#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 Red Hat # GNU General Public License v3.0+ # (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: ce_is_is_view author: xuxiaowei0512 (@CloudEngine-Ansible) short_description: Manages isis view configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices. description: - Manages isis process id, creates a isis instance id or deletes a process id on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices. options: coststyle: description: - Specifies the cost style. type: str choices: ['narrow', 'wide', 'transition', 'ntransition', 'wtransition'] cost_type: description: - Specifies the cost type. type: str choices: ['external', 'internal'] defaultmode: description: - Specifies the default mode. type: str choices: ['always', 'matchDefault', 'matchAny'] export_policytype: description: - Specifies the default mode. type: str choices: ['aclNumOrName', 'ipPrefix', 'routePolicy'] export_protocol: description: - Specifies the export router protocol. type: str choices: ['direct', 'ospf', 'isis', 'static', 'rip', 'bgp', 'ospfv3', 'all'] impotr_leveltype: description: - Specifies the export router protocol. type: str choices: ['level_1', 'level_2', 'level_1_2'] islevel: description: - Specifies the isis level. type: str choices: ['level_1', 'level_2', 'level_1_2'] level_type: description: - Specifies the isis level type. type: str choices: ['level_1', 'level_2', 'level_1_2'] penetration_direct: description: - Specifies the penetration direct. type: str choices: ['level2-level1', 'level1-level2'] protocol: description: - Specifies the protocol. type: str choices: ['direct', 'ospf', 'isis', 'static', 'rip', 'bgp', 'ospfv3', 'all'] aclnum_or_name: description: - Specifies the acl number or name for isis. type: str allow_filter: description: - Specifies the alow filter or not. type: bool allow_up_down: description: - Specifies the alow up or down. type: bool autocostenable: description: - Specifies the alow auto cost enable. type: bool autocostenablecompatible: description: - Specifies the alow auto cost enable compatible. type: bool avoid_learning: description: - Specifies the alow avoid learning. type: bool bfd_min_tx: description: - Specifies the bfd min sent package. type: int bfd_min_rx: description: - Specifies the bfd min received package. type: int bfd_multiplier_num: description: - Specifies the bfd multiplier number. type: int cost: description: - Specifies the bfd cost. type: int description: description: - Specifies description of isis. type: str enablelevel1tolevel2: description: - Enable level1 to level2. type: bool export_aclnumorname: description: - Specifies export acl number or name. type: str export_ipprefix: description: - Specifies export ip prefix. type: str export_processid: description: - Specifies export process id. type: int export_routepolicyname: description: - Specifies export route policy name. type: str import_aclnumorname: description: - Specifies import acl number or name. type: str import_cost: description: - Specifies import cost. type: int import_ipprefix: description: - Specifies import ip prefix. type: str import_route_policy: description: - Specifies import route policy. type: str import_routepolicy_name: description: - Specifies import route policy name. type: str import_routepolicyname: description: - Specifies import route policy name. type: str import_tag: description: - Specifies import tag. type: int inheritcost: description: - Enable inherit cost. type: bool instance_id: description: - Specifies instance id. type: int ip_address: description: - Specifies ip address. type: str ip_prefix_name: description: - Specifies ip prefix name. type: str max_load: description: - Specifies route max load. type: int mode_routepolicyname: description: - Specifies the mode of route polic yname. type: str mode_tag: description: - Specifies the tag of mode. type: int netentity: description: - Specifies the netentity. type: str permitibgp: description: - Specifies the permitibgp. type: bool processid: description: - Specifies the process id. type: int relaxspfLimit: description: - Specifies enable the relax spf limit. type: bool route_policy_name: description: - Specifies the route policy name. type: str stdbandwidth: description: - Specifies the std band width. type: int stdlevel1cost: description: - Specifies the std level1 cost. type: int stdlevel2cost: description: - Specifies the std level2 cost. type: int tag: description: - Specifies the isis tag. type: int weight: description: - Specifies the isis weight. type: int preference_value: description: - Specifies the preference value. type: int state: description: - Determines whether the config should be present or not on the device. default: present type: str choices: ['present', 'absent'] notes: - This module requires the netconf system service be enabled on the remote device being managed. - This module works with connection C(netconf). ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Set isis description ce_is_is_view: instance_id: 3 description: abcdeggfs state: present - name: Set isis islevel ce_is_is_view: instance_id: 3 islevel: level_1 state: present - name: Set isis coststyle ce_is_is_view: instance_id: 3 coststyle: narrow state: present - name: Set isis stdlevel1cost ce_is_is_view: instance_id: 3 stdlevel1cost: 63 state: present - name: set isis stdlevel2cost ce_is_is_view: instance_id: 3 stdlevel2cost: 63 state: present - name: set isis stdbandwidth ce_is_is_view: instance_id: 3 stdbandwidth: 1 state: present ''' RETURN = ''' proposed: description: k/v pairs of parameters passed into module returned: always type: dict sample: { "state": "present" } existing: description: k/v pairs of existing configuration returned: always type: dict sample: { "session": {} } end_state: description: k/v pairs of configuration after module execution returned: always type: dict sample: { "session": { "addrType": "IPV4", "createType": "SESS_STATIC", "destAddr": null, "outIfName": "10GE1/0/1", "sessName": "bfd_l2link", "srcAddr": null, "useDefaultIp": "true", "vrfName": null } } updates: description: commands sent to the device