#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2019 Huawei # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ############################################################################### # Documentation ############################################################################### DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: hwc_vpc_subnet description: - subnet management. short_description: Creates a resource of Vpc/Subnet in Huawei Cloud version_added: '0.2.0' author: Huawei Inc. (@huaweicloud) requirements: - keystoneauth1 >= 3.6.0 attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: state: description: - Whether the given object should exist in Huawei Cloud. type: str choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: 'present' timeouts: description: - The timeouts for each operations. type: dict default: {} suboptions: create: description: - The timeouts for create operation. type: str default: '15m' update: description: - The timeouts for update operation. type: str default: '15m' cidr: description: - Specifies the subnet CIDR block. The value must be within the VPC CIDR block and be in CIDR format. The subnet mask cannot be greater than 28. Cannot be changed after creating the subnet. type: str required: true gateway_ip: description: - Specifies the gateway of the subnet. The value must be an IP address in the subnet. Cannot be changed after creating the subnet. type: str required: true name: description: - Specifies the subnet name. The value is a string of 1 to 64 characters that can contain letters, digits, underscores (V(_)), hyphens (V(-)), and periods (V(.)). type: str required: true vpc_id: description: - Specifies the ID of the VPC to which the subnet belongs. Cannot be changed after creating the subnet. type: str required: true availability_zone: description: - Specifies the AZ to which the subnet belongs. Cannot be changed after creating the subnet. type: str required: false dhcp_enable: description: - Specifies whether DHCP is enabled for the subnet. The value can be true (enabled) or false(disabled), and default value is true. If this parameter is set to false, newly created ECSs cannot obtain IP addresses, and usernames and passwords cannot be injected using Cloud-init. type: bool required: false dns_address: description: - Specifies the DNS server addresses for subnet. The address in the head will be used first. type: list elements: str required: false extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.hwc - community.general.attributes ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # create subnet - name: Create vpc hwc_network_vpc: cidr: "" name: "ansible_network_vpc_test" register: vpc - name: Create subnet community.general.hwc_vpc_subnet: vpc_id: "{{ vpc.id }}" cidr: "" gateway_ip: "" name: "ansible_network_subnet_test" dhcp_enable: true ''' RETURN = ''' cidr: description: - Specifies the subnet CIDR block. The value must be within the VPC CIDR block and be in CIDR format. The subnet mask cannot be greater than 28. type: str returned: success gateway_ip: description: - Specifies the gateway of the subnet. The value must be an IP address in the subnet. type: str returned: success name: description: - Specifies the subnet name. The value is a string of 1 to 64 characters that can contain letters, digits, underscores (V(_)), hyphens (V(-)), and periods (V(.)). type: str returned: success vpc_id: description: - Specifies the ID of the VPC to which the subnet belongs. type: str returned: success availability_zone: description: - Specifies the AZ to which the subnet belongs. type: str returned: success dhcp_enable: description: - Specifies whether DHCP is enabled for the subnet. The value can be true (enabled) or false(disabled), and default value is true. If this parameter is set to false, newly created ECSs cannot obtain IP addresses, and usernames and passwords cannot be injected using Cloud-init. type: bool returned: success dns_address: description: - Specifies the DNS server addresses for subnet. The address in the head will be used first. type: list returned: success ''' from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.hwc_utils import ( Config, HwcClientException, HwcClientException404, HwcModule, are_different_dicts, build_path, get_region, is_empty_value, navigate_value, wait_to_finish) def build_module(): return HwcModule( argument_spec=dict( state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent'], type='str'), timeouts=dict(type='dict', options=dict( create=dict(default='15m', type='str'), update=dict(default='15m', type='str'), ), default=dict()), cidr=dict(type='str', required=True), gateway_ip=dict(type='str', required=True), name=dict(type='str', required=True), vpc_id=dict(type='str', required=True), availability_zone=dict(type='str'), dhcp_enable=dict(type='bool'), dns_address=dict(type='list', elements='str') ), supports_check_mode=True, ) def main(): """Main function""" module = build_module() config = Config(module, "vpc") try: resource = None if module.params.get('id'): resource = True else: v = search_resource(config) if len(v) > 1: raise Exception("Found more than one resource(%s)" % ", ".join([ navigate_value(i, ["id"]) for i in v])) if len(v) == 1: resource = v[0] module.params['id'] = navigate_value(resource, ["id"]) result = {} changed = False if module.params['state'] == 'present': if resource is None: if not module.check_mode: create(config) changed = True current = read_resource(config, exclude_output=True) expect = user_input_parameters(module) if are_different_dicts(expect, current): if not module.check_mode: update(config) changed = True