#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2022, Masayoshi Mizuma # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- author: - Masayoshi Mizuma (@mizumm) module: pmem short_description: Configure Intel Optane Persistent Memory modules version_added: 4.5.0 description: - This module allows Configuring Intel Optane Persistent Memory modules (PMem) using ipmctl and ndctl command line tools. requirements: - ipmctl and ndctl command line tools - xmltodict extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: none diff_mode: support: none options: appdirect: description: - Percentage of the total capacity to use in AppDirect Mode (V(0)-V(100)). - Create AppDirect capacity utilizing hardware interleaving across the requested PMem modules if applicable given the specified target. - Total of O(appdirect), O(memorymode) and O(reserved) must be V(100) type: int appdirect_interleaved: description: - Create AppDirect capacity that is interleaved any other PMem modules. type: bool required: false default: true memorymode: description: - Percentage of the total capacity to use in Memory Mode (V(0)-V(100)). type: int reserved: description: - Percentage of the capacity to reserve (V(0)-V(100)). O(reserved) will not be mapped into the system physical address space and will be presented as reserved capacity with Show Device and Show Memory Resources Commands. - O(reserved) will be set automatically if this is not configured. type: int required: false socket: description: - This enables to set the configuration for each socket by using the socket ID. - Total of O(appdirect), O(memorymode) and O(reserved) must be V(100) within one socket. type: list elements: dict suboptions: id: description: The socket ID of the PMem module. type: int required: true appdirect: description: - Percentage of the total capacity to use in AppDirect Mode (V(0)-V(100)) within the socket ID. type: int required: true appdirect_interleaved: description: - Create AppDirect capacity that is interleaved any other PMem modules within the socket ID. type: bool required: false default: true memorymode: description: - Percentage of the total capacity to use in Memory Mode (V(0)-V(100)) within the socket ID. type: int required: true reserved: description: - Percentage of the capacity to reserve (V(0)-V(100)) within the socket ID. type: int namespace: description: - This enables to set the configuration for the namespace of the PMem. type: list elements: dict suboptions: mode: description: - The mode of namespace. The detail of the mode is in the man page of ndctl-create-namespace. type: str required: true choices: ['raw', 'sector', 'fsdax', 'devdax'] type: description: - The type of namespace. The detail of the type is in the man page of ndctl-create-namespace. type: str required: false choices: ['pmem', 'blk'] size: description: - The size of namespace. This option supports the suffixes V(k) or V(K) or V(KB) for KiB, V(m) or V(M) or V(MB) for MiB, V(g) or V(G) or V(GB) for GiB and V(t) or V(T) or V(TB) for TiB. - This option is required if multiple namespaces are configured. - If this option is not set, all of the available space of a region is configured. type: str required: false namespace_append: description: - Enable to append the new namespaces to the system. - The default is V(false) so the all existing namespaces not listed in O(namespace) are removed. type: bool default: false required: false ''' RETURN = r''' reboot_required: description: Indicates that the system reboot is required to complete the PMem configuration. returned: success type: bool sample: true result: description: - Shows the value of AppDirect, Memory Mode and Reserved size in bytes. - If O(socket) argument is provided, shows the values in each socket with C(socket) which contains the socket ID. - If O(namespace) argument is provided, shows the detail of each namespace. returned: success type: list elements: dict contains: appdirect: description: AppDirect size in bytes. type: int memorymode: description: Memory