#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2017, Google Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: gcspanner short_description: Create and Delete Instances/Databases on Spanner description: - Create and Delete Instances/Databases on Spanner. See U(https://cloud.google.com/spanner/docs) for an overview. requirements: - python >= 2.6 - google-auth >= 0.5.0 - google-cloud-spanner >= 0.23.0 notes: - Changing the configuration on an existing instance is not supported. deprecated: removed_in: "2.12" why: Updated modules released with increased functionality alternative: Use M(gcp_spanner_database) and/or M(gcp_spanner_instance) instead. author: - Tom Melendez (@supertom) options: configuration: description: - Configuration the instance should use. - Examples are us-central1, asia-east1 and europe-west1. required: yes instance_id: description: - GCP spanner instance name. required: yes database_name: description: - Name of database contained on the instance. force_instance_delete: description: - To delete an instance, this argument must exist and be true (along with state being equal to absent). type: bool default: 'no' instance_display_name: description: - Name of Instance to display. - If not specified, instance_id will be used instead. node_count: description: - Number of nodes in the instance. default: 1 state: description: - State of the instance or database. Applies to the most granular resource. - If a C(database_name) is specified we remove it. - If only C(instance_id) is specified, that is what is removed. choices: [ absent, present ] default: present ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Create instance gcspanner: instance_id: '{{ instance_id }}' configuration: '{{ configuration }}' state: present node_count: 1 - name: Create database gcspanner: instance_id: '{{ instance_id }}' configuration: '{{ configuration }}' database_name: '{{ database_name }}' state: present - name: Delete instance (and all databases) - gcspanner: instance_id: '{{ instance_id }}' configuration: '{{ configuration }}' state: absent force_instance_delete: yes ''' RETURN = ''' state: description: The state of the instance or database. Value will be either 'absent' or 'present'. returned: Always type: str sample: "present" database_name: description: Name of database. returned: When database name is specified type: str sample: "mydatabase" instance_id: description: Name of instance. returned: Always type: str sample: "myinstance" previous_values: description: List of dictionaries containing previous values prior to update. returned: When an instance update has occurred and a field has been modified. type: dict sample: "'previous_values': { 'instance': { 'instance_display_name': 'my-instance', 'node_count': 1 } }" updated: description: Boolean field to denote an update has occurred. returned: When an update has occurred. type: bool sample: True ''' try: from ast import literal_eval HAS_PYTHON26 = True except ImportError: HAS_PYTHON26 = False try: from google.cloud import spanner from google.gax.errors import GaxError HAS_GOOGLE_CLOUD_SPANNER = True except ImportError as e: HAS_GOOGLE_CLOUD_SPANNER = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.gcp import check_min_pkg_version, get_google_cloud_credentials from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types CLOUD_CLIENT = 'google-cloud-spanner' CLOUD_CLIENT_MINIMUM_VERSION = '0.23.0' CLOUD_CLIENT_USER_AGENT = 'ansible-spanner-0.1' def get_spanner_configuration_name(config_name, project_name): config_name = 'projects/%s/instanceConfigs/regional-%s' % (project_name, config_name) return config_name def instance_update(instance): """ Call update method on spanner client. Note: A ValueError exception is thrown despite the client succeeding. So, we validate the node_count and instance_display_name parameters and then ignore the ValueError exception. :param instance: a Spanner instance object :type instance: class `google.cloud.spanner.Instance` :returns True on success, raises ValueError on type error. :rtype ``bool`` """ errmsg = '' if not isinstance(instance.node_count, int): errmsg = 'node_count must be an integer %s (%s)' % ( instance.node_count, type(instance.node_count)) if instance.display_name and not isinstance(instance.display_name, string_types): errmsg = 'instance_display_name must be an string %s (%s)' % ( instance.display_name, type(instance.display_name)) if errmsg: raise ValueError(errmsg) try: instance.update() except ValueError: # The ValueError here is the one we 'expect'. pass return True def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( instance_id=dict(type='str', required=True), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), database_name=dict(type='str'), configuration=dict(type='str', required=True), node_count=dict(type='int', default=1), instance_display_name=dict(type='str'), force_instance_delete=dict(type='bool', default=False), service_account_email=dict(type='str'), credentials_file=dict(type='str'), project_id=dict(type='str'), ), ) if not HAS_PYTHON26: module.fail_json( msg="GCE module requires python's 'ast' module, python v2.6+") if not HAS_GOOGLE_CLOUD_SPANNER: module.fail_json(msg="Please install google-cloud-spanner.") if not check_min_pkg_version(CLOUD_CLIENT, CLOUD_CLIENT_MINIMUM_VERSION): module.fail_json(msg="Please install %s client version %s" % (CLOUD_CLIENT, CLOUD_CLIENT_MINIMUM_VERSION)) mod_params = {} mod_params['state'] = module.params.get('state') mod_params['instance_id'] = module.params.get('instance_id') mod_params['database_name'] = module.params.get('database_name') mod_params['configuration'] = module.params.get('configuration') mod_params['node_count'] = module.params.get('node_count', None) mod_params['instance_display_name'] = module.params.get('instance_display_name') mod_params['force_instance_delete'] = module.params.get('force_instance_delete') creds, params = get_google_cloud_credentials(module) spanner_client = spanner.Client(project=params['project_id'], credentials=creds, user_agent=CLOUD_CLIENT_USER_AGENT) changed = False json_output = {} i = None if mod_params['instance_id']: config_name = get_spanner_configuration_name( mod_params['configuration'], params['project_id']) i = spanner_client.instance(mod_params['instance_id'], configuration_name=config_name) d = None if mod_params['database_name']: # TODO(supertom): support DDL ddl_statements = '' d = i.database(mod_params['database_name'], ddl_statements) if mod_params['state'] == 'absent': # Remove the most granular resource. If database is specified # we remove it. If only instance is specified, that is what is removed. if d is not None and d.exists(): d.drop() changed = True else: if i.exists(): if mod_params['force_instance_delete']: i.delete() else: module.fail_json( msg=(("Cannot delete Spanner instance: " "'force_instance_delete' argument not specified"))) changed = True elif mod_params['state'] == 'present': if not i.exists(): i = spanner_client.instance(mod_params['instance_id'], configuration_name=config_name, display_name=mod_params['instance_display_name'], node_count=mod_params['node_count'] or 1) i.create() changed = True else: # update instance i.reload() inst_prev_vals = {} if i.display_name != mod_params['instance_display_name']: inst_prev_vals['instance_display_name'] = i.display_name i.display_name = mod_params['instance_display_name'] if mod_params['node_count']: if i.node_count != mod_params['node_count']: inst_prev_vals['node_count'] = i.node_count i.node_count = mod_params['node_count'] if inst_prev_vals: changed = instance_update(i) json_output['updated'] = changed json_output['previous_values'] = {'instance': inst_prev_vals} if d: if not d.exists(): d.create() d.reload() changed = True json_output['changed'] = changed json_output.update(mod_params) module.exit_json(**json_output) if __name__ == '__main__': main()