# (c)2016 Andrew Zenk <azenk@umn.edu> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type from argparse import ArgumentParser from ansible_collections.community.general.tests.unit.compat import unittest from ansible_collections.community.general.tests.unit.compat.mock import patch from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.module_utils import six from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.lookup.lastpass import LookupModule, LPass, LPassException MOCK_ENTRIES = [{'username': 'user', 'name': 'Mock Entry', 'password': 't0pS3cret passphrase entry!', 'url': 'https://localhost/login', 'notes': 'Test\nnote with multiple lines.\n', 'id': '0123456789'}] class MockLPass(LPass): _mock_logged_out = False _mock_disconnected = False def _lookup_mock_entry(self, key): for entry in MOCK_ENTRIES: if key == entry['id'] or key == entry['name']: return entry def _run(self, args, stdin=None, expected_rc=0): # Mock behavior of lpass executable base_options = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) base_options.add_argument('--color', default="auto", choices=['auto', 'always', 'never']) p = ArgumentParser() sp = p.add_subparsers(help='command', dest='subparser_name') logout_p = sp.add_parser('logout', parents=[base_options], help='logout') show_p = sp.add_parser('show', parents=[base_options], help='show entry details') field_group = show_p.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) for field in MOCK_ENTRIES[0].keys(): field_group.add_argument("--{0}".format(field), default=False, action='store_true') field_group.add_argument('--field', default=None) show_p.add_argument('selector', help='Unique Name or ID') args = p.parse_args(args) def mock_exit(output='', error='', rc=0): if rc != expected_rc: raise LPassException(error) return output, error if args.color != 'never': return mock_exit(error='Error: Mock only supports --color=never', rc=1) if args.subparser_name == 'logout': if self._mock_logged_out: return mock_exit(error='Error: Not currently logged in', rc=1) logged_in_error = 'Are you sure you would like to log out? [Y/n]' if stdin and stdin.lower() == 'n\n': return mock_exit(output='Log out: aborted.', error=logged_in_error, rc=1) elif stdin and stdin.lower() == 'y\n': return mock_exit(output='Log out: complete.', error=logged_in_error, rc=0) else: return mock_exit(error='Error: aborted response', rc=1) if args.subparser_name == 'show': if self._mock_logged_out: return mock_exit(error='Error: Could not find decryption key.' + ' Perhaps you need to login with `lpass login`.', rc=1) if self._mock_disconnected: return mock_exit(error='Error: Couldn\'t resolve host name.', rc=1) mock_entry = self._lookup_mock_entry(args.selector) if args.field: return mock_exit(output=mock_entry.get(args.field, '')) elif args.password: return mock_exit(output=mock_entry.get('password', '')) elif args.username: return mock_exit(output=mock_entry.get('username', '')) elif args.url: return mock_exit(output=mock_entry.get('url', '')) elif args.name: return mock_exit(output=mock_entry.get('name', '')) elif args.id: return mock_exit(output=mock_entry.get('id', '')) elif args.notes: return mock_exit(output=mock_entry.get('notes', '')) raise LPassException('We should never get here') class DisconnectedMockLPass(MockLPass): _mock_disconnected = True class LoggedOutMockLPass(MockLPass): _mock_logged_out = True class TestLPass(unittest.TestCase): def test_lastpass_cli_path(self): lp = MockLPass(path='/dev/null') self.assertEqual('/dev/null', lp.cli_path) def test_lastpass_build_args_logout(self): lp = MockLPass() self.assertEqual(['logout', '--color=never'], lp._build_args("logout")) def test_lastpass_logged_in_true(self): lp = MockLPass() self.assertTrue(lp.logged_in) def test_lastpass_logged_in_false(self): lp = LoggedOutMockLPass() self.assertFalse(lp.logged_in) def test_lastpass_show_disconnected(self): lp = DisconnectedMockLPass() with self.assertRaises(LPassException): lp.get_field('0123456789', 'username') def test_lastpass_show(self): lp = MockLPass() for entry in MOCK_ENTRIES: entry_id = entry.get('id') for k, v in six.iteritems(entry): self.assertEqual(v.strip(), lp.get_field(entry_id, k)) class TestLastpassPlugin(unittest.TestCase): @patch('ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.lookup.lastpass.LPass', new=MockLPass) def test_lastpass_plugin_normal(self): lookup_plugin = LookupModule() for entry in MOCK_ENTRIES: entry_id = entry.get('id') for k, v in six.iteritems(entry): self.assertEqual(v.strip(), lookup_plugin.run([entry_id], field=k)[0]) @patch('ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.lookup.lastpass.LPass', LoggedOutMockLPass) def test_lastpass_plugin_logged_out(self): lookup_plugin = LookupModule() entry = MOCK_ENTRIES[0] entry_id = entry.get('id') with self.assertRaises(AnsibleError): lookup_plugin.run([entry_id], field='password') @patch('ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.lookup.lastpass.LPass', DisconnectedMockLPass) def test_lastpass_plugin_disconnected(self): lookup_plugin = LookupModule() entry = MOCK_ENTRIES[0] entry_id = entry.get('id') with self.assertRaises(AnsibleError): lookup_plugin.run([entry_id], field='password')