#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type # # Copyright (C) 2019 Lenovo, Inc. # (c) 2017, Ansible by Red Hat, inc # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # # Module to work on Link Aggregation with Lenovo Switches # Lenovo Networking # ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: cnos_static_route author: "Anil Kumar Muraleedharan (@amuraleedhar)" short_description: Manage static IP routes on Lenovo CNOS network devices description: - This module provides declarative management of static IP routes on Lenovo CNOS network devices. notes: - Tested against CNOS 10.10.1 options: prefix: description: - Network prefix of the static route. mask: description: - Network prefix mask of the static route. next_hop: description: - Next hop IP of the static route. interface: description: - Interface of the static route. description: description: - Name of the static route aliases: ['description'] admin_distance: description: - Admin distance of the static route. default: 1 tag: description: - Set tag of the static route. aggregate: description: List of static route definitions. state: description: - State of the static route configuration. default: present choices: ['present', 'absent'] ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: configure static route cnos_static_route: prefix: mask: next_hop: - name: configure ultimate route with name and tag cnos_static_route: prefix: mask: interface: Ethernet1/13 description: hello world tag: 100 - name: remove configuration cnos_static_route: prefix: mask: next_hop: state: absent - name: Add static route aggregates cnos_static_route: aggregate: - { prefix:, mask:, next_hop: } - { prefix:, mask:, next_hop: } - name: Remove static route aggregates cnos_static_route: aggregate: - { prefix:, mask:, next_hop: } - { prefix:, mask:, next_hop: } state: absent """ RETURN = """ commands: description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device returned: always type: list sample: - ip route """ from copy import deepcopy from re import findall from ansible_collections.ansible.netcommon.plugins.module_utils.compat import ipaddress from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.ansible.netcommon.plugins.module_utils.network.common.utils import validate_ip_address from ansible_collections.ansible.netcommon.plugins.module_utils.network.common.utils import remove_default_spec from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.cnos.cnos import get_config, load_config from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.cnos.cnos import check_args from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.cnos.cnos import cnos_argument_spec def map_obj_to_commands(want, have): commands = list() for w in want: state = w['state'] command = 'ip route' prefix = w['prefix'] mask = w['mask'] command = ' '.join((command, prefix, mask)) for key in ['interface', 'next_hop', 'admin_distance', 'tag', 'description']: if w.get(key): if key == 'description' and len(w.get(key).split()) > 1: # name with multiple words needs to be quoted command = ' '.join((command, key, '"%s"' % w.get(key))) elif key in ('description', 'tag'): command = ' '.join((command, key, w.get(key))) else: command = ' '.join((command, w.get(key))) if state == 'absent': commands.append('no %s' % command) elif state == 'present': commands.append(command) return commands def map_config_to_obj(module): obj = [] out = get_config(module, flags='| include ip route') for line in out.splitlines(): # Split by whitespace but do not split quotes, needed for description splitted_line = findall(r'[^"\s]\S*|".+?"', line) route = {} prefix_with_mask = splitted_line[2] prefix = None mask = None iface = None nhop = None if validate_ip_address(prefix_with_mask) is True: my_net = ipaddress.ip_network(prefix_with_mask) prefix = str(my_net.network_address) mask = str(my_net.netmask) route.update({'prefix': prefix, 'mask': mask, 'admin_distance': '1'}) if splitted_line[3] is not None: if validate_ip_address(splitted_line[3]) is False: iface = str(splitted_line[3]) route.update(interface=iface) if validate_ip_address(splitted_line[4]) is True: nhop = str(splitted_line[4]) route.update(next_hop=nhop) if splitted_line[5].isdigit(): route.update(admin_distance=str(splitted_line[5])) elif splitted_line[4].isdigit(): route.update(admin_distance=str(splitted_line[4])) else: if splitted_line[6] is not None and splitted_line[6].isdigit(): route.update(admin_distance=str(splitted_line[6])) else: nhop = str(splitted_line[3]) route.update(next_hop=nhop) if splitted_line[4].isdigit(): route.update(admin_distance=str(splitted_line[4])) index = 0 for word in splitted_line: if word in ('tag', 'description'): route.update(word=splitted_line[index + 1]) index = index + 1 obj.append(route) return obj def map_params_to_obj(module, required_together=None): keys = ['prefix', 'mask', 'state', 'next_hop', 'interface', 'description', 'admin_distance', 'tag'] obj = [] aggregate = module.params.get('aggregate') if aggregate: for item in aggregate: route = item.copy() for key in keys: if route.get(key) is None: route[key] = module.params.get(key) route = dict((k, v) for k, v in route.items() if v is not None) module._check_required_together(required_together, route) obj.append(route) else: module._check_required_together(required_together, module.params) route = dict() for key in keys: if module.params.get(key) is not None: route[key] = module.params.get(key) obj.append(route) return obj def main(): """ main entry point for module execution """ element_spec = dict( prefix=dict(type='str'), mask=dict(type='str'), next_hop=dict(type='str'), interface=dict(type='str'), description=dict(type='str'), admin_distance=dict(type='str', default='1'), tag=dict(type='str'), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']) ) aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec) aggregate_spec['prefix'] = dict(required=True) # remove default in aggregate spec, to handle common arguments remove_default_spec(aggregate_spec) argument_spec = dict( aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec), ) argument_spec.update(element_spec) required_one_of = [['aggregate', 'prefix']] required_together = [['prefix', 'mask']] mutually_exclusive = [['aggregate', 'prefix']] module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, required_one_of=required_one_of, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive, supports_check_mode=True) warnings = list() check_args(module, warnings) result = {'changed': False} if warnings: result['warnings'] = warnings want = map_params_to_obj(module, required_together=required_together) have = map_config_to_obj(module) commands = map_obj_to_commands(want, have) result['commands'] = commands if commands: if not module.check_mode: load_config(module, commands) result['changed'] = True module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()