# Copyright (c) 2016 Matt Davis, # Chris Houseknecht, # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) import os import re import types import copy import inspect import traceback from os.path import expanduser from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser import ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse try: from ansible.release import __version__ as ANSIBLE_VERSION except ImportError: ANSIBLE_VERSION = 'unknown' AZURE_COMMON_ARGS = dict( auth_source=dict( type='str', choices=['auto', 'cli', 'env', 'credential_file', 'msi'] ), profile=dict(type='str'), subscription_id=dict(type='str', no_log=True), client_id=dict(type='str', no_log=True), secret=dict(type='str', no_log=True), tenant=dict(type='str', no_log=True), ad_user=dict(type='str', no_log=True), password=dict(type='str', no_log=True), cloud_environment=dict(type='str'), cert_validation_mode=dict(type='str', choices=['validate', 'ignore']), api_profile=dict(type='str', default='latest') # debug=dict(type='bool', default=False), ) AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING = dict( profile='AZURE_PROFILE', subscription_id='AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID', client_id='AZURE_CLIENT_ID', secret='AZURE_SECRET', tenant='AZURE_TENANT', ad_user='AZURE_AD_USER', password='AZURE_PASSWORD', cloud_environment='AZURE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT', cert_validation_mode='AZURE_CERT_VALIDATION_MODE', ) # FUTURE: this should come from the SDK or an external location. # For now, we have to copy from azure-cli AZURE_API_PROFILES = { 'latest': { 'ContainerInstanceManagementClient': '2018-02-01-preview', 'ComputeManagementClient': dict( default_api_version='2017-12-01', resource_skus='2017-09-01', disks='2017-03-30', snapshots='2017-03-30', virtual_machine_run_commands='2017-03-30' ), 'NetworkManagementClient': '2017-11-01', 'ResourceManagementClient': '2017-05-10', 'StorageManagementClient': '2017-10-01' }, '2017-03-09-profile': { 'ComputeManagementClient': '2016-03-30', 'NetworkManagementClient': '2015-06-15', 'ResourceManagementClient': '2016-02-01', 'StorageManagementClient': '2016-01-01' } } AZURE_TAG_ARGS = dict( tags=dict(type='dict'), append_tags=dict(type='bool', default=True), ) AZURE_COMMON_REQUIRED_IF = [ ('log_mode', 'file', ['log_path']) ] ANSIBLE_USER_AGENT = 'Ansible/{0}'.format(ANSIBLE_VERSION) CLOUDSHELL_USER_AGENT_KEY = 'AZURE_HTTP_USER_AGENT' VSCODEEXT_USER_AGENT_KEY = 'VSCODEEXT_USER_AGENT' CIDR_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1" r"[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))") AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE = "Succeeded" AZURE_FAILED_STATE = "Failed" HAS_AZURE = True HAS_AZURE_EXC = None HAS_AZURE_CLI_CORE = True HAS_MSRESTAZURE = True HAS_MSRESTAZURE_EXC = None try: import importlib except ImportError: # This passes the sanity import test, but does not provide a user friendly error message. # Doing so would require catching Exception for all imports of Azure dependencies in modules and module_utils. importlib = None try: from packaging.version import Version HAS_PACKAGING_VERSION = True HAS_PACKAGING_VERSION_EXC = None except ImportError as exc: Version = None HAS_PACKAGING_VERSION = False HAS_PACKAGING_VERSION_EXC = exc # NB: packaging issue sometimes cause msrestazure not to be installed, check it separately try: from msrest.serialization import Serializer except ImportError as exc: HAS_MSRESTAZURE_EXC = exc HAS_MSRESTAZURE = False try: from enum import Enum from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError from msrestazure.azure_active_directory import MSIAuthentication from msrestazure.tools import resource_id, is_valid_resource_id from msrestazure import azure_cloud from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials, UserPassCredentials from azure.mgmt.network.version import VERSION as network_client_version from azure.mgmt.storage.version import VERSION as storage_client_version from azure.mgmt.compute.version import VERSION as compute_client_version from azure.mgmt.resource.version import VERSION as resource_client_version from azure.mgmt.dns.version import VERSION as dns_client_version from azure.mgmt.web.version import VERSION as web_client_version from azure.mgmt.network import NetworkManagementClient from azure.mgmt.resource.resources import ResourceManagementClient from azure.mgmt.resource.subscriptions import SubscriptionClient from azure.mgmt.storage import StorageManagementClient from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient from azure.mgmt.dns import DnsManagementClient from azure.mgmt.web import WebSiteManagementClient from azure.mgmt.containerservice import ContainerServiceClient from azure.storage.cloudstorageaccount import CloudStorageAccount except ImportError as exc: HAS_AZURE_EXC = exc HAS_AZURE = False try: from azure.cli.core.util import CLIError