Mode size in bytes. type: int reserved: description: Reserved size in bytes. type: int socket: description: The socket ID to be configured. type: int namespace: description: The list of the detail of namespace. type: list sample: [ { "appdirect": 111669149696, "memorymode": 970662608896, "reserved": 3626500096, "socket": 0 }, { "appdirect": 111669149696, "memorymode": 970662608896, "reserved": 3626500096, "socket": 1 } ] ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Configure the Pmem as AppDirect 10, Memory Mode 70, and the Reserved 20 percent. community.general.pmem: appdirect: 10 memorymode: 70 - name: Configure the Pmem as AppDirect 10, Memory Mode 80, and the Reserved 10 percent. community.general.pmem: appdirect: 10 memorymode: 80 reserved: 10 - name: Configure the Pmem as AppDirect with not interleaved 10, Memory Mode 70, and the Reserved 20 percent. community.general.pmem: appdirect: 10 appdirect_interleaved: false memorymode: 70 - name: Configure the Pmem each socket. community.general.pmem: socket: - id: 0 appdirect: 10 appdirect_interleaved: false memorymode: 70 reserved: 20 - id: 1 appdirect: 10 memorymode: 80 reserved: 10 - name: Configure the two namespaces. community.general.pmem: namespace: - size: 1GB type: pmem mode: raw - size: 320MB type: pmem mode: sector ''' import json import re import traceback from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib, human_to_bytes try: import xmltodict except ImportError: HAS_XMLTODICT_LIBRARY = False XMLTODICT_LIBRARY_IMPORT_ERROR = traceback.format_exc() else: HAS_XMLTODICT_LIBRARY = True XMLTODICT_LIBRARY_IMPORT_ERROR = None class PersistentMemory(object): def __init__(self): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( appdirect=dict(type='int'), appdirect_interleaved=dict(type='bool', default=True), memorymode=dict(type='int'), reserved=dict(type='int'), socket=dict( type='list', elements='dict', options=dict( id=dict(required=True, type='int'), appdirect=dict(required=True, type='int'), appdirect_interleaved=dict(type='bool', default=True), memorymode=dict(required=True, type='int'), reserved=dict(type='int'), ), ), namespace=dict( type='list', elements='dict', options=dict( mode=dict(required=True, type='str', choices=['raw', 'sector', 'fsdax', 'devdax']), type=dict(type='str', choices=['pmem', 'blk']), size=dict(type='str'), ), ), namespace_append=dict(type='bool', default=False), ), required_together=( ['appdirect', 'memorymode'], ), required_one_of=( ['appdirect', 'memorymode', 'socket', 'namespace'], ), mutually_exclusive=( ['appdirect', 'socket'], ['memorymode', 'socket'], ['appdirect', 'namespace'], ['memorymode', 'namespace'], ['socket', 'namespace'], ['appdirect', 'namespace_append'], ['memorymode', 'namespace_append'], ['socket', 'namespace_append'], ), ) if not HAS_XMLTODICT_LIBRARY: module.fail_json( msg=missing_required_lib('xmltodict'), exception=XMLTODICT_LIBRARY_IMPORT_ERROR) self.ipmctl_exec = module.get_bin_path('ipmctl', True) self.ndctl_exec = module.get_bin_path('ndctl', True) self.appdirect = module.params['appdirect'] self.interleaved = module.params['appdirect_interleaved'] self.memmode = module.params['memorymode'] self.reserved = module.params['reserved'] self.socket = module.params['socket'] self.namespace = module.params['namespace'] self.namespace_append = module.params['namespace_append'] self.module = module self.changed = False self.result = [] def pmem_run_command(self, command, returnCheck=True): # in case command[] has number cmd = [str(part) for part in command] self.module.log(msg='pmem_run_command: execute: %s' % cmd) rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) self.module.log(msg='pmem_run_command: result: %s' % out) if returnCheck and rc != 0: self.module.fail_json(msg='Error while running: %s' % cmd, rc=rc, out=out, err=err) return out def pmem_run_ipmctl(self, command, returnCheck=True): command = [self.ipmctl_exec] + command return self.pmem_run_command(command, returnCheck) def pmem_run_ndctl(self, command, returnCheck=True): command = [self.ndctl_exec] + command return self.pmem_run_command(command, returnCheck) def pmem_is_dcpmm_installed(self): # To check this system has dcpmm command = ['show', '-system', '-capabilities'] return self.pmem_run_ipmctl(command) def pmem_get_region_align_size(self, region): aligns = [] for rg in region: if rg['align'] not in aligns: aligns.append(rg['align']) return aligns def pmem_get_available_region_size(self, region): available_size = [] for rg in region: available_size.append(rg['available_size']) return available_size def pmem_get_available_region_type(self, region): types = [] for rg in region: if rg['type'] not in types: types.append(rg['type']) return types def pmem_argument_check(self): def namespace_check(self): command = ['list', '-R'] out = self.pmem_run_ndctl(command) if not out: return 'Available region(s) is not in this system.' region = json.loads(out) aligns = self.pmem_get_region_align_size(region) if len(aligns) != 1: return 'Not supported the regions whose alignment size is different.' available_size = self.pmem_get_available_region_size(region) types = self.pmem_get_available_region_type(region) for ns in self.namespace: if ns['size']: try: size_byte = human_to_bytes(ns['size']) except ValueError: return 'The format of size: NNN TB|GB|MB|KB|T|G|M|K|B' if size_byte % aligns[0] != 0: return 'size: %s should be align with %d' % (ns['size'], aligns[0]) is_space_enough = False for i, avail in enumerate(available_size): if avail > size_byte: available_size[i] -= size_byte is_space_enough = True break if is_space_enough is False: return 'There is not available region for size: %s' % ns['size'] ns['size_byte'] = size_byte elif len(self.namespace) != 1: return 'size option is required to configure multiple namespaces' if ns['type'] not in types: return 'type %s is not supported in this system. Supported type: %s' % (ns['type'], types) return None def percent_check(self, appdirect, memmode, reserved=None): if appdirect is None or (appdirect < 0 or appdirect > 100): return 'appdirect percent should be from 0 to 100.' if memmode is None or (memmode < 0 or memmode > 100): return 'memorymode percent should be from 0 to 100.' if reserved is None: if appdirect + memmode > 100: return 'Total percent should be less equal 100.' else: if reserved < 0 or reserved > 100: return 'reserved percent should be from 0 to 100.' if appdirect + memmode + reserved != 100: return 'Total percent should be 100.' def socket_id_check(self): command = ['show', '-o', 'nvmxml', '-socket'] out = self.pmem_run_ipmctl(command) sockets_dict = xmltodict.parse(out, dict_constructor=dict)['SocketList']['Socket'] socket_ids = [] for sl in sockets_dict: socket_ids.append(int(sl['SocketID'], 16)) for skt in self.socket: if skt['id'] not in socket_ids: return 'Invalid socket number: %d' % skt['id'] return None if self.namespace: return namespace_check(self) elif self.socket is None: return percent_check(self, self.appdirect, self.memmode, self.reserved) else: ret = socket_id_check(self) if ret is not None: return ret for skt in self.socket: ret = percent_check( self, skt['appdirect'], skt['memorymode'], skt['reserved']) if ret is not None: return ret return None def pmem_remove_namespaces(self): command = ['list', '-N'] out = self.pmem_run_ndctl(command) # There's nothing namespaces in this system. Nothing to do. if not out: return namespaces = json.loads(out) # Disable and destroy all namespaces for ns in namespaces: command = ['disable-namespace', ns['dev']] self.pmem_run_ndctl(command) command = ['destroy-namespace', ns['dev']] self.pmem_run_ndctl(command) return def pmem_delete_goal(self): # delete the goal request command = ['delete', '-goal'] self.pmem_run_ipmctl(command) def pmem_init_env(self): if self.namespace is None or (self.namespace and self.namespace_append is False): self.pmem_remove_namespaces() if self.namespace is None: self.pmem_delete_goal() def pmem_get_capacity(self, skt=None): command = ['show', '-d', 'Capacity', '-u', 'B', '-o', 