returned: always type: list sample: [ "bfd bfd_l2link bind peer-ip default-ip interface 10ge1/0/1" ] changed: description: check to see if a change was made on the device returned: always type: bool sample: true ''' import sys import socket from xml.etree import ElementTree from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.cloudengine.ce import get_nc_config, set_nc_config CE_NC_GET_ISIS = """ %s """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_INSTANCE = """ %s """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_ENTITY = """ %s """ CE_NC_CREAT_ISIS_ENTITY = """ %s %s """ CE_NC_DELATE_ISIS_ENTITY = """ %s %s """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_PREFERENCE = """ %s """ CE_NC_MREGE_ISIS_PREFERENCE = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s """ CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_PREFERENCE = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_MAXLOAD = """ %s afIpv4 0 """ CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_MAXLOAD = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s """ CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_MAXLOAD = """ %s afIpv4 0 32 """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_NEXTHOP = """ %s afIpv4 0 """ CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_NEXTHOP = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s %s """ CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_NEXTHOP = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s 1 """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_LEAKROUTELEVEL2 = """ %s afIpv4 0 """ CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_LEAKROUTELEVEL2 = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s """ CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_LEAKROUTELEVEL2 = """ %s afIpv4 0 0 false """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_LEAKROUTELEVEL1 = """ %s afIpv4 0 """ CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_LEAKROUTELEVEL1 = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s """ CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_LEAKROUTELEVEL1 = """ %s afIpv4 0 0 false false """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_DEFAULTROUTE = """ %s afIpv4 0 """ CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_DEFAULTROUTE = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s """ CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_DEFAULTROUTE = """ %s afIpv4 0 always 0 0 level_2 false """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_IMPORTROUTE = """ %s afIpv4 0 """ CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_IMPORTROUTE = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_EXPORTROUTE = """ %s afIpv4 0 """ CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_EXPORTROUTE = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_IMPORTIPROUTE = """ %s afIpv4 0 """ CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_IMPORTIPROUTE = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s """ CE_NC_GET_ISIS_BFDLINK = """ %s afIpv4 0 """ CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_BFDLINK = """ %s afIpv4 0 %s """ CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_BFDLINK = """ %s afIpv4 0 3 3 3 """ def is_valid_ip_vpn(vpname): """check ip vpn""" if not vpname: return False if vpname == "_public_": return False if len(vpname) < 1 or len(vpname) > 31: return False return True def check_ip_addr(ipaddr): """check ip address, Supports IPv4 and IPv6""" if not ipaddr or '\x00' in ipaddr: return False try: res = socket.getaddrinfo(ipaddr, 0, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_NUMERICHOST) return bool(res) except socket.gaierror: err = sys.exc_info()[1] if err.args[0] == socket.EAI_NONAME: return False raise return True def check_default_ip(ipaddr): """check the default multicast IP address""" # The value ranges from to if not check_ip_addr(ipaddr): return False if ipaddr.count(".") != 3: return False ips = ipaddr.split(".") if ips[0] != "224" or ips[1] != "0" or ips[2] != "0": return False if not ips[3].isdigit() or int(ips[3]) < 107 or int(ips[3]) > 250: return False return True def get_interface_type(interface): """get the type of interface, such as 10GE, ETH-TRUNK, VLANIF...""" if interface is None: return None if interface.upper().startswith('GE'): iftype = 'ge' elif interface.upper().startswith('10GE'): iftype = '10ge' elif interface.upper().startswith('25GE'): iftype = '25ge' elif interface.upper().startswith('4X10GE'): iftype = '4x10ge' elif interface.upper().startswith('40GE'): iftype = '40ge' elif interface.upper().startswith('100GE'): iftype = '100ge' elif interface.upper().startswith('VLANIF'): iftype = 'vlanif' elif interface.upper().startswith('LOOPBACK'): iftype = 'loopback' elif interface.upper().startswith('METH'): iftype = 'meth' elif interface.upper().startswith('ETH-TRUNK'): iftype = 'eth-trunk' elif interface.upper().startswith('VBDIF'): iftype = 'vbdif' elif interface.upper().startswith('NVE'): iftype = 'nve' elif interface.upper().startswith('TUNNEL'): iftype = 'tunnel' elif interface.upper().startswith('ETHERNET'): iftype = 'ethernet' elif interface.upper().startswith('FCOE-PORT'): iftype = 'fcoe-port' elif interface.upper().startswith('FABRIC-PORT'): iftype = 'fabric-port' elif interface.upper().startswith('STACK-PORT'): iftype = 'stack-port' elif interface.upper().startswith('NULL'): iftype = 'null' else: return None return iftype.lower() class ISIS_View(object): """Manages ISIS Instance""" def __init__(self, argument_spec): self.spec = argument_spec self.module = None self.