# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <aaklychkov@mail.ru>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)

import pytest

import ansible.module_utils.postgres as pg

class TestPostgresCommonArgSpec():

    Namespace for testing postgresql_common_arg_spec() function.

    def test_postgres_common_argument_spec(self):
        Test for postgresql_common_arg_spec() function.

        The tested function just returns a dictionary with the default
        parameters and their values for PostgreSQL modules.
        The return and expected dictionaries must be compared.
        expected_dict = dict(
            login_password=dict(default='', no_log=True),
            port=dict(type='int', default=5432, aliases=['login_port']),
                choices=['allow', 'disable', 'prefer', 'require', 'verify-ca', 'verify-full']
        assert pg.postgres_common_argument_spec() == expected_dict

def m_psycopg2():
    """Return mock object for psycopg2 emulation."""
    global Cursor
    Cursor = None

    class Cursor():
        def __init__(self):
            self.passed_query = None

        def execute(self, query):
            self.passed_query = query

        def close(self):

    global DbConnection
    DbConnection = None

    class DbConnection():
        def __init__(self):

        def cursor(self, cursor_factory=None):
            return Cursor()

        def set_session(self, autocommit=None):

        def set_isolation_level(self, isolevel):

    class Extras():
        def __init__(self):
            self.DictCursor = True

    class Extensions():
        def __init__(self):
            self.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT = True

    class DummyPsycopg2():
        def __init__(self):
            self.__version__ = '2.4.3'
            self.extras = Extras()
            self.extensions = Extensions()

        def connect(self, host=None, port=None, user=None,
                    password=None, sslmode=None, sslrootcert=None):
            if user == 'Exception':
                raise Exception()

            return DbConnection()

    return DummyPsycopg2()

class TestEnsureReqLibs():

    Namespace for testing ensure_required_libs() function.

    If there is something wrong with libs, the function invokes fail_json()
    method of AnsibleModule object passed as an argument called 'module'.
    Therefore we must check:
    1. value of err_msg attribute of m_ansible_module mock object.

    def m_ansible_module(self):
        """Return an object of dummy AnsibleModule class."""
        class Dummym_ansible_module():
            def __init__(self):
                self.params = {'ca_cert': False}
                self.err_msg = ''

            def fail_json(self, msg):
                self.err_msg = msg

        return Dummym_ansible_module()

    def test_ensure_req_libs_has_not_psycopg2(self, m_ansible_module):
        """Test ensure_required_libs() with psycopg2 is None."""
        # HAS_PSYCOPG2 is False by default
        assert 'Failed to import the required Python library (psycopg2)' in m_ansible_module.err_msg

    def test_ensure_req_libs_has_psycopg2(self, m_ansible_module, monkeypatch):
        """Test ensure_required_libs() with psycopg2 is not None."""
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'HAS_PSYCOPG2', True)

        assert m_ansible_module.err_msg == ''

    def test_ensure_req_libs_ca_cert(self, m_ansible_module, m_psycopg2, monkeypatch):
        Test with module.params['ca_cert'], psycopg2 version is suitable.
        m_ansible_module.params['ca_cert'] = True
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'HAS_PSYCOPG2', True)
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'psycopg2', m_psycopg2)

        assert m_ansible_module.err_msg == ''

    def test_ensure_req_libs_ca_cert_low_psycopg2_ver(self, m_ansible_module, m_psycopg2, monkeypatch):
        Test with module.params['ca_cert'], psycopg2 version is wrong.
        m_ansible_module.params['ca_cert'] = True
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'HAS_PSYCOPG2', True)
        # Set wrong psycopg2 version number:
        psycopg2 = m_psycopg2
        psycopg2.__version__ = '2.4.2'
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'psycopg2', psycopg2)

        assert 'psycopg2 must be at least 2.4.3' in m_ansible_module.err_msg

class TestConnectToDb():

    Namespace for testing connect_to_db() function.

