#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2016 Red Hat | Ansible # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' module: docker_compose short_description: Manage multi-container Docker applications with Docker Compose. author: "Chris Houseknecht (@chouseknecht)" description: - Uses Docker Compose to start, shutdown and scale services. - Works with compose versions 1 and 2. - Configuration can be read from a C(docker-compose.yml) or C(docker-compose.yaml) file or inline using the I(definition) option. - See the examples for more details. - Supports check mode. - This module was called C(docker_service) before Ansible 2.8. The usage did not change. options: project_src: description: - Path to a directory containing a C(docker-compose.yml) or C(docker-compose.yaml) file. - Mutually exclusive with I(definition). - Required when no I(definition) is provided. type: path project_name: description: - Provide a project name. If not provided, the project name is taken from the basename of I(project_src). - Required when I(definition) is provided. type: str files: description: - List of Compose file names relative to I(project_src). Overrides C(docker-compose.yml) or C(docker-compose.yaml). - Files are loaded and merged in the order given. type: list elements: path state: description: - Desired state of the project. - Specifying C(present) is the same as running C(docker-compose up) resp. C(docker-compose stop) (with I(stopped)) resp. C(docker-compose restart) (with I(restarted)). - Specifying C(absent) is the same as running C(docker-compose down). type: str default: present choices: - absent - present services: description: - When I(state) is C(present) run C(docker-compose up) resp. C(docker-compose stop) (with I(stopped)) resp. C(docker-compose restart) (with I(restarted)) on a subset of services. - If empty, which is the default, the operation will be performed on all services defined in the Compose file (or inline I(definition)). type: list elements: str scale: description: - When I(state) is C(present) scale services. Provide a dictionary of key/value pairs where the key is the name of the service and the value is an integer count for the number of containers. type: dict dependencies: description: - When I(state) is C(present) specify whether or not to include linked services. type: bool default: yes definition: description: - Compose file describing one or more services, networks and volumes. - Mutually exclusive with I(project_src) and I(files). type: dict hostname_check: description: - Whether or not to check the Docker daemon's hostname against the name provided in the client certificate. type: bool default: no recreate: description: - By default containers will be recreated when their configuration differs from the service definition. - Setting to C(never) ignores configuration differences and leaves existing containers unchanged. - Setting to C(always) forces recreation of all existing containers. type: str default: smart choices: - always - never - smart build: description: - Use with I(state) C(present) to always build images prior to starting the application. - Same as running C(docker-compose build) with the pull option. - Images will only be rebuilt if Docker detects a change in the Dockerfile or build directory contents. - Use the I(nocache) option to ignore the image cache when performing the build. - If an existing image is replaced, services using the image will be recreated unless I(recreate) is C(never). type: bool default: no pull: description: - Use with I(state) C(present) to always pull images prior to starting the application. - Same as running C(docker-compose pull). - When a new image is pulled, services using the image will be recreated unless I(recreate) is C(never). type: bool default: no nocache: description: - Use with the I(build) option to ignore the cache during the image build process. type: bool default: no remove_images: description: - Use with I(state) C(absent) to remove all images or only local images. type: str choices: - 'all' - 'local' remove_volumes: description: - Use with I(state) C(absent) to remove data volumes. type: bool default: no stopped: description: - Use with I(state) C(present) to stop all containers defined in the Compose file. - If I(services) is defined, only the containers listed there will be stopped. type: bool default: no restarted: description: - Use with I(state) C(present) to restart all