__init_module__() # module input info self.instance_id = self.module.params['instance_id'] self.description = self.module.params['description'] self.islevel = self.module.params['islevel'] self.coststyle = self.module.params['coststyle'] self.relaxspfLimit = self.module.params['relaxspfLimit'] self.stdlevel1cost = self.module.params['stdlevel1cost'] self.stdlevel2cost = self.module.params['stdlevel2cost'] self.stdbandwidth = self.module.params['stdbandwidth'] self.autocostenable = self.module.params['autocostenable'] self.autocostenablecompatible = self.module.params['autocostenablecompatible'] self.netentity = self.module.params['netentity'] self.preference_value = self.module.params['preference_value'] self.route_policy_name = self.module.params['route_policy_name'] self.max_load = self.module.params['max_load'] self.ip_address = self.module.params['ip_address'] self.weight = self.module.params['weight'] self.aclnum_or_name = self.module.params['aclnum_or_name'] self.ip_prefix_name = self.module.params['ip_prefix_name'] self.import_routepolicy_name = self.module.params['import_routepolicy_name'] self.tag = self.module.params['tag'] self.allow_filter = self.module.params['allow_filter'] self.allow_up_down = self.module.params['allow_up_down'] self.penetration_direct = self.module.params['penetration_direct'] self.enablelevel1tolevel2 = self.module.params['enablelevel1tolevel2'] self.defaultmode = self.module.params['defaultmode'] self.mode_routepolicyname = self.module.params['mode_routepolicyname'] self.cost = self.module.params['cost'] self.mode_tag = self.module.params['mode_tag'] self.level_type = self.module.params['level_type'] self.avoid_learning = self.module.params['avoid_learning'] self.protocol = self.module.params['protocol'] self.processid = self.module.params['processid'] self.cost_type = self.module.params['cost_type'] self.import_cost = self.module.params['import_cost'] self.import_tag = self.module.params['import_tag'] self.impotr_leveltype = self.module.params['impotr_leveltype'] self.import_route_policy = self.module.params['import_route_policy'] self.inheritcost = self.module.params['inheritcost'] self.permitibgp = self.module.params['permitibgp'] self.avoid_learning = self.module.params['avoid_learning'] self.export_protocol = self.module.params['export_protocol'] self.export_policytype = self.module.params['export_policytype'] self.export_processid = self.module.params['export_processid'] self.export_aclnumorname = self.module.params['export_aclnumorname'] self.export_ipprefix = self.module.params['export_ipprefix'] self.export_routepolicyname = self.module.params['export_routepolicyname'] self.import_aclnumorname = self.module.params['import_aclnumorname'] self.import_ipprefix = self.module.params['import_ipprefix'] self.import_routepolicyname = self.module.params['import_routepolicyname'] self.bfd_min_rx = self.module.params['bfd_min_rx'] self.bfd_min_tx = self.module.params['bfd_min_tx'] self.bfd_multiplier_num = self.module.params['bfd_multiplier_num'] self.state = self.module.params['state'] # state self.changed = False self.isis_dict = dict() self.updates_cmd = list() self.commands = list() self.results = dict() self.proposed = dict() self.existing = dict() self.end_state = dict() def __init_module__(self): """init module""" mutually_exclusive = [["stdlevel1cost", "stdlevel2cost"], ["aclnum_or_name", "ip_prefix_name", "import_routepolicy_name"], ["export_aclnumorname", "import_ipprefix", "import_routepolicyname"]] required_together = [('ip_address', 'weight')] self.module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive, required_together=required_together, supports_check_mode=True) def get_isis_dict(self): """bfd config dict""" isis_dict = dict() isis_dict["instance"] = dict() conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_INSTANCE % self.instance_id)) if self.netentity: conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_ENTITY % self.instance_id)) if self.route_policy_name or self.preference_value: conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_PREFERENCE % self.instance_id)) if self.max_load: conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_MAXLOAD % self.instance_id)) if self.ip_address: conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_NEXTHOP % self.instance_id)) if self.penetration_direct and self.penetration_direct == "level2-level1": conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_LEAKROUTELEVEL2 % self.instance_id)) elif self.penetration_direct and self.penetration_direct == "level1-level2": conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_LEAKROUTELEVEL1 % self.instance_id)) elif self.defaultmode: conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_DEFAULTROUTE % self.instance_id)) elif self.protocol: conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_IMPORTROUTE % self.instance_id)) elif self.export_protocol: conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_EXPORTROUTE % self.instance_id)) elif self.bfd_min_rx or self.bfd_min_tx or self.bfd_multiplier_num: conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_BFDLINK % self.instance_id)) elif self.import_aclnumorname or self.import_ipprefix or self.import_ipprefix: conf_str = CE_NC_GET_ISIS % ( (CE_NC_GET_ISIS_IMPORTIPROUTE % self.instance_id)) xml_str = get_nc_config(self.module, conf_str) if "" in xml_str: return isis_dict xml_str = xml_str.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').\ replace('xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"', "").\ replace('xmlns="http://www.huawei.com/netconf/vrp"', "") root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_str) # get bfd global info if self.netentity: glb = root.find("isiscomm/isSites/isSite/isNetEntitys/isNetEntity") elif self.route_policy_name or self.preference_value: glb = root.find("isiscomm/isSites/isSite//isSiteMTs/isSiteMT/isPreferences/isPreference") elif self.max_load: glb = root.find("isiscomm/isSites/isSite/isSiteMTs/isSiteMT") elif self.ip_address: glb = root.find("isiscomm/isSites/isSite/isSiteMTs/isSiteMT/isNextHopWeights/isNextHopWeight") elif self.penetration_direct and self.penetration_direct == "level2-level1": glb = root.find("isiscomm/isSites/isSite/isSiteMTs/isSiteMT/isLeakRouteLevel2ToLevel1s/isLeakRouteLevel2ToLevel1") elif self.penetration_direct and self.penetration_direct == "level1-level2": glb = root.find( "isiscomm/isSites/isSite/isSiteMTs/isSiteMT/isLeakRouteLevel1ToLevel2s/isLeakRouteLevel1ToLevel2") elif self.defaultmode: glb = root.find( "isiscomm/isSites/isSite/isSiteMTs/isSiteMT/isDefaultRoutes/isDefaultRoute") elif self.protocol: glb = root.find( "isiscomm/isSites/isSite/isSiteMTs/isSiteMT/isImportRoutes/isImportRoute") elif