#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2019, Sebastiaan Mannem (@sebasmannem) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function ''' This module is used to manage postgres pg_hba files with Ansible. ''' __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: postgresql_pg_hba short_description: Add, remove or modify a rule in a pg_hba file description: - The fundamental function of the module is to create, or delete lines in pg_hba files. - The lines in the file should be in a typical pg_hba form and lines should be unique per key (type, databases, users, source). If they are not unique and the SID is 'the one to change', only one for C(state=present) or none for C(state=absent) of the SID's will remain. extends_documentation_fragment: files options: address: description: - The source address/net where the connections could come from. - Will not be used for entries of I(type)=C(local). - You can also use keywords C(all), C(samehost), and C(samenet). default: samehost type: str aliases: [ source, src ] backup: description: - If set, create a backup of the C(pg_hba) file before it is modified. The location of the backup is returned in the (backup) variable by this module. default: false type: bool backup_file: description: - Write backup to a specific backupfile rather than a temp file. type: str create: description: - Create an C(pg_hba) file if none exists. - When set to false, an error is raised when the C(pg_hba) file doesn't exist. default: false type: bool contype: description: - Type of the rule. If not set, C(postgresql_pg_hba) will only return contents. type: str choices: [ local, host, hostnossl, hostssl ] databases: description: - Databases this line applies to. default: all type: str dest: description: - Path to C(pg_hba) file to modify. type: path required: true method: description: - Authentication method to be used. type: str choices: [ cert, gss, ident, krb5, ldap, md5, pam, password, peer, radius, reject, scram-sha-256 , sspi, trust ] default: md5 netmask: description: - The netmask of the source address. type: str options: description: - Additional options for the authentication I(method). type: str order: description: - The entries will be written out in a specific order. With this option you can control by which field they are ordered first, second and last. s=source, d=databases, u=users. This option is deprecated since 2.9 and will be removed in community.general 3.0.0. Sortorder is now hardcoded to sdu. type: str default: sdu choices: [ sdu, sud, dsu, dus, usd, uds ] state: description: - The lines will be added/modified when C(state=present) and removed when C(state=absent). type: str default: present choices: [ absent, present ] users: description: - Users this line applies to. type: str default: all notes: - The default authentication assumes that on the host, you are either logging in as or sudo'ing to an account with appropriate permissions to read and modify the file. - This module also returns the pg_hba info. You can use this module to only retrieve it by only specifying I(dest). The info can be found in the returned data under key pg_hba, being a list, containing a dict per rule. - This module will sort resulting C(pg_hba) files if a rule change is required. This could give unexpected results with manual created hba files, if it was improperly sorted. For example a rule was created for a net first and for a ip in that net range next. In that situation, the 'ip specific rule' will never hit, it is in the C(pg_hba) file obsolete. After the C(pg_hba) file is rewritten by the M(community.general.postgresql_pg_hba) module, the ip specific rule will be sorted above the range rule. And then it will hit, which will give unexpected results. - With the 'order' parameter you can control which field is used to sort first, next and last. - The module supports a check mode and a diff mode. seealso: - name: PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf file reference description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf file documentation. link: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/auth-pg-hba-conf.html requirements: - ipaddress author: Sebastiaan Mannem (@sebasmannem) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Grant users joe and simon access to databases sales and logistics from ipv6 localhost ::1/128 using peer