* aci_aaa_user: Manage AAA users on ACI fabrics
* Fix module documentation
* Ensure we allow to not set accountStatus and expires
* Added aaa_password_lifetime and aaa_password_update_required support
* Improvements to integration tests in light of issue 35544
* Fix ACI ISO 8601 formatted string
* keycloak_clienttemplate
* BOTMETA maintainership for identity/keycloak namespace
* fix superfluous blank line
* catch ValueError when trying to decode JSON
* further documentation for protocol mappers and some checks
* whitespace fixes, YAML fixes
* remove state: dump, update argument_spec and documentation with suboptions
* add documentation for realm option
* document aliases for auth_keycloak_url, auth_username, and auth_password (i.e. url, username, and password)
* remove bearer_only, consent_required, standard_flow_enabled, implicit_flow_enabled, direct_access_grants_enabled, service_accounts_enabled, public_client, and frontchannel_logout from module options.
1. Removed redundant default values in argument_spec
2. Enclosed non standard python libraries in Try Except ImportError block
3. Added region as a mandatory element in argument_spec
4. Updated the typo in api_params while accessing job queue. Changed it from job_queue to jobQueue
5. Updated the set_api_params() method to use snake_dict_to_camel_dict()
6. Updated the ANSIBLE_METADATA version from 1.0 to 1.1
7. Updated the version_added in Documentation from 2.4 to 2.5
8. Initialized response value to None
9. Updated the RETUN documentation
10. Updated the return from manage_state() method to not embed batch_job_queue_action in ansible_facts
11. Updated the module.exit_json() in main() to convert any keys back to snake_dict format using camel_dict_to_snake_dict to maintain consistency throughout the module
12. Changed the filename from batch_job_queue.py to aws_batch_job_queue.py
This fixes an indention bug introduced in
that was causing the virtualization_role to be set to 'host'
for many cases incorrectly.
Fixes https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/21621
(the issue mentioned in the pr)
* Add an AWS Direct Connect virtual interface module
Fix DirectConnectError exception wrapper to be compatible with fail_json_aws()
* Fix documentation and handle BotoCoreErrors as well
* Add the aws and ec2 documentation fragments
* refactors nios api shared code to handle provider better
This change refactors the shared code to be easily shared between
modules, plugins and dynamic inventory scripts. All parts now implement
the provider arguments uniformly.
This also provides a centralized fix to suppress urllib3 warnings coming
from the requests library implemented by infoblox_client
* fix up pep8 errors
* fix missing var name
* Adding new code for new module and new module_utils with the pip pyfmg package
* Changed login and logout functionality and renamed mod_utils file as well as cleaned up PEP8 syntax
* Removing extra Ansible parameters and fixing more syntax issues
* Fixing more syntax issues and comparing against previous FTNT script module
* Changing import location to pass syntax checks
* Fixing pylint errors
* Removing test files
* Add unit tests and enabling a login session check within main in order to throw error if network connection exception
* Fixing syntax issues for adding unit tests
* Changing case for pip package requirements
* adding comments
* adding version restriction on pip package for testing
* adding version restriction on pip package for testing
* More comments
* Fixing documentation errors and add the ability to skip a test if it isn't present
* Fixing Pep8 error with whitespace (tab) in the row
* * Changes to enable network_cli and netconf on modules.
* limits connection local for single TC per playbook.
* * adds a note on why only 1 TC is executed with connection: local
* adds two new infoblox lookup plugins
* nios - lookup plugin to return nios objects to the playbook
* nios_next_ip - lookup plugin to return the next avaiable ip address
* adds some additional examples to nios lookup
* fix up pep8 failures
* updates in response to review comments
* support the mutilple ip configuration
* Update azure_rm_networkinterface.py
* add test
* fix spell
* make the virtual network name more flexiable
* add test
* fix
* fix lint
* add test
* fix parameter
* deprecate the flatten ip configuration
* fix lint
* fix encoding
* fix mirror
* fix
* load model from common
* Azure: added auth_source to override the source of the credentials
* removed broken cli auth and fix some review changes
* missed some more cli auth stuff that isn't required
* Added cli auth back in
* Added docs around cli auth
* fix azure CLI auth issues
* tweak error messages
* fix auto fallback to cli
* fix import issues when azure-cli not installed
Add deps/requires for fact collectors
Fact collectors can now set a required_facts
class attribute that will be a set of the names
of fact collectors they require to be run first.
ie, if a collector needs to know the ansible_distribution,
it should set it's required_facts to include 'distribution'
required_facts = set(['distribution'])
If a collector requires another collector, it gets added
to the selected collector names.
We then topological sort the ordering of the collectors
so that deps work out (ie, 'distribution' will run before
required_facts were added to the collectors for:
- network (requires 'distribution', 'platform')
- hardware (requires 'platform')
- service_mgr (requires 'distribution', 'platform')
Fix name references for facts (need 'ansible_' prefix)
is service_mgr
* add documentation around commonly-used Facts for Conditionals
There are a few Facts that are often used for Conditionals, so
documenting them on the Conditionals page with their possible values.
* Edit
The accumulated collected_facts was being update
with new facts _after_ filtering them. So only
facts that pass the filter would ever be passed
to other fact collectors.
For 'filter=ansible_service_mgr', even though it requires
the platform and distribution facts and even collects them,
they would get filtered out and never passed to the other
collectors that need them (service_mgr for ex).
Fix is just to add the unfiltered facts to collected_facts.
Adds unit tests for fact filter and collected_facts.
The search string used to look for Clear Linux
was changed in 45a9f96774 to
be more specific, but was too specific. Now finding
a substring match for 'Clear Linux' in /usr/lib/os-release
is enough to consider a match.
Since the details of the full name in os-release varies
('Clear Linux Software for Intel Architecture',
'Clear Linux OS for Intel Architecture', etc) the
search string match was failing and would fall back to the
'first word in the release file' method resulting in
Also add a meta fact indicating which search string
was matched.
Test case info from:
influxdb_user module has user_name, user_password which may confuse with existing
login arg username and password. Added aliases prefixed ith login_ to
help distinguish.
This fixes get_vm method to use propertyCollector which
can efficiently find the virtual machine from given VMware
infrastructure using only name.
* VMware: Refactor vmware_guest module
* Add nested paths of datacenter
* Add tchernomax suggestions
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <akasurde@redhat.com>