# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2021, Frank Dornheim # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' name: lxd short_description: Returns Ansible inventory from lxd host description: - Get inventory from the lxd. - Uses a YAML configuration file that ends with 'lxd.(yml|yaml)'. version_added: "3.0.0" author: "Frank Dornheim (@conloos)" requirements: - ipaddress - lxd >= 4.0 options: plugin: description: Token that ensures this is a source file for the 'lxd' plugin. type: string required: true choices: [ 'community.general.lxd' ] url: description: - The unix domain socket path or the https URL for the lxd server. - Sockets in filesystem have to start with C(unix:). - Mostly C(unix:/var/lib/lxd/unix.socket) or C(unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket). type: string default: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket client_key: description: - The client certificate key file path. aliases: [ key_file ] default: $HOME/.config/lxc/client.key type: path client_cert: description: - The client certificate file path. aliases: [ cert_file ] default: $HOME/.config/lxc/client.crt type: path server_cert: description: - The server certificate file path. type: path version_added: 8.0.0 server_check_hostname: description: - This option controls if the server's hostname is checked as part of the HTTPS connection verification. This can be useful to disable, if for example, the server certificate provided (see O(server_cert) option) does not cover a name matching the one used to communicate with the server. Such mismatch is common as LXD generates self-signed server certificates by default. type: bool default: true version_added: 8.0.0 trust_password: description: - The client trusted password. - You need to set this password on the lxd server before running this module using the following command C(lxc config set core.trust_password ) See U(https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/authentication/#adding-client-certificates-using-a-trust-password). - If O(trust_password) is set, this module send a request for authentication before sending any requests. type: str state: description: Filter the instance according to the current status. type: str default: none choices: [ 'STOPPED', 'STARTING', 'RUNNING', 'none' ] project: description: Filter the instance according to the given project. type: str default: default version_added: 6.2.0 type_filter: description: - Filter the instances by type V(virtual-machine), V(container) or V(both). - The first version of the inventory only supported containers. type: str default: container choices: [ 'virtual-machine', 'container', 'both' ] version_added: 4.2.0 prefered_instance_network_interface: description: - If an instance has multiple network interfaces, select which one is the preferred as pattern. - Combined with the first number that can be found e.g. 'eth' + 0. - The option has been renamed from O(prefered_container_network_interface) to O(prefered_instance_network_interface) in community.general 3.8.0. The old name still works as an alias. type: str default: eth aliases: - prefered_container_network_interface prefered_instance_network_family: description: - If an instance has multiple network interfaces, which one is the preferred by family. - Specify V(inet) for IPv4 and V(inet6) for IPv6. type: str default: inet choices: [ 'inet', 'inet6' ] groupby: description: - Create groups by the following keywords C(location), C(network_range), C(os), C(pattern), C(profile), C(release), C(type), C(vlanid). - See example for syntax. type: dict ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # simple lxd.yml plugin: community.general.lxd url: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket # simple lxd.yml including filter plugin: community.general.lxd url: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket state: RUNNING # simple lxd.yml including virtual machines and containers plugin: community.general.lxd url: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket type_filter: both # grouping lxd.yml groupby: locationBerlin: type: location attribute: Berlin netRangeIPv4: type: network_range attribute: netRangeIPv6: type: network_range attribute: fd42:bd00:7b11:2167:216:3eff::/24 osUbuntu: type: os attribute: ubuntu testpattern: type: pattern attribute: test profileDefault: type: profile attribute: default profileX11: type: profile attribute: x11 releaseFocal: type: release attribute: focal releaseBionic: type: release attribute: bionic typeVM: type: type attribute: virtual-machine typeContainer: type: type attribute: container vlan666: type: vlanid attribute: 666 projectInternals: type: project attribute: internals ''' import json import re import time import os from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native, to_text from ansible.module_utils.common.dict_transformations import dict_merge from ansible.module_utils.six import raise_from from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.lxd import LXDClient, LXDClientException from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.plugin_utils.unsafe import make_unsafe try: import ipaddress except ImportError as exc: IPADDRESS_IMPORT_ERROR = exc else: IPADDRESS_IMPORT_ERROR = None class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin): DEBUG = 4 NAME = 'community.general.lxd' SNAP_SOCKET_URL = 'unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket' SOCKET_URL = 'unix:/var/lib/lxd/unix.socket' @staticmethod def load_json_data(path): """Load json data Load json data from file Args: list(path): Path elements str(file_name): Filename of data Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: dict(json_data): json data""" try: with open(path, 'r') as json_file: return json.load(json_file) except (IOError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError) as err: raise AnsibleParserError('Could not load the test data from {0}: {1}'.format(to_native(path), to_native(err))) def save_json_data(self, path, file_name=None): """save data as json Save data as json file Args: list(path): Path elements str(file_name): Filename of data Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" if file_name: path.append(file_name) else: prefix = 'lxd_data-' time_stamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') suffix = '.atd' path.append(prefix + time_stamp + suffix) try: cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, *path)), 'w') as json_file: json.dump(self.data, json_file) except IOError as err: raise AnsibleParserError('Could not save data: {0}'.format(to_native(err))) def verify_file(self, path): """Check the config Return true/false if the config-file is valid for this plugin Args: str(path): path to the config Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: bool(valid): is valid""" valid = False if super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(path): if path.endswith(('lxd.yaml', 'lxd.yml')): valid = True else: self.display.vvv('Inventory source not ending in "lxd.yaml" or "lxd.yml"') return valid @staticmethod def validate_url(url): """validate url check whether the url is correctly formatted Args: url Kwargs: None Raises: AnsibleError Returns: bool""" if not isinstance(url, str): return False if not url.startswith(('unix:', 'https:')): raise AnsibleError('URL is malformed: {0}'.format(to_native(url))) return True def _connect_to_socket(self): """connect to lxd socket Connect to lxd socket by provided url or defaults Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: AnsibleError Returns: None""" error_storage = {} url_list = [self.get_option('url'), self.SNAP_SOCKET_URL, self.SOCKET_URL] urls = (url for url in url_list if self.validate_url(url)) for url in urls: try: socket_connection = LXDClient(url, self.client_key, self.client_cert, self.debug, self.server_cert, self.server_check_hostname) return socket_connection except LXDClientException as err: error_storage[url] = err raise AnsibleError('No connection to the socket: {0}'.format(to_native(error_storage))) def _get_networks(self): """Get Networknames Returns all network config names Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: list(names): names of all network_configs""" # e.g. {'type': 'sync', # 'status': 'Success', # 'status_code': 200, # 'operation': '', # 'error_code': 0, # 'error': '', # 'metadata': ['/1.0/networks/lxdbr0']} network_configs = self.socket.do('GET', '/1.0/networks') return [m.split('/')[3] for m in network_configs['metadata']] def _get_instances(self): """Get instancenames Returns all instancenames Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: list(names): names of all instances""" # e.g. { # "metadata": [ # "/1.0/instances/foo", # "/1.0/instances/bar" # ], # "status": "Success", # "status_code": 200, # "type": "sync" # } url = '/1.0/instances' if self.project: url = url + '?{0}'.format(urlencode(dict(project=self.project))) instances = self.socket.do('GET', url) if self.project: return [m.split('/')[3].split('?')[0] for m in instances['metadata']] return [m.split('/')[3] for m in instances['metadata']] def _get_config(self, branch, name): """Get inventory of instance Get config of instance Args: str(branch): Name oft the API-Branch str(name): Name of instance Kwargs: None Source: https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/rest-api/ Raises: None Returns: dict(config): Config of the instance""" config = {} if isinstance(branch, (tuple, list)): config[name] = {branch[1]: self.socket.do( 'GET', '/1.0/{0}/{1}/{2}?{3}'.format(to_native(branch[0]), to_native(name), to_native(branch[1]), urlencode(dict(project=self.project))))} else: config[name] = {branch: self.socket.do( 'GET', '/1.0/{0}/{1}?{2}'.format(to_native(branch), to_native(name), urlencode(dict(project=self.project))))} return config def get_instance_data(self, names): """Create Inventory of the instance Iterate through the different branches of the instances and collect Information. Args: list(names): List of instance names Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # tuple(('instances','metadata/templates')) to get section in branch # e.g. /1.0/instances//metadata/templates branches = ['instances', ('instances', 'state')] instance_config = {} for branch in branches: for name in names: instance_config['instances'] = self._get_config(branch, name) self.data = dict_merge(instance_config, self.data) def get_network_data(self, names): """Create Inventory of the instance Iterate through the different branches of the instances and collect Information. Args: list(names): List of instance names Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # tuple(('instances','metadata/templates')) to get section in branch # e.g. /1.0/instances//metadata/templates branches = [('networks', 