Michael DeHaan
Code cleanup for playbooks, also added 'on_skipped' callback
2012-03-23 20:51:26 -04:00
Michael DeHaan
Allow variable expressions to be stored as variables themselves, do some things to allow setup strings
to more easily contain spaces without being mangled, which is neccessary because of the above.
2012-03-21 20:00:48 -04:00
Michael DeHaan
Ratchet up logging a few notches prior to controlling w/ verbosity settings
2012-03-20 22:29:21 -04:00
Michael DeHaan
Add "only_if" capability, which allows task steps to be skipped if they do not match a conditional.
2012-03-20 19:55:04 -04:00
Michael DeHaan
Allow conditional imports, see examples/playbook3.yml comments for a full explanation. Extensive
refactoring of playbooks now warranted, which we'll do before we move on. This variable assignment
system makes nearly all possible magic possible, for we can use these variables however we like,
even as module names!
2012-03-19 22:42:31 -04:00
Michael DeHaan
Add an additional way to dereference a variable in a playbook, $foo
(Using varReplace function originally from yum, thanks Seth)
2012-03-19 19:32:38 -04:00
Michael DeHaan
Regression tests for playbooks, logging the events they call via callbacks.
2012-03-18 19:25:56 -04:00