#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2022, James Livulpi # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: homectl author: - "James Livulpi (@jameslivulpi)" short_description: Manage user accounts with systemd-homed version_added: 4.4.0 description: - Manages a user's home directory managed by systemd-homed. notes: - This module does B(not) work with Python 3.13 or newer. It uses the deprecated L(crypt Python module, https://docs.python.org/3.12/library/crypt.html) from the Python standard library, which was removed from Python 3.13. requirements: - Python 3.12 or earlier extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: name: description: - The user name to create, remove, or update. required: true aliases: [ 'user', 'username' ] type: str password: description: - Set the user's password to this. - Homed requires this value to be in cleartext on user creation and updating a user. - The module takes the password and generates a password hash in SHA-512 with 10000 rounds of salt generation using crypt. - See U(https://systemd.io/USER_RECORD/). - This is required for O(state=present). When an existing user is updated this is checked against the stored hash in homed. type: str state: description: - The operation to take on the user. choices: [ 'absent', 'present' ] default: present type: str storage: description: - Indicates the storage mechanism for the user's home directory. - If the storage type is not specified, ``homed.conf(5)`` defines which default storage to use. - Only used when a user is first created. choices: [ 'classic', 'luks', 'directory', 'subvolume', 'fscrypt', 'cifs' ] type: str disksize: description: - The intended home directory disk space. - Human readable value such as V(10G), V(10M), or V(10B). type: str resize: description: - When used with O(disksize) this will attempt to resize the home directory immediately. default: false type: bool realname: description: - The user's real ('human') name. - This can also be used to add a comment to maintain compatibility with C(useradd). aliases: [ 'comment' ] type: str realm: description: - The 'realm' a user is defined in. type: str email: description: - The email address of the user. type: str location: description: - A free-form location string describing the location of the user. type: str iconname: description: - The name of an icon picked by the user, for example for the purpose of an avatar. - Should follow the semantics defined in the Icon Naming Specification. - See U(https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html) for specifics. type: str homedir: description: - Path to use as home directory for the user. - This is the directory the user's home directory is mounted to while the user is logged in. - This is not where the user's data is actually stored, see O(imagepath) for that. - Only used when a user is first created. type: path imagepath: description: - Path to place the user's home directory. - See U(https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/homectl.html#--image-path=PATH) for more information. - Only used when a user is first created. type: path uid: description: - Sets the UID of the user. - If using O(gid) homed requires the value to be the same. - Only used when a user is first created. type: int gid: description: - Sets the gid of the user. - If using O(uid) homed requires the value to be the same. - Only used when a user is first created. type: int mountopts: description: - String separated by comma each indicating mount options for a users home directory. - Valid options are V(nosuid), V(nodev) or V(noexec). - Homed by default uses V(nodev) and V(nosuid) while V(noexec) is off. type: str umask: description: - Sets the umask for the user's login sessions - Value from V(0000) to V(0777). type: int memberof: description: - String separated by comma each indicating a UNIX group this user shall be a member of. - Groups the user should be a member of should be supplied as comma separated list. aliases: [ 'groups' ] type: str skeleton: description: - The absolute path to the skeleton directory to populate a new home directory from. - This is only used when a home directory is first created. - If not specified homed by default uses V(/etc/skel). aliases: [ 'skel' ] type: path shell: description: - Shell binary to use for terminal logins of given user. - If not specified homed by default uses V(/bin/bash). type: str environment: description: - String separated by comma each containing an environment variable and its value to set for the user's login session, in a format compatible with ``putenv()``. - Any environment variable listed here is automatically set by pam_systemd for all login sessions of the user. aliases: [ 'setenv' ] type: str timezone: description: - Preferred timezone to use for the user. - Should be a tzdata compatible location string such as V(America/New_York). type: str locked: description: - Whether the user account should be locked or not. type: bool language: description: - The preferred language/locale for the user. - This should