'state')] network_config = {} for branch in branches: for name in names: try: network_config['networks'] = self._get_config(branch, name) except LXDClientException: network_config['networks'] = {name: None} self.data = dict_merge(network_config, self.data) def extract_network_information_from_instance_config(self, instance_name): """Returns the network interface configuration Returns the network ipv4 and ipv6 config of the instance without local-link Args: str(instance_name): Name oft he instance Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: dict(network_configuration): network config""" instance_network_interfaces = self._get_data_entry('instances/{0}/state/metadata/network'.format(instance_name)) network_configuration = None if instance_network_interfaces: network_configuration = {} gen_interface_names = [interface_name for interface_name in instance_network_interfaces if interface_name != 'lo'] for interface_name in gen_interface_names: gen_address = [address for address in instance_network_interfaces[interface_name]['addresses'] if address.get('scope') != 'link'] network_configuration[interface_name] = [] for address in gen_address: address_set = {} address_set['family'] = address.get('family') address_set['address'] = address.get('address') address_set['netmask'] = address.get('netmask') address_set['combined'] = address.get('address') + '/' + address.get('netmask') network_configuration[interface_name].append(address_set) return network_configuration def get_prefered_instance_network_interface(self, instance_name): """Helper to get the preferred interface of thr instance Helper to get the preferred interface provide by neme pattern from 'prefered_instance_network_interface'. Args: str(instance_name): name of instance Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: str(prefered_interface): None or interface name""" instance_network_interfaces = self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/network_interfaces'.format(instance_name)) prefered_interface = None # init if instance_network_interfaces: # instance have network interfaces # generator if interfaces which start with the desired pattern net_generator = [interface for interface in instance_network_interfaces if interface.startswith(self.prefered_instance_network_interface)] selected_interfaces = [] # init for interface in net_generator: selected_interfaces.append(interface) if len(selected_interfaces) > 0: prefered_interface = sorted(selected_interfaces)[0] return prefered_interface def get_instance_vlans(self, instance_name): """Get VLAN(s) from instance Helper to get the VLAN_ID from the instance Args: str(instance_name): name of instance Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # get network device configuration and store {network: vlan_id} network_vlans = {} for network in self._get_data_entry('networks'): if self._get_data_entry('state/metadata/vlan/vid', data=self.data['networks'].get(network)): network_vlans[network] = self._get_data_entry('state/metadata/vlan/vid', data=self.data['networks'].get(network)) # get networkdevices of instance and return # e.g. # "eth0":{ "name":"eth0", # "network":"lxdbr0", # "type":"nic"}, vlan_ids = {} devices = self._get_data_entry('instances/{0}/instances/metadata/expanded_devices'.format(to_native(instance_name))) for device in devices: if 'network' in devices[device]: if devices[device]['network'] in network_vlans: vlan_ids[devices[device].get('network')] = network_vlans[devices[device].get('network')] return vlan_ids if vlan_ids else None def _get_data_entry(self, path, data=None, delimiter='/'): """Helper to get data Helper to get data from self.data by a path like 'path/to/target' Attention: Escaping of the delimiter is not (yet) provided. Args: str(path): path to nested dict Kwargs: dict(data): datastore str(delimiter): delimiter in Path. Raises: None Returns: *(value)""" try: if not data: data = self.data if delimiter in path: path = path.split(delimiter) if isinstance(path, list) and len(path) > 1: data = data[path.pop(0)] path = delimiter.join(path) return self._get_data_entry(path, data, delimiter) # recursion return data[path] except KeyError: return None def _set_data_entry(self, instance_name, key, value, path=None): """Helper to save data Helper to save the data in self.data Detect if data is already in branch and use dict_merge() to prevent that branch is overwritten. Args: str(instance_name): name of instance str(key): same as dict *(value): same as dict Kwargs: str(path): path to branch-part Raises: AnsibleParserError Returns: None""" if not path: path = self.data['inventory'] if instance_name not in path: path[instance_name] = {} try: if isinstance(value, dict) and key in path[instance_name]: path[instance_name] = dict_merge(value, path[instance_name][key]) else: path[instance_name][key] = value except KeyError as err: raise AnsibleParserError("Unable to store Information: {0}".format(to_native(err))) def extract_information_from_instance_configs(self): """Process configuration information Preparation of the data Args: dict(configs): instance configurations Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # create branch "inventory" if 'inventory' not in self.data: self.data['inventory'] = {} for instance_name in self.data['instances']: self._set_data_entry(instance_name, 'os', self._get_data_entry( 