#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2017, Joseph Benden # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' module: xfconf author: - "Joseph Benden (@jbenden)" - "Alexei Znamensky (@russoz)" short_description: Edit XFCE4 Configurations description: - This module allows for the manipulation of Xfce 4 Configuration via xfconf-query. Please see the xfconf-query(1) man pages for more details. options: channel: description: - A Xfconf preference channel is a top-level tree key, inside of the Xfconf repository that corresponds to the location for which all application properties/keys are stored. See man xfconf-query(1) required: yes type: str property: description: - A Xfce preference key is an element in the Xfconf repository that corresponds to an application preference. See man xfconf-query(1) required: yes type: str value: description: - Preference properties typically have simple values such as strings, integers, or lists of strings and integers. This is ignored if the state is "get". For array mode, use a list of values. See man xfconf-query(1) type: list elements: raw value_type: description: - The type of value being set. This is ignored if the state is "get". For array mode, use a list of types. type: list elements: str choices: [ int, uint, bool, float, double, string ] state: description: - The action to take upon the property/value. choices: [ get, present, absent ] default: "present" force_array: description: - Force array even if only one element type: bool default: 'no' aliases: ['array'] version_added: 1.0.0 ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: Change the DPI to "192" xfconf: channel: "xsettings" property: "/Xft/DPI" value_type: "int" value: "192" - name: Set workspace names (4) xfconf: channel: xfwm4 property: /general/workspace_names value_type: string value: ['Main', 'Work1', 'Work2', 'Tmp'] - name: Set workspace names (1) xfconf: channel: xfwm4 property: /general/workspace_names value_type: string value: ['Main'] force_array: yes """ RETURN = ''' channel: description: The channel specified in the module parameters returned: success type: str sample: "xsettings" property: description: The property specified in the module parameters returned: success type: str sample: "/Xft/DPI" value_type: description: The type of the value that was changed returned: success type: str sample: "int" value: description: The value of the preference key after executing the module returned: success type: str sample: "192" previous_value: description: The value of the preference key before executing the module (None for "get" state). returned: success type: str sample: "96" ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote class XfConfException(Exception): pass class XfConfProperty(object): SET = "present" GET = "get" RESET = "absent" VALID_STATES = (SET, GET, RESET) VALID_VALUE_TYPES = ('int', 'uint', 'bool', 'float', 'double', 'string') previous_value = None is_array = None def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.channel = module.params['channel'] self.property = module.params['property'] self.value_type = module.params['value_type'] self.value = module.params['value'] self.force_array = module.params['force_array'] self.cmd = "{0} --channel {1} --property {2}".format( module.get_bin_path('xfconf-query', True), shlex_quote(self.channel), shlex_quote(self.property) ) self.method_map = dict(zip((self.SET, self.GET, self.RESET), (self.set, self.get, self.reset))) self.does_not = 'Property "{0}" does not exist on channel "{1}".'.format(self.property, self.channel) def run(cmd): return module.run_command(cmd, check_rc=False) self._run = run def _execute_xfconf_query(self, args=None): try: cmd = self.cmd if args: cmd = "{0} {1}".format(cmd, args) self.module.debug("Running cmd={0}".format(cmd)) rc, out, err = self._run(cmd) if err.rstrip() == self.does_not: return None if rc or len(err): raise XfConfException('xfconf-query failed with error (rc={0}): {1}'.format(rc, err)) return out.rstrip() except OSError as exception: XfConfException('xfconf-query failed with exception: {0}'.format(exception)) def get(self): previous_value = self._execute_xfconf_query() if previous_value is None: return if "Value is an array with" in previous_value: previous_value = previous_value.split("\n") previous_value.pop(0) previous_value.pop(0) return previous_value def reset(self): self._execute_xfconf_query("--reset") return None @staticmethod def _fix_bool(value): if value.lower() in ("true", "false"): value = value.lower() return value def _make_value_args(self, value, value_type): if value_type == 'bool': value = self._fix_bool(value) return " --type '{1}' --set '{0}'".format(shlex_quote(value), shlex_quote(value_type)) def set(self): args = "--create" if self.is_array: args += " --force-array" for v in zip(self.value, self.value_type): args += self._make_value_args(*v) else: args += self._make_value_args(self.value, self.value_type) self._execute_xfconf_query(args) return self.value def call(self, state): return self.method_map[state]() def sanitize(self): self.previous_value = self.get() if self.value is None and self.value_type is None: return if (self.value is None) ^ (self.value_type is None): raise XfConfException('Must set both "value" and "value_type"') # stringify all values - in the CLI they will all be happy strings anyway # and by doing this here the rest of the code can be agnostic to it self.value = [str(v) for v in self.value] values_len = len(self.value) types_len = len(self.value_type) if types_len == 1: # use one single type for the entire list self.value_type = self.value_type * values_len elif types_len != values_len: # or complain if lists' lengths are different raise XfConfException('Same number of "value" and "value_type" needed') # fix boolean values self.value = [self._fix_bool(v[0]) if v[1] == 'bool' else v[0] for v in zip(self.value, self.value_type)] # calculates if it is an array self.is_array = self.force_array or isinstance(self.previous_value, list) or values_len > 1 if not self.is_array: self.value = self.value[0] self.value_type = self.value_type[0] def main(): facts_name = "xfconf" # Setup the Ansible module module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( state=dict(default=XfConfProperty.SET, choices=XfConfProperty.VALID_STATES, type='str'), channel=dict(required=True, type='str'), property=dict(required=True, type='str'), value_type=dict(required=False, type='list', elements='str', choices=XfConfProperty.VALID_VALUE_TYPES), value=dict(required=False, type='list', elements='raw'), force_array=dict(default=False, type='bool', aliases=['array']), ), required_if=[ ('state', XfConfProperty.SET, ['value', 'value_type']) ], supports_check_mode=True ) # Force language to 'C' to ensure return values are always formatted in english, even in non-english environments module.run_command_environ_update = dict(LANGUAGE='C') state = module.params['state'] try: # Create a Xfconf preference xfconf = XfConfProperty(module) xfconf.sanitize() previous_value = xfconf.get() facts = { facts_name: dict( channel=xfconf.channel, property=xfconf.property, value_type=xfconf.value_type, value=previous_value, ) } if state == XfConfProperty.GET \ or (previous_value is not None and (state, set(previous_value)) == (XfConfProperty.SET, set(xfconf.value))): module.exit_json(changed=False, ansible_facts=facts) return # If check mode, we know a change would have occurred. if module.check_mode: new_value = xfconf.value else: new_value = xfconf.call(state) facts[facts_name].update(value=new_value, previous_value=previous_value) module.exit_json(changed=True, ansible_facts=facts) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="Failed with exception: {0}".format(e)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()