--- - block: - name: Generate privatekey openssl_privatekey: path: "{{ output_dir }}/ansible_{{ key }}.key" size: 2048 mode: "0666" loop: - key1 - key2 loop_control: loop_var: key - name: Generate CSR openssl_csr: path: "{{ output_dir }}/ansible_{{ key }}.csr" privatekey_path: "{{ output_dir }}/ansible_{{ key }}.key" basic_constraints: - "CA:TRUE" key_usage: - keyCertSign loop: - key1 - key2 loop_control: loop_var: key - name: Generate self-signed certificate openssl_certificate: path: "{{ output_dir }}/ansible_{{ key }}.pem" privatekey_path: "{{ output_dir }}/ansible_{{ key }}.key" csr_path: "{{ output_dir }}/ansible_{{ key }}.csr" provider: selfsigned loop: - key1 - key2 loop_control: loop_var: key ################################################################### ## signing_ca_cert and signing_ca_key ############################# ################################################################### - name: signing_ca_cert and signing_ca_key (check mode) docker_swarm: advertise_addr: "{{ansible_default_ipv4.address | default('')}}" state: present signing_ca_cert: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key1.pem') }}" signing_ca_key: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key1.key') }}" timeout: 120 check_mode: yes diff: yes register: output_1 - name: signing_ca_cert and signing_ca_key docker_swarm: advertise_addr: "{{ansible_default_ipv4.address | default('')}}" state: present signing_ca_cert: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key1.pem') }}" signing_ca_key: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key1.key') }}" timeout: 120 diff: yes register: output_2 - name: Private key debug: msg="{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key1.key') }}" - name: Cert debug: msg="{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key1.pem') }}" - docker_swarm_facts: register: output - debug: var=output # Idempotence for CA cert and key don't work yet! FIXME #- name: signing_ca_cert and signing_ca_key (idempotent) # docker_swarm: # state: present # signing_ca_cert: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key1.pem') }}" # signing_ca_key: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key1.key') }}" # timeout: 120 # diff: yes # register: output_3 #- name: signing_ca_cert and signing_ca_key (idempotent, check mode) # docker_swarm: # state: present # signing_ca_cert: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key1.pem') }}" # signing_ca_key: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key1.key') }}" # timeout: 120 # check_mode: yes # diff: yes # register: output_4 - name: signing_ca_cert and signing_ca_key (change, check mode) docker_swarm: state: present signing_ca_cert: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key2.pem') }}" signing_ca_key: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key2.key') }}" timeout: 120 check_mode: yes diff: yes register: output_5 - name: signing_ca_cert and signing_ca_key (change) docker_swarm: state: present signing_ca_cert: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key2.pem') }}" signing_ca_key: "{{ lookup('file', role_path ~ '/' ~ output_dir ~ '/ansible_key2.key') }}" timeout: 120 diff: yes register: output_6 - name: assert signing_ca_cert and signing_ca_key assert: that: - 'output_1 is changed' - 'output_1.actions[0] | regex_search("New Swarm cluster created: ")' - 'output_1.diff.before is defined' - 'output_1.diff.after is defined' - 'output_2 is changed' - 'output_2.actions[0] | regex_search("New Swarm cluster created: ")' - 'output_2.diff.before is defined' - 'output_2.diff.after is defined' #- 'output_3 is not changed' #- 'output_3.actions[0] == "No modification"' #- 'output_3.diff.before is defined' #- 'output_3.diff.after is defined' #- 'output_4 is not changed' #- 'output_4.actions[0] == "No modification"' #- 'output_4.diff.before is defined' #- 'output_4.diff.after is defined' - 'output_5 is changed' - 'output_5.actions[0] == "Swarm cluster updated"' - 'output_5.diff.before is defined' - 'output_5.diff.after is defined' - 'output_6 is changed' - 'output_6.actions[0] == "Swarm cluster updated"' - 'output_6.diff.before is defined' - 'output_6.diff.after is defined' # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/34054: openssl_certificate unusable on RHEL 7 when: pyopenssl_version.stdout is version('0.15', '>=')