result = read_resource(config) result['id'] = module.params.get('id') else: if resource: if not module.check_mode: delete(config) changed = True except Exception as ex: module.fail_json(msg=str(ex)) else: result['changed'] = changed module.exit_json(**result) def user_input_parameters(module): return { "availability_zone": module.params.get("availability_zone"), "cidr": module.params.get("cidr"), "dhcp_enable": module.params.get("dhcp_enable"), "dns_address": module.params.get("dns_address"), "gateway_ip": module.params.get("gateway_ip"), "name": module.params.get("name"), "vpc_id": module.params.get("vpc_id"), } def create(config): module = config.module client = config.client(get_region(module), "vpc", "project") timeout = 60 * int(module.params['timeouts']['create'].rstrip('m')) opts = user_input_parameters(module) params = build_create_parameters(opts) r = send_create_request(module, params, client) obj = async_wait_create(config, r, client, timeout) module.params['id'] = navigate_value(obj, ["subnet", "id"]) def update(config): module = config.module client = config.client(get_region(module), "vpc", "project") timeout = 60 * int(module.params['timeouts']['update'].rstrip('m')) opts = user_input_parameters(module) params = build_update_parameters(opts) if params: r = send_update_request(module, params, client) async_wait_update(config, r, client, timeout) def delete(config): module = config.module client = config.client(get_region(module), "vpc", "project") send_delete_request(module, None, client) url = build_path(module, "subnets/{id}") def _refresh_status(): try: client.get(url) except HwcClientException404: return True, "Done" except Exception: return None, "" return True, "Pending" timeout = 60 * int(module.params['timeouts']['create'].rstrip('m')) try: wait_to_finish(["Done"], ["Pending"], _refresh_status, timeout) except Exception as ex: module.fail_json(msg="module(hwc_vpc_subnet): error " "waiting for api(delete) to " "be done, error= %s" % str(ex)) def read_resource(config, exclude_output=False): module = config.module client = config.client(get_region(module), "vpc", "project") res = {} r = send_read_request(module, client) res["read"] = fill_read_resp_body(r) return update_properties(module, res, None, exclude_output) def _build_query_link(opts): query_link = "?marker={marker}&limit=10" v = navigate_value(opts, ["vpc_id"]) if v: query_link += "&vpc_id=" + str(v) return query_link def search_resource(config): module = config.module client = config.client(get_region(module), "vpc", "project") opts = user_input_parameters(module) identity_obj = _build_identity_object(opts) query_link = _build_query_link(opts) link = "subnets" + query_link result = [] p = {'marker': ''} while True: url = link.format(**p) r = send_list_request(module, client, url) if not r: break for item in r: item = fill_list_resp_body(item) if not are_different_dicts(identity_obj, item): result.append(item) if len(result) > 1: break p['marker'] = r[-1].get('id') return result def build_create_parameters(opts): params = dict() v = navigate_value(opts, ["availability_zone"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["availability_zone"] = v v = navigate_value(opts, ["cidr"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["cidr"] = v v = navigate_value(opts, ["dhcp_enable"], None) if v is not None: params["dhcp_enable"] = v v = expand_create_dns_list(opts, None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["dnsList"] = v v = navigate_value(opts, ["gateway_ip"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["gateway_ip"] = v v = navigate_value(opts, ["name"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["name"] = v v = expand_create_primary_dns(opts, None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["primary_dns"] = v v = expand_create_secondary_dns(opts, None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["secondary_dns"] = v v = navigate_value(opts, ["vpc_id"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["vpc_id"] = v if not params: return params params = {"subnet": params} return params def expand_create_dns_list(d, array_index): v = navigate_value(d, ["dns_address"], array_index) return v if (v and len(v) > 2) else [] def expand_create_primary_dns(d, array_index): v = navigate_value(d, ["dns_address"], array_index) return v[0] if v else "" def expand_create_secondary_dns(d, array_index): v = navigate_value(d, ["dns_address"], array_index) return v[1] if (v and len(v) > 1) else "" def send_create_request(module, params, client): url = "subnets" try: r = client.post(url, params) except HwcClientException as ex: msg = ("module(hwc_vpc_subnet): error running " "api(create), error: %s" % str(ex)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) return r def async_wait_create(config, result, client, timeout): module = config.module path_parameters = { "subnet_id": ["subnet", "id"], } data = dict((key, navigate_value(result, path)) for key, path in path_parameters.items()) url = build_path(module, "subnets/{subnet_id}", data) def _query_status(): r = None try: r = client.get(url, timeout=timeout) except HwcClientException: return None, "" try: s = navigate_value(r, ["subnet", "status"]) return r, s except Exception: return None, "" try: return wait_to_finish( ["ACTIVE"], ["UNKNOWN"], _query_status, timeout) except Exception as ex: module.fail_json(msg="module(hwc_vpc_subnet): error " "waiting for api(create) to " "be done, error= %s" % str(ex)) def build_update_parameters(opts): params = dict() v = navigate_value(opts, ["dhcp_enable"], None) if v is not None: params["dhcp_enable"] = v v = expand_update_dns_list(opts, None) if