be in a format compatible with the E(LANG) environment variable. type: str passwordhint: description: - Password hint for the given user. type: str sshkeys: description: - String separated by comma each listing a SSH public key that is authorized to access the account. - The keys should follow the same format as the lines in a traditional C(~/.ssh/authorized_key) file. type: str notbefore: description: - A time since the UNIX epoch before which the record should be considered invalid for the purpose of logging in. type: int notafter: description: - A time since the UNIX epoch after which the record should be considered invalid for the purpose of logging in. type: int ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Add the user 'james' community.general.homectl: name: johnd password: myreallysecurepassword1! state: present - name: Add the user 'alice' with a zsh shell, uid of 1000, and gid of 2000 community.general.homectl: name: alice password: myreallysecurepassword1! state: present shell: /bin/zsh uid: 1000 gid: 1000 - name: Modify an existing user 'frank' to have 10G of diskspace and resize usage now community.general.homectl: name: frank password: myreallysecurepassword1! state: present disksize: 10G resize: true - name: Remove an existing user 'janet' community.general.homectl: name: janet state: absent ''' RETURN = ''' data: description: A json dictionary returned from C(homectl inspect -j). returned: success type: dict sample: { "data": { "binding": { "e9ed2a5b0033427286b228e97c1e8343": { "fileSystemType": "btrfs", "fileSystemUuid": "7bd59491-2812-4642-a492-220c3f0c6c0b", "gid": 60268, "imagePath": "/home/james.home", "luksCipher": "aes", "luksCipherMode": "xts-plain64", "luksUuid": "7f05825a-2c38-47b4-90e1-f21540a35a81", "luksVolumeKeySize": 32, "partitionUuid": "5a906126-d3c8-4234-b230-8f6e9b427b2f", "storage": "luks", "uid": 60268 } }, "diskSize": 3221225472, "disposition": "regular", "lastChangeUSec": 1641941238208691, "lastPasswordChangeUSec": 1641941238208691, "privileged": { "hashedPassword": [ "$6$ov9AKni.trf76inT$tTtfSyHgbPTdUsG0CvSSQZXGqFGdHKQ9Pb6e0BTZhDmlgrL/vA5BxrXduBi8u/PCBiYUffGLIkGhApjKMK3bV." ] }, "signature": [ { "data": "o6zVFbymcmk4YTVaY6KPQK23YCp+VkXdGEeniZeV1pzIbFzoaZBvVLPkNKMoPAQbodY5BYfBtuy41prNL78qAg==", "key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMCowBQYDK2VwAyEAbs7ELeiEYBxkUQhxZ+5NGyu6J7gTtZtZ5vmIw3jowcY=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n" } ], "status": { "e9ed2a5b0033427286b228e97c1e8343": { "diskCeiling": 21845405696, "diskFloor": 268435456, "diskSize": 3221225472, "service": "io.systemd.Home", "signedLocally": true, "state": "inactive" } }, "userName": "james", } } ''' import json import traceback from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib from ansible.module_utils.basic import jsonify from ansible.module_utils.common.text.formatters import human_to_bytes try: import crypt except ImportError: HAS_CRYPT = False CRYPT_IMPORT_ERROR = traceback.format_exc() else: HAS_CRYPT = True CRYPT_IMPORT_ERROR = None class Homectl(object): '''#TODO DOC STRINGS''' def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.state = module.params['state'] self.name = module.params['name'] self.password = module.params['password'] self.storage = module.params['storage'] self.disksize = module.params['disksize'] self.resize = module.params['resize'] self.realname = module.params['realname'] self.realm = module.params['realm'] self.email = module.params['email'] self.location = module.params['location'] self.iconname = module.params['iconname'] self.homedir = module.params['homedir'] self.imagepath = module.params['imagepath'] self.uid = module.params['uid'] self.gid = module.params['gid'] self.umask = module.params['umask'] self.memberof = module.params['memberof'] self.skeleton = module.params['skeleton'] self.shell = module.params['shell'] self.environment = module.params['environment'] self.timezone = module.params['timezone'] self.locked = module.params['locked'] self.passwordhint = module.params['passwordhint'] self.sshkeys = module.params['sshkeys'] self.language = module.params['language'] self.notbefore = module.params['notbefore'] self.notafter = module.params['notafter'] self.mountopts = module.params['mountopts'] self.result = {} # Cannot run homectl commands if service is not active def homed_service_active(self): is_active = True cmd = ['systemctl', 'show', 'systemd-homed.service', '-p', 'ActiveState'] rc, show_service_stdout, stderr = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc == 0: state = show_service_stdout.rsplit('=')[1] if state.strip() != 'active': is_active = False return is_active def user_exists(self): exists = False valid_pw = False # Get user properties if they exist in json rc, stdout, stderr = self.get_user_metadata() if rc == 0: exists = True # User exists now compare password given with current hashed password stored in the user metadata. if self.state != 'absent': # Don't need checking on remove user stored_pwhash = json.loads(stdout)['privileged']['hashedPassword'][0] if