authentication. postgresql_pg_hba: dest: /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf contype: host users: joe,simon source: ::1 databases: sales,logistics method: peer create: true - name: Grant user replication from network access for replication with client cert authentication. postgresql_pg_hba: dest: /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf contype: host users: replication source: databases: replication method: cert - name: Revoke access from local user mary on database mydb. postgresql_pg_hba: dest: /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf contype: local users: mary databases: mydb state: absent ''' RETURN = r''' msgs: description: List of textual messages what was done returned: always type: list sample: "msgs": [ "Removing", "Changed", "Writing" ] backup_file: description: File that the original pg_hba file was backed up to returned: changed type: str sample: /tmp/pg_hba_jxobj_p pg_hba: description: List of the pg_hba rules as they are configured in the specified hba file returned: always type: list sample: "pg_hba": [ { "db": "all", "method": "md5", "src": "samehost", "type": "host", "usr": "all" } ] ''' import os import re import traceback IPADDRESS_IMP_ERR = None try: import ipaddress except ImportError: IPADDRESS_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() import tempfile import shutil from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib # from ansible.module_utils.postgres import postgres_common_argument_spec PG_HBA_METHODS = ["trust", "reject", "md5", "password", "gss", "sspi", "krb5", "ident", "peer", "ldap", "radius", "cert", "pam", "scram-sha-256"] PG_HBA_TYPES = ["local", "host", "hostssl", "hostnossl"] PG_HBA_ORDERS = ["sdu", "sud", "dsu", "dus", "usd", "uds"] PG_HBA_HDR = ['type', 'db', 'usr', 'src', 'mask', 'method', 'options'] WHITESPACES_RE = re.compile(r'\s+') class PgHbaError(Exception): ''' This exception is raised when parsing the pg_hba file ends in an error. ''' class PgHbaRuleError(PgHbaError): ''' This exception is raised when parsing the pg_hba file ends in an error. ''' class PgHbaRuleChanged(PgHbaRuleError): ''' This exception is raised when a new parsed rule is a changed version of an existing rule. ''' class PgHbaValueError(PgHbaError): ''' This exception is raised when a new parsed rule is a changed version of an existing rule. ''' class PgHbaRuleValueError(PgHbaRuleError): ''' This exception is raised when a new parsed rule is a changed version of an existing rule. ''' class PgHba(object): """ PgHba object to read/write entries to/from. pg_hba_file - the pg_hba file almost always /etc/pg_hba """ def __init__(self, pg_hba_file=None, order="sdu", backup=False, create=False): if order not in PG_HBA_ORDERS: msg = "invalid order setting {0} (should be one of '{1}')." raise PgHbaError(msg.format(order, "', '".join(PG_HBA_ORDERS))) self.pg_hba_file = pg_hba_file self.rules = None self.comment = None self.order = order self.backup = backup self.last_backup = None self.create = create self.unchanged() # self.databases will be update by add_rule and gives some idea of the number of databases # (at least that are handled by this pg_hba) self.databases = set(['postgres', 'template0', 'template1']) # self.databases will be update by add_rule and gives some idea of the number of users # (at least that are handled by this pg_hba) since this might also be groups with multiple # users, this might be totally off, but at least it is some info... self.users = set(['postgres']) self.read() def unchanged(self): ''' This method resets self.diff to a empty default ''' self.diff = {'before': {'file': self.pg_hba_file, 'pg_hba': []}, 'after': {'file': self.pg_hba_file, 'pg_hba': []}} def read(self): ''' Read in the pg_hba from the system ''' self.rules = {} self.comment = [] # read the pg_hbafile try: with open(self.pg_hba_file, 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.strip() # uncomment if '#' in line: line, comment = line.split('#', 1) self.comment.append('#' + comment) try: self.add_rule(PgHbaRule(line=line)) except PgHbaRuleError: pass self.unchanged() except IOError: pass def write(self, backup_file=''): ''' This method writes the PgHba rules (back) to a file. ''' if not self.changed(): return False contents = self.render() if self.pg_hba_file: if not (os.path.isfile(self.pg_hba_file) or self.create): raise PgHbaError("pg_hba file '{0}' doesn't exist. " "Use create option to autocreate.".format(self.pg_hba_file)) if self.backup and os.path.isfile(self.pg_hba_file): if backup_file: self.last_backup = backup_file else: __backup_file_h, self.last_backup = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='pg_hba') shutil.copy(self.pg_hba_file, self.last_backup) fileh = open(self.pg_hba_file, 'w') else: filed, __path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='pg_hba') fileh = os.fdopen(filed, 'w') fileh.write(contents) self.unchanged() fileh.close() return True def add_rule(self, rule): ''' This method can be used to add a rule to the list of rules in this PgHba object ''' key = rule.key() try: try: oldrule = self.rules[key] except KeyError: raise PgHbaRuleChanged ekeys = set(list(oldrule.keys()) + list(rule.keys())) ekeys.remove('line') for k in ekeys: if oldrule[k] != rule[k]: raise PgHbaRuleChanged('{0} changes {1}'.format(rule, oldrule)) except PgHbaRuleChanged: self.rules[key] = rule self.diff['after']['pg_hba'].append(rule.line()) if rule['db'] not in ['all', 'samerole', 'samegroup', 'replication']: databases = set(rule['db'].split(',')) self.databases.update(databases) if rule['usr'] != 'all': user = rule['usr'] if user[0] == '+': user = user[1:] self.users.add(user) def remove_rule(self, rule): ''' This method can be used to find and remove a rule. It doesn't look for the exact rule, only the rule with the same key. ''' keys = rule.key() try: del self.rules[keys] self.diff['before']['pg_hba'].append(rule.line()) except KeyError: pass def get_rules(self, with_lines=False): ''' This method returns all the rules of the PgHba object ''' rules = sorted(self.rules.values()) for rule in rules: ret = {} for key, value in rule.items(): ret[key] = value if not with_lines: if 'line' in ret: del ret['line'] else: ret['line'] = rule.line() yield ret def render(self): ''' This method renders the content of the PgHba rules and comments. The returning value can be used directly to write to a new file. ''' comment = '\n'.join(self.comment) rule_lines = '\n'.join([rule['line'] for rule in self.get_rules(with_lines=True)]) result = comment + '\n' + rule_lines # End it properly with a linefeed (if not already). if result and result[-1] not in ['\n', '\r']: result += '\n' return result def changed(self): ''' This method can be called to detect if the PgHba file has been changed. ''' return bool(self.diff['before']['pg_hba'] or self.diff['after']['pg_hba']) class PgHbaRule(dict): ''' This class represents one rule as defined in a line in a PgHbaFile. ''' def __init__(self, contype=None, databases=None, users=None, source=None, netmask=None, method=None, options=None, line=None): ''' This function can be called with a comma seperated list of databases and a comma seperated list of users and it will act as a generator that returns a expanded list of rules one by one. ''' super(PgHbaRule, self).__init__() if line: # Read values from line if parsed self.fromline(line) # read rule cols from parsed items rule = dict(zip(PG_HBA_HDR, [contype, databases, users, source, netmask, method, options])) for key, value in rule.items(): if value: self[key] = value # Some sanity checks for key in ['method', 'type']: if key not in self: raise PgHbaRuleError('Missing {0} in rule {1}'.format(key, self)) if self['method'] not in PG_HBA_METHODS: msg = "invalid method {0} (should be one of '{1}')." raise PgHbaRuleValueError(msg.format(self['method'], "', '".join(PG_HBA_METHODS))) if self['type'] not in PG_HBA_TYPES: msg = "invalid connection type {0} (should be one of '{1}')." raise PgHbaRuleValueError(msg.format(self['type'], "', '".join(PG_HBA_TYPES))) if self['type'] == 'local': self.unset('src') self.unset('mask') elif 'src' not in self: raise PgHbaRuleError('Missing src in rule {1}'.format(self)) elif '/' in self['src']: self.unset('mask') else: self['src'] = str(self.source()) self.unset('mask') def unset(self, key): ''' This method is used to unset certain columns if they exist ''' if key in self: del self[key] def line(self): ''' This method can be used to return (or generate) the line ''' try: return self['line'] except KeyError: self['line'] = "\t".join([self[k] for k in PG_HBA_HDR if k in self.keys()]) return self['line'] def fromline(self, line): ''' split into 'type', 'db', 'usr', 'src', 'mask', 'method', 'options' cols ''' if WHITESPACES_RE.sub('', line) == '': # empty