#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: rax_clb_nodes short_description: Add, modify and remove nodes from a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer description: - Adds, modifies and removes nodes from a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer attributes: check_mode: support: none diff_mode: support: none options: address: type: str required: false description: - IP address or domain name of the node condition: type: str required: false choices: - enabled - disabled - draining description: - Condition for the node, which determines its role within the load balancer load_balancer_id: type: int required: true description: - Load balancer id node_id: type: int required: false description: - Node id port: type: int required: false description: - Port number of the load balanced service on the node state: type: str required: false default: "present" choices: - present - absent description: - Indicate desired state of the node type: type: str required: false choices: - primary - secondary description: - Type of node wait: required: false default: false type: bool description: - Wait for the load balancer to become active before returning wait_timeout: type: int required: false default: 30 description: - How long to wait before giving up and returning an error weight: type: int required: false description: - Weight of node virtualenv: type: path description: - Virtualenv to execute this module in author: "Lukasz Kawczynski (@neuroid)" extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.rackspace - community.general.rackspace.openstack - community.general.attributes ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Add a new node to the load balancer local_action: module: rax_clb_nodes load_balancer_id: 71 address: port: 80 condition: enabled type: primary wait: true credentials: /path/to/credentials - name: Drain connections from a node local_action: module: rax_clb_nodes load_balancer_id: 71 node_id: 410 condition: draining wait: true credentials: /path/to/credentials - name: Remove a node from the load balancer local_action: module: rax_clb_nodes load_balancer_id: 71 node_id: 410 state: absent wait: true credentials: /path/to/credentials ''' import os try: import pyrax HAS_PYRAX = True except ImportError: HAS_PYRAX = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.rax import rax_argument_spec, rax_clb_node_to_dict, rax_required_together, setup_rax_module def _activate_virtualenv(path): activate_this = os.path.join(path, 'bin', 'activate_this.py') with open(activate_this) as f: code = compile(f.read(), activate_this, 'exec') exec(code) def _get_node(lb, node_id=None, address=None, port=None): """Return a matching node""" for node in getattr(lb, 'nodes', []): match_list = [] if node_id is not None: match_list.append(getattr(node, 'id', None) == node_id) if address is not None: match_list.append(getattr(node, 'address', None) == address) if port is not None: match_list.append(getattr(node, 'port', None) == port) if match_list and all(match_list): return node return None def main(): argument_spec = rax_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( dict( address=dict(), condition=dict(choices=['enabled', 'disabled', 'draining']), load_balancer_id=dict(required=True, type='int'), node_id=dict(type='int'), port=dict(type='int'), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), type=dict(choices=['primary', 'secondary']), virtualenv=dict(type='path'), wait=dict(default=False, type='bool'), wait_timeout=dict(default=30, type='int'), weight=dict(type='int'), ) ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_together=rax_required_together(), ) if not HAS_PYRAX: module.fail_json(msg='pyrax is required for this module') address = module.params['address'] condition = (module.params['condition'] and module.params['condition'].upper()) load_balancer_id = module.params['load_balancer_id'] node_id = module.params['node_id'] port = module.params['port'] state = module.params['state'] typ = module.params['type'] and module.params['type'].upper() virtualenv = module.params['virtualenv'] wait = module.params['wait'] wait_timeout = module.params['wait_timeout'] or 1 weight = module.params['weight'] if virtualenv: try: _activate_virtualenv(virtualenv) except IOError as e: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to activate virtualenv %s (%s)' % ( virtualenv, e)) setup_rax_module(module, pyrax) if not pyrax.cloud_loadbalancers: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to instantiate client. This ' 'typically indicates an invalid region or an ' 'incorrectly capitalized region name.') try: lb = pyrax.cloud_loadbalancers.get(load_balancer_id) except pyrax.exc.PyraxException as e: module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.message) node = _get_node(lb, node_id, address, port) result = rax_clb_node_to_dict(node) if state == 'absent': if not node: # Removing a non-existent node module.exit_json(changed=False, state=state) try: lb.delete_node(node) result = {} except pyrax.exc.NotFound: module.exit_json(changed=False, state=state) except pyrax.exc.PyraxException as e: module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.message) else: # present if not node: if node_id: # Updating a non-existent node msg = 'Node %d not found' % node_id if lb.nodes: msg += (' (available nodes: %s)' % ', '.join([str(x.id) for x in lb.nodes])) module.fail_json(msg=msg) else: # Creating a new node try: node = pyrax.cloudloadbalancers.Node( address=address, port=port, condition=condition, weight=weight, type=typ) resp, body = lb.add_nodes([node]) result.update(body['nodes'][0]) except pyrax.exc.PyraxException as e: module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.message) else: # Updating an existing node mutable = { 'condition': condition, 'type': typ, 'weight': weight, } for name in list(mutable): value = mutable[name] if value is None or value == getattr(node, name): mutable.pop(name) if not mutable: module.exit_json(changed=False, state=state, node=result) try: # The diff has to be set explicitly to update node's weight and # type; this should probably be fixed in pyrax lb.update_node(node, diff=mutable) result.update(mutable) except pyrax.exc.PyraxException as e: module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.message) if wait: pyrax.utils.wait_until(lb, "status", "ACTIVE", interval=1, attempts=wait_timeout) if lb.status != 'ACTIVE': module.fail_json( msg='Load balancer not active after %ds (current status: %s)' % (wait_timeout, lb.status.lower())) kwargs = {'node': result} if result else {} module.exit_json(changed=True, state=state, **kwargs) if __name__ == '__main__': main()