self.export_protocol: glb = root.find( "isiscomm/isSites/isSite/isSiteMTs/isSiteMT/isFilterExports/isFilterExport") elif self.bfd_min_rx or self.bfd_min_tx or self.bfd_multiplier_num: glb = root.find( "isiscomm/isSites/isSite/isSiteMTs/isSiteMT") elif self.import_aclnumorname or self.import_ipprefix or self.import_ipprefix: glb = root.find( "isiscomm/isSites/isSite/isSiteMTs/isSiteMT/isFilterImports/isFilterImport") else: glb = root.find("isiscomm/isSites/isSite") if glb is not None: for attr in glb: isis_dict["instance"][attr.tag] = attr.text return isis_dict def config_session(self): """configures bfd session""" xml_str = "" instance = self.isis_dict["instance"] if not self.instance_id: return xml_str xml_str = "%s" % self.instance_id self.updates_cmd.append("isis %s" % self.instance_id) cmd_list = list() if self.state == "present": if self.description and self.description != instance.get("description"): xml_str += "%s" % self.description self.updates_cmd.append("description %s" % self.description) if self.islevel and self.islevel != instance.get("isLevel"): xml_str += "%s" % self.islevel self.updates_cmd.append("is-level %s" % self.islevel) if self.coststyle: if self.coststyle != instance.get("costStyle"): xml_str += "%s" % self.coststyle self.updates_cmd.append("cost-style %s" % self.coststyle) if self.relaxspfLimit and instance.get("relaxSpfLimit", "false") == "false": xml_str += "true" self.updates_cmd.append("cost-style %s relax-spf-limit" % self.coststyle) elif not self.relaxspfLimit and instance.get("relaxSpfLimit", "false") == "true": xml_str += "false" self.updates_cmd.append("cost-style %s" % self.coststyle) if self.stdlevel1cost and str(self.stdlevel1cost) != instance.get("stdLevel1Cost"): xml_str += "%s" % self.stdlevel1cost self.updates_cmd.append("circuit-cost %s level-1" % self.stdlevel1cost) if self.stdlevel2cost and str(self.stdlevel2cost) != instance.get("stdLevel2Cost"): xml_str += "%s" % self.stdlevel2cost self.updates_cmd.append("circuit-cost %s level-2" % self.stdlevel2cost) if self.stdbandwidth and str(self.stdbandwidth) != instance.get("stdbandwidth"): xml_str += "%s" % self.stdbandwidth self.updates_cmd.append("bandwidth-reference %s" % self.stdbandwidth) if self.netentity and self.netentity != instance.get("netEntity"): xml_str = CE_NC_CREAT_ISIS_ENTITY % (self.instance_id, self.netentity) self.updates_cmd.append("network-entity %s" % self.netentity) if self.preference_value or self.route_policy_name: xml_str = "" cmd_session = "preference" if self.preference_value and str(self.preference_value) != instance.get("preferenceValue"): xml_str = "%s" % self.preference_value cmd_session += " %s" % self.preference_value if self.route_policy_name and self.route_policy_name != instance.get("routePolicyName"): xml_str += "%s" % self.route_policy_name cmd_session += " route-policy %s" % self.route_policy_name cmd_list.insert(0, cmd_session) self.updates_cmd.extend(cmd_list) xml_str = CE_NC_MREGE_ISIS_PREFERENCE % (self.instance_id, xml_str) if self.max_load and str(self.max_load) != instance.get("maxLoadBalancing"): xml_str = CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_MAXLOAD % (self.instance_id, self.max_load) self.updates_cmd.append("maximum load-balancing %s" % self.max_load) if self.ip_address: xml_str = CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_NEXTHOP % (self.instance_id, self.ip_address, self.weight) self.updates_cmd.append("nexthop %s weight %s" % (self.ip_address, self.weight)) if self.penetration_direct: xml_str = "" if self.penetration_direct == "level2-level1": cmd_session = "import-route isis level-2 into level-1" elif self.penetration_direct == "level1-level2": cmd_session = "import-route isis level-1 into level-2" if self.aclnum_or_name: xml_str = "%s" % self.aclnum_or_name xml_str += "aclNumOrName" if isinstance(self.aclnum_or_name, int): cmd_session += " filter-policy %s" % self.aclnum_or_name elif isinstance(self.aclnum_or_name, str): cmd_session += " filter-policy acl-name %s" % self.aclnum_or_name if self.ip_prefix_name: xml_str = "%s" % self.ip_prefix_name xml_str += "ipPrefix" cmd_session += " filter-policy ip-prefix %s" % self.ip_prefix_name if self.import_routepolicy_name: xml_str = "%s" % self.import_routepolicy_name xml_str += "routePolicy" cmd_session += " filter-policy route-policy %s" % self.import_routepolicy_name if self.tag: xml_str += "%s" % self.tag cmd_session += " tag %s" % self.tag if self.allow_filter or self.allow_up_down: cmd_session += " direct" if self.allow_filter: xml_str += "true" cmd_session += " allow-filter-policy" if self.allow_up_down: xml_str += "true" cmd_session += " allow-up-down-bit" cmd_list.insert(0, cmd_session) self.updates_cmd.extend(cmd_list) if self.enablelevel1tolevel2: xml_str += "true" self.updates_cmd.append("undo import-route isis level-1 into level-2 disable") if self.defaultmode: cmd_session = "default-route-advertise" if self.defaultmode == "always": xml_str = "always" cmd_session += " always" elif self.defaultmode == "matchDefault": xml_str = "matchDefault" cmd_session += " match default" elif self.defaultmode == "matchAny": xml_str = "matchAny" xml_str += "routePolicy" xml_str += "%s" % self.mode_routepolicyname cmd_session += " route-policy %s" % self.mode_routepolicyname if self.cost is not None: xml_str += "%s" % self.cost cmd_session += " cost %s" % self.cost if self.mode_tag: xml_str += "%s" % self.mode_tag cmd_session += " tag %s" % self.mode_tag if self.level_type: if self.level_type == "level_1": xml_str += "level_1" cmd_session += " level-1" elif self.level_type == "level_2": xml_str += "level_2" cmd_session += " level-2" elif self.level_type == "level_1_2": xml_str += "level_1_2" cmd_session += " level-1-2" if self.avoid_learning: xml_str += "true" cmd_session += " avoid-learning" elif not self.avoid_learning: xml_str += "false" cmd_list.insert(0, cmd_session) self.updates_cmd.extend(cmd_list) if self.protocol: cmd_session = "import-route" if self.protocol == "rip": xml_str = "rip" cmd_session += " rip" elif self.protocol == "isis": xml_str = "isis" cmd_session += " isis" elif self.protocol == "ospf": xml_str = "ospf" cmd_session += " ospf" elif self.protocol == "static": xml_str = "static" cmd_session += " static" elif self.protocol == "direct": xml_str = "direct" cmd_session += " direct" elif self.protocol == "bgp": xml_str = "bgp" cmd_session += " bgp" if self.permitibgp: xml_str += "true" cmd_session += " permit-ibgp" if self.protocol == "rip" or self.protocol == "isis" or self.protocol == "ospf": xml_str += "%s" % self.processid cmd_session += " %s" % self.processid if self.inheritcost: xml_str += "%s" % self.inheritcost cmd_session += " inherit-cost" if self.cost_type: if self.cost_type == "external": xml_str += "external" cmd_session += " cost-type external" elif self.cost_type == "internal": xml_str += "internal" cmd_session += " cost-type internal" if self.import_cost: xml_str += "%s" % self.import_cost cmd_session += " cost %s" % self.import_cost if self.import_tag: xml_str += "%s" % self.import_tag cmd_session += " tag %s" % self.import_tag if self.import_route_policy: xml_str += "routePolicy" xml_str += "%s" % self.import_route_policy cmd_session += " route-policy %s" % self.import_route_policy if self.impotr_leveltype: if self.impotr_leveltype == "level_1": cmd_session += " level-1" elif self.impotr_leveltype == "level_2": cmd_session += " level-2" elif self.impotr_leveltype == "level_1_2": cmd_session += " level-1-2" cmd_list.insert(0, cmd_session) self.updates_cmd.extend(cmd_list) if self.bfd_min_rx or self.bfd_min_tx or self.bfd_multiplier_num: xml_str = "" self.updates_cmd.append("bfd all-interfaces enable") cmd_session = "bfd all-interfaces" if self.bfd_min_rx: xml_str += "%s" % self.bfd_min_rx cmd_session += " min-rx-interval %s" % self.bfd_min_rx if self.bfd_min_tx: xml_str += "%s" % self.bfd_min_tx cmd_session += " min-tx-interval %s" % self.bfd_min_tx if self.bfd_multiplier_num: xml_str += "%s" % self.bfd_multiplier_num cmd_session += " detect-multiplier %s" % self.bfd_multiplier_num cmd_list.insert(0, cmd_session) self.updates_cmd.extend(cmd_list) if self.export_protocol: cmd_session = "filter-policy" if self.export_aclnumorname: xml_str = "aclNumOrName" xml_str += "%s" % self.export_aclnumorname if isinstance(self.export_aclnumorname, int): cmd_session += " %s" % self.export_aclnumorname elif isinstance(self.export_aclnumorname, str): cmd_session += " acl-name %s" % self.export_aclnumorname if self.export_ipprefix: xml_str = "ipPrefix" xml_str += "%s" % self.export_ipprefix cmd_session += " ip-prefix %s" % self.export_ipprefix if self.export_routepolicyname: xml_str = "routePolicy" xml_str += "%s" % self.export_routepolicyname cmd_session += " route-policy %s" % self.export_routepolicyname xml_str += "%s" % self.export_protocol cmd_session += " export %s" % self.export_protocol if self.export_processid is not None: xml_str += "%s" % self.export_processid cmd_session += " %s" % self.export_processid cmd_list.insert(0, cmd_session) self.updates_cmd.extend(cmd_list) if self.import_ipprefix or self.import_aclnumorname or self.import_routepolicyname: cmd_session = "filter-policy" if self.import_aclnumorname: xml_str = "aclNumOrName" xml_str += "%s" % self.import_aclnumorname if isinstance(self.import_aclnumorname, int): cmd_session += " %s" % self.import_aclnumorname elif isinstance(self.import_aclnumorname, str): cmd_session += " acl-name %s" % self.import_aclnumorname if self.import_ipprefix: xml_str = "ipPrefix" xml_str += "%s" % self.import_ipprefix cmd_session += " ip-prefix %s" % self.import_ipprefix if self.import_routepolicyname: xml_str = "routePolicy" xml_str += "%s" % self.import_routepolicyname cmd_session += " route-policy %s" % self.import_routepolicyname cmd_session += "import" cmd_list.insert(0, cmd_session) self.updates_cmd.extend(cmd_list) else: # absent if self.description and self.description == instance.get("description"): xml_str += "%s" % self.description self.updates_cmd.append("undo description") if self.islevel and self.islevel == instance.get("isLevel"): xml_str += "level_1_2" self.updates_cmd.append("undo is-level") if self.coststyle and self.coststyle == instance.get("costStyle"): xml_str += "%s" % ("narrow") xml_str += "false" self.updates_cmd.append("undo cost-style") if self.stdlevel1cost and str(self.stdlevel1cost) == instance.get("stdLevel1Cost"): xml_str += "%s" % self.stdlevel1cost self.updates_cmd.append("undo circuit-cost %s level-1" % self.stdlevel1cost) if self.stdlevel2cost and str(self.stdlevel2cost) == instance.get("stdLevel2Cost"): xml_str += "%s" % self.stdlevel2cost self.updates_cmd.append("undo circuit-cost %s level-2" % self.stdlevel2cost) if self.stdbandwidth and str(self.stdbandwidth) == instance.get("stdbandwidth"): xml_str += "100" self.updates_cmd.append("undo bandwidth-reference") if self.netentity and self.netentity == instance.get("netEntity"): xml_str = CE_NC_DELATE_ISIS_ENTITY % (self.instance_id, self.netentity) self.updates_cmd.append("undo network-entity %s" % self.netentity) if self.preference_value or self.route_policy_name: xml_str = "" if self.preference_value and str(self.preference_value) == instance.get("preferenceValue"): xml_str = "%s" % self.preference_value if self.route_policy_name and self.route_policy_name == instance.get("routePolicyName"): xml_str += "%s" % self.route_policy_name self.updates_cmd.append("undo preference") elif not self.preference_value and self.route_policy_name and self.route_policy_name == instance.get("routePolicyName"): xml_str = "%s" % self.route_policy_name self.updates_cmd.append("undo preference") xml_str = CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_PREFERENCE % (self.instance_id, xml_str) if self.max_load and str(self.max_load) == instance.get("maxLoadBalancing"): xml_str = CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_MAXLOAD % self.instance_id self.updates_cmd.append("undo maximum load-balancing") if self.ip_address: xml_str = CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_NEXTHOP % (self.instance_id, self.ip_address) self.updates_cmd.append("undo nexthop %s" % self.ip_address) if self.penetration_direct: if self.penetration_direct == "level2-level1": self.updates_cmd.append("undo import-route isis level-2 into