containers defined in the Compose file. - If I(services) is defined, only the containers listed there will be restarted. type: bool default: no remove_orphans: description: - Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file. type: bool default: no timeout: description: - timeout in seconds for container shutdown when attached or when containers are already running. type: int default: 10 extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.docker - community.general.docker.docker_py_1_documentation requirements: - "L(Docker SDK for Python,https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) >= 1.8.0 (use L(docker-py,https://pypi.org/project/docker-py/) for Python 2.6)" - "docker-compose >= 1.7.0" - "Docker API >= 1.20" - "PyYAML >= 3.11" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Examples use the django example at https://docs.docker.com/compose/django. Follow it to create the # flask directory - name: Run using a project directory hosts: localhost gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Tear down existing services community.general.docker_compose: project_src: flask state: absent - name: Create and start services community.general.docker_compose: project_src: flask register: output - ansible.builtin.debug: var: output - name: Run `docker-compose up` again community.general.docker_compose: project_src: flask build: no register: output - ansible.builtin.debug: var: output - ansible.builtin.assert: that: "not output.changed " - name: Stop all services community.general.docker_compose: project_src: flask build: no stopped: yes register: output - ansible.builtin.debug: var: output - ansible.builtin.assert: that: - "not web.flask_web_1.state.running" - "not db.flask_db_1.state.running" - name: Restart services community.general.docker_compose: project_src: flask build: no restarted: yes register: output - ansible.builtin.debug: var: output - ansible.builtin.assert: that: - "web.flask_web_1.state.running" - "db.flask_db_1.state.running" - name: Scale the web service to 2 hosts: localhost gather_facts: no tasks: - community.general.docker_compose: project_src: flask scale: web: 2 register: output - ansible.builtin.debug: var: output - name: Run with inline v2 compose hosts: localhost gather_facts: no tasks: - community.general.docker_compose: project_src: flask state: absent - community.general.docker_compose: project_name: flask definition: version: '2' services: db: image: postgres web: build: "{{ playbook_dir }}/flask" command: "python manage.py runserver" volumes: - "{{ playbook_dir }}/flask:/code" ports: - "8000:8000" depends_on: - db register: output - ansible.builtin.debug: var: output - ansible.builtin.assert: that: - "web.flask_web_1.state.running" - "db.flask_db_1.state.running" - name: Run with inline v1 compose hosts: localhost gather_facts: no tasks: - community.general.docker_compose: project_src: flask state: absent - community.general.docker_compose: project_name: flask definition: db: image: postgres web: build: "{{ playbook_dir }}/flask" command: "python manage.py runserver" volumes: - "{{ playbook_dir }}/flask:/code" ports: - "8000:8000" links: - db register: output - ansible.builtin.debug: var: output - ansible.builtin.assert: that: - "web.flask_web_1.state.running" - "db.flask_db_1.state.running" ''' RETURN = ''' services: description: - A dictionary mapping the service's name to a dictionary of containers. - Note that facts are part of the registered vars since Ansible 2.8. For compatibility reasons, the facts are also accessible directly. The service's name is the variable with which the container dictionary can be accessed. Note that the returned facts will be removed in community.general 2.0.0. returned: success type: complex contains: container_name: description: Name of the container. Format is C(project_service_#). returned: success type: complex contains: cmd: description: One or more commands to be executed in the container. returned: success type: list elements: str example: ["postgres"] image: description: Name of the image from which the container was built. returned: success type: str example: postgres labels: description: Meta data assigned to the container. returned: success type: dict example: {...