v is not None: params["dnsList"] = v v = navigate_value(opts, ["name"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["name"] = v v = expand_update_primary_dns(opts, None) if v is not None: params["primary_dns"] = v v = expand_update_secondary_dns(opts, None) if v is not None: params["secondary_dns"] = v if not params: return params params = {"subnet": params} return params def expand_update_dns_list(d, array_index): v = navigate_value(d, ["dns_address"], array_index) if v: if len(v) > 2: return v return None return [] def expand_update_primary_dns(d, array_index): v = navigate_value(d, ["dns_address"], array_index) return v[0] if v else "" def expand_update_secondary_dns(d, array_index): v = navigate_value(d, ["dns_address"], array_index) return v[1] if (v and len(v) > 1) else "" def send_update_request(module, params, client): url = build_path(module, "vpcs/{vpc_id}/subnets/{id}") try: r = client.put(url, params) except HwcClientException as ex: msg = ("module(hwc_vpc_subnet): error running " "api(update), error: %s" % str(ex)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) return r def async_wait_update(config, result, client, timeout): module = config.module path_parameters = { "subnet_id": ["subnet", "id"], } data = dict((key, navigate_value(result, path)) for key, path in path_parameters.items()) url = build_path(module, "subnets/{subnet_id}", data) def _query_status(): r = None try: r = client.get(url, timeout=timeout) except HwcClientException: return None, "" try: s = navigate_value(r, ["subnet", "status"]) return r, s except Exception: return None, "" try: return wait_to_finish( ["ACTIVE"], ["UNKNOWN"], _query_status, timeout) except Exception as ex: module.fail_json(msg="module(hwc_vpc_subnet): error " "waiting for api(update) to " "be done, error= %s" % str(ex)) def send_delete_request(module, params, client): url = build_path(module, "vpcs/{vpc_id}/subnets/{id}") try: r = client.delete(url, params) except HwcClientException as ex: msg = ("module(hwc_vpc_subnet): error running " "api(delete), error: %s" % str(ex)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) return r def send_read_request(module, client): url = build_path(module, "subnets/{id}") r = None try: r = client.get(url) except HwcClientException as ex: msg = ("module(hwc_vpc_subnet): error running " "api(read), error: %s" % str(ex)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) return navigate_value(r, ["subnet"], None) def fill_read_resp_body(body): result = dict() result["availability_zone"] = body.get("availability_zone") result["cidr"] = body.get("cidr") result["dhcp_enable"] = body.get("dhcp_enable") result["dnsList"] = body.get("dnsList") result["gateway_ip"] = body.get("gateway_ip") result["id"] = body.get("id") result["name"] = body.get("name") result["neutron_network_id"] = body.get("neutron_network_id") result["neutron_subnet_id"] = body.get("neutron_subnet_id") result["primary_dns"] = body.get("primary_dns") result["secondary_dns"] = body.get("secondary_dns") result["status"] = body.get("status") result["vpc_id"] = body.get("vpc_id") return result def update_properties(module, response, array_index, exclude_output=False): r = user_input_parameters(module) v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "availability_zone"], array_index) r["availability_zone"] = v v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "cidr"], array_index) r["cidr"] = v v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "dhcp_enable"], array_index) r["dhcp_enable"] = v v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "dnsList"], array_index) r["dns_address"] = v v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "gateway_ip"], array_index) r["gateway_ip"] = v v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "name"], array_index) r["name"] = v v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "vpc_id"], array_index) r["vpc_id"] = v return r def send_list_request(module, client, url): r = None try: r = client.get(url) except HwcClientException as ex: msg = ("module(hwc_vpc_subnet): error running " "api(list), error: %s" % str(ex)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) return navigate_value(r, ["subnets"], None) def _build_identity_object(all_opts): result = dict() v = navigate_value(all_opts, ["availability_zone"], None) result["availability_zone"] = v v = navigate_value(all_opts, ["cidr"], None) result["cidr"] = v v = navigate_value(all_opts, ["dhcp_enable"], None) result["dhcp_enable"] = v v = navigate_value(all_opts, ["dns_address"], None) result["dnsList"] = v v = navigate_value(all_opts, ["gateway_ip"], None) result["gateway_ip"] = v result["id"] = None v = navigate_value(all_opts, ["name"], None) result["name"] = v result["neutron_network_id"] = None result["neutron_subnet_id"] = None result["primary_dns"] = None result["secondary_dns"] = None result["status"] = None v = navigate_value(all_opts, ["vpc_id"], None) result["vpc_id"] = v return result def fill_list_resp_body(body): result = dict() result["availability_zone"] = body.get("availability_zone") result["cidr"] = body.get("cidr") result["dhcp_enable"] = body.get("dhcp_enable") result["dnsList"] = body.get("dnsList") result["gateway_ip"] = body.get("gateway_ip") result["id"] = body.get("id") result["name"] = body.get("name") result["neutron_network_id"] = body.get("neutron_network_id") result["neutron_subnet_id"] = body.get("neutron_subnet_id") result["primary_dns"] = body.get("primary_dns") result["secondary_dns"] = body.get("secondary_dns") result["status"] = body.get("status") result["vpc_id"] = body.get("vpc_id") return result if __name__ == '__main__': main()