--- - block: - name: Create random network name set_fact: nname: "{{ 'ansible-test-%0x' % ((2**32) | random) }}" - name: Make sure network is not there docker_network: name: "{{ nname }}" state: absent force: yes - name: Inspect a non-present network docker_network_info: name: "{{ nname }}" register: result - assert: that: - "not result.exists" - "'network' in result" - "result.network is none" - name: Make sure network exists docker_network: name: "{{ nname }}" state: present - name: Inspect a present network docker_network_info: name: "{{ nname }}" register: result - name: Dump docker_network_info result debug: var=result - name: "Comparison: use 'docker network inspect'" command: docker network inspect "{{ nname }}" register: docker_inspect - set_fact: docker_inspect_result: "{{ docker_inspect.stdout | from_json }}" - name: Dump docker inspect result debug: var=docker_inspect_result - name: Cleanup docker_network: name: "{{ nname }}" state: absent force: yes - assert: that: - result.exists - "'network' in result" - "result.network" - "result.network == docker_inspect_result[0]" when: docker_py_version is version('1.8.0', '>=') and docker_api_version is version('1.21', '>=') - fail: msg="Too old docker / docker-py version to run docker_network_info tests!" when: not(docker_py_version is version('1.8.0', '>=') and docker_api_version is version('1.21', '>=')) and (ansible_distribution != 'CentOS' or ansible_distribution_major_version|int > 6)