'nvmxml', '-dimm'] if skt: command += ['-socket', skt['id']] out = self.pmem_run_ipmctl(command) dimm_list = xmltodict.parse(out, dict_constructor=dict)['DimmList']['Dimm'] capacity = 0 for entry in dimm_list: for key, v in entry.items(): if key == 'Capacity': capacity += int(v.split()[0]) return capacity def pmem_create_memory_allocation(self, skt=None): def build_ipmctl_creation_opts(self, skt=None): ipmctl_opts = [] if skt: appdirect = skt['appdirect'] memmode = skt['memorymode'] reserved = skt['reserved'] socket_id = skt['id'] ipmctl_opts += ['-socket', socket_id] else: appdirect = self.appdirect memmode = self.memmode reserved = self.reserved if reserved is None: res = 100 - memmode - appdirect ipmctl_opts += ['memorymode=%d' % memmode, 'reserved=%d' % res] else: ipmctl_opts += ['memorymode=%d' % memmode, 'reserved=%d' % reserved] if self.interleaved: ipmctl_opts += ['PersistentMemoryType=AppDirect'] else: ipmctl_opts += ['PersistentMemoryType=AppDirectNotInterleaved'] return ipmctl_opts def is_allocation_good(self, ipmctl_out, command): warning = re.compile('WARNING') error = re.compile('.*Error.*') ignore_error = re.compile( 'Do you want to continue? [y/n] Error: Invalid data input.') errmsg = '' rc = True for line in ipmctl_out.splitlines(): if warning.match(line): errmsg = '%s (command: %s)' % (line, command) rc = False break elif error.match(line): if not ignore_error: errmsg = '%s (command: %s)' % (line, command) rc = False break return rc, errmsg def get_allocation_result(self, goal, skt=None): ret = {'appdirect': 0, 'memorymode': 0} if skt: ret['socket'] = skt['id'] out = xmltodict.parse(goal, dict_constructor=dict)['ConfigGoalList']['ConfigGoal'] for entry in out: # Probably it's a bug of ipmctl to show the socket goal # which isn't specified by the -socket option. # Anyway, filter the noise out here: if skt and skt['id'] != int(entry['SocketID'], 16): continue for key, v in entry.items(): if key == 'MemorySize': ret['memorymode'] += int(v.split()[0]) elif key == 'AppDirect1Size' or key == 'AapDirect2Size': ret['appdirect'] += int(v.split()[0]) capacity = self.pmem_get_capacity(skt) ret['reserved'] = capacity - ret['appdirect'] - ret['memorymode'] return ret reboot_required = False ipmctl_opts = build_ipmctl_creation_opts(self, skt) # First, do dry run ipmctl create command to check the error and warning. command = ['create', '-goal'] + ipmctl_opts out = self.pmem_run_ipmctl(command, returnCheck=False) rc, errmsg = is_allocation_good(self, out, command) if rc is False: return reboot_required, {}, errmsg # Run actual creation here command = ['create', '-u', 'B', '-o', 'nvmxml', '-force', '-goal'] + ipmctl_opts goal = self.pmem_run_ipmctl(command) ret = get_allocation_result(self, goal, skt) reboot_required = True return reboot_required, ret, '' def pmem_config_namespaces(self, namespace): command = ['create-namespace', '-m', namespace['mode']] if namespace['type']: command += ['-t', namespace['type']] if 'size_byte' in namespace: command += ['-s', namespace['size_byte']] self.pmem_run_ndctl(command) return None def main(): pmem = PersistentMemory() pmem.pmem_is_dcpmm_installed() error = pmem.pmem_argument_check() if error: pmem.module.fail_json(msg=error) pmem.pmem_init_env() pmem.changed = True if pmem.namespace: for ns in pmem.namespace: pmem.pmem_config_namespaces(ns) command = ['list', '-N'] out = pmem.pmem_run_ndctl(command) all_ns = json.loads(out) pmem.result = all_ns reboot_required = False elif pmem.socket is None: reboot_required, ret, errmsg = pmem.pmem_create_memory_allocation() if errmsg: pmem.module.fail_json(msg=errmsg) pmem.result.append(ret) else: for skt in pmem.socket: skt_reboot_required, skt_ret, skt_errmsg = pmem.pmem_create_memory_allocation(skt) if skt_errmsg: pmem.module.fail_json(msg=skt_errmsg) if skt_reboot_required: reboot_required = True pmem.result.append(skt_ret) pmem.module.exit_json( changed=pmem.changed, reboot_required=reboot_required, result=pmem.result ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()