--- # Copyright (c) Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later examples: - title: Two lists description: 'In the example below the lists are merged by the attribute ``name``:' file: example-001_vars/list3.yml lang: 'yaml+jinja' - title: description: 'This produces:' file: example-001.out lang: 'yaml' - title: List of two lists description: 'It is possible to use a list of lists as an input of the filter:' file: example-002_vars/list3.yml lang: 'yaml+jinja' - title: description: 'This produces the same result as in the previous example:' file: example-002.out lang: 'yaml' - title: Single list description: 'It is possible to merge single list:' file: example-009_vars/list3.yml lang: 'yaml+jinja' - title: description: 'This produces the same result as in the previous example:' file: example-009.out lang: 'yaml' - title: list_merge=replace (default) description: 'Example :ansopt:`community.general.lists_mergeby#filter:list_merge=replace` (default):' file: example-003_vars/list3.yml lang: 'yaml+jinja' - title: description: 'This produces:' file: example-003.out lang: 'yaml' - title: list_merge=keep description: 'Example :ansopt:`community.general.lists_mergeby#filter:list_merge=keep`:' file: example-004_vars/list3.yml lang: 'yaml+jinja' - title: description: 'This produces:' file: example-004.out lang: 'yaml' - title: list_merge=append description: 'Example :ansopt:`community.general.lists_mergeby#filter:list_merge=append`:' file: example-005_vars/list3.yml lang: 'yaml+jinja' - title: description: 'This produces:' file: example-005.out lang: 'yaml' - title: list_merge=prepend description: 'Example :ansopt:`community.general.lists_mergeby#filter:list_merge=prepend`:' file: example-006_vars/list3.yml lang: 'yaml+jinja' - title: description: 'This produces:' file: example-006.out lang: 'yaml' - title: list_merge=append_rp description: 'Example :ansopt:`community.general.lists_mergeby#filter:list_merge=append_rp`:' file: example-007_vars/list3.yml lang: 'yaml+jinja' - title: description: 'This produces:' file: example-007.out lang: 'yaml' - title: list_merge=prepend_rp description: 'Example :ansopt:`community.general.lists_mergeby#filter:list_merge=prepend_rp`:' file: example-008_vars/list3.yml lang: 'yaml+jinja' - title: description: 'This produces:' file: example-008.out lang: 'yaml'