#!/usr/bin/python # (c) 2018, NetApp, Inc # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: netapp_e_mgmt_interface short_description: NetApp E-Series management interface configuration description: - Configure the E-Series management interfaces author: - Michael Price (@lmprice) - Nathan Swartz (@ndswartz) extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.netapp.eseries options: state: description: - Enable or disable IPv4 network interface configuration. - Either IPv4 or IPv6 must be enabled otherwise error will occur. - Only required when enabling or disabling IPv4 network interface choices: - enable - disable required: no aliases: - enable_interface controller: description: - The controller that owns the port you want to configure. - Controller names are represented alphabetically, with the first controller as A, the second as B, and so on. - Current hardware models have either 1 or 2 available controllers, but that is not a guaranteed hard limitation and could change in the future. required: yes choices: - A - B name: description: - The port to modify the configuration for. - The list of choices is not necessarily comprehensive. It depends on the number of ports that are present in the system. - The name represents the port number (typically from left to right on the controller), beginning with a value of 1. - Mutually exclusive with I(channel). aliases: - port - iface channel: description: - The port to modify the configuration for. - The channel represents the port number (typically from left to right on the controller), beginning with a value of 1. - Mutually exclusive with I(name). address: description: - The IPv4 address to assign to the interface. - Should be specified in xx.xx.xx.xx form. - Mutually exclusive with I(config_method=dhcp) required: no subnet_mask: description: - The subnet mask to utilize for the interface. - Should be specified in xx.xx.xx.xx form. - Mutually exclusive with I(config_method=dhcp) required: no gateway: description: - The IPv4 gateway address to utilize for the interface. - Should be specified in xx.xx.xx.xx form. - Mutually exclusive with I(config_method=dhcp) required: no config_method: description: - The configuration method type to use for network interface ports. - dhcp is mutually exclusive with I(address), I(subnet_mask), and I(gateway). choices: - dhcp - static required: no dns_config_method: description: - The configuration method type to use for DNS services. - dhcp is mutually exclusive with I(dns_address), and I(dns_address_backup). choices: - dhcp - static required: no dns_address: description: - Primary IPv4 DNS server address required: no dns_address_backup: description: - Backup IPv4 DNS server address - Queried when primary DNS server fails required: no ntp_config_method: description: - The configuration method type to use for NTP services. - disable is mutually exclusive with I(ntp_address) and I(ntp_address_backup). - dhcp is mutually exclusive with I(ntp_address) and I(ntp_address_backup). choices: - disable - dhcp - static required: no ntp_address: description: - Primary IPv4 NTP server address required: no ntp_address_backup: description: - Backup IPv4 NTP server address - Queried when primary NTP server fails required: no ssh: type: bool description: - Enable ssh access to the controller for debug purposes. - This is a controller-level setting. - rlogin/telnet will be enabled for ancient equipment where ssh is not available. required: no log_path: description: - A local path to a file to be used for debug logging required: no notes: - Check mode is supported. - The interface settings are applied synchronously, but changes to the interface itself (receiving a new IP address via dhcp, etc), can take seconds or minutes longer to take effect. - "Known issue: Changes specifically to down ports will result in a failure. However, this may not be the case in up coming NetApp E-Series firmware releases (released after firmware version 11.40.2)." ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: Configure the first port on the A controller with a static IPv4 address netapp_e_mgmt_interface: name: "1" controller: "A" config_method: static address: "" subnet_mask: "" gateway: "" ssid: "1" api_url: "" api_username: "admin" api_password: "myPass" - name: Disable ipv4 connectivity for the second port on the B controller netapp_e_mgmt_interface: name: "2" controller: "B" enable_interface: no ssid: "{{ ssid }}" api_url: "{{ netapp_api_url }}" api_username: "{{ netapp_api_username }}" api_password: "{{ netapp_api_password }}" - name: Enable ssh access for ports one and two on controller A netapp_e_mgmt_interface: name: "{{ item }}" controller: "A" ssh: yes ssid: "{{ ssid }}" api_url: "{{ netapp_api_url }}" api_username: "{{ netapp_api_username }}" api_password: "{{ netapp_api_password }}" loop: - 1 - 2 - name: Configure static DNS settings for the first port on controller A netapp_e_mgmt_interface: name: "1" controller: "A" dns_config_method: static dns_address: "" dns_address_backup: "" ssid: "{{ ssid }}" api_url: "{{ netapp_api_url }}" api_username: "{{ netapp_api_username }}" api_password: "{{ netapp_api_password }}" - name: Configure static NTP settings for ports one and two on controller B netapp_e_mgmt_interface: name: "{{ item }}" controller: "B" ntp_config_method: static ntp_address: "" ntp_address_backup: "" ssid: "{{ ssid }}" api_url: "{{ netapp_api_url }}" api_username: "{{ netapp_api_username }}" api_password: "{{ netapp_api_password }}" loop: - 1 - 2 """ RETURN = """ msg: description: Success message returned: on success type: str sample: The interface settings have been updated. enabled: description: - Indicates whether IPv4 connectivity has been enabled or disabled. - This does not necessarily indicate connectivity. If dhcp was enabled absent a dhcp server, for instance, it is unlikely that the configuration will actually be valid. returned: on success sample: True type: bool """ import json import logging from pprint import pformat, pprint import time import socket try: import urlparse except ImportError: import urllib.parse as urlparse from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.netapp.ontap.plugins.module_utils.netapp import request, eseries_host_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native HEADERS = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", } class MgmtInterface(object): MAX_RETRIES = 15 def __init__(self): argument_spec = eseries_host_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( state=dict(type="str", choices=["enable", "disable"], aliases=["enable_interface"], required=False), controller=dict(type="str", required=True, choices=["A", "B"]), name=dict(type="str", aliases=["port", "iface"]), channel=dict(type="int"), address=dict(type="str", required=False), subnet_mask=dict(type="str", required=False), gateway=dict(type="str", required=False), config_method=dict(type="str", required=False, choices=["dhcp", "static"]), dns_config_method=dict(type="str", required=False, choices=["dhcp", "static"]), dns_address=dict(type="str", required=False), dns_address_backup=dict(type="str", required=False), ntp_config_method=dict(type="str", required=False, choices=["disable", "dhcp", "static"]), ntp_address=dict(type="str", required=False), ntp_address_backup=dict(type="str", required=False), ssh=dict(type="bool", required=False), log_path=dict(type="str", required=False), )) required_if = [ ["state", "enable", ["config_method"]], ["config_method", "static", ["address", "subnet_mask"]], ["dns_config_method", "static", ["dns_address"]], ["ntp_config_method", "static", ["ntp_address"]], ] mutually_exclusive = [ ["name", "channel"], ] self.module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, required_if=required_if, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive) args = self.module.params self.controller = args["controller"] self.name = args["name"] self.channel = args["channel"] self.config_method = args["config_method"] self.address = args["address"] self.subnet_mask = args["subnet_mask"] self.gateway = args["gateway"] self.enable_interface = None if args["state"] is None else args["state"] == "enable" self.dns_config_method = args["dns_config_method"] self.dns_address = args["dns_address"] self.dns_address_backup = args["dns_address_backup"] self.ntp_config_method = args["ntp_config_method"] self.ntp_address = args["ntp_address"] self.ntp_address_backup = args["ntp_address_backup"] self.ssh = args["ssh"] self.ssid = args["ssid"] self.url = args["api_url"] self.creds = dict(url_password=args["api_password"], validate_certs=args["validate_certs"], url_username=args["api_username"], ) self.retries = 0 self.check_mode = self.module.check_mode self.post_body = dict() log_path = args["log_path"] # logging setup self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) if log_path: logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, filename=log_path, filemode='w', format='%(relativeCreated)dms %(levelname)s %(module)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d\n %(message)s') if not self.url.endswith('/'): self.url += '/' @property def controllers(self): """Retrieve a mapping of controller labels to their references { 'A': '070000000000000000000001', 'B': '070000000000000000000002', } :return: the controllers defined on the system """ try: (rc, controllers) = request(self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/controllers' % self.ssid, headers=HEADERS, **self.creds) except Exception as err: controllers = list() self.module.fail_json( msg="Failed to retrieve the controller settings. Array Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(err))) controllers.sort(key=lambda c: c['physicalLocation']['slot']) controllers_dict = dict() i = ord('A') for controller in controllers: label = chr(i) settings = dict(controllerSlot=controller['physicalLocation']['slot'], controllerRef=controller['controllerRef'], ssh=controller['networkSettings']['remoteAccessEnabled']) controllers_dict[label] = settings i += 1 return controllers_dict @property def interface(self): net_interfaces = list() try: (rc, net_interfaces) = request(self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/configuration/ethernet-interfaces' % self.ssid, headers=HEADERS, **self.creds) except Exception as err: self.module.fail_json( msg="Failed to retrieve defined management interfaces. Array Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(err))) controllers = self.controllers controller = controllers[self.controller] net_interfaces = [iface for iface in net_interfaces if iface["controllerRef"] == controller["controllerRef"]] # Find the correct interface iface = None for net in net_interfaces: if self.name: if net["alias"] == self.name or net["interfaceName"] == self.name: iface = net break elif self.channel: if net["channel"] == self.channel: iface = net break if iface is None: identifier = self.name if self.name is not None else self.channel self.module.fail_json(msg="We could not find an interface matching [%s] on Array=[%s]." % (identifier, self.ssid)) return dict(alias=iface["alias"], channel=iface["channel"], link_status=iface["linkStatus"], enabled=iface["ipv4Enabled"], address=iface["ipv4Address"], gateway=iface["ipv4GatewayAddress"], subnet_mask=iface["ipv4SubnetMask"], dns_config_method=iface["dnsProperties"]["acquisitionProperties"]["dnsAcquisitionType"], dns_servers=iface["dnsProperties"]["acquisitionProperties"]["dnsServers"], ntp_config_method=iface["ntpProperties"]["acquisitionProperties"]["ntpAcquisitionType"], ntp_servers=iface["ntpProperties"]["acquisitionProperties"]["ntpServers"], config_method=iface["ipv4AddressConfigMethod"], controllerRef=iface["controllerRef"], controllerSlot=iface["controllerSlot"], ipv6Enabled=iface["ipv6Enabled"], id=iface["interfaceRef"], ) def get_enable_interface_settings(self, iface, expected_iface, update, body): """Enable or disable the IPv4 network interface.""" if self.enable_interface: if not iface["enabled"]: update = True body["ipv4Enabled"] = True else: if iface["enabled"]: update = True body["ipv4Enabled"] = False expected_iface["enabled"] = body["ipv4Enabled"] return update, expected_iface, body def get_interface_settings(self, iface, expected_iface, update, body): """Update network interface settings.""" if self.config_method == "dhcp": if iface["config_method"] != "configDhcp": update = True body["ipv4AddressConfigMethod"] = "configDhcp" else: if iface["config_method"] != "configStatic": update = True body["ipv4AddressConfigMethod"] = "configStatic" if iface["address"] != self.address: update = True body["ipv4Address"] = self.address if iface["subnet_mask"] != self.subnet_mask: update = True body["ipv4SubnetMask"] = self.subnet_mask if self.gateway and iface["gateway"] != self.gateway: update = True body["ipv4GatewayAddress"] = self.gateway expected_iface["address"] = body["ipv4Address"] expected_iface["subnet_mask"] = body["ipv4SubnetMask"] expected_iface["gateway"] = body["ipv4GatewayAddress"] expected_iface["config_method"] = body["ipv4AddressConfigMethod"] return update, expected_iface, body def get_dns_server_settings(self, iface, expected_iface, update, body): """Add DNS server information to the request body.""" if self.dns_config_method == "dhcp": if iface["dns_config_method"] != "dhcp": update = True body["dnsAcquisitionDescriptor"] = dict(dnsAcquisitionType="dhcp") elif