# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' name: scaleway author: - Remy Leone (@remyleone) short_description: Scaleway inventory source description: - Get inventory hosts from Scaleway. requirements: - PyYAML options: plugin: description: Token that ensures this is a source file for the 'scaleway' plugin. required: true type: string choices: ['scaleway', 'community.general.scaleway'] regions: description: Filter results on a specific Scaleway region. type: list elements: string default: - ams1 - par1 - par2 - waw1 tags: description: Filter results on a specific tag. type: list elements: string scw_profile: description: - The config profile to use in config file. - By default uses the one specified as C(active_profile) in the config file, or falls back to V(default) if that is not defined. type: string version_added: 4.4.0 oauth_token: description: - Scaleway OAuth token. - If not explicitly defined or in environment variables, it will try to lookup in the scaleway-cli configuration file (C($SCW_CONFIG_PATH), C($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/scw/config.yaml), or C(~/.config/scw/config.yaml)). - More details on L(how to generate token, https://www.scaleway.com/en/docs/generate-api-keys/). type: string env: # in order of precedence - name: SCW_TOKEN - name: SCW_API_KEY - name: SCW_OAUTH_TOKEN hostnames: description: List of preference about what to use as an hostname. type: list elements: string default: - public_ipv4 choices: - public_ipv4 - private_ipv4 - public_ipv6 - hostname - id variables: description: 'Set individual variables: keys are variable names and values are templates. Any value returned by the L(Scaleway API, https://developer.scaleway.com/#servers-server-get) can be used.' type: dict ''' EXAMPLES = r''' # scaleway_inventory.yml file in YAML format # Example command line: ansible-inventory --list -i scaleway_inventory.yml # use hostname as inventory_hostname # use the private IP address to connect to the host plugin: community.general.scaleway regions: - ams1 - par1 tags: - foobar hostnames: - hostname variables: ansible_host: private_ip state: state # use hostname as inventory_hostname and public IP address to connect to the host plugin: community.general.scaleway hostnames: - hostname regions: - par1 variables: ansible_host: public_ip.address # Using static strings as variables plugin: community.general.scaleway hostnames: - hostname variables: ansible_host: public_ip.address ansible_connection: "'ssh'" ansible_user: "'admin'" ''' import os import json try: import yaml except ImportError as exc: YAML_IMPORT_ERROR = exc else: YAML_IMPORT_ERROR = None from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin, Constructable from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.scaleway import SCALEWAY_LOCATION, parse_pagination_link from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.plugin_utils.unsafe import make_unsafe from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native, to_text from ansible.module_utils.six import raise_from import ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse as urllib_parse def _fetch_information(token, url): results = [] paginated_url = url while True: try: response = open_url(paginated_url, headers={'X-Auth-Token': token, 'Content-type': 'application/json'}) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError("Error while fetching %s: %s" % (url, to_native(e))) try: raw_json = json.loads(to_text(response.read())) except ValueError: raise AnsibleError("Incorrect JSON payload") try: results.extend(raw_json["servers"]) except KeyError: raise AnsibleError("Incorrect format from the Scaleway API response") link = response.headers['Link'] if not link: return results relations = parse_pagination_link(link) if 'next' not in relations: return results paginated_url = urllib_parse.urljoin(paginated_url, relations['next']) def _build_server_url(api_endpoint): return "/".join([api_endpoint, "servers"]) def extract_public_ipv4(server_info): try: return server_info["public_ip"]["address"] except (KeyError, TypeError): return None def extract_private_ipv4(server_info): try: return server_info["private_ip"] except (KeyError, TypeError): return None def extract_hostname(server_info): try: return server_info["hostname"] except (KeyError, TypeError): return None def extract_server_id(server_info): try: return server_info["id"] except (KeyError, TypeError): return None def extract_public_ipv6(server_info): try: return server_info["ipv6"]["address"] except (KeyError, TypeError): return None def extract_tags(server_info): try: return server_info["tags"] except (KeyError, TypeError): return None def extract_zone(server_info): try: return server_info["location"]["zone_id"] except (KeyError, TypeError): return None extractors = { "public_ipv4": extract_public_ipv4, "private_ipv4": extract_private_ipv4, "public_ipv6": extract_public_ipv6, "hostname": extract_hostname, "id": extract_server_id } class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin, Constructable): NAME = 'community.general.scaleway' def _fill_host_variables(self, host, server_info): targeted_attributes = ( "arch", "commercial_type", "id", "organization", "state", "hostname", ) for attribute in targeted_attributes: self.inventory.set_variable(host, attribute, server_info[attribute]) self.inventory.set_variable(host, "tags", server_info["tags"]) if extract_public_ipv6(server_info=server_info): self.inventory.set_variable(host, "public_ipv6", extract_public_ipv6(server_info=server_info)) if extract_public_ipv4(server_info=server_info): self.inventory.set_variable(host, "public_ipv4", extract_public_ipv4(server_info=server_info)) if extract_private_ipv4(server_info=server_info): self.inventory.set_variable(host, "private_ipv4", extract_private_ipv4(server_info=server_info)) def _get_zones(self, config_zones): return set(SCALEWAY_LOCATION.keys()).intersection(config_zones) def match_groups(self, server_info, tags): server_zone = extract_zone(server_info=server_info) server_tags = extract_tags(server_info=server_info) # If a server does not have a zone, it means it is archived if server_zone is None: return set() # If no filtering is defined, all tags are valid groups if tags is None: return set(server_tags).union((server_zone,)) matching_tags = set(server_tags).intersection(tags) if not matching_tags: return set() return matching_tags.union((server_zone,)) def _filter_host(self, host_infos, hostname_preferences): for pref in hostname_preferences: if extractors[pref](host_infos): return extractors[pref](host_infos) return None def do_zone_inventory(self, zone, token, tags, hostname_preferences): self.inventory.add_group(zone) zone_info = SCALEWAY_LOCATION[zone] url = _build_server_url(zone_info["api_endpoint"]) raw_zone_hosts_infos = make_unsafe(_fetch_information(url=url, token=token)) for host_infos in raw_zone_hosts_infos: hostname = self._filter_host(host_infos=host_infos, hostname_preferences=hostname_preferences) # No suitable hostname were found in the attributes and the host won't be in the inventory if not hostname: continue groups = self.match_groups(host_infos, tags) for group in groups: self.inventory.add_group(group=group) self.inventory.add_host(group=group, host=hostname) self._fill_host_variables(host=hostname, server_info=host_infos) # Composed variables self._set_composite_vars(self.get_option('variables'), host_infos, hostname, strict=False) def get_oauth_token(self): oauth_token = self.get_option('oauth_token') if 'SCW_CONFIG_PATH' in os.environ: scw_config_path = os.getenv('SCW_CONFIG_PATH') elif 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME' in os.environ: scw_config_path = os.path.join(os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME'), 'scw', 'config.yaml') else: scw_config_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'scw', 'config.yaml') if not oauth_token and os.path.exists(scw_config_path): with open(scw_config_path) as fh: scw_config = yaml.safe_load(fh) ansible_profile = self.get_option('scw_profile') if ansible_profile: active_profile = ansible_profile else: active_profile = scw_config.get('active_profile', 'default') if active_profile == 'default': oauth_token = scw_config.get('secret_key') else: oauth_token = scw_config['profiles'][active_profile].get('secret_key') return oauth_token def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True): if YAML_IMPORT_ERROR: raise_from(AnsibleError('PyYAML is probably missing'), YAML_IMPORT_ERROR) super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path) self._read_config_data(path=path) config_zones = self.get_option("regions") tags = self.get_option("tags") token = self.get_oauth_token() if not token: raise AnsibleError("'oauth_token' value is null, you must configure it either in inventory, envvars or scaleway-cli config.") hostname_preference = self.get_option("hostnames") for zone in self._get_zones(config_zones): self.do_zone_inventory(zone=make_unsafe(zone), token=token, tags=tags, hostname_preferences=hostname_preference)