from azure.common.credentials import get_azure_cli_credentials, get_cli_profile from azure.common.cloud import get_cli_active_cloud except ImportError: HAS_AZURE_CLI_CORE = False CLIError = Exception def azure_id_to_dict(id): pieces = re.sub(r'^\/', '', id).split('/') result = {} index = 0 while index < len(pieces) - 1: result[pieces[index]] = pieces[index + 1] index += 1 return result def format_resource_id(val, subscription_id, namespace, types, resource_group): return resource_id(name=val, resource_group=resource_group, namespace=namespace, type=types, subscription=subscription_id) if not is_valid_resource_id(val) else val # FUTURE: either get this from the requirements file (if we can be sure it's always available at runtime) # or generate the requirements files from this so we only have one source of truth to maintain... AZURE_PKG_VERSIONS = { 'StorageManagementClient': { 'package_name': 'storage', 'expected_version': '1.5.0' }, 'ComputeManagementClient': { 'package_name': 'compute', 'expected_version': '2.0.0' }, 'ContainerInstanceManagementClient': { 'package_name': 'containerinstance', 'expected_version': '0.3.1' }, 'NetworkManagementClient': { 'package_name': 'network', 'expected_version': '1.3.0' }, 'ResourceManagementClient': { 'package_name': 'resource', 'expected_version': '1.1.0' }, 'DnsManagementClient': { 'package_name': 'dns', 'expected_version': '1.0.1' }, 'WebSiteManagementClient': { 'package_name': 'web', 'expected_version': '0.32.0' }, } if HAS_AZURE else {} AZURE_MIN_RELEASE = '2.0.0' class AzureRMModuleBase(object): def __init__(self, derived_arg_spec, bypass_checks=False, no_log=False, check_invalid_arguments=None, mutually_exclusive=None, required_together=None, required_one_of=None, add_file_common_args=False, supports_check_mode=False, required_if=None, supports_tags=True, facts_module=False, skip_exec=False): merged_arg_spec = dict() merged_arg_spec.update(AZURE_COMMON_ARGS) if supports_tags: merged_arg_spec.update(AZURE_TAG_ARGS) if derived_arg_spec: merged_arg_spec.update(derived_arg_spec) merged_required_if = list(AZURE_COMMON_REQUIRED_IF) if required_if: merged_required_if += required_if self.module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=merged_arg_spec, bypass_checks=bypass_checks, no_log=no_log, check_invalid_arguments=check_invalid_arguments, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive, required_together=required_together, required_one_of=required_one_of, add_file_common_args=add_file_common_args, supports_check_mode=supports_check_mode, required_if=merged_required_if) if not HAS_PACKAGING_VERSION: self.fail("Do you have packaging installed? Try `pip install packaging`" "- {0}".format(HAS_PACKAGING_VERSION_EXC)) if not HAS_MSRESTAZURE: self.fail("Do you have msrestazure installed? Try `pip install msrestazure`" "- {0}".format(HAS_MSRESTAZURE_EXC)) if not HAS_AZURE: self.fail("Do you have azure>={1} installed? Try `pip install ansible[azure]`" "- {0}".format(HAS_AZURE_EXC, AZURE_MIN_RELEASE)) self._cloud_environment = None self._network_client = None self._storage_client = None self._resource_client = None self._compute_client = None self._dns_client = None self._web_client = None self._containerservice_client = None self.check_mode = self.module.check_mode self.api_profile = self.module.params.get('api_profile') self.facts_module = facts_module # self.debug = self.module.params.get('debug') # authenticate self.credentials = self._get_credentials(self.module.params) if not self.credentials: if HAS_AZURE_CLI_CORE: self.fail("Failed to get credentials. Either pass as parameters, set environment variables, " "define a profile in ~/.azure/credentials, or log in with Azure CLI (`az login`).") else: self.fail("Failed to get credentials. Either pass as parameters, set environment variables, " "define a profile in ~/.azure/credentials, or install Azure CLI and log in (`az login`).") # cert validation mode precedence: module-arg, credential profile, env, "validate" self._cert_validation_mode = self.module.params['cert_validation_mode'] or self.credentials.get('cert_validation_mode') or \ os.environ.get('AZURE_CERT_VALIDATION_MODE') or 'validate' if self._cert_validation_mode not in ['validate', 'ignore']: self.fail('invalid cert_validation_mode: {0}'.format(self._cert_validation_mode)) # if cloud_environment specified, look up/build Cloud object raw_cloud_env = self.credentials.get('cloud_environment') if self.credentials.get('credentials') is not None and raw_cloud_env is not None: self._cloud_environment = raw_cloud_env elif not raw_cloud_env: self._cloud_environment = azure_cloud.AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD # SDK default else: # try to look up "well-known" values via the name attribute on azure_cloud members all_clouds = [x[1] for x in inspect.getmembers(azure_cloud) if isinstance(x[1], azure_cloud.Cloud)] matched_clouds = [x for x in all_clouds