line. skip this one... return cols = WHITESPACES_RE.split(line) if len(cols) < 4: msg = "Rule {0} has too few columns." raise PgHbaValueError(msg.format(line)) if cols[0] not in PG_HBA_TYPES: msg = "Rule {0} has unknown type: {1}." raise PgHbaValueError(msg.format(line, cols[0])) if cols[0] == 'local': cols.insert(3, None) # No address cols.insert(3, None) # No IP-mask if len(cols) < 6: cols.insert(4, None) # No IP-mask elif cols[5] not in PG_HBA_METHODS: cols.insert(4, None) # No IP-mask if cols[5] not in PG_HBA_METHODS: raise PgHbaValueError("Rule {0} of '{1}' type has invalid auth-method '{2}'".format(line, cols[0], cols[5])) if len(cols) < 7: cols.insert(6, None) # No auth-options else: cols[6] = " ".join(cols[6:]) # combine all auth-options rule = dict(zip(PG_HBA_HDR, cols[:7])) for key, value in rule.items(): if value: self[key] = value def key(self): ''' This method can be used to get the key from a rule. ''' if self['type'] == 'local': source = 'local' else: source = str(self.source()) return (source, self['db'], self['usr']) def source(self): ''' This method is used to get the source of a rule as an ipaddress object if possible. ''' if 'mask' in self.keys(): try: ipaddress.ip_address(u'{0}'.format(self['src'])) except ValueError: raise PgHbaValueError('Mask was specified, but source "{0}" ' 'is no valid ip'.format(self['src'])) # ipaddress module cannot work with ipv6 netmask, so lets convert it to prefixlen # furthermore ipv4 with bad netmask throws 'Rule {} doesn't seem to be an ip, but has a # mask error that doesn't seem to describe what is going on. try: mask_as_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(u'{0}'.format(self['mask'])) except ValueError: raise PgHbaValueError('Mask {0} seems to be invalid'.format(self['mask'])) binvalue = "{0:b}".format(int(mask_as_ip)) if '01' in binvalue: raise PgHbaValueError('IP mask {0} seems invalid ' '(binary value has 1 after 0)'.format(self['mask'])) prefixlen = binvalue.count('1') sourcenw = '{0}/{1}'.format(self['src'], prefixlen) try: return ipaddress.ip_network(u'{0}'.format(sourcenw), strict=False) except ValueError: raise PgHbaValueError('{0} is no valid address range'.format(sourcenw)) try: return ipaddress.ip_network(u'{0}'.format(self['src']), strict=False) except ValueError: return self['src'] def __lt__(self, other): """This function helps sorted to decide how to sort. It just checks itself against the other and decides on some key values if it should be sorted higher or lower in the list. The way it works: For networks, every 1 in 'netmask in binary' makes the subnet more specific. Therefore I chose to use prefix as the weight. So a single IP (/32) should have twice the weight of a /16 network. To keep everything in the same weight scale, - for ipv6, we use a weight scale of 0 (all possible ipv6 addresses) to 128 (single ip) - for ipv4, we use a weight scale of 0 (all possible ipv4 addresses) to 128 (single ip) Therefore for ipv4, we use prefixlen (0-32) * 4 for weight, which corresponds to ipv6 (0-128). """ myweight = self.source_weight() hisweight = other.source_weight() if myweight != hisweight: return myweight > hisweight myweight = self.db_weight() hisweight = other.db_weight() if myweight != hisweight: return myweight < hisweight myweight = self.user_weight() hisweight = other.user_weight() if myweight != hisweight: return myweight < hisweight try: return self['src'] < other['src'] except TypeError: return self.source_type_weight() < other.source_type_weight() except Exception: # When all else fails, just compare the exact line. return self.line() < other.line() def source_weight(self): """Report the weight of this source net. Basically this is the netmask, where IPv4 is normalized to IPv6 (IPv4/32 has the same weight as IPv6/128). """ if self['type'] == 'local': return 130 sourceobj = self.source() if isinstance(sourceobj, ipaddress.IPv4Network): return sourceobj.prefixlen * 4 if isinstance(sourceobj, ipaddress.IPv6Network): return sourceobj.prefixlen if isinstance(sourceobj, str): # You can also write all to match any IP address, # samehost to match any of the server's own IP addresses, # or samenet to match any address in any subnet that the server is connected to. if sourceobj == 'all': # (all is considered the full range of all ips, which has a weight of 0) return 0 if sourceobj == 'samehost': # (sort samehost