# WARNING: These are designed specifically for Ansible tests       #
# and should not be used as examples of how to write Ansible roles #

- name: Create EMAIL cron var
    name: EMAIL
    value: doug@ansibmod.con.com
  register: create_cronvar1

- name: Create EMAIL cron var again
    name: EMAIL
    value: doug@ansibmod.con.com
  register: create_cronvar2

- name: Check cron var value
  shell: crontab -l -u root | grep -c EMAIL=doug@ansibmod.con.com
  register: varcheck1

- name: Modify EMAIL cron var
    name: EMAIL
    value: jane@ansibmod.con.com
  register: create_cronvar3

- name: Check cron var value again
  shell: crontab -l -u root | grep -c EMAIL=jane@ansibmod.con.com
  register: varcheck2

- name: Remove EMAIL cron var
    name: EMAIL
    state: absent
  register: remove_cronvar1

- name: Remove EMAIL cron var again
    name: EMAIL
    state: absent
  register: remove_cronvar2

- name: Check cron var value again
  shell: crontab -l -u root | grep -c EMAIL
  register: varcheck3
  failed_when: varcheck3.rc == 0

- name: Add cron var to custom file
    name: TESTVAR
    value: somevalue
    cron_file: cronvar_test
  register: custom_cronfile1

- name: Add cron var to custom file again
    name: TESTVAR
    value: somevalue
    cron_file: cronvar_test
  register: custom_cronfile2

- name: Check cron var value in custom file
  command: grep -c TESTVAR=somevalue {{ cron_config_path }}/cronvar_test
  register: custom_varcheck1

- name: Change cron var in custom file
    name: TESTVAR
    value: newvalue
    cron_file: cronvar_test
  register: custom_cronfile3

- name: Check cron var value in custom file
  command: grep -c TESTVAR=newvalue {{ cron_config_path }}/cronvar_test
  register: custom_varcheck2

- name: Remove cron var from custom file
    name: TESTVAR
    value: newvalue
    cron_file: cronvar_test
    state: absent
  register: custom_remove_cronvar1

- name: Remove cron var from custom file again
    name: TESTVAR
    value: newvalue
    cron_file: cronvar_test
    state: absent
  register: custom_remove_cronvar2

- name: Check cron var value
  command: grep -c TESTVAR=newvalue {{ cron_config_path }}/cronvar_test
  register: custom_varcheck3
  failed_when: custom_varcheck3.rc == 0

- name: Esure cronvar tasks did the right thing
      - create_cronvar1 is changed
      - create_cronvar2 is not changed
      - create_cronvar3 is changed
      - remove_cronvar1 is changed
      - remove_cronvar2 is not changed
      - varcheck1.stdout == '1'
      - varcheck2.stdout == '1'
      - varcheck3.stdout == '0'
      - custom_remove_cronvar1 is changed
      - custom_remove_cronvar2 is not changed
      - custom_varcheck1.stdout == '1'
      - custom_varcheck2.stdout == '1'
      - custom_varcheck3.stdout == '0'