if x.name == raw_cloud_env] if len(matched_clouds) == 1: self._cloud_environment = matched_clouds[0] elif len(matched_clouds) > 1: self.fail("Azure SDK failure: more than one cloud matched for cloud_environment name '{0}'".format(raw_cloud_env)) else: if not urlparse.urlparse(raw_cloud_env).scheme: self.fail("cloud_environment must be an endpoint discovery URL or one of {0}".format([x.name for x in all_clouds])) try: self._cloud_environment = azure_cloud.get_cloud_from_metadata_endpoint(raw_cloud_env) except Exception as e: self.fail("cloud_environment {0} could not be resolved: {1}".format(raw_cloud_env, e.message), exception=traceback.format_exc(e)) if self.credentials.get('subscription_id', None) is None and self.credentials.get('credentials') is None: self.fail("Credentials did not include a subscription_id value.") self.log("setting subscription_id") self.subscription_id = self.credentials['subscription_id'] if self.credentials.get('credentials') is not None: # AzureCLI credentials self.azure_credentials = self.credentials['credentials'] elif self.credentials.get('client_id') is not None and \ self.credentials.get('secret') is not None and \ self.credentials.get('tenant') is not None: self.azure_credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(client_id=self.credentials['client_id'], secret=self.credentials['secret'], tenant=self.credentials['tenant'], cloud_environment=self._cloud_environment, verify=self._cert_validation_mode == 'validate') elif self.credentials.get('ad_user') is not None and self.credentials.get('password') is not None: tenant = self.credentials.get('tenant') if not tenant: tenant = 'common' # SDK default self.azure_credentials = UserPassCredentials(self.credentials['ad_user'], self.credentials['password'], tenant=tenant, cloud_environment=self._cloud_environment, verify=self._cert_validation_mode == 'validate') else: self.fail("Failed to authenticate with provided credentials. Some attributes were missing. " "Credentials must include client_id, secret and tenant or ad_user and password or " "be logged using AzureCLI.") # common parameter validation if self.module.params.get('tags'): self.validate_tags(self.module.params['tags']) if not skip_exec: res = self.exec_module(**self.module.params) self.module.exit_json(**res) def check_client_version(self, client_type): # Ensure Azure modules are at least 2.0.0rc5. package_version = AZURE_PKG_VERSIONS.get(client_type.__name__, None) if package_version is not None: client_name = package_version.get('package_name') try: client_module = importlib.import_module(client_type.__module__) client_version = client_module.VERSION except RuntimeError: # can't get at the module version for some reason, just fail silently... return expected_version = package_version.get('expected_version') if Version(client_version) < Version(expected_version): self.fail("Installed azure-mgmt-{0} client version is {1}. The supported version is {2}. Try " "`pip install ansible[azure]`".format(client_name, client_version, expected_version)) def exec_module(self, **kwargs): self.fail("Error: {0} failed to implement exec_module method.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) def fail(self, msg, **kwargs): ''' Shortcut for calling module.fail() :param msg: Error message text. :param kwargs: Any key=value pairs :return: None ''' self.module.fail_json(msg=msg, **kwargs) def deprecate(self, msg, version=None): self.module.deprecate(msg, version) def log(self, msg, pretty_print=False): pass # Use only during module development # if self.debug: # log_file = open('azure_rm.log', 'a') # if pretty_print: # log_file.write(json.dumps(msg, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) # else: # log_file.write(msg + u'\n') def validate_tags(self, tags): ''' Check if tags dictionary contains string:string pairs. :param tags: dictionary of string:string pairs :return: None ''' if not self.facts_module: if not isinstance(tags, dict): self.fail("Tags must be a dictionary of string:string values.") for key, value in tags.items(): if not isinstance(value, str): self.fail("Tags values must be strings. Found {0}:{1}".format(str(key), str(value))) def update_tags(self, tags): ''' Call from the module to update metadata tags. Returns tuple with bool indicating if there was a change and dict of new tags to assign to the object. :param tags: metadata tags from the object :return: bool, dict ''' new_tags = copy.copy(tags) if isinstance(tags, dict) else dict() changed = False if isinstance(self.module.params.get('tags'), dict): for key, value in self.module.params['tags'].items(): if not new_tags.get(key) or new_tags[key] != value: changed = True new_tags[key] = value if isinstance(tags, dict): for key, value in tags.items(): if not self.module.params['tags'].get(key): new_tags.pop(key) changed = True return changed, new_tags def has_tags(self, obj_tags, tag_list): ''' Used in fact