#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: onyx_bfd author: "Sara Touqan (@sarato)" short_description: Configures BFD parameters description: - This module provides declarative management of BFD protocol params on Mellanox ONYX network devices. options: shutdown: description: - Administratively shut down BFD protection. type: bool vrf: description: - Specifys the vrf name. type: str interval_min_rx: description: - Minimum desired receive rate, should be between 50 and 6000. type: int interval_multiplier: description: - Desired detection multiplier, should be between 3 and 50. type: int interval_transmit_rate: description: - Minimum desired transmit rate, should be between 50 and 60000. type: int iproute_network_prefix: description: - Configures the ip route network prefix, e.g type: str iproute_mask_length: description: - Configures the mask length of the ip route network prefix, e.g 24. type: int iproute_next_hop: description: - Configures the ip route next hop, e.g type: str ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: configures bfd onyx_bfd: shutdown: yes vrf: 5 interval_min_rx: 55 interval_multiplier: 8 interval_transmit_rate: 88 iproute_network_prefix: iproute_mask_length: 24 iproute_next_hop: """ RETURN = """ commands: description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device. returned: always type: list sample: - ip bfd shutdown - no ip bfd shutdown - ip bfd shutdown vrf - no ip bfd shutdown vrf - ip bfd vrf interval min-rx multiplier transmit-rate force - ip bfd interval min-rx multiplier transmit-rate force - ip route vrf / bfd - ip route / bfd """ import re from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.onyx.onyx import show_cmd from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.onyx.onyx import BaseOnyxModule class OnyxBFDModule(BaseOnyxModule): def init_module(self): """ initialize module """ element_spec = dict( shutdown=dict(type='bool'), vrf=dict(type='str'), interval_min_rx=dict(type='int'), interval_multiplier=dict(type='int'), interval_transmit_rate=dict(type='int'), iproute_network_prefix=dict(type='str'), iproute_mask_length=dict(type='int'), iproute_next_hop=dict(type='str'), ) argument_spec = dict() argument_spec.update(element_spec) self._module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, required_together=[ ['interval_min_rx', 'interval_multiplier', 'interval_transmit_rate'], ['iproute_network_prefix', 'iproute_mask_length', 'iproute_next_hop']]) def validate_bfd_interval_values(self): interval_min_rx = self._required_config.get('interval_min_rx') if interval_min_rx: if ((interval_min_rx < 50) or (interval_min_rx > 6000)): self._module.fail_json(msg='Receive interval should be between 50 and 6000.') interval_multiplier = self._required_config.get('interval_multiplier') if interval_multiplier: if ((interval_multiplier < 3) or (interval_multiplier > 50)): self._module.fail_json(msg='Multiplier should be between 3 and 50.') interval_transmit_rate = self._required_config.get('interval_transmit_rate') if interval_transmit_rate: if ((interval_transmit_rate < 50) or (interval_transmit_rate > 60000)): self._module.fail_json(msg='Transmit interval should be between 50 and 60000.') def get_required_config(self): module_params = self._module.params self._required_config = dict(module_params) self.validate_param_values(self._required_config) self.validate_bfd_interval_values() def _set_bfd_config(self, bfd_config): curr_config_arr = [] bfd_config = bfd_config.get('Lines') if bfd_config is None: return for runn_config in bfd_config: curr_config_arr.append(runn_config.strip()) if 'ip bfd shutdown vrf default' in curr_config_arr: self._current_config['bfd_shutdown'] = True else: self._current_config['bfd_shutdown'] = False self._current_config['curr_config_arr'] = curr_config_arr def _show_bfd_config(self): cmd = "show running-config | include bfd" return show_cmd(self._module, cmd, json_fmt=True, fail_on_error=False) def load_current_config(self): self._current_config = dict() bfd_config = self._show_bfd_config() if bfd_config: self._set_bfd_config(bfd_config) def generate_shutdown_commands(self, curr_config_arr): shutdown_enabled = self._required_config.get('shutdown') vrf_name = self._required_config.get('vrf') current_shutdown = self._current_config.get("bfd_shutdown") if shutdown_enabled is not None: if vrf_name is not None: if curr_config_arr is not None: if ('ip bfd shutdown vrf {0}' .format(vrf_name)) not in curr_config_arr: if shutdown_enabled is True: self._commands.append('ip bfd shutdown vrf {0}' .format(vrf_name)) else: if shutdown_enabled is False: self._commands.append('no ip bfd shutdown vrf {0}' .format(vrf_name)) else: if ((current_shutdown is not None and (current_shutdown != shutdown_enabled)) or (current_shutdown is None)): if shutdown_enabled is True: self._commands.append('ip bfd shutdown') else: self._commands.append('no ip bfd shutdown') def generate_interval_commands(self, curr_config_arr): interval_min_rx = self._required_config.get('interval_min_rx') interval_multiplier = self._required_config.get('interval_multiplier') interval_transmit_rate = self._required_config.get('interval_transmit_rate') vrf_name = self._required_config.get('vrf') if ((interval_min_rx is not None) and (interval_multiplier is not None) and (interval_transmit_rate is not None)): if vrf_name is not None: if curr_config_arr is not None: if ((('ip bfd vrf {0} interval transmit-rate {1} force' .format(vrf_name, interval_transmit_rate)) not in curr_config_arr) or (('ip bfd vrf {0} interval min-rx {1} force' .format(vrf_name, interval_min_rx)) not in curr_config_arr) or (('ip bfd vrf {0} interval multiplier {1} force' .format(vrf_name, interval_multiplier)) not in curr_config_arr)): self._commands.append('ip bfd vrf {0} interval min-rx {1} multiplier {2} transmit-rate {3} force' .format(vrf_name, interval_min_rx, interval_multiplier, interval_transmit_rate)) else: self._commands.append('ip bfd vrf {0} interval min-rx {1} multiplier {2} transmit-rate {3} force' .format(vrf_name, interval_min_rx, interval_multiplier, interval_transmit_rate)) else: if curr_config_arr is not None: if ((('ip bfd vrf default interval transmit-rate {0} force' .format(interval_transmit_rate)) not in curr_config_arr) or (('ip bfd vrf default interval min-rx {0} force' .format(interval_min_rx)) not in curr_config_arr) or (('ip bfd vrf default interval multiplier {0} force' .format(interval_multiplier)) not in curr_config_arr)): self._commands.append('ip bfd interval min-rx {0} multiplier {1} transmit-rate {2} force' .format(interval_min_rx, interval_multiplier, interval_transmit_rate)) else: self._commands.append('ip bfd interval min-rx {0} multiplier {1} transmit-rate {2} force' .format(interval_min_rx, interval_multiplier, interval_transmit_rate)) def generate_iproute_commands(self, curr_config_arr): iproute_network_prefix = self._required_config.get('iproute_network_prefix') iproute_mask_length = self._required_config.get('iproute_mask_length') iproute_next_hop = self._required_config.get('iproute_next_hop') vrf_name = self._required_config.get('vrf') if ((iproute_network_prefix is not None) and (iproute_mask_length is not None) and (iproute_next_hop is not None)): if vrf_name is not None: if curr_config_arr is not None: if ('ip route vrf {0} {1}/{2} {3} bfd' .format(vrf_name, iproute_network_prefix, iproute_mask_length, iproute_next_hop)) not in curr_config_arr: self._commands.append('ip route vrf {0} {1} /{2} {3} bfd' .format(vrf_name, iproute_network_prefix, iproute_mask_length, iproute_next_hop)) else: self._commands.append('ip route vrf {0} {1} /{2} {3} bfd' .format(vrf_name, iproute_network_prefix, iproute_mask_length, iproute_next_hop)) else: if curr_config_arr is not None: if ('ip route vrf default {0}/{1} {2} bfd' .format(iproute_network_prefix, iproute_mask_length, iproute_next_hop)) not in curr_config_arr: self._commands.append('ip route {0} /{1} {2} bfd' .format(iproute_network_prefix, iproute_mask_length, iproute_next_hop)) else: self._commands.append('ip route {0} /{1} {2} bfd' .format(iproute_network_prefix, iproute_mask_length, iproute_next_hop)) def generate_commands(self): curr_config_arr = self._current_config.get("curr_config_arr") self.generate_shutdown_commands(curr_config_arr) self.generate_interval_commands(curr_config_arr) self.generate_iproute_commands(curr_config_arr) def main(): """ main entry point for module execution """ OnyxBFDModule.main() if __name__ == '__main__': main()