# (c) 2019 Piotr Wojciechowski (@wojciechowskipiotr) <piotr@it-playground.pl>
# (c) Thierry Bouvet (@tbouvet)
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type

import json
from time import sleep

    from docker.errors import APIError, NotFound
except ImportError:
    # missing Docker SDK for Python handled in ansible.module_utils.docker.common

from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.docker.common import (

class AnsibleDockerSwarmClient(AnsibleDockerClient):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(AnsibleDockerSwarmClient, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def get_swarm_node_id(self):
        Get the 'NodeID' of the Swarm node or 'None' if host is not in Swarm. It returns the NodeID
        of Docker host the module is executed on
            NodeID of host or 'None' if not part of Swarm

            info = self.info()
        except APIError as exc:
            self.fail("Failed to get node information for %s" % to_native(exc))

        if info:
            json_str = json.dumps(info, ensure_ascii=False)
            swarm_info = json.loads(json_str)
            if swarm_info['Swarm']['NodeID']:
                return swarm_info['Swarm']['NodeID']
        return None

    def check_if_swarm_node(self, node_id=None):
        Checking if host is part of Docker Swarm. If 'node_id' is not provided it reads the Docker host
        system information looking if specific key in output exists. If 'node_id' is provided then it tries to
        read node information assuming it is run on Swarm manager. The get_node_inspect() method handles exception if
        it is not executed on Swarm manager

        :param node_id: Node identifier
            bool: True if node is part of Swarm, False otherwise

        if node_id is None:
                info = self.info()
            except APIError:
                self.fail("Failed to get host information.")

            if info:
                json_str = json.dumps(info, ensure_ascii=False)
                swarm_info = json.loads(json_str)
                if swarm_info['Swarm']['NodeID']:
                    return True
                if swarm_info['Swarm']['LocalNodeState'] in ('active', 'pending', 'locked'):
                    return True
            return False
                node_info = self.get_node_inspect(node_id=node_id)
            except APIError:

            if node_info['ID'] is not None:
                return True
            return False

    def check_if_swarm_manager(self):
        Checks if node role is set as Manager in Swarm. The node is the docker host on which module action
        is performed. The inspect_swarm() will fail if node is not a manager

        :return: True if node is Swarm Manager, False otherwise

            return True
        except APIError:
            return False

    def fail_task_if_not_swarm_manager(self):
        If host is not a swarm manager then Ansible task on this host should end with 'failed' state
        if not self.check_if_swarm_manager():
            self.fail("Error running docker swarm module: must run on swarm manager node")

    def check_if_swarm_worker(self):
        Checks if node role is set as Worker in Swarm. The node is the docker host on which module action
        is performed. Will fail if run on host that is not part of Swarm via check_if_swarm_node()

        :return: True if node is Swarm Worker, False otherwise

        if self.check_if_swarm_node() and not self.check_if_swarm_manager():
            return True
        return False

    def check_if_swarm_node_is_down(self, node_id=None, repeat_check=1):
        Checks if node status on Swarm manager is 'down'. If node_id is provided it query manager about
        node specified in parameter, otherwise it query manager itself. If run on Swarm Worker node or
        host that is not part of Swarm it will fail the playbook

        :param repeat_check: number of check attempts with 5 seconds delay between them, by default check only once
        :param node_id: node ID or name, if None then method will try to get node_id of host module run on
            True if node is part of swarm but its state is down, False otherwise

        if repeat_check < 1:
            repeat_check = 1

        if node_id is None:
            node_id = self.get_swarm_node_id()

        for retry in range(0, repeat_check):
            if retry > 0:
            node_info = self.get_node_inspect(node_id=node_id)
            if node_info['Status']['State'] == 'down':
                return True
        return False

    def get_node_inspect(self, node_id=None, skip_missing=False):
        Returns Swarm node info as in 'docker node inspect' command about single node

        :param skip_missing: if True then function will return None instead of failing the task
        :param node_id: node ID or name, if None then method will try to get node_id of host module run on
            Single node information structure

        if node_id is None:
            node_id = self.get_swarm_node_id()

        if node_id is None:
            self.fail("Failed to get node information.")