modules to compare object tags to list of parameter tags. Return true if list of parameter tags exists in object tags. :param obj_tags: dictionary of tags from an Azure object. :param tag_list: list of tag keys or tag key:value pairs :return: bool ''' if not obj_tags and tag_list: return False if not tag_list: return True matches = 0 result = False for tag in tag_list: tag_key = tag tag_value = None if ':' in tag: tag_key, tag_value = tag.split(':') if tag_value and obj_tags.get(tag_key) == tag_value: matches += 1 elif not tag_value and obj_tags.get(tag_key): matches += 1 if matches == len(tag_list): result = True return result def get_resource_group(self, resource_group): ''' Fetch a resource group. :param resource_group: name of a resource group :return: resource group object ''' try: return self.rm_client.resource_groups.get(resource_group) except CloudError as cloud_error: self.fail("Error retrieving resource group {0} - {1}".format(resource_group, cloud_error.message)) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error retrieving resource group {0} - {1}".format(resource_group, str(exc))) def _get_profile(self, profile="default"): path = expanduser("~/.azure/credentials") try: config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(path) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Failed to access {0}. Check that the file exists and you have read " "access. {1}".format(path, str(exc))) credentials = dict() for key in AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING: try: credentials[key] = config.get(profile, key, raw=True) except: pass if credentials.get('subscription_id'): return credentials return None def _get_msi_credentials(self, subscription_id_param=None): credentials = MSIAuthentication() subscription_id = subscription_id_param or os.environ.get(AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING['subscription_id'], None) if not subscription_id: try: # use the first subscription of the MSI subscription_client = SubscriptionClient(credentials) subscription = next(subscription_client.subscriptions.list()) subscription_id = str(subscription.subscription_id) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Failed to get MSI token: {0}. " "Please check whether your machine enabled MSI or grant access to any subscription.".format(str(exc))) return { 'credentials': credentials, 'subscription_id': subscription_id } def _get_azure_cli_credentials(self): credentials, subscription_id = get_azure_cli_credentials() cloud_environment = get_cli_active_cloud() cli_credentials = { 'credentials': credentials, 'subscription_id': subscription_id, 'cloud_environment': cloud_environment } return cli_credentials def _get_env_credentials(self): env_credentials = dict() for attribute, env_variable in AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING.items(): env_credentials[attribute] = os.environ.get(env_variable, None) if env_credentials['profile']: credentials = self._get_profile(env_credentials['profile']) return credentials if env_credentials.get('subscription_id') is not None: return env_credentials return None def _get_credentials(self, params): # Get authentication credentials. self.log('Getting credentials') arg_credentials = dict() for attribute, env_variable in AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING.items(): arg_credentials[attribute] = params.get(attribute, None) auth_source = params.get('auth_source', None) if not auth_source: auth_source = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_AZURE_AUTH_SOURCE', 'auto') if auth_source == 'msi': self.log('Retrieving credenitals from MSI') return self._get_msi_credentials(arg_credentials['subscription_id']) if auth_source == 'cli': if not HAS_AZURE_CLI_CORE: self.fail("Azure auth_source is `cli`, but azure-cli package is not available. Try `pip install azure-cli --upgrade`") try: self.log('Retrieving credentials from Azure CLI profile') cli_credentials = self._get_azure_cli_credentials() return cli_credentials except CLIError as err: self.fail("Azure CLI profile cannot be loaded - {0}".format(err)) if auth_source == 'env': self.log('Retrieving credentials from environment') env_credentials = self._get_env_credentials() return env_credentials if auth_source == 'credential_file': self.log("Retrieving credentials from credential file") profile = params.get('profile', 'default') default_credentials = self._get_profile(profile) return default_credentials # auto, precedence: module parameters -> environment variables -> default profile in ~/.azure/credentials # try module params if arg_credentials['profile'] is not None: self.log('Retrieving credentials with profile parameter.') credentials = self._get_profile(arg_credentials['profile']) return credentials if arg_credentials['subscription_id']: self.log('Received credentials from parameters.') return arg_credentials # try environment env_credentials = self._get_env_credentials() if env_credentials: self.log('Received credentials from env.') return env_credentials # try default profile from ~./azure/credentials default_credentials = self._get_profile() if default_credentials: self.log('Retrieved default profile credentials from ~/.azure/credentials.') return default_credentials try: if HAS_AZURE_CLI_CORE: self.log('Retrieving credentials from AzureCLI profile') cli_credentials = self._get_azure_cli_credentials() return cli_credentials except CLIError as ce: self.log('Error getting AzureCLI profile credentials - {0}'.format(ce)) return None def serialize_obj(self, obj, class_name, enum_modules=None): ''' Return a JSON representation of an Azure object. :param obj: Azure object :param class_name: Name of the object's class :param enum_modules: List of module names to build enum dependencies from. :return: serialized result ''' enum_modules = [] if enum_modules is None else enum_modules dependencies = dict() if enum_modules: for module_name in enum_modules: mod = importlib.import_module(module_name) for mod_class_name, mod_class_obj in inspect.getmembers(mod, predicate=inspect.isclass): dependencies[mod_class_name] = mod_class_obj self.log("dependencies: ") self.log(str(dependencies)) serializer = Serializer(classes=dependencies) return serializer.body(obj, class_name, keep_readonly=True) def get_poller_result(self, poller, wait=5): ''' Consistent method of waiting on and retrieving results from Azure's long poller :param poller Azure poller object :return object resulting from the original request ''' try: delay = wait while not poller.done(): self.log("Waiting for {0} sec".format(delay)) poller.wait(timeout=delay) return poller.result() except Exception as exc: self.log(str(exc)) raise def check_provisioning_state(self, azure_object, requested_state='present'): ''' Check an Azure object's provisioning state. If something did not complete the provisioning process, then we cannot operate on it. :param azure_object An object such as a subnet, storageaccount, etc. Must have provisioning_state and name attributes. :return None ''' if hasattr(azure_object, 'properties') and hasattr(azure_object.properties, 'provisioning_state') and \ hasattr(azure_object, 'name'): # resource group object fits this model if isinstance(azure_object.properties.provisioning_state, Enum): if azure_object.properties.provisioning_state.value != AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE and \ requested_state != 'absent': self.fail("Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format( azure_object.name, azure_object.properties.provisioning_state, AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE)) return if azure_object.properties.provisioning_state != AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE and \ requested_state != 'absent': self.fail("Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format( azure_object.name, azure_object.properties.provisioning_state, AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE)) return if hasattr(azure_object, 'provisioning_state') or not hasattr(azure_object, 'name'): if isinstance(azure_object.provisioning_state, Enum): if azure_object.provisioning_state.value != AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE and requested_state != 'absent': self.fail("Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format( azure_object.name, azure_object.provisioning_state, AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE)) return if azure_object.provisioning_state != AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE and requested_state != 'absent': self.fail("Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format( azure_object.name, azure_object.provisioning_state, AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE)) def get_blob_client(self, resource_group_name, storage_account_name, storage_blob_type='block'): keys = dict() try: # Get keys from the storage account self.log('Getting keys') account_keys = self.storage_client.storage_accounts.list_keys(resource_group_name, storage_account_name) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error getting keys for account {0} - {1}".format(storage_account_name, str(exc))) try: self.log('Create blob service') if storage_blob_type == 'page': return CloudStorageAccount(storage_account_name, account_keys.keys[0].value).create_page_blob_service() elif storage_blob_type == 'block': return CloudStorageAccount(storage_account_name, account_keys.keys[0].value).create_block_blob_service() else: raise Exception("Invalid storage blob type defined.") except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error creating blob service client for storage account {0} - {1}".format(storage_account_name, str(exc))) def create_default_pip(self, resource_group, location, public_ip_name, allocation_method='Dynamic'): ''' Create a default public IP address to associate with a network