#!/usr/bin/python # (c) 2016, NetApp, Inc # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: netapp_e_volume_copy short_description: NetApp E-Series create volume copy pairs description: - Create and delete snapshots images on volume groups for NetApp E-series storage arrays. author: Kevin Hulquest (@hulquest) extends_documentation_fragment: - netapp.ontap.netapp.eseries options: api_username: required: true description: - The username to authenticate with the SANtricity WebServices Proxy or embedded REST API. api_password: required: true description: - The password to authenticate with the SANtricity WebServices Proxy or embedded REST API. api_url: required: true description: - The url to the SANtricity WebServices Proxy or embedded REST API, for example C(https://prod-1.wahoo.acme.com/devmgr/v2). validate_certs: required: false default: true description: - Should https certificates be validated? source_volume_id: description: - The id of the volume copy source. - If used, must be paired with destination_volume_id - Mutually exclusive with volume_copy_pair_id, and search_volume_id destination_volume_id: description: - The id of the volume copy destination. - If used, must be paired with source_volume_id - Mutually exclusive with volume_copy_pair_id, and search_volume_id volume_copy_pair_id: description: - The id of a given volume copy pair - Mutually exclusive with destination_volume_id, source_volume_id, and search_volume_id - Can use to delete or check presence of volume pairs - Must specify this or (destination_volume_id and source_volume_id) state: description: - Whether the specified volume copy pair should exist or not. required: True choices: ['present', 'absent'] create_copy_pair_if_does_not_exist: description: - Defines if a copy pair will be created if it does not exist. - If set to True destination_volume_id and source_volume_id are required. type: bool default: True start_stop_copy: description: - starts a re-copy or stops a copy in progress - "Note: If you stop the initial file copy before it it done the copy pair will be destroyed" - Requires volume_copy_pair_id search_volume_id: description: - Searches for all valid potential target and source volumes that could be used in a copy_pair - Mutually exclusive with volume_copy_pair_id, destination_volume_id and source_volume_id ''' RESULTS = """ """ EXAMPLES = """ --- msg: description: Success message returned: success type: str sample: Json facts for the volume copy that was created. """ RETURN = """ msg: description: Success message returned: success type: str sample: Created Volume Copy Pair with ID """ import json from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native from ansible_collections.netapp.ontap.plugins.module_utils.netapp import request HEADERS = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", } def find_volume_copy_pair_id_from_source_volume_id_and_destination_volume_id(params): get_status = 'storage-systems/%s/volume-copy-jobs' % params['ssid'] url = params['api_url'] + get_status (rc, resp) = request(url, method='GET', url_username=params['api_username'], url_password=params['api_password'], headers=HEADERS, validate_certs=params['validate_certs']) volume_copy_pair_id = None for potential_copy_pair in resp: if potential_copy_pair['sourceVolume'] == params['source_volume_id']: if potential_copy_pair['sourceVolume'] == params['source_volume_id']: volume_copy_pair_id = potential_copy_pair['id'] return volume_copy_pair_id def create_copy_pair(params): get_status = 'storage-systems/%s/volume-copy-jobs' % params['ssid'] url = params['api_url'] + get_status rData = { "sourceId": params['source_volume_id'], "targetId": params['destination_volume_id'] } (rc, resp) = request(url, data=json.dumps(rData), ignore_errors=True, method='POST', url_username=params['api_username'], url_password=params['api_password'], headers=HEADERS, validate_certs=params['validate_certs']) if rc != 200: return False, (rc, resp) else: return True, (rc, resp) def delete_copy_pair_by_copy_pair_id(params): get_status = 'storage-systems/%s/volume-copy-jobs/%s?retainRepositories=false' % ( params['ssid'], params['volume_copy_pair_id']) url = params['api_url'] + get_status (rc, resp) = request(url, ignore_errors=True, method='DELETE', url_username=params['api_username'], url_password=params['api_password'], headers=HEADERS, validate_certs=params['validate_certs']) if rc != 204: return False, (rc, resp) else: return True, (rc, resp) def find_volume_copy_pair_id_by_volume_copy_pair_id(params): get_status = 'storage-systems/%s/volume-copy-jobs/%s?retainRepositories=false' % ( params['ssid'], params['volume_copy_pair_id']) url = params['api_url'] + get_status (rc, resp) = request(url, ignore_errors=True, method='DELETE', url_username=params['api_username'], url_password=params['api_password'], headers=HEADERS, validate_certs=params['validate_certs']) if rc != 200: return False, (rc, resp) else: return True, (rc, resp) def start_stop_copy(params): get_status = 'storage-systems/%s/volume-copy-jobs-control/%s?control=%s' % ( params['ssid'], params['volume_copy_pair_id'], params['start_stop_copy']) url = params['api_url'] + get_status (response_code, response_data) = request(url, ignore_errors=True, method='POST', url_username=params['api_username'], url_password=params['api_password'], headers=HEADERS, validate_certs=params['validate_certs']) if response_code == 200: return True, response_data[0]['percentComplete'] else: return False, response_data def check_copy_status(params): get_status = 'storage-systems/%s/volume-copy-jobs-control/%s' % ( params['ssid'], params['volume_copy_pair_id']) url = params['api_url'] + get_status (response_code, response_data) = request(url, ignore_errors=True, method='GET', url_username=params['api_username'], url_password=params['api_password'], headers=HEADERS, validate_certs=params['validate_certs']) if response_code == 200: if response_data['percentComplete'] != -1: return True, response_data['percentComplete'] else: return False, response_data['percentComplete'] else: return False, response_data def find_valid_copy_pair_targets_and_sources(params): get_status = 'storage-systems/%s/volumes' % params['ssid'] url = params['api_url'] + get_status (response_code, response_data) = request(url, ignore_errors=True, method='GET', url_username=params['api_username'], url_password=params['api_password'], headers=HEADERS, validate_certs=params['validate_certs']) if response_code == 200: source_capacity = None candidates = [] for volume in response_data: if volume['id'] == params['search_volume_id']: source_capacity = volume['capacity'] else: candidates.append(volume) potential_sources = [] potential_targets = [] for volume in candidates: if volume['capacity'] > source_capacity: if volume['volumeCopyTarget'] is False: if volume['volumeCopySource'] is False: potential_targets.append(volume['id']) else: if volume['volumeCopyTarget'] is False: if volume['volumeCopySource'] is False: potential_sources.append(volume['id']) return potential_targets, potential_sources else: raise Exception("Response [%s]" % response_code) def main(): module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=dict( source_volume_id=dict(type='str'), destination_volume_id=dict(type='str'), copy_priority=dict(required=False, default=0, type='int'), ssid=dict(required=True, type='str'), api_url=dict(required=True), api_username=dict(required=False), api_password=dict(required=False, no_log=True), validate_certs=dict(required=False, default=True), targetWriteProtected=dict(required=False, default=True, type='bool'), onlineCopy=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), volume_copy_pair_id=dict(type='str'), status=dict(required=True, choices=['present', 'absent'], type='str'), create_copy_pair_if_does_not_exist=dict(required=False, default=True, type='bool'), start_stop_copy=dict(required=False, choices=['start', 'stop'], type='str'), search_volume_id=dict(type='str'), ), mutually_exclusive=[['volume_copy_pair_id', 'destination_volume_id'], ['volume_copy_pair_id', 'source_volume_id'], ['volume_copy_pair_id', 'search_volume_id'], ['search_volume_id', 'destination_volume_id'], ['search_volume_id', 'source_volume_id'], ], required_together=[['source_volume_id', 'destination_volume_id'], ], required_if=[["create_copy_pair_if_does_not_exist", True, ['source_volume_id', 'destination_volume_id'], ], ["start_stop_copy", 'stop', ['volume_copy_pair_id'], ], ["start_stop_copy", 'start', ['volume_copy_pair_id'], ], ] ) params = module.params if