# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2021, Frank Dornheim # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import pytest from ansible.inventory.data import InventoryData from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.inventory.lxd import InventoryModule HOST_COMPARATIVE_DATA = { 'ansible_connection': 'ssh', 'ansible_host': '', 'ansible_lxd_os': 'ubuntu', 'ansible_lxd_release': 'focal', 'ansible_lxd_profile': ['default'], 'ansible_lxd_state': 'running', 'ansible_lxd_location': 'Berlin', 'ansible_lxd_vlan_ids': {'my-macvlan': 666}, 'inventory_hostname': 'vlantest', 'inventory_hostname_short': 'vlantest'} GROUP_COMPARATIVE_DATA = { 'all': [], 'ungrouped': [], 'testpattern': ['vlantest'], 'vlan666': ['vlantest'], 'locationBerlin': ['vlantest'], 'osUbuntu': ['vlantest'], 'releaseFocal': ['vlantest'], 'releaseBionic': [], 'profileDefault': ['vlantest'], 'profileX11': [], 'netRangeIPv4': ['vlantest'], 'netRangeIPv6': ['vlantest']} GROUP_Config = { 'testpattern': {'type': 'pattern', 'attribute': 'test'}, 'vlan666': {'type': 'vlanid', 'attribute': 666}, 'locationBerlin': {'type': 'location', 'attribute': 'Berlin'}, 'osUbuntu': {'type': 'os', 'attribute': 'ubuntu'}, 'releaseFocal': {'type': 'release', 'attribute': 'focal'}, 'releaseBionic': {'type': 'release', 'attribute': 'bionic'}, 'profileDefault': {'type': 'profile', 'attribute': 'default'}, 'profileX11': {'type': 'profile', 'attribute': 'x11'}, 'netRangeIPv4': {'type': 'network_range', 'attribute': ''}, 'netRangeIPv6': {'type': 'network_range', 'attribute': 'fd42:bd00:7b11:2167:216:3eff::/96'}} @pytest.fixture def inventory(): inv = InventoryModule() inv.inventory = InventoryData() # Test Values inv.data = inv.load_json_data('tests/unit/plugins/inventory/fixtures/lxd_inventory.atd') # Load Test Data inv.groupby = GROUP_Config inv.prefered_instance_network_interface = 'eth' inv.prefered_instance_network_family = 'inet' inv.filter = 'running' inv.dump_data = False inv.type_filter = 'both' return inv def test_verify_file(tmp_path, inventory): file = tmp_path / "foobar.lxd.yml" file.touch() assert inventory.verify_file(str(file)) is True def test_verify_file_bad_config(inventory): assert inventory.verify_file('foobar.lxd.yml') is False def test_build_inventory_hosts(inventory): """Load example data and start the inventoryto test the host generation. After the inventory plugin has run with the test data, the result of the host is checked.""" inventory._populate() generated_data = inventory.inventory.get_host('vlantest').get_vars() eq = True for key, value in HOST_COMPARATIVE_DATA.items(): if generated_data[key] != value: eq = False assert eq def test_build_inventory_groups(inventory): """Load example data and start the inventory to test the group generation. After the inventory plugin has run with the test data, the result of the host is checked.""" inventory._populate() generated_data = inventory.inventory.get_groups_dict() eq = True for key, value in GROUP_COMPARATIVE_DATA.items(): if generated_data[key] != value: eq = False assert eq def test_build_inventory_groups_with_no_groupselection(inventory): """Load example data and start the inventory to test the group generation with groupby is none. After the inventory plugin has run with the test data, the result of the host is checked.""" inventory.groupby = None inventory._populate() generated_data = inventory.inventory.get_groups_dict() group_comparative_data = {'all': [], 'ungrouped': []} eq = True print("data: {0}".format(generated_data)) for key, value in group_comparative_data.items(): if generated_data[key] != value: eq = False assert eq