            node_info = self.inspect_node(node_id=node_id)
        except APIError as exc:
            if exc.status_code == 503:
                self.fail("Cannot inspect node: To inspect node execute module on Swarm Manager")
            if exc.status_code == 404:
                if skip_missing:
                    return None
            self.fail("Error while reading from Swarm manager: %s" % to_native(exc))
        except Exception as exc:
            self.fail("Error inspecting swarm node: %s" % exc)

        json_str = json.dumps(node_info, ensure_ascii=False)
        node_info = json.loads(json_str)

        if 'ManagerStatus' in node_info:
            if node_info['ManagerStatus'].get('Leader'):
                # This is workaround of bug in Docker when in some cases the Leader IP is
                # Check moby/moby#35437 for details
                count_colons = node_info['ManagerStatus']['Addr'].count(":")
                if count_colons == 1:
                    swarm_leader_ip = node_info['ManagerStatus']['Addr'].split(":", 1)[0] or node_info['Status']['Addr']
                    swarm_leader_ip = node_info['Status']['Addr']
                node_info['Status']['Addr'] = swarm_leader_ip
        return node_info

    def get_all_nodes_inspect(self):
        Returns Swarm node info as in 'docker node inspect' command about all registered nodes

            Structure with information about all nodes
            node_info = self.nodes()
        except APIError as exc:
            if exc.status_code == 503:
                self.fail("Cannot inspect node: To inspect node execute module on Swarm Manager")
            self.fail("Error while reading from Swarm manager: %s" % to_native(exc))
        except Exception as exc:
            self.fail("Error inspecting swarm node: %s" % exc)

        json_str = json.dumps(node_info, ensure_ascii=False)
        node_info = json.loads(json_str)
        return node_info

    def get_all_nodes_list(self, output='short'):
        Returns list of nodes registered in Swarm

        :param output: Defines format of returned data
            If 'output' is 'short' then return data is list of nodes hostnames registered in Swarm,
            if 'output' is 'long' then returns data is list of dict containing the attributes as in
            output of command 'docker node ls'
        nodes_list = []

        nodes_inspect = self.get_all_nodes_inspect()
        if nodes_inspect is None:
            return None

        if output == 'short':
            for node in nodes_inspect:
        elif output == 'long':
            for node in nodes_inspect:
                node_property = {}

                node_property.update({'ID': node['ID']})
                node_property.update({'Hostname': node['Description']['Hostname']})
                node_property.update({'Status': node['Status']['State']})
                node_property.update({'Availability': node['Spec']['Availability']})
                if 'ManagerStatus' in node:
                    if node['ManagerStatus']['Leader'] is True:
                        node_property.update({'Leader': True})
                    node_property.update({'ManagerStatus': node['ManagerStatus']['Reachability']})
                node_property.update({'EngineVersion': node['Description']['Engine']['EngineVersion']})

            return None

        return nodes_list

    def get_node_name_by_id(self, nodeid):
        return self.get_node_inspect(nodeid)['Description']['Hostname']

    def get_unlock_key(self):
        if self.docker_py_version < LooseVersion('2.7.0'):
            return None
        return super(AnsibleDockerSwarmClient, self).get_unlock_key()

    def get_service_inspect(self, service_id, skip_missing=False):
        Returns Swarm service info as in 'docker service inspect' command about single service

        :param service_id: service ID or name
        :param skip_missing: if True then function will return None instead of failing the task
            Single service information structure
            service_info = self.inspect_service(service_id)
        except NotFound as exc:
            if skip_missing is False:
                self.fail("Error while reading from Swarm manager: %s" % to_native(exc))
                return None
        except APIError as exc:
            if exc.status_code == 503:
                self.fail("Cannot inspect service: To inspect service execute module on Swarm Manager")
            self.fail("Error inspecting swarm service: %s" % exc)
        except Exception as exc:
            self.fail("Error inspecting swarm service: %s" % exc)

        json_str = json.dumps(service_info, ensure_ascii=False)
        service_info = json.loads(json_str)
        return service_info