} networks: description: Contains a dictionary for each network to which the container is a member. returned: success type: list elements: dict contains: IPAddress: description: The IP address assigned to the container. returned: success type: str example: IPPrefixLen: description: Number of bits used by the subnet. returned: success type: int example: 16 aliases: description: Aliases assigned to the container by the network. returned: success type: list elements: str example: ['db'] globalIPv6: description: IPv6 address assigned to the container. returned: success type: str example: '' globalIPv6PrefixLen: description: IPv6 subnet length. returned: success type: int example: 0 links: description: List of container names to which this container is linked. returned: success type: list elements: str example: null macAddress: description: Mac Address assigned to the virtual NIC. returned: success type: str example: "02:42:ac:11:00:02" state: description: Information regarding the current disposition of the container. returned: success type: dict contains: running: description: Whether or not the container is up with a running process. returned: success type: bool example: true status: description: Description of the running state. returned: success type: str example: running actions: description: Provides the actions to be taken on each service as determined by compose. returned: when in check mode or I(debug) is C(yes) type: complex contains: service_name: description: Name of the service. returned: always type: complex contains: pulled_image: description: Provides image details when a new image is pulled for the service. returned: on image pull type: complex contains: name: description: name of the image returned: always type: str id: description: image hash returned: always type: str built_image: description: Provides image details when a new image is built for the service. returned: on image build type: complex contains: name: description: name of the image returned: always type: str id: description: image hash returned: always type: str action: description: A descriptive name of the action to be performed on the service's containers. returned: always type: list elements: str contains: id: description: the container's long ID returned: always type: str name: description: the container's name returned: always type: str short_id: description: the container's short ID returned: always type: str ''' import os import re import sys import tempfile import traceback from contextlib import contextmanager from distutils.version import LooseVersion try: import yaml HAS_YAML = True HAS_YAML_EXC = None except ImportError as dummy: HAS_YAML = False HAS_YAML_EXC = traceback.format_exc() try: from docker.errors import DockerException except ImportError: # missing Docker SDK for Python handled in ansible.module_utils.docker.common pass try: from compose import __version__ as compose_version from compose.cli.command import project_from_options from compose.service import NoSuchImageError from compose.cli.main import convergence_strategy_from_opts, build_action_from_opts, image_type_from_opt from compose.const import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, LABEL_SERVICE, LABEL_PROJECT, LABEL_ONE_OFF HAS_COMPOSE = True HAS_COMPOSE_EXC = None MINIMUM_COMPOSE_VERSION = '1.7.0' except ImportError as dummy: HAS_COMPOSE = False HAS_COMPOSE_EXC = traceback.format_exc() DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10 from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.docker.common import ( AnsibleDockerClient, DockerBaseClass, RequestException, ) AUTH_PARAM_MAPPING = { u'docker_host': u'--host', u'tls': u'--tls', u'cacert_path': u'--tlscacert', u'cert_path': u'--tlscert', u'key_path': u'--tlskey', u'tls_verify': u'--tlsverify' } @contextmanager def stdout_redirector(path_name): old_stdout = sys.stdout fd = open(path_name, 'w') sys.stdout = fd try: yield finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout @contextmanager def stderr_redirector(path_name): old_fh = sys.stderr fd = open(path_name, 'w') sys.stderr = fd try: yield finally: sys.stderr = old_fh def make_redirection_tempfiles(): dummy, out_redir_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="ansible") dummy, err_redir_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="ansible") return (out_redir_name, err_redir_name) def cleanup_redirection_tempfiles(out_name, err_name): for i in [out_name, err_name]: os.remove(i) def get_redirected_output(path_name): output = [] with open(path_name, 'r') as fd: for line in fd: # strip terminal format/color chars new_line = re.sub(r'\x1b\[.