second after local) return 129 if sourceobj == 'samenet': # Might write some fancy code to determine all prefix's # from all interfaces and find a sane value for this one. # For now, let's assume IPv4/24 or IPv6/96 (both have weight 96). return 96 if sourceobj[0] == '.': # suffix matching (domain name), let's assume a very large scale # and therefore a very low weight IPv4/16 or IPv6/64 (both have weight 64). return 64 # hostname, let's assume only one host matches, which is # IPv4/32 or IPv6/128 (both have weight 128) return 128 raise PgHbaValueError('Cannot deduct the source weight of this source {1}'.format(sourceobj)) def source_type_weight(self): """Give a weight on the type of this source. Basically make sure that IPv6Networks are sorted higher than IPv4Networks. This is a 'when all else fails' solution in __lt__. """ if self['type'] == 'local': return 3 sourceobj = self.source() if isinstance(sourceobj, ipaddress.IPv4Network): return 2 if isinstance(sourceobj, ipaddress.IPv6Network): return 1 if isinstance(sourceobj, str): return 0 raise PgHbaValueError('This source {0} is of an unknown type...'.format(sourceobj)) def db_weight(self): """Report the weight of the database. Normally, just 1, but for replication this is 0, and for 'all', this is more than 2. """ if self['db'] == 'all': return 100000 if self['db'] == 'replication': return 0 if self['db'] in ['samerole', 'samegroup']: return 1 return 1 + self['db'].count(',') def user_weight(self): """Report weight when comparing users.""" if self['usr'] == 'all': return 1000000 return 1 def main(): ''' This function is the main function of this module ''' # argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec() argument_spec = dict() argument_spec.update( address=dict(type='str', default='samehost', aliases=['source', 'src']), backup=dict(type='bool', default=False), backup_file=dict(type='str'), contype=dict(type='str', default=None, choices=PG_HBA_TYPES), create=dict(type='bool', default=False), databases=dict(type='str', default='all'), dest=dict(type='path', required=True), method=dict(type='str', default='md5', choices=PG_HBA_METHODS), netmask=dict(type='str'), options=dict(type='str'), order=dict(type='str', default="sdu", choices=PG_HBA_ORDERS, removed_in_version='3.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'), state=dict(type='str', default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]), users=dict(type='str', default='all') ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, add_file_common_args=True, supports_check_mode=True ) if IPADDRESS_IMP_ERR is not None: module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('ipaddress'), exception=IPADDRESS_IMP_ERR) contype = module.params["contype"] create = bool(module.params["create"] or module.check_mode) if module.check_mode: backup = False else: backup = module.params['backup'] backup_file = module.params['backup_file'] databases = module.params["databases"] dest = module.params["dest"] method = module.params["method"] netmask = module.params["netmask"] options = module.params["options"] order = module.params["order"] source = module.params["address"] state = module.params["state"] users = module.params["users"] ret = {'msgs': []} try: pg_hba = PgHba(dest, order, backup=backup, create=create) except PgHbaError as error: module.fail_json(msg='Error reading file:\n{0}'.format(error)) if contype: try: for database in databases.split(','): for user in users.split(','): rule = PgHbaRule(contype, database, user, source, netmask, method, options) if state == "present": ret['msgs'].append('Adding') pg_hba.add_rule(rule) else: ret['msgs'].append('Removing') pg_hba.remove_rule(rule) except PgHbaError as error: module.fail_json(msg='Error modifying rules:\n{0}'.format(error)) file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params) ret['changed'] = changed = pg_hba.changed() if changed: ret['msgs'].append('Changed') ret['diff'] = pg_hba.diff if not module.check_mode: ret['msgs'].append('Writing') try: if pg_hba.write(backup_file): module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, True, pg_hba.diff, expand=False) except PgHbaError as error: module.fail_json(msg='Error writing file:\n{0}'.format(error)) if pg_hba.last_backup: ret['backup_file'] = pg_hba.last_backup ret['pg_hba'] = list(pg_hba.get_rules()) module.exit_json(**ret) if __name__ == '__main__': main()