_args_to_add rule_changed = True # Handle existing key value arguments when value is not equal if key_value_new_args_set.intersection(key_value_current_args_set): for key in key_value_new_args_set.intersection(key_value_current_args_set): if key_value_current_args[key] != key_value_new_args[key]: arg_index = current_rule.rule_args.index(key + '=' + key_value_current_args[key]) current_rule.rule_args[arg_index] = str(key + '=' + key_value_new_args[key]) rule_changed = True if rule_changed: changes += 1 return changes def remove_module_arguments(self, rule_type, rule_control, rule_path, args_to_remove): # Get a list of rules we want to change rules_to_find = self.get(rule_type, rule_control, rule_path) args_to_remove = parse_module_arguments(args_to_remove) changes = 0 for current_rule in rules_to_find: if not args_to_remove: args_to_remove = [] # Let's check to see if there are any args to remove by finding the intersection # of the rule's current args and the args_to_remove lists if not list(set(current_rule.rule_args) & set(args_to_remove)): continue # There are args to remove, so we create a list of new_args absent the args # to remove. current_rule.rule_args = [arg for arg in current_rule.rule_args if arg not in args_to_remove] changes += 1 return changes def validate(self): current_line = self._head while current_line is not None: curr_validate = current_line.validate() if not curr_validate[0]: return curr_validate current_line = current_line.next return True, "Module is valid" def __str__(self): lines = [] current_line = self._head mark = "# Updated by Ansible - %s" % datetime.now().isoformat() while current_line is not None: lines.append(str(current_line)) current_line = current_line.next if len(lines) <= 1: lines.insert(0, "") lines.insert(1, mark) else: if lines[1].startswith("# Updated by Ansible"): lines[1] = mark else: lines.insert(1, mark) return '\n'.join(lines) + '\n' def parse_module_arguments(module_arguments, return_none=False): # If args is None, return empty list by default. # But if return_none is True, then return None if module_arguments is None: return None if return_none else [] if isinstance(module_arguments, list) and len(module_arguments) == 1 and not module_arguments[0]: return [] if not isinstance(module_arguments, list): module_arguments = [module_arguments] # From this point on, module_arguments is guaranteed to be a list, empty or not parsed_args = [] re_clear_spaces = re.compile(r"\s*=\s*") for arg in module_arguments: for item in filter(None, RULE_ARG_REGEX.findall(arg)): if not item.startswith("["): re_clear_spaces.sub("=", item) parsed_args.append(item) return parsed_args def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( name=dict(type='str', required=True), type=dict(type='str', required=True, choices=VALID_TYPES), control=dict(type='str', required=True), module_path=dict(type='str', required=True), new_type=dict(type='str', choices=VALID_TYPES), new_control=dict(type='str'), new_module_path=dict(type='str'), module_arguments=dict(type='list', elements='str'), state=dict(type='str', default='updated', choices=['absent', 'after', 'args_absent', 'args_present', 'before', 'updated']), path=dict(type='path', default='/etc/pam.d'), backup=dict(type='bool', default=False), ), supports_check_mode=True, required_if=[ ("state", "args_present", ["module_arguments"]), ("state", "args_absent", ["module_arguments"]), ("state", "before", ["new_control", "new_type", "new_module_path"]), ("state", "after", ["new_control", "new_type", "new_module_path"]), ], ) content = str() fname = os.path.join(module.params["path"], module.params["name"]) # Open the file and read the content or fail try: with open(fname, 'r') as service_file_obj: content = service_file_obj.read() except IOError as e: # If unable to read the file, fail out module.fail_json(msg='Unable to open/read PAM module file %s with error %s.' % (fname, str(e))) # Assuming we didn't fail, create the service service = PamdService(content) # Set the action action = module.params['state'] changes = 0 # Take action if action == 'updated': changes = service.update_rule(module.params['type'], module.params['control'], module.params['module_path'], module.params['new_type'], module.params['new_control'], module.params['new_module_path'], module.params['module_arguments']) elif action == 'before': changes = service.insert_before(module.params['type'], module.params['control'], module.params['module_path'], module.params['new_type'], module.params['new_control'], module.params['new_module_path'], module.params['module_arguments']) elif action == 'after': changes = service.insert_after(module.params['type'], module.params['control'], module.params['module_path'], module.params['new_type'], module.params['new_control'], module.params['new_module_path'], module.params['module_arguments']) elif action == 'args_absent': changes = service.remove_module_arguments(module.params['type'], module.params['control'], module.params['module_path'], module.params['module_arguments']) elif action == 'args_present': if [arg for arg in parse_module_arguments(module.params['module_arguments']) if arg.startswith("[")]: module.fail_json(msg="Unable to process bracketed '[' complex arguments with 'args_present'. Please use 'updated'.") changes = service.add_module_arguments(module.params['type'], module.params['control'], module.params['module_path'], module.params['module_arguments']) elif action == 'absent': changes = service.remove(module.params['type'], module.params['control'], module.params['module_path']) valid, msg = service.validate() # If the module is not valid (meaning one of the rules is invalid), we will fail if not valid: module.fail_json(msg=msg) result = dict( changed=(changes > 0), change_count=changes, backupdest='', ) # If not check mode and something changed, backup the original if necessary then write out the file or fail if not module.check_mode and result['changed']: # First, create a backup if desired. if module.params['backup']: result['backupdest'] = module.backup_local(fname) try: temp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', dir=module.tmpdir, delete=False) with open(temp_file.name, 'w') as fd: fd.write(str(service)) except IOError: module.fail_json(msg='Unable to create temporary file %s' % temp_file) module.atomic_move(temp_file.name, os.path.realpath(fname)) module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()