# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2021, Frank Dornheim # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' name: lxd short_description: Returns Ansible inventory from lxd host description: - Get inventory from the lxd. - Uses a YAML configuration file that ends with 'lxd.(yml|yaml)'. version_added: "3.0.0" author: "Frank Dornheim (@conloos)" requirements: - ipaddress options: plugin: description: Token that ensures this is a source file for the 'lxd' plugin. required: true choices: [ 'community.general.lxd' ] url: description: - The unix domain socket path or the https URL for the lxd server. - Sockets in filesystem have to start with C(unix:). - Mostly C(unix:/var/lib/lxd/unix.socket) or C(unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket). default: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket type: str client_key: description: - The client certificate key file path. aliases: [ key_file ] default: $HOME/.config/lxc/client.key type: path client_cert: description: - The client certificate file path. aliases: [ cert_file ] default: $HOME/.config/lxc/client.crt type: path trust_password: description: - The client trusted password. - You need to set this password on the lxd server before running this module using the following command C(lxc config set core.trust_password ) See U(https://www.stgraber.org/2016/04/18/lxd-api-direct-interaction/). - If I(trust_password) is set, this module send a request for authentication before sending any requests. type: str state: description: Filter the container according to the current status. type: str default: none choices: [ 'STOPPED', 'STARTING', 'RUNNING', 'none' ] prefered_container_network_interface: description: - If a container has multiple network interfaces, select which one is the prefered as pattern. - Combined with the first number that can be found e.g. 'eth' + 0. type: str default: eth prefered_container_network_family: description: - If a container has multiple network interfaces, which one is the prefered by family. - Specify C(inet) for IPv4 and C(inet6) for IPv6. type: str default: inet choices: [ 'inet', 'inet6' ] groupby: description: - Create groups by the following keywords C(location), C(pattern), C(network_range), C(os), C(release), C(profile), C(vlanid). - See example for syntax. type: dict ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # simple lxd.yml plugin: community.general.lxd url: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket # simple lxd.yml including filter plugin: community.general.lxd url: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket state: RUNNING # grouping lxd.yml groupby: testpattern: type: pattern attribute: test vlan666: type: vlanid attribute: 666 locationBerlin: type: location attribute: Berlin osUbuntu: type: os attribute: ubuntu releaseFocal: type: release attribute: focal releaseBionic: type: release attribute: bionic profileDefault: type: profile attribute: default profileX11: type: profile attribute: x11 netRangeIPv4: type: network_range attribute: netRangeIPv6: type: network_range attribute: fd42:bd00:7b11:2167:216:3eff::/24 ''' import binascii import json import re import time import os import socket from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text from ansible.module_utils.common.dict_transformations import dict_merge from ansible.module_utils.six import raise_from from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.lxd import LXDClient, LXDClientException try: import ipaddress except ImportError as exc: IPADDRESS_IMPORT_ERROR = exc else: IPADDRESS_IMPORT_ERROR = None class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin): DEBUG = 4 NAME = 'community.general.lxd' SNAP_SOCKET_URL = 'unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket' SOCKET_URL = 'unix:/var/lib/lxd/unix.socket' @staticmethod def load_json_data(path): """Load json data Load json data from file Args: list(path): Path elements str(file_name): Filename of data Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: dict(json_data): json data""" try: with open(path, 'r') as json_file: return json.load(json_file) except (IOError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError) as err: raise AnsibleParserError('Could not load the test data from {0}: {1}'.format(to_native(path), to_native(err))) def save_json_data(self, path, file_name=None): """save data as json Save data as json file Args: list(path): Path elements str(file_name): Filename of data Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" if file_name: path.append(file_name) else: prefix = 'lxd_data-' time_stamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') suffix = '.atd' path.append(prefix + time_stamp + suffix) try: cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, *path)), 'w') as json_file: json.dump(self.data, json_file) except IOError as err: raise AnsibleParserError('Could not save data: {0}'.format(to_native(err))) def verify_file(self, path): """Check the config Return true/false if the config-file is valid for this plugin Args: str(path): path to the config Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: bool(valid): is valid""" valid = False if super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(path): if path.endswith(('lxd.yaml', 'lxd.yml')): valid = True else: self.display.vvv('Inventory source not ending in "lxd.yaml" or "lxd.yml"') return valid @staticmethod def validate_url(url): """validate url check whether the url is correctly formatted Args: url Kwargs: None Raises: AnsibleError Returns: bool""" if not isinstance(url, str): return False if not url.startswith(('unix:', 'https:')): raise AnsibleError('URL is malformed: {0}'.format(to_native(url))) return True def _connect_to_socket(self): """connect to lxd socket Connect to lxd socket by provided url or defaults Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: AnsibleError Returns: None""" error_storage = {} url_list = [self.get_option('url'), self.SNAP_SOCKET_URL, self.SOCKET_URL] urls = (url for url in url_list if self.validate_url(url)) for url in urls: try: socket_connection = LXDClient(url, self.client_key, self.client_cert, self.debug) return socket_connection except LXDClientException as err: error_storage[url] = err raise AnsibleError('No connection to the socket: {0}'.format(to_native(error_storage))) def _get_networks(self): """Get Networknames Returns all network config names Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: list(names): names of all network_configs""" # e.g. {'type': 'sync', # 'status': 'Success', # 'status_code': 200, # 'operation': '', # 'error_code': 0, # 'error': '', # 'metadata': ['/1.0/networks/lxdbr0']} network_configs = self.socket.do('GET', '/1.0/networks') return [m.split('/')[3] for m in network_configs['metadata']] def _get_containers(self): """Get Containernames Returns all containernames Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: list(names): names of all containers""" # e.g. {'type': 'sync', # 'status': 'Success', # 'status_code': 200, # 'operation': '', # 'error_code': 0, # 'error': '', # 'metadata': ['/1.0/containers/udemy-ansible-ubuntu-2004']} containers = self.socket.do('GET', '/1.0/containers') return [m.split('/')[3] for m in containers['metadata']] def _get_config(self, branch, name): """Get inventory of container Get config of container Args: str(branch): Name oft the API-Branch str(name): Name of Container Kwargs: None Source: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/rest-api.md Raises: None Returns: dict(config): Config of the container""" config = {} if isinstance(branch, (tuple, list)): config[name] = {branch[1]: self.socket.do('GET', '/1.0/{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(to_native(branch[0]), to_native(name), to_native(branch[1])))} else: config[name] = {branch: self.socket.do('GET', '/1.0/{0}/{1}'.format(to_native(branch), to_native(name)))} return config def get_container_data(self, names): """Create Inventory of the container Iterate through the different branches of the containers and collect Informations. Args: list(names): List of container names Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # tuple(('instances','metadata/templates')) to get section in branch # e.g. /1.0/instances//metadata/templates branches = ['containers', ('instances', 'state')] container_config = {} for branch in branches: for name in names: container_config['containers'] = self._get_config(branch, name) self.data = dict_merge(container_config, self.data) def get_network_data(self, names): """Create Inventory of the container Iterate through the different branches of the containers and collect Informations. Args: list(names): List of container names Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # tuple(('instances','metadata/templates')) to get section in branch # e.g. /1.0/instances//metadata/templates branches = [('networks', 'state')] network_config = {} for branch in branches: for name in names: try: network_config['networks'] = self._get_config(branch, name) except LXDClientException: network_config['networks'] = {name: None} self.data = dict_merge(network_config, self.data) def extract_network_information_from_container_config(self, container_name): """Returns the network interface configuration Returns the network ipv4 and ipv6 config of the container without local-link Args: str(container_name): Name oft he container Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: dict(network_configuration): network config""" container_network_interfaces = self._get_data_entry('containers/{0}/state/metadata/network'.format(container_name)) network_configuration = None if container_network_interfaces: network_configuration = {} gen_interface_names = [interface_name for interface_name in container_network_interfaces if interface_name != 'lo'] for interface_name in gen_interface_names: gen_address = [address for address in container_network_interfaces[interface_name]['addresses'] if address.get('scope') != 'link'] network_configuration[interface_name] = [] for address in gen_address: address_set = {} address_set['family'] = address.get('family') address_set['address'] = address.get('address') address_set['netmask'] = address.get('netmask') address_set['combined'] = address.get('address') + '/' + address.get('netmask') network_configuration[interface_name].append(address_set) return network_configuration def get_prefered_container_network_interface(self, container_name): """Helper to get the prefered interface of thr container Helper to get the prefered interface provide by neme pattern from 'prefered_container_network_interface'. Args: str(containe_name): name of container Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: str(prefered_interface): None or interface name""" container_network_interfaces = self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/network_interfaces'.format(container_name)) prefered_interface = None # init if container_network_interfaces: # container have network interfaces # generator