self._check_password(stored_pwhash): valid_pw = True return exists, valid_pw def create_user(self): record = self.create_json_record(create=True) cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('homectl', True)] cmd.append('create') cmd.append('--identity=-') # Read the user record from standard input. return self.module.run_command(cmd, data=record) def _hash_password(self, password): method = crypt.METHOD_SHA512 salt = crypt.mksalt(method, rounds=10000) pw_hash = crypt.crypt(password, salt) return pw_hash def _check_password(self, pwhash): hash = crypt.crypt(self.password, pwhash) return pwhash == hash def remove_user(self): cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('homectl', True)] cmd.append('remove') cmd.append(self.name) return self.module.run_command(cmd) def prepare_modify_user_command(self): record = self.create_json_record() cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('homectl', True)] cmd.append('update') cmd.append(self.name) cmd.append('--identity=-') # Read the user record from standard input. # Resize disksize now resize = true # This is not valid in user record (json) and requires it to be passed on command. if self.disksize and self.resize: cmd.append('--and-resize') cmd.append('true') self.result['changed'] = True return cmd, record def get_user_metadata(self): cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('homectl', True)] cmd.append('inspect') cmd.append(self.name) cmd.append('-j') cmd.append('--no-pager') rc, stdout, stderr = self.module.run_command(cmd) return rc, stdout, stderr # Build up dictionary to jsonify for homectl commands. def create_json_record(self, create=False): record = {} user_metadata = {} self.result['changed'] = False # Get the current user record if not creating a new user record. if not create: rc, user_metadata, stderr = self.get_user_metadata() user_metadata = json.loads(user_metadata) # Remove elements that are not meant to be updated from record. # These are always part of the record when a user exists. user_metadata.pop('signature', None) user_metadata.pop('binding', None) user_metadata.pop('status', None) # Let last change Usec be updated by homed when command runs. user_metadata.pop('lastChangeUSec', None) # Now only change fields that are called on leaving what's currently in the record intact. record = user_metadata record['userName'] = self.name record['secret'] = {'password': [self.password]} if create: password_hash = self._hash_password(self.password) record['privileged'] = {'hashedPassword': [password_hash]} self.result['changed'] = True if self.uid and self.gid and create: record['uid'] = self.uid record['gid'] = self.gid self.result['changed'] = True if self.memberof: member_list = list(self.memberof.split(',')) if member_list != record.get('memberOf', [None]): record['memberOf'] = member_list self.result['changed'] = True if self.realname: if self.realname != record.get('realName'): record['realName'] = self.realname self.result['changed'] = True # Cannot update storage unless were creating a new user. # See 'Fields in the binding section' at https://systemd.io/USER_RECORD/ if self.storage and create: record['storage'] = self.storage self.result['changed'] = True # Cannot update homedir unless were creating a new user. # See 'Fields in the binding section' at https://systemd.io/USER_RECORD/ if self.homedir and create: record['homeDirectory'] = self.homedir self.result['changed'] = True # Cannot update imagepath unless were creating a new user. # See 'Fields in the binding section' at https://systemd.io/USER_RECORD/ if self.imagepath and create: record['imagePath'] = self.imagepath self.result['changed'] = True if self.disksize: # convert human readable to bytes if self.disksize != record.get('diskSize'): record['diskSize'] = human_to_bytes(self.disksize) self.result['changed'] = True if self.realm: if self.realm != record.get('realm'): record['realm'] = self.realm self.result['changed'] = True if self.email: if self.email != record.get('emailAddress'): record['emailAddress'] = self.email self.result['changed'] = True if self.location: if self.location != record.get('location'): record['location'] = self.location self.result['changed'] = True if self.iconname: if self.iconname != record.get('iconName'): record['iconName'] = self.iconname self.result['changed'] = True if self.skeleton: if self.skeleton != record.get('skeletonDirectory'): record['skeletonDirectory'] = self.skeleton self.result['changed'] = True if self.shell: if self.shell != record.get('shell'): record['shell'] = self.shell self.result['changed'] = True if self.umask: if self.umask != record.get('umask'): record['umask'] = self.umask self.result['changed'] = True if self.environment: if self.environment != record.get('environment', [None]): record['environment'] = list(self.environment.split(',')) self.result['changed'] = True if self.timezone: if self.timezone != record.get('timeZone'): record['timeZone'] = self.timezone self.result['changed'] = True if self.locked: if self.locked != record.get('locked'): record['locked'] = self.locked