--- # Copyright (c) Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later - name: update dummy alternative alternatives: name: dummy path: '/usr/bin/dummy{{ item }}' link: /usr/bin/dummy priority: '{{ 60 + item|int }}' register: alternative - name: execute dummy command shell: dummy register: cmd - name: check if link group is in manual mode shell: 'head -n1 {{ alternatives_dir }}/dummy | grep "^manual$"' - name: check expected command was executed assert: that: - 'alternative is changed' - 'cmd.stdout == "dummy{{ item }}"' - name: check that alternative has been updated command: "grep -Pzq '/bin/dummy{{ item }}\\n{{ 60 + item|int }}' '{{ alternatives_dir }}/dummy'" - name: update dummy priority alternatives: name: dummy path: '/usr/bin/dummy{{ item }}' link: /usr/bin/dummy priority: '{{ 70 + item|int }}' register: alternative - name: check that alternative priority has been updated command: "grep -Pzq '/bin/dummy{{ item }}\\n{{ 70 + item|int }}' '{{ alternatives_dir }}/dummy'" - name: no change without priority alternatives: name: dummy path: '/usr/bin/dummy{{ item }}' link: /usr/bin/dummy register: alternative - name: check no change was triggered without priority assert: that: - 'alternative is not changed' - name: check that alternative priority has not been changed command: "grep -Pzq '/bin/dummy{{ item }}\\n{{ 70 + item|int }}' '{{ alternatives_dir }}/dummy'"