'instances/{0}/instances/metadata/config/image.os'.format(instance_name))) self._set_data_entry(instance_name, 'release', self._get_data_entry( 'instances/{0}/instances/metadata/config/image.release'.format(instance_name))) self._set_data_entry(instance_name, 'version', self._get_data_entry( 'instances/{0}/instances/metadata/config/image.version'.format(instance_name))) self._set_data_entry(instance_name, 'profile', self._get_data_entry( 'instances/{0}/instances/metadata/profiles'.format(instance_name))) self._set_data_entry(instance_name, 'location', self._get_data_entry( 'instances/{0}/instances/metadata/location'.format(instance_name))) self._set_data_entry(instance_name, 'state', self._get_data_entry( 'instances/{0}/instances/metadata/config/volatile.last_state.power'.format(instance_name))) self._set_data_entry(instance_name, 'type', self._get_data_entry( 'instances/{0}/instances/metadata/type'.format(instance_name))) self._set_data_entry(instance_name, 'network_interfaces', self.extract_network_information_from_instance_config(instance_name)) self._set_data_entry(instance_name, 'preferred_interface', self.get_prefered_instance_network_interface(instance_name)) self._set_data_entry(instance_name, 'vlan_ids', self.get_instance_vlans(instance_name)) self._set_data_entry(instance_name, 'project', self._get_data_entry( 'instances/{0}/instances/metadata/project'.format(instance_name))) def build_inventory_network(self, instance_name): """Add the network interfaces of the instance to the inventory Logic: - if the instance have no interface -> 'ansible_connection: local' - get preferred_interface & prefered_instance_network_family -> 'ansible_connection: ssh' & 'ansible_host: ' - first Interface from: network_interfaces prefered_instance_network_family -> 'ansible_connection: ssh' & 'ansible_host: ' Args: str(instance_name): name of instance Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" def interface_selection(instance_name): """Select instance Interface for inventory Logic: - get preferred_interface & prefered_instance_network_family -> str(IP) - first Interface from: network_interfaces prefered_instance_network_family -> str(IP) Args: str(instance_name): name of instance Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: dict(interface_name: ip)""" prefered_interface = self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/preferred_interface'.format(instance_name)) # name or None prefered_instance_network_family = self.prefered_instance_network_family ip_address = '' if prefered_interface: interface = self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/network_interfaces/{1}'.format(instance_name, prefered_interface)) for config in interface: if config['family'] == prefered_instance_network_family: ip_address = config['address'] break else: interfaces = self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/network_interfaces'.format(instance_name)) for interface in interfaces.values(): for config in interface: if config['family'] == prefered_instance_network_family: ip_address = config['address'] break return ip_address if self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/network_interfaces'.format(instance_name)): # instance have network interfaces self.inventory.set_variable(instance_name, 'ansible_connection', 'ssh') self.inventory.set_variable(instance_name, 'ansible_host', make_unsafe(interface_selection(instance_name))) else: self.inventory.set_variable(instance_name, 'ansible_connection', 'local') def build_inventory_hosts(self): """Build host-part dynamic inventory Build the host-part of the dynamic inventory. Add Hosts and host_vars to the inventory. Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" for instance_name in self.data['inventory']: instance_state = str(self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/state'.format(instance_name)) or "STOPPED").lower() # Only consider instances that match the "state" filter, if self.state is not None if self.filter: if self.filter.lower() != instance_state: continue # add instance instance_name = make_unsafe(instance_name) self.inventory.add_host(instance_name) # add network information self.build_inventory_network(instance_name) # add os v = self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/os'.format(instance_name)) if v: self.inventory.set_variable(instance_name, 'ansible_lxd_os', make_unsafe(v.lower())) # add release v = self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/release'.format(instance_name)) if v: self.inventory.set_variable( instance_name, 'ansible_lxd_release', make_unsafe(v.lower())) # add profile self.inventory.set_variable( instance_name, 'ansible_lxd_profile', make_unsafe(self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/profile'.format(instance_name)))) # add state self.inventory.set_variable( instance_name, 'ansible_lxd_state', make_unsafe(instance_state)) # add type self.inventory.set_variable( instance_name, 'ansible_lxd_type', make_unsafe(self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/type'.format(instance_name)))) # add location information if self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/location'.format(instance_name)) != "none": # wrong type by lxd 'none' != 'None' self.inventory.set_variable( instance_name, 'ansible_lxd_location', make_unsafe(self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/location'.format(instance_name)))) # add VLAN_ID