<!-- Copyright (c) Ansible Project GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later --> # Create a dummy flatpak repository remote This document describes how to create a local flatpak dummy repo. Just like the one contained in the `files/repo.tar.gxz` archive. ## Create a hello world app Prerequisites: - flathub Prepare the environment: ``` flatpak install --system flathub org.freedesktop.Platform//1.6 org.freedesktop.Sdk//1.6 ``` Create a hello world executable: ``` echo $'#!/bin/sh\necho hello world' > hello.sh ``` To create dummy flatpaks, run this (defining a unique NUM for every flatpak to add): ``` export NUM=1 flatpak build-init appdir$NUM com.dummy.App$NUM org.freedesktop.Sdk org.freedesktop.Platform 1.6; flatpak build appdir$NUM mkdir /app/bin; flatpak build appdir$NUM install --mode=750 hello.sh /app/bin; flatpak build-finish --command=hello.sh appdir$NUM ``` ## Create a repo and/or add the app to it Create a repo and add the file to it in one command: ``` flatpak build-export repo appdir$NUM stable ``` ## Create flatpak*-files Put a flatpakref file under the repo folder (`repo/com.dummy.App1.flatpakref`): ``` [Flatpak Ref] Title=Dummy App$NUM Name=com.dummy.App$NUM Branch=stable Url=file:///tmp/flatpak/repo GPGKey={{ base64-encoded public KEY }} IsRuntime=false RuntimeRepo=https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo ``` Add a `.flatpakrepo` file to the `repo` folder (`repo/dummy-repo.flatpakrepo`): ``` [Flatpak Repo] Title=Dummy Repo Url=file:///tmp/flatpak/repo Comment=Dummy repo for ansible module integration testing Description=Dummy repo for ansible module integration testing GPGKey={{ base64-encoded public KEY }} ``` ## Sign the repo Create a new key in a new gpg home folder (On RedHat systems, the executable needs to addressed as gpg2): ``` mkdir gpg gpg --homedir gpg --quick-gen-key test@dummy.com ``` Sign the repo and summary file, you need to redo this when you update the repository: ``` flatpak build-sign repo --gpg-sign=KEY_ID --gpg-homedir=gpg flatpak build-update-repo repo --gpg-sign=KEY_ID --gpg-homedir=gpg ``` Export the public key as a file: ``` gpg --homedir=gpg --export KEY_ID > dummy-repo.gpg ``` Create base64-encoded string from gpg-file for `GPGKey=` property in flatpak*-files: ``` base64 dummy-repo.gpg | tr -d '\n' ``` ## How to use the repo Now you can add the `repo` folder as a local repo: ``` flatpak --system remote-add --gpg-import=/tmp/flatpak/repo/dummy-repo.gpg dummy-repo /tmp/flatpak/repo ``` Or, via `.flatpakrepo` file: ``` flatpak --system remote-add dummy-repo /tmp/flatpak/repo/dummy-repo.flatpakrepo ``` And install the hello world flatpaks like this: ``` flatpak --system install dummy-repo com.dummy.App$NUM ``` Or from flatpakref: ``` flatpak --system install --from /tmp/flatpak/repo/com.dummy.App$NUM.flatpakref ``` Run the app: ``` flatpak run com.dummy.App$NUM ``` To install an app without any runtime dependencies (the app will be broken, but it is enough to test flatpak installation): ``` flatpak --system install --no-deps dummy-repo com.dummy.App$NUM ``` ## Sources: * https://blogs.gnome.org/alexl/2017/02/10/maintaining-a-flatpak-repository/ * http://docs.flatpak.org/en/latest/first-build.html