##### Issue Type:

<!--- Please pick one and delete the rest: -->
 - Bug Report
 - Feature Idea
 - Documentation Report

##### Ansible Version:

<!--- Paste verbatim output from “ansible --version” here -->

##### Ansible Configuration:

Please mention any settings you have changed/added/removed in ansible.cfg
(or using the ANSIBLE_* environment variables).

##### Environment:

Please mention the OS you are running Ansible from, and the OS you are
managing, or say “N/A” for anything that is not platform-specific.

##### Summary:

<!--- Please explain the problem briefly -->

##### Steps To Reproduce:

For bugs, please show exactly how to reproduce the problem. For new
features, show how the feature would be used.

<!--- Paste example playbooks or commands here -->

<!--- You can also paste gist.github.com links for larger files -->

##### Expected Results:

<!--- What did you expect to happen when running the steps above? -->

##### Actual Results:

<!--- What actually happened? If possible run with high verbosity (-vvvv) -->

<!--- Paste verbatim command output here -->