level-1") elif self.penetration_direct == "level1-level2": self.updates_cmd.append("undo import-route isis level-1 into level-2") self.updates_cmd.append("import-route isis level-1 into level-2 disable") if self.bfd_min_rx or self.bfd_min_tx or self.bfd_multiplier_num is not None: xml_str = CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_BFDLINK % self.instance_id self.updates_cmd.append("undo bfd all-interfaces enable") cmd_session = "undo bfd all-interfaces" if self.bfd_min_rx: cmd_session += " min-rx-interval %s" % self.bfd_min_rx if self.bfd_min_tx: cmd_session += " min-tx-interval %s" % self.bfd_min_tx if self.bfd_multiplier_num: cmd_session += " detect-multiplier %s" % self.bfd_multiplier_num cmd_list.insert(0, cmd_session) self.updates_cmd.extend(cmd_list) if self.defaultmode: xml_str = CE_NC_DELETE_ISIS_DEFAULTROUTE % self.instance_id self.updates_cmd.append("undo default-route-advertise") if self.protocol: if self.protocol == "rip" or self.protocol == "isis" or self.protocol == "ospf": self.updates_cmd.append("undo import-route %s %s" % (self.protocol, self.processid)) else: self.updates_cmd.append("undo import-route %s" % self.protocol) if self.export_protocol: cmd_session = "undo filter-policy" if self.export_aclnumorname: if isinstance(self.export_aclnumorname, int): cmd_session += " %s" % self.export_aclnumorname elif isinstance(self.export_aclnumorname, str): cmd_session += " acl-name %s" % self.export_aclnumorname if self.export_ipprefix: cmd_session += " ip-prefix %s" % self.export_ipprefix if self.export_routepolicyname: cmd_session += " route-policy %s" % self.export_routepolicyname cmd_session += " export %s" % self.export_protocol if self.export_processid is not None: cmd_session += " %s" % self.export_processid cmd_list.insert(0, cmd_session) self.updates_cmd.extend(cmd_list) if self.import_ipprefix or self.import_aclnumorname or self.import_routepolicyname: cmd_session = "undo filter-policy" if self.import_aclnumorname: if isinstance(self.import_aclnumorname, int): cmd_session += " %s" % self.import_aclnumorname elif isinstance(self.import_aclnumorname, str): cmd_session += " acl-name %s" % self.import_aclnumorname if self.import_ipprefix: cmd_session += " ip-prefix %s" % self.import_ipprefix if self.import_routepolicyname: cmd_session += " route-policy %s" % self.import_routepolicyname cmd_session += " import" cmd_list.insert(0, cmd_session) self.updates_cmd.extend(cmd_list) if self.autocostenable and instance.get("stdAutoCostEnable", "false") == "false": xml_str += "true" self.updates_cmd.append("auto-cost enable") elif not self.autocostenable and instance.get("stdAutoCostEnable", "false") == "true": xml_str += "false" xml_str += "false" self.updates_cmd.append("undo auto-cost enable") if self.autocostenable: if self.autocostenablecompatible and instance.get("stdAutoCostEnableCompatible", "false") == "false": xml_str += "true" self.updates_cmd.append("auto-cost enable compatible") elif not self.autocostenablecompatible and instance.get("stdAutoCostEnableCompatible", "false") == "true": xml_str += "false" self.updates_cmd.append("auto-cost enable") if self.state == "present": if self.netentity or self.preference_value or self.route_policy_name or self.max_load or self.ip_address: return xml_str elif self.penetration_direct: if self.penetration_direct == "level2-level1": return CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_LEAKROUTELEVEL2 % (self.instance_id, xml_str) elif self.penetration_direct == "level1-level2": return CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_LEAKROUTELEVEL1 % (self.instance_id, xml_str) elif self.defaultmode: return CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_DEFAULTROUTE % (self.instance_id, xml_str) elif self.protocol: return CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_IMPORTROUTE % (self.instance_id, xml_str) elif self.export_protocol: return CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_EXPORTROUTE % (self.instance_id, xml_str) elif self.import_routepolicyname or self.import_aclnumorname or self.import_ipprefix: return CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_IMPORTIPROUTE % (self.instance_id, xml_str) elif self.bfd_min_rx or self.bfd_min_tx or self.bfd_multiplier_num: return CE_NC_MERGE_ISIS_BFDLINK % (self.instance_id, xml_str) else: return '' + xml_str + '' else: if self.netentity or self.preference_value or self.route_policy_name or self.max_load \ or self.ip_address or self.defaultmode or self.bfd_min_rx or self.bfd_min_tx or self.bfd_multiplier_num is not None: return xml_str else: return '' + xml_str + '' def netconf_load_config(self, xml_str): """load bfd config by netconf""" if not xml_str: return if xml_str == "%s" % self.instance_id: pass else: xml_cfg = """ %s """ % xml_str set_nc_config(self.module, xml_cfg) self.changed = True def check_params(self): """Check all input params""" levelcost = 16777215 if not self.instance_id: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: Missing required arguments: instance_id.") if self.instance_id: if self.instance_id < 1 or self.instance_id > 4294967295: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: Instance id is not ranges from 1 to 4294967295.") # check description if self.description: if len(self.description) < 1 or len(self.description) > 80: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: description is invalid.") # if self.stdbandwidth: if self.stdbandwidth < 1 or self.stdbandwidth > 2147483648: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: stdbandwidth is not ranges from 1 to 2147483648.") if self.relaxspfLimit is not None and not self.coststyle: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: relaxspfLimit must set after coststyle.") if self.coststyle: if self.coststyle != "wide" and self.coststyle != "wtransition": levelcost = 63 else: levelcost = 16777215 if self.stdlevel1cost: if self.stdlevel1cost < 1 or self.stdlevel1cost > levelcost: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: stdlevel1cost is not ranges from 1 to %s." % levelcost) if self.stdlevel2cost: if self.stdlevel2cost < 1 or self.stdlevel2cost > levelcost: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: stdlevel2cost is not ranges from 1 to %s." % levelcost) if self.coststyle: if self.coststyle != "ntransition" and self.coststyle != "transition": if self.relaxspfLimit: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: relaxspfLimit can not be set while the coststyle is not ntransition or transition") if self.autocostenablecompatible: if not self.autocostenable: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: you shoule enable the autocostenable first.") if self.preference_value: if self.preference_value < 1 or self.preference_value > 255: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: preference_value is not ranges from 1 to 255.") if self.route_policy_name: if len(self.route_policy_name) < 1 or len(self.route_policy_name) > 200: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: route_policy_name is invalid.") if self.max_load: if self.max_load < 1 or self.max_load > 32: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: max_load is not ranges from 1 to 32.") if self.weight: if self.weight < 1 or self.weight > 254: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: weight is not ranges from 1 to 254.") if self.aclnum_or_name: if isinstance(self.aclnum_or_name, int): if self.aclnum_or_name < 2000 or self.aclnum_or_name > 2999: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: acl_num is not ranges from 2000 to 2999.") elif isinstance(self.aclnum_or_name, str): if len(self.aclnum_or_name) < 1 or len(self.aclnum_or_name) > 32: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: acl_name is invalid.") if self.ip_prefix_name: if len(self.ip_prefix_name) < 1 or len(self.ip_prefix_name) > 169: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: ip_prefix_name is invalid.") if self.import_routepolicy_name: if len(self.import_routepolicy_name) < 1 or len(self.import_routepolicy_name) > 200: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: import_routepolicy_name is invalid.") if self.tag: if self.tag < 1 or self.tag > 4294967295: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: tag is not ranges from 1 to 4294967295.") if self.mode_routepolicyname: if len(self.mode_routepolicyname) < 1 or len(self.mode_routepolicyname) > 200: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: mode_routepolicyname is invalid.") if self.cost is not None: if self.cost < 0 or self.cost > 4261412864: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: cost is not ranges from 0 to 4261412864.") if self.mode_tag: if self.mode_tag < 1 or self.mode_tag > 4294967295: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: mode_tag is not ranges from 1 to 4294967295.") if self.processid is not None: if self.processid < 0 or self.processid > 4294967295: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: processid is not ranges from 0 to 4294967295.") if self.import_cost is not None: if self.import_cost < 0 or self.import_cost > 4261412864: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: import_cost is not ranges from 0 to 4261412864.") if self.import_tag: if self.import_tag < 1 or self.import_tag > 4294967295: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: import_tag is not ranges from 1 to 4294967295.") if self.export_aclnumorname: if isinstance(self.export_aclnumorname, int): if self.export_aclnumorname < 2000 or self.export_aclnumorname > 2999: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: acl_num is not ranges from 2000 to 2999.") elif isinstance(self.export_aclnumorname, str): if len(self.export_aclnumorname) < 1 or len(self.export_aclnumorname) > 32: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: acl_name is invalid.") if self.export_processid: if self.export_processid < 1 or self.export_processid > 4294967295: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: export_processid is not ranges from 1 to 4294967295.") if self.export_ipprefix: if len(self.export_ipprefix) < 1 or len(self.export_ipprefix) > 169: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: export_ipprefix is invalid.") if self.export_routepolicyname: if len(self.export_routepolicyname) < 1 or len(self.export_routepolicyname) > 200: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: export_routepolicyname is invalid.") if self.bfd_min_rx: if self.bfd_min_rx < 50 or self.bfd_min_rx > 1000: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: bfd_min_rx is not ranges from 50 to 1000.") if self.bfd_min_tx: if self.bfd_min_tx < 50 or self.bfd_min_tx > 1000: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: bfd_min_tx is not ranges from 50 to 1000.") if self.bfd_multiplier_num: if self.bfd_multiplier_num < 3 or self.bfd_multiplier_num > 50: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: bfd_multiplier_num is not ranges from 3 to 50.") if self.import_routepolicyname: if len(self.import_routepolicyname) < 1 or len(self.import_routepolicyname) > 200: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: import_routepolicyname is invalid.") if self.import_aclnumorname: if isinstance(self.import_aclnumorname, int): if self.import_aclnumorname < 2000 or self.import_aclnumorname > 2999: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: acl_num is not ranges from 2000 to 2999.") elif isinstance(self.import_aclnumorname, str): if len(self.import_aclnumorname) < 1 or len(self.import_aclnumorname) > 32: self.module.fail_json(msg="Error: acl_name is invalid.") def get_proposed(self): """get proposed info""" # base config self.proposed["instance_id"] = self.instance_id self.proposed["description"] = self.description self.proposed["islevel"] = self.islevel self.proposed["coststyle"] = self.coststyle self.proposed["relaxspfLimit"] = self.relaxspfLimit self.proposed["stdlevel1cost"] = self.stdlevel1cost self.proposed["stdlevel2cost"] = self.stdlevel2cost self.proposed["stdbandwidth"] = self.stdbandwidth self.proposed["autocostenable"] = self.autocostenable self.proposed["autocostenablecompatible"] = self.autocostenablecompatible self.proposed["netentity"] = self.netentity self.proposed["preference_value"] = self.preference_value self.proposed["route_policy_name"] = self.route_policy_name