# ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with no args rax_meta: ignore_errors: true register: rax_meta - name: Validate results of rax_meta with no args assert: that: - rax_meta|failed - rax_meta.msg == 'one of the following is required: address,id,name' # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with credentials and address rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" address: '' ignore_errors: true register: rax_meta - name: Validate results of rax_meta with only creds assert: that: - rax_meta|failed - rax_meta.msg.startswith('None is not a valid region') # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region and address rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" address: '' ignore_errors: true register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region and address assert: that: - rax_meta|failed - rax_meta.msg == 'Failed to find a server matching provided search parameters' # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region and id rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" id: '1234' ignore_errors: true register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region and id assert: that: - rax_meta|failed - rax_meta.msg == 'Failed to find a server matching provided search parameters' # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region and name rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: 'bad' ignore_errors: true register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region and name assert: that: - rax_meta|failed - rax_meta.msg == 'Failed to find a server matching provided search parameters' # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region, address, id and name rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" address: '' id: '1234' name: 'bad' ignore_errors: true register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region, address, id and name assert: that: - rax_meta|failed - "rax_meta.msg == 'parameters are mutually exclusive: [\\'address\\', \\'id\\', \\'name\\']'" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Build CloudServer for rax_meta tests rax: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" image: "{{ rackspace_image_id }}" flavor: "{{ rackspace_flavor }}" name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-rax_meta" meta: foo: bar wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax - name: Validate build assert: that: - rax|success - rax|changed - rax.action == 'create' - rax.instances|length == 1 - rax.instances[0].name == "{{ resource_prefix }}-rax_meta" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region, and valid public IPv4 address rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" address: "{{ rax.success.0.rax_accessipv4 }}" register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region, and valid public IPv4 address assert: that: - rax_meta|success - rax_meta.meta == {} # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region, and valid public IPv6 address rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" address: "{{ rax.success.0.rax_accessipv6 }}" register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region, and valid public IPv6 address assert: that: - rax_meta|success - rax_meta.meta == {} # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region, and valid private IPv4 address rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" address: "{{ rax.success.0.rax_networks.private|first }}" register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region, and valid private IPv4 address assert: that: - rax_meta|success - rax_meta.meta == {} # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region, and valid ID rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" id: "{{ rax.success.0.rax_id }}" register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region, and valid ID assert: that: - rax_meta|success - rax_meta.meta == {} # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region, and valid name rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" name: "{{ rax.success.0.rax_name }}" register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region, and valid name assert: that: - rax_meta|success - rax_meta.meta == {} # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region, and valid ID set foo=bar rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" id: "{{ rax.success.0.rax_id }}" meta: foo: bar register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region, and valid ID set foo=bar assert: that: - rax_meta|success - rax_meta|changed - "rax_meta.meta == {'foo': 'bar'}" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region, and valid ID set bar=baz rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" id: "{{ rax.success.0.rax_id }}" meta: bar: baz register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region, and valid ID set bar=baz assert: that: - rax_meta|success - "rax_meta.meta == {'bar': 'baz'}" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region, and valid ID set bar=baz (idempotent) rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" id: "{{ rax.success.0.rax_id }}" meta: bar: baz register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region, and valid ID set bar=baz assert: that: - rax_meta|success - not rax_meta|changed - "rax_meta.meta == {'bar': 'baz'}" # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: Test rax_meta with creds, region, and valid ID delete meta rax_meta: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" id: "{{ rax.success.0.rax_id }}" register: rax_meta - name: Validate rax_meta creds, region, and valid ID delete meta assert: that: - rax_meta|success - rax_meta|changed - rax_meta.meta == {} # ============================================================ # ============================================================ - name: "Delete CloudServer" rax: username: "{{ rackspace_username }}" api_key: "{{ rackspace_api_key }}" region: "{{ rackspace_region }}" instance_ids: - "{{ rax.success.0.rax_id }}" state: absent wait: true wait_timeout: "{{ rackspace_wait_timeout }}" register: rax - name: "Validate delete" assert: that: - rax|changed - rax|success - rax.action == 'delete' - rax.success[0].name == "{{ resource_prefix }}-rax_meta" # ============================================================