if interfaces which start with the desired pattern net_generator = [interface for interface in container_network_interfaces if interface.startswith(self.prefered_container_network_interface)] selected_interfaces = [] # init for interface in net_generator: selected_interfaces.append(interface) if len(selected_interfaces) > 0: prefered_interface = sorted(selected_interfaces)[0] return prefered_interface def get_container_vlans(self, container_name): """Get VLAN(s) from container Helper to get the VLAN_ID from the container Args: str(containe_name): name of container Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # get network device configuration and store {network: vlan_id} network_vlans = {} for network in self._get_data_entry('networks'): if self._get_data_entry('state/metadata/vlan/vid', data=self.data['networks'].get(network)): network_vlans[network] = self._get_data_entry('state/metadata/vlan/vid', data=self.data['networks'].get(network)) # get networkdevices of container and return # e.g. # "eth0":{ "name":"eth0", # "network":"lxdbr0", # "type":"nic"}, vlan_ids = {} devices = self._get_data_entry('containers/{0}/containers/metadata/expanded_devices'.format(to_native(container_name))) for device in devices: if 'network' in devices[device]: if devices[device]['network'] in network_vlans: vlan_ids[devices[device].get('network')] = network_vlans[devices[device].get('network')] return vlan_ids if vlan_ids else None def _get_data_entry(self, path, data=None, delimiter='/'): """Helper to get data Helper to get data from self.data by a path like 'path/to/target' Attention: Escaping of the delimiter is not (yet) provided. Args: str(path): path to nested dict Kwargs: dict(data): datastore str(delimiter): delimiter in Path. Raises: None Returns: *(value)""" try: if not data: data = self.data if delimiter in path: path = path.split(delimiter) if isinstance(path, list) and len(path) > 1: data = data[path.pop(0)] path = delimiter.join(path) return self._get_data_entry(path, data, delimiter) # recursion return data[path] except KeyError: return None def _set_data_entry(self, container_name, key, value, path=None): """Helper to save data Helper to save the data in self.data Detect if data is allready in branch and use dict_merge() to prevent that branch is overwritten. Args: str(container_name): name of container str(key): same as dict *(value): same as dict Kwargs: str(path): path to branch-part Raises: AnsibleParserError Returns: None""" if not path: path = self.data['inventory'] if container_name not in path: path[container_name] = {} try: if isinstance(value, dict) and key in path[container_name]: path[container_name] = dict_merge(value, path[container_name][key]) else: path[container_name][key] = value except KeyError as err: raise AnsibleParserError("Unable to store Informations: {0}".format(to_native(err))) def extract_information_from_container_configs(self): """Process configuration information Preparation of the data Args: dict(configs): Container configurations Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # create branch "inventory" if 'inventory' not in self.data: self.data['inventory'] = {} for container_name in self.data['containers']: self._set_data_entry(container_name, 'os', self._get_data_entry( 'containers/{0}/containers/metadata/config/image.os'.format(container_name))) self._set_data_entry(container_name, 'release', self._get_data_entry( 'containers/{0}/containers/metadata/config/image.release'.format(container_name))) self._set_data_entry(container_name, 'version', self._get_data_entry( 'containers/{0}/containers/metadata/config/image.version'.format(container_name))) self._set_data_entry(container_name, 'profile', self._get_data_entry( 'containers/{0}/containers/metadata/profiles'.format(container_name))) self._set_data_entry(container_name, 'location', self._get_data_entry( 'containers/{0}/containers/metadata/location'.format(container_name))) self._set_data_entry(container_name, 'state', self._get_data_entry( 'containers/{0}/containers/metadata/config/volatile.last_state.power'.format(container_name))) self._set_data_entry(container_name, 'network_interfaces', self.extract_network_information_from_container_config(container_name)) self._set_data_entry(container_name, 'preferred_interface', self.get_prefered_container_network_interface(container_name)) self._set_data_entry(container_name, 'vlan_ids', self.get_container_vlans(container_name)) def build_inventory_network(self, container_name): """Add the network interfaces of the container to the inventory Logic: - if the container have no interface -> 'ansible_connection: local' - get preferred_interface & prefered_container_network_family -> 'ansible_connection: ssh' & 'ansible_host: ' - first Interface from: network_interfaces prefered_container_network_family -> 'ansible_connection: ssh' & 'ansible_host: ' Args: str(container_name): name of container Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" def interface_selection(container_name): """Select container Interface for inventory Logic: - get preferred_interface & prefered_container_network_family -> str(IP) - first Interface from: network_interfaces prefered_container_network_family -> str(IP) Args: str(container_name): name of container Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: dict(interface_name: ip)""" prefered_interface = self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/preferred_interface'.format(container_name)) # name or None prefered_container_network_family = self.prefered_container_network_family ip_address = '' if prefered_interface: interface = self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/network_interfaces/{1}'.format(container_name, prefered_interface)) for config in interface: if config['family'] == prefered_container_network_family: ip_address = config['address'] break else: interface = self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/network_interfaces'.format(container_name)) for config in interface: if config['family'] == prefered_container_network_family: ip_address = config['address'] break return ip_address if self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/network_interfaces'.format(container_name)): # container have network interfaces if self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/preferred_interface'.format(container_name)): # container have a preferred interface self.inventory.set_variable(container_name, 'ansible_connection', 'ssh') self.inventory.set_variable(container_name, 'ansible_host', interface_selection(container_name)) else: self.inventory.set_variable(container_name, 'ansible_connection', 'local') def build_inventory_hosts(self): """Build host-part dynamic inventory Build the host-part of the dynamic inventory. Add Hosts and host_vars to the inventory. Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" for container_name in self.data['inventory']: # Only consider containers that match the "state" filter, if self.state is not None if self.filter: if self.filter.lower() != self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/state'.format(container_name)).lower(): continue # add container self.inventory.add_host(container_name) # add network informations self.build_inventory_network(container_name) # add os self.inventory.set_variable(container_name, 'ansible_lxd_os', self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/os'.format(container_name)).lower()) # add release self.inventory.set_variable(container_name, 'ansible_lxd_release', self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/release'.format(container_name)).lower()) # add profile self.inventory.set_variable(container_name, 'ansible_lxd_profile', self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/profile'.format(container_name))) # add state self.inventory.set_variable(container_name, 'ansible_lxd_state', self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/state'.format(container_name)).lower()) # add location information if self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/location'.format(container_name)) != "none": # wrong type by lxd 'none' != 'None' self.inventory.set_variable(container_name, 'ansible_lxd_location', self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/location'.format(container_name))) # add VLAN_ID information if self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/vlan_ids'.format(container_name)): self.inventory.set_variable(container_name, 'ansible_lxd_vlan_ids', self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/vlan_ids'.format(container_name))) def build_inventory_groups_location(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: location Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) for container_name in self.inventory.hosts: if 'ansible_lxd_location' in self.inventory.get_host(container_name).get_vars(): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, container_name) def build_inventory_groups_pattern(self, group_name): """create group by name pattern Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) regex_pattern = self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute') for container_name in self.inventory.hosts: result = re.search(regex_pattern, container_name) if result: self.inventory.add_child(group_name, container_name) def build_inventory_groups_network_range(self, group_name): """check if IP is in network-class Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) try: network = ipaddress.ip_network(to_text(self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute'))) except ValueError as err: raise AnsibleParserError( 'Error while parsing network range {0}: {1}'.format(self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute'), to_native(err))) for container_name in self.inventory.hosts: if self.data['inventory'][container_name].get('network_interfaces') is not None: for interface in self.data['inventory'][container_name].get('network_interfaces'): for interface_family in self.data['inventory'][container_name].get('network_interfaces')[interface]: try: address = ipaddress.ip_address(to_text(interface_family['address'])) if address.version == network.version and address in network: self.inventory.add_child(group_name, container_name) except ValueError: # Ignore invalid IP addresses returned by lxd pass def build_inventory_groups_os(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: os Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: Noneself.data['inventory'][container_name][interface] Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) gen_containers = [ container_name for container_name in self.inventory.hosts if 'ansible_lxd_os' in self.inventory.get_host(container_name).get_vars()] for container_name in gen_containers: if self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute').lower() == self.inventory.get_host(container_name).get_vars().get('ansible_lxd_os'): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, container_name) def build_inventory_groups_release(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: release Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) gen_containers = [ container_name for container_name in self.inventory.hosts if 'ansible_lxd_release' in self.inventory.get_host(container_name).get_vars()] for container_name in gen_containers: if self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute').lower() == self.inventory.get_host(container_name).get_vars().get('ansible_lxd_release'): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, container_name) def build_inventory_groups_profile(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: profile Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) gen_containers = [ container_name for container_name in self.inventory.hosts.keys() if 'ansible_lxd_profile' in self.inventory.get_host(container_name).get_vars().keys()] for container_name in gen_containers: if self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute').lower() in self.inventory.get_host(container_name).get_vars().get('ansible_lxd_profile'): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, container_name) def build_inventory_groups_vlanid(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: vlanid Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) gen_containers = [ container_name for container_name in self.inventory.hosts.keys() if 'ansible_lxd_vlan_ids' in self.inventory.get_host(container_name).get_vars().keys()] for container_name in gen_containers: if self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute') in self.inventory.get_host(container_name).get_vars().get('ansible_lxd_vlan_ids').values(): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, container_name) def build_inventory_groups(self): """Build group-part dynamic inventory Build the group-part of the dynamic inventory. Add groups to the inventory. Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" def group_type(group_name): """create groups defined by lxd.yml or defaultvalues create groups defined by lxd.yml or defaultvalues supportetd: * 'location' * 'pattern' * 'network_range' * 'os' * 'release' * 'profile' * 'vlanid' Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # Due to the compatibility with python 2 no use of map if self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'location': self.build_inventory_groups_location(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'pattern': self.build_inventory_groups_pattern(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'network_range': self.build_inventory_groups_network_range(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'os': self.build_inventory_groups_os(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'release': self.build_inventory_groups_release(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'profile': self.build_inventory_groups_profile(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'vlanid': self.build_inventory_groups_vlanid(group_name) else: raise AnsibleParserError('Unknown group type: {0}'.format(to_native(group_name))) if self.groupby: for group_name in self.groupby: if not group_name.isalnum(): raise AnsibleParserError('Invalid character(s) in groupname: {0}'.format(to_native(group_name))) group_type(group_name) def build_inventory(self): """Build dynamic inventory Build the dynamic inventory. Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" self.build_inventory_hosts() self.build_inventory_groups() def _populate(self): """Return the hosts and groups Returns the processed container configurations from the lxd import Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" if len(self.data) == 0: # If no data is injected by unittests open socket self.socket = self._connect_to_socket() self.get_container_data(self._get_containers()) self.get_network_data(self._get_networks()) self.extract_information_from_container_configs() # self.display.vvv(self.save_json_data([os.path.abspath(__file__)])) self.build_inventory() def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache): """Return dynamic inventory from source Returns the processed inventory from the lxd import Args: str(inventory): inventory object with existing data and the methods to add hosts/groups/variables to inventory str(loader): Ansible's DataLoader str(path): path to the config bool(cache): use or avoid caches Kwargs: None Raises: AnsibleParserError Returns: None""" if IPADDRESS_IMPORT_ERROR: raise_from( AnsibleError('another_library must be installed to use this plugin'), IPADDRESS_IMPORT_ERROR) super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path, cache=False) # Read the inventory YAML file self._read_config_data(path) try: self.client_key = self.get_option('client_key') self.client_cert = self.get_option('client_cert') self.debug = self.DEBUG self.data = {} # store for inventory-data self.groupby = self.get_option('groupby') self.plugin = self.get_option('plugin') self.prefered_container_network_family = self.get_option('prefered_container_network_family') self.prefered_container_network_interface = self.get_option('prefered_container_network_interface') if self.get_option('state').lower() == 'none': # none in config is str() self.filter = None else: self.filter = self.get_option('state').lower() self.trust_password = self.get_option('trust_password') self.url = self.get_option('url') except Exception as err: raise AnsibleParserError( 'All correct options required: {0}'.format(to_native(err))) # Call our internal helper to populate the dynamic inventory self._populate()