    When some connection errors occure connect_to_db() caught any of them
    and invoke fail_json() or warn() methods of AnsibleModule object
    depending on the passed parameters.
    connect_to_db may return db_connection object or None if errors occured.
    Therefore we must check:
    1. Values of err_msg and warn_msg attributes of m_ansible_module mock object.
    2. Types of return objects (db_connection and cursor).

    def m_ansible_module(self):
        """Return an object of dummy AnsibleModule class."""
        class DummyAnsibleModule():
            def __init__(self):
                self.params = pg.postgres_common_argument_spec()
                self.err_msg = ''
                self.warn_msg = ''

            def fail_json(self, msg):
                self.err_msg = msg

            def warn(self, msg):
                self.warn_msg = msg

        return DummyAnsibleModule()

    def test_connect_to_db(self, m_ansible_module, monkeypatch, m_psycopg2):
        """Test connect_to_db(), common test."""
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'HAS_PSYCOPG2', True)
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'psycopg2', m_psycopg2)

        db_connection = pg.connect_to_db(m_ansible_module)
        cursor = db_connection.cursor()
        # if errors, db_connection returned as None:
        assert isinstance(db_connection, DbConnection)
        assert isinstance(cursor, Cursor)
        assert m_ansible_module.err_msg == ''
        # The default behaviour, normal in this case:
        assert 'Database name has not been passed' in m_ansible_module.warn_msg

    def test_session_role(self, m_ansible_module, monkeypatch, m_psycopg2):
        """Test connect_to_db(), switch on session_role."""
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'HAS_PSYCOPG2', True)
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'psycopg2', m_psycopg2)

        m_ansible_module.params['session_role'] = 'test_role'
        db_connection = pg.connect_to_db(m_ansible_module)
        cursor = db_connection.cursor()
        # if errors, db_connection returned as None:
        assert isinstance(db_connection, DbConnection)
        assert isinstance(cursor, Cursor)
        assert m_ansible_module.err_msg == ''
        # The default behaviour, normal in this case:
        assert 'Database name has not been passed' in m_ansible_module.warn_msg

    def test_warn_db_default_non_default(self, m_ansible_module, monkeypatch, m_psycopg2):
        Test connect_to_db(), warn_db_default arg passed as False (by default is True).
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'HAS_PSYCOPG2', True)
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'psycopg2', m_psycopg2)

        db_connection = pg.connect_to_db(m_ansible_module, warn_db_default=False)
        cursor = db_connection.cursor()
        # if errors, db_connection returned as None:
        assert isinstance(db_connection, DbConnection)
        assert isinstance(cursor, Cursor)
        assert m_ansible_module.err_msg == ''
        assert m_ansible_module.warn_msg == ''
        # pay attention that warn_db_defaul=True has been checked
        # in the previous tests by
        # assert('Database name has not been passed' in m_ansible_module.warn_msg)
        # because of this is the default behavior

    def test_fail_on_conn_true(self, m_ansible_module, monkeypatch, m_psycopg2):
        Test connect_to_db(), fail_on_conn arg passed as True (the default behavior).
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'HAS_PSYCOPG2', True)
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'psycopg2', m_psycopg2)

        m_ansible_module.params['login_user'] = 'Exception'  # causes Exception

        db_connection = pg.connect_to_db(m_ansible_module, fail_on_conn=True)

        assert 'unable to connect to database' in m_ansible_module.err_msg
        assert db_connection is None

    def test_fail_on_conn_false(self, m_ansible_module, monkeypatch, m_psycopg2):
        Test connect_to_db(), fail_on_conn arg passed as False.
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'HAS_PSYCOPG2', True)
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'psycopg2', m_psycopg2)

        m_ansible_module.params['login_user'] = 'Exception'  # causes Exception

        db_connection = pg.connect_to_db(m_ansible_module, fail_on_conn=False)

        assert m_ansible_module.err_msg == ''
        assert 'PostgreSQL server is unavailable' in m_ansible_module.warn_msg
        assert db_connection is None

    def test_autocommit_true(self, m_ansible_module, monkeypatch, m_psycopg2):
        Test connect_to_db(), autocommit arg passed as True (the default is False).
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'HAS_PSYCOPG2', True)

        # case 1: psycopg2.__version >= 2.4.2 (the default in m_psycopg2)
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'psycopg2', m_psycopg2)

        db_connection = pg.connect_to_db(m_ansible_module, autocommit=True)
        cursor = db_connection.cursor()

        # if errors, db_connection returned as None:
        assert isinstance(db_connection, DbConnection)
        assert isinstance(cursor, Cursor)
        assert m_ansible_module.err_msg == ''

        # case 2: psycopg2.__version < 2.4.2
        m_psycopg2.__version__ = '2.4.1'
        monkeypatch.setattr(pg, 'psycopg2', m_psycopg2)

        db_connection = pg.connect_to_db(m_ansible_module, autocommit=True)
        cursor = db_connection.cursor()

        # if errors, db_connection returned as None:
        assert isinstance(db_connection, DbConnection)
        assert isinstance(cursor, Cursor)
        assert 'psycopg2 must be at least 2.4.3' in m_ansible_module.err_msg