# coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2020, Amin Vakil # Copyright: (c) 2016-2018, Matt Davis # Copyright: (c) 2018, Sam Doran # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleConnectionFailure from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import is_string from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() class TimedOutException(Exception): pass class ActionModule(ActionBase): TRANSFERS_FILES = False _VALID_ARGS = frozenset(( 'msg', 'delay', 'search_paths' )) DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = None DEFAULT_PRE_SHUTDOWN_DELAY = 0 DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE = 'Shut down initiated by Ansible' DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_COMMAND = 'shutdown' DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_COMMAND_ARGS = '-h {delay_min} "{message}"' DEFAULT_SUDOABLE = True SHUTDOWN_COMMANDS = { 'alpine': 'poweroff', 'vmkernel': 'halt', } SHUTDOWN_COMMAND_ARGS = { 'alpine': '', 'void': '-h +{delay_min} "{message}"', 'freebsd': '-h +{delay_sec}s "{message}"', 'linux': DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_COMMAND_ARGS, 'macosx': '-h +{delay_min} "{message}"', 'openbsd': '-h +{delay_min} "{message}"', 'solaris': '-y -g {delay_sec} -i 5 "{message}"', 'sunos': '-y -g {delay_sec} -i 5 "{message}"', 'vmkernel': '-d {delay_sec}', 'aix': '-Fh', } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ActionModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def delay(self): return self._check_delay('delay', self.DEFAULT_PRE_SHUTDOWN_DELAY) def _check_delay(self, key, default): """Ensure that the value is positive or zero""" value = int(self._task.args.get(key, default)) if value < 0: value = 0 return value def _get_value_from_facts(self, variable_name, distribution, default_value): """Get dist+version specific args first, then distribution, then family, lastly use default""" attr = getattr(self, variable_name) value = attr.get( distribution['name'] + distribution['version'], attr.get( distribution['name'], attr.get( distribution['family'], getattr(self, default_value)))) return value def get_shutdown_command_args(self, distribution): args = self._get_value_from_facts('SHUTDOWN_COMMAND_ARGS', distribution, 'DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_COMMAND_ARGS') # Convert seconds to minutes. If less that 60, set it to 0. delay_sec = self.delay shutdown_message = self._task.args.get('msg', self.DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE) return args.format(delay_sec=delay_sec, delay_min=delay_sec // 60, message=shutdown_message) def get_distribution(self, task_vars): # FIXME: only execute the module if we don't already have the facts we need distribution = {} display.debug('{action}: running setup module to get distribution'.format(action=self._task.action)) module_output = self._execute_module( task_vars=task_vars, module_name='ansible.legacy.setup', module_args={'gather_subset': 'min'}) try: if module_output.get('failed', False): raise AnsibleError('Failed to determine system distribution. {0}, {1}'.format( to_native(module_output['module_stdout']).strip(), to_native(module_output['module_stderr']).strip())) distribution['name'] = module_output['ansible_facts']['ansible_distribution'].lower() distribution['version'] = to_text(module_output['ansible_facts']['ansible_distribution_version'].split('.')[0]) distribution['family'] = to_text(module_output['ansible_facts']['ansible_os_family'].lower()) display.debug("{action}: distribution: {dist}".format(action=self._task.action, dist=distribution)) return distribution except KeyError as ke: raise AnsibleError('Failed to get distribution information. Missing "{0}" in output.'.format(ke.args[0])) def get_shutdown_command(self, task_vars, distribution): shutdown_bin = self._get_value_from_facts('SHUTDOWN_COMMANDS', distribution, 'DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_COMMAND') default_search_paths = ['/sbin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/sbin'] search_paths = self._task.args.get('search_paths', default_search_paths) # FIXME: switch all this to user arg spec validation methods when they are available # Convert bare strings to a list if is_string(search_paths): search_paths = [search_paths] # Error if we didn't get a list err_msg = "'search_paths' must be a string or flat list of strings, got {0}" try: incorrect_type = any(not is_string(x) for x in search_paths) if not isinstance(search_paths, list) or incorrect_type: raise TypeError except TypeError: raise AnsibleError(err_msg.format(search_paths)) display.debug('{action}: running find module looking in {paths} to get path for "{command}"'.format( action=self._task.action, command=shutdown_bin, paths=search_paths)) find_result = self._execute_module( task_vars=task_vars, # prevent collection search by calling with ansible.legacy (still allows library/ override of find) module_name='ansible.legacy.find', module_args={ 'paths': search_paths, 'patterns': [shutdown_bin], 'file_type': 'any' } ) full_path = [x['path'] for x in find_result['files']] if not full_path: raise AnsibleError('Unable to find command "{0}" in search paths: {1}'.format(shutdown_bin, search_paths)) self._shutdown_command = full_path[0] return self._shutdown_command def perform_shutdown(self, task_vars, distribution): result = {} shutdown_result = {} shutdown_command = self.get_shutdown_command(task_vars, distribution) shutdown_command_args = self.get_shutdown_command_args(distribution) shutdown_command_exec = '{0} {1}'.format(shutdown_command, shutdown_command_args) self.cleanup(force=True) try: display.vvv("{action}: shutting down server...".format(action=self._task.action)) display.debug("{action}: shutting down server with command '{command}'".format(action=self._task.action, command=shutdown_command_exec)) if self._play_context.check_mode: shutdown_result['rc'] = 0 else: shutdown_result = self._low_level_execute_command(shutdown_command_exec, sudoable=self.DEFAULT_SUDOABLE) except AnsibleConnectionFailure as e: # If the connection is closed too quickly due to the system being shutdown, carry on display.debug('{action}: AnsibleConnectionFailure caught and handled: {error}'.format(action=self._task.action, error=to_text(e))) shutdown_result['rc'] = 0 if shutdown_result['rc'] != 0: result['failed'] = True result['shutdown'] = False result['msg'] = "Shutdown command failed. Error was {stdout}, {stderr}".format( stdout=to_native(shutdown_result['stdout'].strip()), stderr=to_native(shutdown_result['stderr'].strip())) return result result['failed'] = False result['shutdown_command'] = shutdown_command_exec return result def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None): self._supports_check_mode = True self._supports_async = True # If running with local connection, fail so we don't shutdown ourself if self._connection.transport == 'local' and (not self._play_context.check_mode): msg = 'Running {0} with local connection would shutdown the control node.'.format(self._task.action) return {'changed': False, 'elapsed': 0, 'shutdown': False, 'failed': True, 'msg': msg} if task_vars is None: task_vars = {} result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars) if result.get('skipped', False) or result.get('failed', False): return result distribution = self.get_distribution(task_vars) # Initiate shutdown shutdown_result = self.perform_shutdown(task_vars, distribution) if shutdown_result['failed']: result = shutdown_result return result result['shutdown'] = True result['changed'] = True result['shutdown_command'] = shutdown_result['shutdown_command'] return result