information if self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/vlan_ids'.format(instance_name)): self.inventory.set_variable( instance_name, 'ansible_lxd_vlan_ids', make_unsafe(self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/vlan_ids'.format(instance_name)))) # add project self.inventory.set_variable( instance_name, 'ansible_lxd_project', make_unsafe(self._get_data_entry('inventory/{0}/project'.format(instance_name)))) def build_inventory_groups_location(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: location Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) for instance_name in self.inventory.hosts: if 'ansible_lxd_location' in self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars(): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, instance_name) def build_inventory_groups_pattern(self, group_name): """create group by name pattern Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) regex_pattern = self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute') for instance_name in self.inventory.hosts: result = re.search(regex_pattern, instance_name) if result: self.inventory.add_child(group_name, instance_name) def build_inventory_groups_network_range(self, group_name): """check if IP is in network-class Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) try: network = ipaddress.ip_network(to_text(self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute'))) except ValueError as err: raise AnsibleParserError( 'Error while parsing network range {0}: {1}'.format(self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute'), to_native(err))) for instance_name in self.inventory.hosts: if self.data['inventory'][instance_name].get('network_interfaces') is not None: for interface in self.data['inventory'][instance_name].get('network_interfaces'): for interface_family in self.data['inventory'][instance_name].get('network_interfaces')[interface]: try: address = ipaddress.ip_address(to_text(interface_family['address'])) if address.version == network.version and address in network: self.inventory.add_child(group_name, instance_name) except ValueError: # Ignore invalid IP addresses returned by lxd pass def build_inventory_groups_project(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: project Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) gen_instances = [ instance_name for instance_name in self.inventory.hosts if 'ansible_lxd_project' in self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars()] for instance_name in gen_instances: if self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute').lower() == self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars().get('ansible_lxd_project'): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, instance_name) def build_inventory_groups_os(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: os Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) gen_instances = [ instance_name for instance_name in self.inventory.hosts if 'ansible_lxd_os' in self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars()] for instance_name in gen_instances: if self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute').lower() == self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars().get('ansible_lxd_os'): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, instance_name) def build_inventory_groups_release(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: release Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) gen_instances = [ instance_name for instance_name in self.inventory.hosts if 'ansible_lxd_release' in self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars()] for instance_name in gen_instances: if self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute').lower() == self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars().get('ansible_lxd_release'): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, instance_name) def build_inventory_groups_profile(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: profile Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) gen_instances = [ instance_name for instance_name in self.inventory.hosts.keys() if 'ansible_lxd_profile' in self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars().keys()] for instance_name in gen_instances: if self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute').lower() in self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars().get('ansible_lxd_profile'): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, instance_name) def build_inventory_groups_vlanid(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: vlanid Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) gen_instances = [ instance_name for instance_name in self.inventory.hosts.keys() if 'ansible_lxd_vlan_ids' in self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars().keys()] for instance_name in gen_instances: if self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute') in self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars().get('ansible_lxd_vlan_ids').values(): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, instance_name) def build_inventory_groups_type(self, group_name): """create group by attribute: type Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # maybe we just want to expand one group if group_name not in self.inventory.groups: self.inventory.add_group(group_name) gen_instances = [ instance_name for instance_name in self.inventory.hosts if 'ansible_lxd_type' in self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars()] for instance_name in gen_instances: if self.groupby[group_name].get('attribute').lower() == self.inventory.get_host(instance_name).get_vars().get('ansible_lxd_type'): self.inventory.add_child(group_name, instance_name) def build_inventory_groups(self): """Build group-part dynamic inventory Build the group-part of the dynamic inventory. Add groups to the inventory. Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" def group_type(group_name): """create groups defined by lxd.yml or defaultvalues create groups defined by lxd.yml or defaultvalues supportetd: * 'location' * 'pattern' * 'network_range' * 'os' * 'release' * 'profile' * 'vlanid' * 'type' * 'project' Args: str(group_name): Group name Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" # Due to the compatibility with python 2 no use of map if self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'location': self.build_inventory_groups_location(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'pattern': self.build_inventory_groups_pattern(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'network_range': self.build_inventory_groups_network_range(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'os': self.build_inventory_groups_os(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'release': self.build_inventory_groups_release(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'profile': self.build_inventory_groups_profile(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'vlanid': self.build_inventory_groups_vlanid(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'type': self.build_inventory_groups_type(group_name) elif self.groupby[group_name].get('type') == 'project': self.build_inventory_groups_project(group_name) else: raise AnsibleParserError('Unknown group type: {0}'.format(to_native(group_name))) if self.groupby: for group_name in self.groupby: if not group_name.isalnum(): raise AnsibleParserError('Invalid character(s) in groupname: {0}'.format(to_native(group_name))) group_type(make_unsafe(group_name)) def build_inventory(self): """Build dynamic inventory Build the dynamic inventory. Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" self.build_inventory_hosts() self.build_inventory_groups() def cleandata(self): """Clean the dynamic inventory The first version of the inventory only supported container. This will change in the future. The following function cleans up the data and remove the all items with the wrong type. Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" iter_keys = list(self.data['instances'].keys()) for instance_name in iter_keys: if self._get_data_entry('instances/{0}/instances/metadata/type'.format(instance_name)) != self.type_filter: del self.data['instances'][instance_name] def _populate(self): """Return the hosts and groups Returns the processed instance configurations from the lxd import Args: None Kwargs: None Raises: None Returns: None""" if len(self.data) == 0: # If no data is injected by unittests open socket self.socket = self._connect_to_socket() self.get_instance_data(self._get_instances()) self.get_network_data(self._get_networks()) # The first version of the inventory only supported containers. # This will change in the future. # The following function cleans up the data. if self.type_filter != 'both': self.cleandata() self.extract_information_from_instance_configs() # self.display.vvv(self.save_json_data([os.path.abspath(__file__)])) self.build_inventory() def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache): """Return dynamic inventory from source Returns the processed inventory from the lxd import Args: str(inventory): inventory object with existing data and the methods to add hosts/groups/variables to inventory str(loader): Ansible's DataLoader str(path): path to the config bool(cache): use or avoid caches Kwargs: None Raises: AnsibleParserError Returns: None""" if IPADDRESS_IMPORT_ERROR: raise_from( AnsibleError('another_library must be installed to use this plugin'), IPADDRESS_IMPORT_ERROR) super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path, cache=False) # Read the inventory YAML file self._read_config_data(path) try: self.client_key = self.get_option('client_key') self.client_cert = self.get_option('client_cert') self.server_cert = self.get_option('server_cert') self.server_check_hostname = self.get_option('server_check_hostname') self.project = self.get_option('project') self.debug = self.DEBUG self.data = {} # store for inventory-data self.groupby = self.get_option('groupby') self.plugin = self.get_option('plugin') self.prefered_instance_network_family = self.get_option('prefered_instance_network_family') self.prefered_instance_network_interface = self.get_option('prefered_instance_network_interface') self.type_filter = self.get_option('type_filter') if self.get_option('state').lower() == 'none': # none in config is str() self.filter = None else: self.filter = self.get_option('state').lower() self.trust_password = self.get_option('trust_password') self.url = self.get_option('url') except Exception as err: raise AnsibleParserError( 'All correct options required: {0}'.format(to_native(err))) # Call our internal helper to populate the dynamic inventory self._populate()