self.proposed["max_load"] = self.max_load self.proposed["ip_address"] = self.ip_address self.proposed["weight"] = self.weight self.proposed["penetration_direct"] = self.penetration_direct self.proposed["aclnum_or_name"] = self.aclnum_or_name self.proposed["ip_prefix_name"] = self.ip_prefix_name self.proposed["import_routepolicy_name"] = self.import_routepolicy_name self.proposed["tag"] = self.tag self.proposed["allow_filter"] = self.allow_filter self.proposed["allow_up_down"] = self.allow_up_down self.proposed["enablelevel1tolevel2"] = self.enablelevel1tolevel2 self.proposed["protocol"] = self.protocol self.proposed["processid"] = self.processid self.proposed["cost_type"] = self.cost_type self.proposed["import_cost"] = self.import_cost self.proposed["import_tag"] = self.import_tag self.proposed["import_route_policy"] = self.import_route_policy self.proposed["impotr_leveltype"] = self.impotr_leveltype self.proposed["inheritcost"] = self.inheritcost self.proposed["permitibgp"] = self.permitibgp self.proposed["export_protocol"] = self.export_protocol self.proposed["export_policytype"] = self.export_policytype self.proposed["export_processid"] = self.export_processid self.proposed["export_aclnumorname"] = self.export_aclnumorname self.proposed["export_ipprefix"] = self.export_ipprefix self.proposed["export_routepolicyname"] = self.export_routepolicyname self.proposed["import_aclnumorname"] = self.import_aclnumorname self.proposed["import_ipprefix"] = self.import_ipprefix self.proposed["import_routepolicyname"] = self.import_routepolicyname self.proposed["bfd_min_rx"] = self.bfd_min_rx self.proposed["bfd_min_tx"] = self.bfd_min_tx self.proposed["bfd_multiplier_num"] = self.bfd_multiplier_num self.proposed["state"] = self.state def get_existing(self): """get existing info""" if not self.isis_dict: self.existing["instance"] = None else: self.existing["instance"] = self.isis_dict.get("instance") def get_end_state(self): """get end state info""" isis_dict = self.get_isis_dict() if not isis_dict: self.end_state["instance"] = None else: self.end_state["instance"] = isis_dict.get("instance") if self.end_state == self.existing: self.changed = False def work(self): """worker""" self.check_params() self.isis_dict = self.get_isis_dict() self.get_existing() self.get_proposed() # deal present or absent xml_str = '' if self.instance_id: xml_str += self.config_session() # update to device if xml_str: self.netconf_load_config(xml_str) self.changed = True self.get_end_state() self.results['changed'] = self.changed self.results['proposed'] = self.proposed self.results['existing'] = self.existing self.results['end_state'] = self.end_state if self.changed: self.results['updates'] = self.updates_cmd else: self.results['updates'] = list() self.module.exit_json(**self.results) def main(): """Module main""" argument_spec = dict( instance_id=dict(required=True, type='int'), description=dict(required=False, type='str'), islevel=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['level_1', 'level_2', 'level_1_2']), coststyle=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['narrow', 'wide', 'transition', 'ntransition', 'wtransition']), relaxspfLimit=dict(required=False, type='bool'), stdlevel1cost=dict(required=False, type='int'), stdlevel2cost=dict(required=False, type='int'), stdbandwidth=dict(required=False, type='int'), autocostenable=dict(required=False, type='bool'), autocostenablecompatible=dict(required=False, type='bool'), netentity=dict(required=False, type='str'), preference_value=dict(required=False, type='int'), route_policy_name=dict(required=False, type='str'), max_load=dict(required=False, type='int'), ip_address=dict(required=False, type='str'), weight=dict(required=False, type='int'), penetration_direct=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['level2-level1', 'level1-level2']), aclnum_or_name=dict(required=False, type='str'), ip_prefix_name=dict(required=False, type='str'), import_routepolicy_name=dict(required=False, type='str'), tag=dict(required=False, type='int'), allow_filter=dict(required=False, type='bool'), allow_up_down=dict(required=False, type='bool'), enablelevel1tolevel2=dict(required=False, type='bool'), defaultmode=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['always', 'matchDefault', 'matchAny']), mode_routepolicyname=dict(required=False, type='str'), cost=dict(required=False, type='int'), mode_tag=dict(required=False, type='int'), level_type=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['level_1', 'level_2', 'level_1_2']), avoid_learning=dict(required=False, type='bool'), protocol=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['direct', 'ospf', 'isis', 'static', 'rip', 'bgp', 'ospfv3', 'all']), processid=dict(required=False, type='int'), cost_type=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['external', 'internal']), import_cost=dict(required=False, type='int'), import_tag=dict(required=False, type='int'), import_route_policy=dict(required=False, type='str'), impotr_leveltype=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['level_1', 'level_2', 'level_1_2']), inheritcost=dict(required=False, type='bool'), permitibgp=dict(required=False, type='bool'), export_protocol=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['direct', 'ospf', 'isis', 'static', 'rip', 'bgp', 'ospfv3', 'all']), export_policytype=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['aclNumOrName', 'ipPrefix', 'routePolicy']), export_processid=dict(required=False, type='int'), export_aclnumorname=dict(required=False, type='str'), export_ipprefix=dict(required=False, type='str'), export_routepolicyname=dict(required=False, type='str'), import_aclnumorname=dict(required=False, type='str'), import_ipprefix=dict(required=False, type='str'), import_routepolicyname=dict(required=False, type='str'), bfd_min_rx=dict(required=False, type='int'), bfd_min_tx=dict(required=False, type='int'), bfd_multiplier_num=dict(required=False, type='int'), state=dict(required=False, default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']) ) module = ISIS_View(argument_spec) module.work() if __name__ == '__main__': main()