interface. If a PIP address matching exists, return it. Otherwise, create one. :param resource_group: name of an existing resource group :param location: a valid azure location :param public_ip_name: base name to assign the public IP address :param allocation_method: one of 'Static' or 'Dynamic' :return: PIP object ''' pip = None self.log("Starting create_default_pip {0}".format(public_ip_name)) self.log("Check to see if public IP {0} exists".format(public_ip_name)) try: pip = self.network_client.public_ip_addresses.get(resource_group, public_ip_name) except CloudError: pass if pip: self.log("Public ip {0} found.".format(public_ip_name)) self.check_provisioning_state(pip) return pip params = self.network_models.PublicIPAddress( location=location, public_ip_allocation_method=allocation_method, ) self.log('Creating default public IP {0}'.format(public_ip_name)) try: poller = self.network_client.public_ip_addresses.create_or_update(resource_group, public_ip_name, params) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error creating {0} - {1}".format(public_ip_name, str(exc))) return self.get_poller_result(poller) def create_default_securitygroup(self, resource_group, location, security_group_name, os_type, open_ports): ''' Create a default security group to associate with a network interface. If a security group matching exists, return it. Otherwise, create one. :param resource_group: Resource group name :param location: azure location name :param security_group_name: base name to use for the security group :param os_type: one of 'Windows' or 'Linux'. Determins any default rules added to the security group. :param ssh_port: for os_type 'Linux' port used in rule allowing SSH access. :param rdp_port: for os_type 'Windows' port used in rule allowing RDP access. :return: security_group object ''' group = None self.log("Create security group {0}".format(security_group_name)) self.log("Check to see if security group {0} exists".format(security_group_name)) try: group = self.network_client.network_security_groups.get(resource_group, security_group_name) except CloudError: pass if group: self.log("Security group {0} found.".format(security_group_name)) self.check_provisioning_state(group) return group parameters = self.network_models.NetworkSecurityGroup() parameters.location = location if not open_ports: # Open default ports based on OS type if os_type == 'Linux': # add an inbound SSH rule parameters.security_rules = [ self.network_models.SecurityRule(protocol='Tcp', source_address_prefix='*', destination_address_prefix='*', access='Allow', direction='Inbound', description='Allow SSH Access', source_port_range='*', destination_port_range='22', priority=100, name='SSH') ] parameters.location = location else: # for windows add inbound RDP and WinRM rules parameters.security_rules = [ self.network_models.SecurityRule(protocol='Tcp', source_address_prefix='*', destination_address_prefix='*', access='Allow', direction='Inbound', description='Allow RDP port 3389', source_port_range='*', destination_port_range='3389', priority=100, name='RDP01'), self.network_models.SecurityRule(protocol='Tcp', source_address_prefix='*', destination_address_prefix='*', access='Allow', direction='Inbound', description='Allow WinRM HTTPS port 5986', source_port_range='*', destination_port_range='5986', priority=101, name='WinRM01'), ] else: # Open custom ports parameters.security_rules = [] priority = 100 for port in open_ports: priority += 1 rule_name = "Rule_{0}".format(priority) parameters.security_rules.append( self.network_models.SecurityRule(protocol='Tcp', source_address_prefix='*', destination_address_prefix='*', access='Allow', direction='Inbound', source_port_range='*', destination_port_range=str(port), priority=priority, name=rule_name) ) self.log('Creating default security group {0}'.format(security_group_name)) try: poller = self.network_client.network_security_groups.create_or_update(resource_group, security_group_name, parameters) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error creating default security rule {0} - {1}".format(security_group_name, str(exc))) return self.get_poller_result(poller) @staticmethod def _validation_ignore_callback(session, global_config, local_config, **kwargs): session.verify = False def get_api_profile(self, client_type_name, api_profile_name): profile_all_clients = AZURE_API_PROFILES.get(api_profile_name) if not profile_all_clients: raise KeyError("unknown Azure API profile: {0}".format(api_profile_name)) profile_raw = profile_all_clients.get(client_type_name, None) if not profile_raw: self.module.warn("Azure API profile {0} does not define an entry for {1}".format(api_profile_name, client_type_name)) if isinstance(profile_raw, dict): if not profile_raw.get('default_api_version'): raise KeyError("Azure API profile {0} does not define 'default_api_version'".format(api_profile_name)) return profile_raw # wrap basic strings in a dict that just defines the default return dict(default_api_version=profile_raw) def get_mgmt_svc_client(self, client_type, base_url=None, api_version=None): self.log('Getting management service client {0}'.format(client_type.