self.dns_config_method == "static": dns_servers = [dict(addressType="ipv4", ipv4Address=self.dns_address)] if self.dns_address_backup: dns_servers.append(dict(addressType="ipv4", ipv4Address=self.dns_address_backup)) body["dnsAcquisitionDescriptor"] = dict(dnsAcquisitionType="stat", dnsServers=dns_servers) if (iface["dns_config_method"] != "stat" or len(iface["dns_servers"]) != len(dns_servers) or (len(iface["dns_servers"]) == 2 and (iface["dns_servers"][0]["ipv4Address"] != self.dns_address or iface["dns_servers"][1]["ipv4Address"] != self.dns_address_backup)) or (len(iface["dns_servers"]) == 1 and iface["dns_servers"][0]["ipv4Address"] != self.dns_address)): update = True expected_iface["dns_servers"] = dns_servers expected_iface["dns_config_method"] = body["dnsAcquisitionDescriptor"]["dnsAcquisitionType"] return update, expected_iface, body def get_ntp_server_settings(self, iface, expected_iface, update, body): """Add NTP server information to the request body.""" if self.ntp_config_method == "disable": if iface["ntp_config_method"] != "disabled": update = True body["ntpAcquisitionDescriptor"] = dict(ntpAcquisitionType="disabled") elif self.ntp_config_method == "dhcp": if iface["ntp_config_method"] != "dhcp": update = True body["ntpAcquisitionDescriptor"] = dict(ntpAcquisitionType="dhcp") elif self.ntp_config_method == "static": ntp_servers = [dict(addrType="ipvx", ipvxAddress=dict(addressType="ipv4", ipv4Address=self.ntp_address))] if self.ntp_address_backup: ntp_servers.append(dict(addrType="ipvx", ipvxAddress=dict(addressType="ipv4", ipv4Address=self.ntp_address_backup))) body["ntpAcquisitionDescriptor"] = dict(ntpAcquisitionType="stat", ntpServers=ntp_servers) if (iface["ntp_config_method"] != "stat" or len(iface["ntp_servers"]) != len(ntp_servers) or ((len(iface["ntp_servers"]) == 2 and (iface["ntp_servers"][0]["ipvxAddress"]["ipv4Address"] != self.ntp_address or iface["ntp_servers"][1]["ipvxAddress"]["ipv4Address"] != self.ntp_address_backup)) or (len(iface["ntp_servers"]) == 1 and iface["ntp_servers"][0]["ipvxAddress"]["ipv4Address"] != self.ntp_address))): update = True expected_iface["ntp_servers"] = ntp_servers expected_iface["ntp_config_method"] = body["ntpAcquisitionDescriptor"]["ntpAcquisitionType"] return update, expected_iface, body def get_remote_ssh_settings(self, settings, update, body): """Configure network interface ports for remote ssh access.""" if self.ssh != settings["ssh"]: update = True body["enableRemoteAccess"] = self.ssh return update, body def update_array(self, settings, iface): """Update controller with new interface, dns service, ntp service and/or remote ssh access information. :returns: whether information passed will modify the controller's current state :rtype: bool """ update = False body = dict(controllerRef=settings['controllerRef'], interfaceRef=iface['id']) expected_iface = iface.copy() # Check if api url is using the effected management interface to change itself update_used_matching_address = False if self.enable_interface and self.config_method: netloc = list(urlparse.urlparse(self.url))[1] address = netloc.split(":")[0] address_info = socket.getaddrinfo(address, 8443) url_address_info = socket.getaddrinfo(iface["address"], 8443) update_used_matching_address = any(info in url_address_info for info in address_info) self._logger.info("update_used_matching_address: %s", update_used_matching_address) # Populate the body of the request and check for changes if self.enable_interface is not None: update, expected_iface, body = self.get_enable_interface_settings(iface, expected_iface, update, body) if self.config_method is not None: update, expected_iface, body = self.get_interface_settings(iface, expected_iface, update, body) if self.dns_config_method is not None: update, expected_iface, body = self.get_dns_server_settings(iface, expected_iface, update, body) if self.ntp_config_method is not None: update, expected_iface, body = self.get_ntp_server_settings(iface, expected_iface, update, body) if self.ssh is not None: update, body = self.get_remote_ssh_settings(settings, update, body) iface["ssh"] = self.ssh expected_iface["ssh"] = self.ssh # debug information self._logger.info(pformat(body)) self._logger.info(pformat(iface)) self._logger.info(pformat(expected_iface)) if self.check_mode: return update if update and not self.check_mode: if not update_used_matching_address: try: (rc, data) = request(self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/configuration/ethernet-interfaces' % self.ssid, method='POST', data=json.dumps(body), headers=HEADERS, timeout=300, ignore_errors=True, **self.creds) if rc == 422: if data['retcode'] == "4" or data['retcode'] == "illegalParam": if not (body['ipv4Enabled'] or iface['ipv6Enabled']): self.module.fail_json(msg="This storage-system already has IPv6 connectivity disabled. " "DHCP configuration for IPv4 is required at a minimum." " Array Id [%s] Message [%s]." % (self.ssid, data['errorMessage'])) else: self.module.fail_json(msg="We failed to configure the management interface. Array Id " "[%s] Message [%s]." % (self.ssid, data)) elif rc >= 300: self.module.fail_json( msg="We failed to configure the management interface. Array Id [%s] Message [%s]." % (self.ssid, data)) # This is going to catch cases like a connection failure except Exception as err: self.module.fail_json( msg="Connection failure: we failed to modify the network settings! Array Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(err))) else: self.update_api_address_interface_match(body) return self.validate_changes(expected_iface) if update and iface["link_status"] != "up" else update def update_api_address_interface_match(self, body): """Change network interface address which matches the api_address""" try: try: (rc, data) = request(self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/configuration/ethernet-interfaces' % self.ssid, use_proxy=False, force=True, ignore_errors=True, method='POST', data=json.dumps(body), headers=HEADERS, timeout=10, **self.creds) except Exception: url_parts = list(urlparse.urlparse(self.url)) domain = url_parts[1].split(":") domain[0] = self.address url_parts[1] = ":".join(domain) expected_url = urlparse.urlunparse(url_parts) self._logger.info(pformat(expected_url)) (rc, data) = request(expected_url + 'storage-systems/%s/configuration/ethernet-interfaces' % self.ssid, headers=HEADERS, timeout=300, **self.creds) return except Exception as err: self._logger.info(type(err)) self.module.fail_json( msg="Connection failure: we failed to modify the network settings! Array Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(err))) def validate_changes(self, expected_iface, retry=6): """Validate interface changes were applied to the controller interface port. 30 second timeout""" if self.interface != expected_iface: time.sleep(5) if retry: return self.validate_changes(expected_iface, retry - 1) self.module.fail_json(msg="Update failure: we failed to verify the necessary state change.") return True def check_health(self): """It's possible, due to a previous operation, for the API to report a 424 (offline) status for the storage-system. Therefore, we run a manual check with retries to attempt to contact the system before we continue. """ try: (rc, data) = request(self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/controllers' % self.ssid, headers=HEADERS, ignore_errors=True, **self.creds) # We've probably recently changed the interface settings and it's still coming back up: retry. if rc == 424: if self.retries < self.MAX_RETRIES: self.retries += 1 self._logger.info("We hit a 424, retrying in 5s.") time.sleep(5) self.check_health() else: self.module.fail_json( msg="We failed to pull storage-system information. Array Id [%s] Message [%s]." % (self.ssid, data)) elif rc >= 300: self.module.fail_json( msg="We failed to pull storage-system information. Array Id [%s] Message [%s]." % (self.ssid, data)) # This is going to catch cases like a connection failure except Exception as err: if self.retries < self.MAX_RETRIES: self._logger.info("We hit a connection failure, retrying in 5s.") self.retries += 1 time.sleep(5) self.check_health() else: self.module.fail_json( msg="Connection failure: we failed to modify the network settings! Array Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(err))) def update(self): """Update storage system with necessary changes.""" # Check if the storage array can be contacted self.check_health() # make the necessary changes to the storage system settings = self.controllers[self.controller] iface = self.interface self._logger.info(pformat(settings)) self._logger.info(pformat(iface)) update = self.update_array(settings, iface) self.module.exit_json(msg="The interface settings have been updated.", changed=update) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.update() def main(): iface = MgmtInterface() iface() if __name__ == '__main__': main()