+m', '', line) output.append(new_line) os.remove(path_name) return output def attempt_extract_errors(exc_str, stdout, stderr): errors = [l.strip() for l in stderr if l.strip().startswith('ERROR:')] errors.extend([l.strip() for l in stdout if l.strip().startswith('ERROR:')]) warnings = [l.strip() for l in stderr if l.strip().startswith('WARNING:')] warnings.extend([l.strip() for l in stdout if l.strip().startswith('WARNING:')]) # assume either the exception body (if present) or the last warning was the 'most' # fatal. if exc_str.strip(): msg = exc_str.strip() elif errors: msg = errors[-1].encode('utf-8') else: msg = 'unknown cause' return { 'warnings': [w.encode('utf-8') for w in warnings], 'errors': [e.encode('utf-8') for e in errors], 'msg': msg, 'module_stderr': ''.join(stderr), 'module_stdout': ''.join(stdout) } def get_failure_info(exc, out_name, err_name=None, msg_format='%s'): if err_name is None: stderr = [] else: stderr = get_redirected_output(err_name) stdout = get_redirected_output(out_name) reason = attempt_extract_errors(str(exc), stdout, stderr) reason['msg'] = msg_format % reason['msg'] return reason class ContainerManager(DockerBaseClass): def __init__(self, client): super(ContainerManager, self).__init__() self.client = client self.project_src = None self.files = None self.project_name = None self.state = None self.definition = None self.hostname_check = None self.timeout = None self.remove_images = None self.remove_orphans = None self.remove_volumes = None self.stopped = None self.restarted = None self.recreate = None self.build = None self.dependencies = None self.services = None self.scale = None self.debug = None self.pull = None self.nocache = None for key, value in client.module.params.items(): setattr(self, key, value) self.check_mode = client.check_mode if not self.debug: self.debug = client.module._debug self.options = dict() self.options.update(self._get_auth_options()) self.options[u'--skip-hostname-check'] = (not self.hostname_check) if self.project_name: self.options[u'--project-name'] = self.project_name if self.files: self.options[u'--file'] = self.files if not HAS_COMPOSE: self.client.fail("Unable to load docker-compose. Try `pip install docker-compose`. Error: %s" % HAS_COMPOSE_EXC) if LooseVersion(compose_version) < LooseVersion(MINIMUM_COMPOSE_VERSION): self.client.fail("Found docker-compose version %s. Minimum required version is %s. " "Upgrade docker-compose to a min version of %s." % (compose_version, MINIMUM_COMPOSE_VERSION, MINIMUM_COMPOSE_VERSION)) if self.restarted and self.stopped: self.client.fail("Cannot use restarted and stopped at the same time.") self.log("options: ") self.log(self.options, pretty_print=True) if self.definition: if not HAS_YAML: self.client.fail("Unable to load yaml. Try `pip install PyYAML`. Error: %s" % HAS_YAML_EXC) if not self.project_name: self.client.fail("Parameter error - project_name required when providing definition.") self.project_src = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="ansible") compose_file = os.path.join(self.project_src, "docker-compose.yml") try: self.log('writing: ') self.log(yaml.dump(self.definition, default_flow_style=False)) with open(compose_file, 'w') as f: f.write(yaml.dump(self.definition, default_flow_style=False)) except Exception as exc: self.client.fail("Error writing to %s - %s" % (compose_file, str(exc))) else: if not self.project_src: self.client.fail("Parameter error - project_src required.") try: self.log("project_src: %s" % self.project_src) self.project = project_from_options(self.project_src, self.options) except Exception as exc: self.client.fail("Configuration error - %s" % str(exc)) def exec_module(self): result = dict() if self.state == 'present': result = self.cmd_up() elif self.state == 'absent': result = self.cmd_down() if self.definition: compose_file = os.path.join(self.project_src, "docker-compose.yml") self.log("removing %s" % compose_file) os.remove(compose_file) self.log("removing %s" % self.project_src) os.rmdir(self.project_src) if not self.check_mode and not self.debug and result.get('actions'): result.pop('actions') return result def _get_auth_options(self): options = dict() for key, value in self.client.auth_params.items(): if value is not None: option = AUTH_PARAM_MAPPING.get(key) if option: options[option] = value return options def cmd_up(self): start_deps = self.dependencies service_names = self.services detached = True result = dict(changed=False, actions=[], ansible_facts=dict(), services=dict()) up_options = { u'--no-recreate': False, u'--build': False, u'--no-build': False, u'--no-deps': False, u'--force-recreate': False, } if self.recreate == 'never': up_options[u'--no-recreate'] = True elif self.recreate == 'always': up_options[u'--force-recreate'] = True if self.remove_orphans: up_options[u'--remove-orphans'] = True converge = convergence_strategy_from_opts(up_options) self.log("convergence strategy: %s" % converge) if self.pull: pull_output = self.cmd_pull() result['changed'] = pull_output['changed'] result['actions'] += pull_output['actions'] if self.build: build_output = self.cmd_build() result['changed'] = build_output['changed'] result['actions'] += build_output['actions'] if self.remove_orphans: containers = self.client.containers( filters={ 'label': [ '{0}={1}'.format(LABEL_PROJECT, self.project.name), '{0}={1}'.format(LABEL_ONE_OFF, "False") ], } ) orphans = [] for container in containers: service_name = container.get('Labels', {}).get(LABEL_SERVICE) if service_name not in self.project.service_names: orphans.append(service_name) if orphans: result['changed'] = True for service in self.project.services: if not service_names or service.name in service_names: plan = service.convergence_plan(strategy=converge) if plan.action != 'noop': result['changed'] = True result_action = dict(service=service.name) result_action[plan.action] = [] for container in plan.containers: result_action[plan.action].append(dict( id=container.id, name=container.name, short_id=container.short_id, )) result['actions'].append(result_action) if not self.check_mode and result['changed'] and not self.stopped: out_redir_name, err_redir_name = make_redirection_tempfiles() try: with stdout_redirector(out_redir_name): with stderr_redirector(err_redir_name): do_build = build_action_from_opts(up_options) self.log('Setting do_build to %s' % do_build) self.project.up( service_names=service_names, start_deps=start_deps, strategy=converge, do_build=do_build, detached=detached, remove_orphans=self.remove_orphans, timeout=self.timeout) except Exception as exc: fail_reason = get_failure_info(exc, out_redir_name, err_redir_name, msg_format="Error starting project %s") self.client.fail(**fail_reason) else: cleanup_redirection_tempfiles(out_redir_name, err_redir_name) if self.stopped: stop_output = self.cmd_stop(service_names) result['changed'] = stop_output['changed'] result['actions'] += stop_output['actions'] if self.restarted: restart_output = self.cmd_restart(service_names) result['changed'] = restart_output['changed'] result['actions'] += restart_output['actions'] if self.scale: scale_output = self.cmd_scale() result['changed'] = scale_output['changed'] result['actions'] += scale_output['actions'] for service in self.project.services: service_facts = dict() result['ansible_facts'][service.name] = service_facts result['services'][service.name] = service_facts for container in service.containers(stopped=True): inspection = container.inspect() # pare down the inspection data to the most useful bits facts = dict( cmd=[], labels=dict(), image=None, state=dict( running=None, status=None ), networks=dict() ) if inspection['Config'].get('Cmd', None) is not None: facts['cmd'] = inspection['Config']['Cmd'] if inspection['Config'].get('Labels', None) is not None: facts['labels'] = inspection['Config']['Labels'] if inspection['Config'].get('Image', None) is not None: facts['image'] = inspection['Config']['Image'] if inspection['State'].get('Running', None) is not None: facts['state']['running'] = inspection['State']['Running'] if inspection['State'].get('Status', None) is not None: facts['state']['status'] = inspection['State']['Status'] if inspection.get('NetworkSettings') and inspection['NetworkSettings'].get('Networks'): networks = inspection['NetworkSettings']['Networks'] for key in networks: facts['networks'][key] = dict( aliases=[], globalIPv6=None, globalIPv6PrefixLen=0, IPAddress=None, IPPrefixLen=0, links=None, macAddress=None, ) if networks[key].get('Aliases', None) is not None: facts['networks'][key]['aliases'] = networks[key]['Aliases'] if networks[key].get('GlobalIPv6Address', None) is not None: facts['networks'][key]['globalIPv6'] = networks[key]['GlobalIPv6Address'] if networks[key].get('GlobalIPv6PrefixLen', None) is not None: facts['networks'][key]['globalIPv6PrefixLen'] = networks[key]['GlobalIPv6PrefixLen'] if