ansible(1) ========= :doctype:manpage :man source: Ansible :man version: 0.0.1 :man manual: System administration commands NAME ---- ansible - run a command somewhere else SYNOPSIS -------- ansible [-f forks] [-p pattern ] [-u remote_user] [-n module_name] [-a [args1 [args2 ...]]] DESCRIPTION ----------- *Ansible* is an extra-simple tool/framework/API for doing \'remote things' over SSH. OPTIONS ------- *-k*, *--ask-pass*:: Ask the user to input the ssh password for connecting. Generally using ssh-agent instead is preferred. *-l*, *--host-list*:: Path to hosts list, which defaults to /etc/ansible/hosts. Users can use multiple files to emulate groups of systems. *-m*, *--module-path*:: Override the path to module library, which defaults to /usr/share/ansible. The module library contains runnable modules that do 'things' to remote hosts. See ansible-modules(5) for a list of those that bundled with Ansible. *-f*, *--forks*:: Level of parallelism. Specify as an integer, the default is 3. If set to "1" debugging for certain classes of internal errors may become easier. *-n*, *--name*:: Module name to execute. *-a*, *--args*:: Arguments to module, as a single string. Be sure to observe proper shell quoting rules. How these are handled are up to the module, but most modules take "key=value" pairs delimited by spaces. *-p*, *--pattern*:: Hostname pattern. Accepts shell-like globs which can be seperated with ";" The default is "*" which matches all hosts in the ansible hosts file. *-u*, *--remote-user*:: Remote user to connect as. Uses __root__ by default. INVENTORY --------- Ansible stores the hosts it can potentially operate on in an inventory file. The syntax is simple: one host per line. Organize your hosts into multiple groups by separating them into multiple inventory files. FILES ----- /etc/ansible/hosts -- Default hosts file /usr/share/ansible -- Default module library AUTHOR ------ Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan. See the AUTHORS file for a complete list of contributors. COPYRIGHT --------- Copyright © 2012, Michael DeHaan Ansible is released under the terms of the GPLv3 License. SEE ALSO -------- *ansible-modules*(5), *ansible-playbook*(5), Ansible home page: