This fix corrects the module state returned by github_module.
* When the release already exists, state is "ok"
* When the release is created, state is "changed"
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <>
The code that depends on this is all in the action plugins so we should
leave it there until we either move that action plugin code over
(fixup_perms2) or we give action plugins the ability to register new
* win_setup: Add Product ID and Product Key in facts
So this is actually a very nice way to get product key information from
systems collected centrally.
Especially with systems that have been upgraded from Windows 7 or
Windows 8 to Windows 10 may not have a valid Windows 10 product
license key printed anywhere, it was a digital license.
If you ever have to reinstall the system, you may recover the system
from the recovery partition, or the original media, but cannot upgrade
to Windows 10 for free. By collecting the product key, one can always
reinstall your free Windows upgrade.
My only question is, do we want this to be part of the default facts, as
it may be considered important information. Or should we make a special
**win_product_key_facts** ?
* Add ACPI product key support
* Add integration test
* Remove Get-ProductKey function, move inline
* Inventory caching
* Add inventory caching for virtualbox
* Don't populate cache for virtualbox with stdout, use a dict of inventory instead
* Fix error creating the cache dir if it doesn't exist
* Keep cache default False and set to True in VariableManager __init__
* Check all groups before determining if a host is ungrouped.
aws_ec2 is an inventory plugin intended to replace uses of the `contrib/inventory/`
inventory script.
For advanced grouping, please use the `constructed` inventory plugin.
Add deps/requires for fact collectors
Fact collectors can now set a required_facts
class attribute that will be a set of the names
of fact collectors they require to be run first.
ie, if a collector needs to know the ansible_distribution,
it should set it's required_facts to include 'distribution'
required_facts = set(['distribution'])
If a collector requires another collector, it gets added
to the selected collector names.
We then topological sort the ordering of the collectors
so that deps work out (ie, 'distribution' will run before
required_facts were added to the collectors for:
- network (requires 'distribution', 'platform')
- hardware (requires 'platform')
- service_mgr (requires 'distribution', 'platform')
Fix name references for facts (need 'ansible_' prefix)
is service_mgr
Enforce that there can be only one --new-vault-id or
--new-vault-password-file and use this instead of
* Add a config option for default vault encrypt id
* add documentation around commonly-used Facts for Conditionals
There are a few Facts that are often used for Conditionals, so
documenting them on the Conditionals page with their possible values.
* Edit
* win_setup: Add Product ID and Product Key in facts
So this is actually a very nice way to get product key information from
systems collected centrally.
Especially with systems that have been upgraded from Windows 7 or
Windows 8 to Windows 10 may not have a valid Windows 10 product
license key printed anywhere, it was a digital license.
If you ever have to reinstall the system, you may recover the system
from the recovery partition, or the original media, but cannot upgrade
to Windows 10 for free. By collecting the product key, one can always
reinstall your free Windows upgrade.
My only question is, do we want this to be part of the default facts, as
it may be considered important information. Or should we make a special
**win_product_key_facts** ?
* Add ACPI product key support
It is not possible to modify the load balancer configuration
for ECS Service.
As it is possible to detect this, it's nicer to fail gracefully
than return AWS's less meaningful failure message.
Fix PEP8 compliance
Otherwise, it fail with:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File \"/tmp/ansible_c1zmq3i9/\", line 808, in <module>
File \"/tmp/ansible_c1zmq3i9/\", line 787, in main
File \"/tmp/ansible_c1zmq3i9/\", line 692, in generate
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
* Verify that acme-tiny is present
* Use run_command rather than subprocess for acme-tiny
Besides consistency with the rest of the code base, this also
add 2 bug fixes:
- ansible should no longer show "warning, junk after json" when using the module
- it also verify the return code of acme-tiny, and so fail when the
verification fail. The previous code didn't check rc, so it would continue
with a empty file
The accumulated collected_facts was being update
with new facts _after_ filtering them. So only
facts that pass the filter would ever be passed
to other fact collectors.
For 'filter=ansible_service_mgr', even though it requires
the platform and distribution facts and even collects them,
they would get filtered out and never passed to the other
collectors that need them (service_mgr for ex).
Fix is just to add the unfiltered facts to collected_facts.
Adds unit tests for fact filter and collected_facts.