networks[key].get('IPAddress', None) is not None: facts['networks'][key]['IPAddress'] = networks[key]['IPAddress'] if networks[key].get('IPPrefixLen', None) is not None: facts['networks'][key]['IPPrefixLen'] = networks[key]['IPPrefixLen'] if networks[key].get('Links', None) is not None: facts['networks'][key]['links'] = networks[key]['Links'] if networks[key].get('MacAddress', None) is not None: facts['networks'][key]['macAddress'] = networks[key]['MacAddress'] service_facts[container.name] = facts return result def cmd_pull(self): result = dict( changed=False, actions=[], ) if not self.check_mode: for service in self.project.get_services(self.services, include_deps=False): if 'image' not in service.options: continue self.log('Pulling image for service %s' % service.name) # store the existing image ID old_image_id = '' try: image = service.image() if image and image.get('Id'): old_image_id = image['Id'] except NoSuchImageError: pass except Exception as exc: self.client.fail("Error: service image lookup failed - %s" % str(exc)) out_redir_name, err_redir_name = make_redirection_tempfiles() # pull the image try: with stdout_redirector(out_redir_name): with stderr_redirector(err_redir_name): service.pull(ignore_pull_failures=False) except Exception as exc: fail_reason = get_failure_info(exc, out_redir_name, err_redir_name, msg_format="Error: pull failed with %s") self.client.fail(**fail_reason) else: cleanup_redirection_tempfiles(out_redir_name, err_redir_name) # store the new image ID new_image_id = '' try: image = service.image() if image and image.get('Id'): new_image_id = image['Id'] except NoSuchImageError as exc: self.client.fail("Error: service image lookup failed after pull - %s" % str(exc)) if new_image_id != old_image_id: # if a new image was pulled result['changed'] = True result['actions'].append(dict( service=service.name, pulled_image=dict( name=service.image_name, id=new_image_id ) )) return result def cmd_build(self): result = dict( changed=False, actions=[] ) if not self.check_mode: for service in self.project.get_services(self.services, include_deps=False): if service.can_be_built(): self.log('Building image for service %s' % service.name) # store the existing image ID old_image_id = '' try: image = service.image() if image and image.get('Id'): old_image_id = image['Id'] except NoSuchImageError: pass except Exception as exc: self.client.fail("Error: service image lookup failed - %s" % str(exc)) out_redir_name, err_redir_name = make_redirection_tempfiles() # build the image try: with stdout_redirector(out_redir_name): with stderr_redirector(err_redir_name): new_image_id = service.build(pull=self.pull, no_cache=self.nocache) except Exception as exc: fail_reason = get_failure_info(exc, out_redir_name, err_redir_name, msg_format="Error: build failed with %s") self.client.fail(**fail_reason) else: cleanup_redirection_tempfiles(out_redir_name, err_redir_name) if new_image_id not in old_image_id: # if a new image was built result['changed'] = True result['actions'].append(dict( service=service.name, built_image=dict( name=service.image_name, id=new_image_id ) )) return result def cmd_down(self): result = dict( changed=False, actions=[] ) for service in self.project.services: containers = service.containers(stopped=True) if len(containers): result['changed'] = True result['actions'].append(dict( service=service.name, deleted=[container.name for container in containers] )) if not self.check_mode and result['changed']: image_type = image_type_from_opt('--rmi', self.remove_images) out_redir_name, err_redir_name = make_redirection_tempfiles() try: with stdout_redirector(out_redir_name): with stderr_redirector(err_redir_name): self.project.down(image_type, self.remove_volumes, self.remove_orphans) except Exception as exc: fail_reason = get_failure_info(exc, out_redir_name, err_redir_name, msg_format="Error stopping project - %s") self.client.fail(**fail_reason) else: cleanup_redirection_tempfiles(out_redir_name, err_redir_name) return result def cmd_stop(self, service_names): result = dict( changed=False, actions=[] ) for service in self.project.services: if not service_names or service.name in service_names: service_res = dict( service=service.name, stop=[] ) for container in service.containers(stopped=False): result['changed'] = True service_res['stop'].append(dict( id=container.id, name=container.name, short_id=container.short_id )) result['actions'].append(service_res) if