* Add members to bigip_gtm_pool
* Add monitors to bigip_gtm_pool
* Add availability_requirements to bigip_gtm_pool
* Refactor bigip_gtm_pool
* Normalize the product value returned by gtm facts
* Corrected various documentation
* Updated various F5 coding conventions
* Add partition to bigip_static_route
* Added more unit tests
* Refactor bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add translation_address to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add translation_port to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add availability_requirements to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add monitors to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add virtual_server_dependencies to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add link to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add limits to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add partition to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Fix bigip_gtm_server to correctly create other server types
* Add type to virtual_server
* Add address_translation to virtual_server
* Add port_translation to virtual_server
* Add ip_protocol to virtual_server
* Add firewall_enforced_policy to virtual_server
* Add firewall_staged_policy to virtual_server
* Add security_log_profiles to virtual_server
* configurable list of facts modules
- allow for args dict for specific modules
- add way to pass parameters
- avoid facts poluting test
- move to 'facts gathered' flag
- add 'gathering' setting tests
* Removed forwarders parameter that did not work
* Updated coding conventions
* Added ssl_cipher_suite and ssl_protocols to bigip_device_httpd
* Added more unit tests
This PR includes:
- Fixes to the majority of module validation issues
(deliberate inconsistencies between docs and arg_spec)
- Removal of deprecated parameters 'method' and 'protocols'
- A few typos in the documentation
There are still some left-over validation errors, some are deliberate
(like doc strings as default to indicate ranges, etc.)
- Works with the --remote option.
- Can be disabled with the --disable-httptester option.
- Change image with the --httptester option.
- Only load and run httptester for targets that require it.
* handle end-policy issue
* revert changes in iosxr cliconf
* fix trailing parents not included in difference
* Moving fix to platform specific fix
* pep 8 issues
* fix become_method 'doas' support by properly specifying becomecmd
a repatch of https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/13451/ which was never committed to 'devel' branch.
* fix play_context test for become_method doas to match new becomecmd
* Allow subspec defaults to be processed when the parent argument is not supplied
* Allow this to be configurable via apply_defaults on the parent
* Document attributes of arguments in argument_spec
* Switch manageiq_connection to use apply_defaults
* add choices to api_version in argument_spec