__name__)) self.check_client_version(client_type) client_argspec = inspect.getargspec(client_type.__init__) client_kwargs = dict(credentials=self.azure_credentials, subscription_id=self.subscription_id, base_url=base_url) api_profile_dict = {} if self.api_profile: api_profile_dict = self.get_api_profile(client_type.__name__, self.api_profile) if not base_url: # most things are resource_manager, don't make everyone specify base_url = self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager # unversioned clients won't accept profile; only send it if necessary # clients without a version specified in the profile will use the default if api_profile_dict and 'profile' in client_argspec.args: client_kwargs['profile'] = api_profile_dict # If the client doesn't accept api_version, it's unversioned. # If it does, favor explicitly-specified api_version, fall back to api_profile if 'api_version' in client_argspec.args: profile_default_version = api_profile_dict.get('default_api_version', None) if api_version or profile_default_version: client_kwargs['api_version'] = api_version or profile_default_version client = client_type(**client_kwargs) # FUTURE: remove this once everything exposes models directly (eg, containerinstance) try: getattr(client, "models") except AttributeError: def _ansible_get_models(self, *arg, **kwarg): return self._ansible_models setattr(client, '_ansible_models', importlib.import_module(client_type.__module__).models) client.models = types.MethodType(_ansible_get_models, client) # Add user agent for Ansible client.config.add_user_agent(ANSIBLE_USER_AGENT) # Add user agent when running from Cloud Shell if CLOUDSHELL_USER_AGENT_KEY in os.environ: client.config.add_user_agent(os.environ[CLOUDSHELL_USER_AGENT_KEY]) # Add user agent when running from VSCode extension if VSCODEEXT_USER_AGENT_KEY in os.environ: client.config.add_user_agent(os.environ[VSCODEEXT_USER_AGENT_KEY]) if self._cert_validation_mode == 'ignore': client.config.session_configuration_callback = self._validation_ignore_callback return client @property def storage_client(self): self.log('Getting storage client...') if not self._storage_client: self._storage_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(StorageManagementClient, base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager, api_version='2017-10-01') return self._storage_client @property def storage_models(self): self.log('Getting storage models...') return StorageManagementClient.models("2017-10-01") @property def network_client(self): self.log('Getting network client') if not self._network_client: self._network_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(NetworkManagementClient, base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager, api_version='2017-11-01') return self._network_client @property def network_models(self): self.log("Getting network models...") return NetworkManagementClient.models("2017-11-01") @property def rm_client(self): self.log('Getting resource manager client') if not self._resource_client: self._resource_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ResourceManagementClient, base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager, api_version='2017-05-10') return self._resource_client @property def rm_models(self): self.log("Getting resource manager models") return ResourceManagementClient.models("2017-05-10") @property def compute_client(self): self.log('Getting compute client') if not self._compute_client: self._compute_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ComputeManagementClient, base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager, api_version='2017-03-30') return self._compute_client @property def compute_models(self): self.log("Getting compute models") return ComputeManagementClient.models("2017-03-30") @property def dns_client(self): self.log('Getting dns client') if not self._dns_client: self._dns_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(DnsManagementClient, base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager) return self._dns_client @property def web_client(self): self.log('Getting web client') if not self._web_client: self._web_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(WebSiteManagementClient, base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager) return self._web_client @property def containerservice_client(self): self.log('Getting container service client') if not self._containerservice_client: self._containerservice_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ContainerServiceClient, base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager) return self._containerservice_client