not params['api_url'].endswith('/'): params['api_url'] += '/' # Check if we want to search if params['search_volume_id'] is not None: try: potential_targets, potential_sources = find_valid_copy_pair_targets_and_sources(params) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to find valid copy pair candidates. Error [%s]" % to_native(e)) module.exit_json(changed=False, msg=' Valid source devices found: %s Valid target devices found: %s' % (len(potential_sources), len(potential_targets)), search_volume_id=params['search_volume_id'], valid_targets=potential_targets, valid_sources=potential_sources) # Check if we want to start or stop a copy operation if params['start_stop_copy'] == 'start' or params['start_stop_copy'] == 'stop': # Get the current status info currenty_running, status_info = check_copy_status(params) # If we want to start if params['start_stop_copy'] == 'start': # If we have already started if currenty_running is True: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg='Volume Copy Pair copy has started.', volume_copy_pair_id=params['volume_copy_pair_id'], percent_done=status_info) # If we need to start else: start_status, info = start_stop_copy(params) if start_status is True: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg='Volume Copy Pair copy has started.', volume_copy_pair_id=params['volume_copy_pair_id'], percent_done=info) else: module.fail_json(msg="Could not start volume copy pair Error: %s" % info) # If we want to stop else: # If it has already stopped if currenty_running is False: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg='Volume Copy Pair copy is stopped.', volume_copy_pair_id=params['volume_copy_pair_id']) # If we need to stop it else: start_status, info = start_stop_copy(params) if start_status is True: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg='Volume Copy Pair copy has been stopped.', volume_copy_pair_id=params['volume_copy_pair_id']) else: module.fail_json(msg="Could not stop volume copy pair Error: %s" % info) # If we want the copy pair to exist we do this stuff if params['status'] == 'present': # We need to check if it exists first if params['volume_copy_pair_id'] is None: params['volume_copy_pair_id'] = find_volume_copy_pair_id_from_source_volume_id_and_destination_volume_id( params) # If no volume copy pair is found we need need to make it. if params['volume_copy_pair_id'] is None: # In order to create we can not do so with just a volume_copy_pair_id copy_began_status, (rc, resp) = create_copy_pair(params) if copy_began_status is True: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg='Created Volume Copy Pair with ID: %s' % resp['id']) else: module.fail_json(msg="Could not create volume copy pair Code: %s Error: %s" % (rc, resp)) # If it does exist we do nothing else: # We verify that it exists exist_status, (exist_status_code, exist_status_data) = find_volume_copy_pair_id_by_volume_copy_pair_id( params) if exist_status: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg=' Volume Copy Pair with ID: %s exists' % params['volume_copy_pair_id']) else: if exist_status_code == 404: module.fail_json( msg=' Volume Copy Pair with ID: %s does not exist. Can not create without source_volume_id and destination_volume_id' % params['volume_copy_pair_id']) else: module.fail_json(msg="Could not find volume copy pair Code: %s Error: %s" % ( exist_status_code, exist_status_data)) module.fail_json(msg="Done") # If we want it to not exist we do this else: if params['volume_copy_pair_id'] is None: params['volume_copy_pair_id'] = find_volume_copy_pair_id_from_source_volume_id_and_destination_volume_id( params) # We delete it by the volume_copy_pair_id delete_status, (delete_status_code, delete_status_data) = delete_copy_pair_by_copy_pair_id(params) if delete_status is True: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg=' Volume Copy Pair with ID: %s was deleted' % params['volume_copy_pair_id']) else: if delete_status_code == 404: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg=' Volume Copy Pair with ID: %s does not exist' % params['volume_copy_pair_id']) else: module.fail_json(msg="Could not delete volume copy pair Code: %s Error: %s" % ( delete_status_code, delete_status_data)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()