not self.check_mode and result['changed']: out_redir_name, err_redir_name = make_redirection_tempfiles() try: with stdout_redirector(out_redir_name): with stderr_redirector(err_redir_name): self.project.stop(service_names=service_names, timeout=self.timeout) except Exception as exc: fail_reason = get_failure_info(exc, out_redir_name, err_redir_name, msg_format="Error stopping project %s") self.client.fail(**fail_reason) else: cleanup_redirection_tempfiles(out_redir_name, err_redir_name) return result def cmd_restart(self, service_names): result = dict( changed=False, actions=[] ) for service in self.project.services: if not service_names or service.name in service_names: service_res = dict( service=service.name, restart=[] ) for container in service.containers(stopped=True): result['changed'] = True service_res['restart'].append(dict( id=container.id, name=container.name, short_id=container.short_id )) result['actions'].append(service_res) if not self.check_mode and result['changed']: out_redir_name, err_redir_name = make_redirection_tempfiles() try: with stdout_redirector(out_redir_name): with stderr_redirector(err_redir_name): self.project.restart(service_names=service_names, timeout=self.timeout) except Exception as exc: fail_reason = get_failure_info(exc, out_redir_name, err_redir_name, msg_format="Error restarting project %s") self.client.fail(**fail_reason) else: cleanup_redirection_tempfiles(out_redir_name, err_redir_name) return result def cmd_scale(self): result = dict( changed=False, actions=[] ) for service in self.project.services: if service.name in self.scale: service_res = dict( service=service.name, scale=0 ) containers = service.containers(stopped=True) scale = self.parse_scale(service.name) if len(containers) != scale: result['changed'] = True service_res['scale'] = scale - len(containers) if not self.check_mode: out_redir_name, err_redir_name = make_redirection_tempfiles() try: with stdout_redirector(out_redir_name): with stderr_redirector(err_redir_name): service.scale(scale) except Exception as exc: fail_reason = get_failure_info(exc, out_redir_name, err_redir_name, msg_format="Error scaling {0} - %s".format(service.name)) self.client.fail(**fail_reason) else: cleanup_redirection_tempfiles(out_redir_name, err_redir_name) result['actions'].append(service_res) return result def parse_scale(self, service_name): try: return int(self.scale[service_name]) except ValueError: self.client.fail("Error scaling %s - expected int, got %s", service_name, str(type(self.scale[service_name]))) def main(): argument_spec = dict( project_src=dict(type='path'), project_name=dict(type='str',), files=dict(type='list', elements='path'), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), definition=dict(type='dict'), hostname_check=dict(type='bool', default=False), recreate=dict(type='str', default='smart', choices=['always', 'never', 'smart']), build=dict(type='bool', default=False), remove_images=dict(type='str', choices=['all', 'local']), remove_volumes=dict(type='bool', default=False), remove_orphans=dict(type='bool', default=False), stopped=dict(type='bool', default=False), restarted=dict(type='bool', default=False), scale=dict(type='dict'), services=dict(type='list', elements='str'), dependencies=dict(type='bool', default=True), pull=dict(type='bool', default=False), nocache=dict(type='bool', default=False), debug=dict(type='bool', default=False), timeout=dict(type='int', default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) ) mutually_exclusive = [ ('definition', 'project_src'), ('definition', 'files') ] client = AnsibleDockerClient( argument_spec=argument_spec, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive, supports_check_mode=True, min_docker_api_version='1.20', ) if client.module._name in ('docker_service', 'community.general.docker_service'): client.module.deprecate("The 'docker_service' module has been renamed to 'docker_compose'.", version='2.0.0', collection_name='community.general') # was Ansible 2.12 try: result = ContainerManager(client).exec_module() client.module.exit_json(**result) except DockerException as e: client.fail('An unexpected docker error occurred: {0}'.format(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) except RequestException as e: client.fail('An unexpected requests error occurred when docker-py tried to talk to the docker daemon: {0}'.format(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()