Adds a new local action for eos_config module to handle templating configs
and backing up running configurations. Implements the local action
Note this action was refactored from eos_config to eos_template
This fixes a minor bug in the nxos config module to ensure that both the
cli and nxapi transport return the running config as a string and not
a list object.
The module docs and vault changes solve issues where tracebacks can
happen. The galaxy changes are mostly refactoring to be more pythonic
with a small chance that a unicode traceback could have occurred there
without the changes. The change in when we actually call
the pager makes things more robust but could hide places where we had
bytes coming in already so I didn't want to change that without auditing
where the text was coming from.
This addresses two issues with the nxos shared module. The first issue is
argument precedence checking. The module should prefer explicit arguments
over arguments passed vi the provider. This is now fixed to honor that
precedence. The second issue is collecting output from nxapi and returning
the response. Prior to this change the entire json structure was returned.
Now just the output is returned to align it better with cli based output
The eos shared module should prefer to use explicit task arguments over
arguments provided through the provider. This fixes a problem where
that was not the case
So far, when a 'diff' dict is returned with module results, it is
checked for 'before' and 'after' texts, which are processed in
_get_diff() by python difflib. This generates the changes to display
when CLI users specify --diff.
However, some modules will generate changes that cannot easily be
expressed in a conventional diff. One example is the output of the
synchronize module, which presents changed files in a common log format
as in `rsync --itemize-changes`.
Add a check for a diff['prepared'] key, which can contain prepared diff text
from modules.
* In 2.0.0.x become was reversed for synchronize. It was happening on
the local machine instead of the remote machine. This restores the
ansible-1.9.x behaviour of doing become on the remote machine.
However, there's aspects of this that are hacky (no hackier than
ansible-1.9 but not using 2.0 features). The big problem is that it
does not understand any become method except sudo. I'm willing to use
a partial fix now because we don't want people to get used to the
reversed semantics in their playbooks.
* synchronize copying to the wrong host when inventory_hostname is
* Fix problem with unicode arguments (first seen as a bug on synchronize)
Role definitions typically require params to be different from those
which are specified as FieldAttributes on the playbook classes used
for roles, however a certain subset should be allowed (typically those
used for connection stuff).
The dep chain for roles created during the compile step had bugs, in
which the dep chain was overwriten and the original tasks in the role
were not assigned a dep chain. This lead to problems in determining
whether roles had already run when in a "diamond" structure, and in
some cases roles were not correctly getting variables from parents.