self.result['changed'] = True if self.passwordhint: if self.passwordhint != record.get('privileged', {}).get('passwordHint'): record['privileged']['passwordHint'] = self.passwordhint self.result['changed'] = True if self.sshkeys: if self.sshkeys != record.get('privileged', {}).get('sshAuthorizedKeys'): record['privileged']['sshAuthorizedKeys'] = list(self.sshkeys.split(',')) self.result['changed'] = True if self.language: if self.locked != record.get('preferredLanguage'): record['preferredLanguage'] = self.language self.result['changed'] = True if self.notbefore: if self.locked != record.get('notBeforeUSec'): record['notBeforeUSec'] = self.notbefore self.result['changed'] = True if self.notafter: if self.locked != record.get('notAfterUSec'): record['notAfterUSec'] = self.notafter self.result['changed'] = True if self.mountopts: opts = list(self.mountopts.split(',')) if 'nosuid' in opts: if record.get('mountNoSuid') is not True: record['mountNoSuid'] = True self.result['changed'] = True else: if record.get('mountNoSuid') is not False: record['mountNoSuid'] = False self.result['changed'] = True if 'nodev' in opts: if record.get('mountNoDevices') is not True: record['mountNoDevices'] = True self.result['changed'] = True else: if record.get('mountNoDevices') is not False: record['mountNoDevices'] = False self.result['changed'] = True if 'noexec' in opts: if record.get('mountNoExecute') is not True: record['mountNoExecute'] = True self.result['changed'] = True else: if record.get('mountNoExecute') is not False: record['mountNoExecute'] = False self.result['changed'] = True return jsonify(record) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), name=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['user', 'username']), password=dict(type='str', no_log=True), storage=dict(type='str', choices=['classic', 'luks', 'directory', 'subvolume', 'fscrypt', 'cifs']), disksize=dict(type='str'), resize=dict(type='bool', default=False), realname=dict(type='str', aliases=['comment']), realm=dict(type='str'), email=dict(type='str'), location=dict(type='str'), iconname=dict(type='str'), homedir=dict(type='path'), imagepath=dict(type='path'), uid=dict(type='int'), gid=dict(type='int'), umask=dict(type='int'), environment=dict(type='str', aliases=['setenv']), timezone=dict(type='str'), memberof=dict(type='str', aliases=['groups']), skeleton=dict(type='path', aliases=['skel']), shell=dict(type='str'), locked=dict(type='bool'), passwordhint=dict(type='str', no_log=True), sshkeys=dict(type='str', no_log=True), language=dict(type='str'), notbefore=dict(type='int'), notafter=dict(type='int'), mountopts=dict(type='str'), ), supports_check_mode=True, required_if=[ ('state', 'present', ['password']), ('resize', True, ['disksize']), ] ) if not HAS_CRYPT: module.fail_json( msg=missing_required_lib('crypt (part of Python 3.13 standard library)'), exception=CRYPT_IMPORT_ERROR, ) homectl = Homectl(module) homectl.result['state'] = homectl.state # First we need to make sure homed service is active if not homectl.homed_service_active(): module.fail_json(msg='systemd-homed.service is not active') # handle removing user if homectl.state == 'absent': user_exists, valid_pwhash = homectl.user_exists() if user_exists: if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) rc, stdout, stderr = homectl.remove_user() if rc != 0: module.fail_json(name=homectl.name, msg=stderr, rc=rc) homectl.result['changed'] = True homectl.result['rc'] = rc homectl.result['msg'] = 'User %s removed!' % homectl.name else: homectl.result['changed'] = False homectl.result['msg'] = 'User does not exist!' # Handle adding a user if homectl.state == 'present': user_exists, valid_pwhash = homectl.user_exists() if not user_exists: if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) rc, stdout, stderr = homectl.create_user() if rc != 0: module.fail_json(name=homectl.name, msg=stderr, rc=rc) rc, user_metadata, stderr = homectl.get_user_metadata() homectl.result['data'] = json.loads(user_metadata) homectl.result['rc'] = rc homectl.result['msg'] = 'User %s created!' % homectl.name else: if valid_pwhash: # Run this to see if changed would be True or False which is useful for check_mode cmd, record = homectl.prepare_modify_user_command() else: # User gave wrong password fail with message homectl.result['changed'] = False homectl.result['msg'] = 'User exists but password is incorrect!' module.fail_json(**homectl.result) if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(**homectl.result) # Now actually modify the user if changed was set to true at any point. if homectl.result['changed']: rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd, data=record) if rc != 0: module.fail_json(name=homectl.name, msg=stderr, rc=rc, changed=False) rc, user_metadata, stderr = homectl.get_user_metadata() homectl.result['data'] = json.loads(user_metadata) homectl.result['rc'] = rc if homectl.result['changed']: homectl.result['msg'] = 'User %s modified' % homectl.name module.exit_json(**homectl.result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()