* Added module gitlab_deploy_key and related tests
* Fix sanity check issues
* Refactor to use common util method, add check_mode support
* Fix module shebang
* Modifying cnos-facts, cnos_command and cnos-config in line with the design followed in Ansible. Adding unit test cases for these modules. Added plugins to support them.
* Removing doc fragment conflicts with other modules
* Replacing show with display
Fixes several bugs exposed in #34893
* Fixes relative path handling in copy so that it splits directories and
reconstructs the correct file path
* Return failed in the proper circumstances
* WIP Pull persistent connection parameters via get_option
* Fix pep8
* Add use_persistent_connection setting to paramiko_ssh plugin
* Add vars section to persistent_command_timeout setting and prevail provider values over config manager
* Use persistent_command_timeout on network_cli instead of timeout
* Fix unit tests
If we don't call loader to get network_cli, then _load_name is never
set and we get KeyError.
* Pull persistent_command_timeout via config manager for ios connection local
* Pull persistent_command_timeout via config manager on connection local
* create module tmpdir based on remote_tmp
* Source remote_tmp from controller if possible
* Fixed sanity test and not use lambda
* Added expansion of env vars to the remote tmp
* Fixed sanity issues
* Added note around shell remote_tmp option
* Changed fallback tmp dir to ~/.ansible/tmp to make shell defaults
* Add members to bigip_gtm_pool
* Add monitors to bigip_gtm_pool
* Add availability_requirements to bigip_gtm_pool
* Refactor bigip_gtm_pool
* Normalize the product value returned by gtm facts
* Corrected various documentation
* Updated various F5 coding conventions
* Add partition to bigip_static_route
* Added more unit tests
* Refactor bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add translation_address to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add translation_port to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add availability_requirements to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add monitors to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add virtual_server_dependencies to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add link to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add limits to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Add partition to bigip_gtm_virtual_server
* Fix bigip_gtm_server to correctly create other server types
* Add type to virtual_server
* Add address_translation to virtual_server
* Add port_translation to virtual_server
* Add ip_protocol to virtual_server
* Add firewall_enforced_policy to virtual_server
* Add firewall_staged_policy to virtual_server
* Add security_log_profiles to virtual_server
* Removed forwarders parameter that did not work
* Updated coding conventions
* Added ssl_cipher_suite and ssl_protocols to bigip_device_httpd
* Added more unit tests
* fix become_method 'doas' support by properly specifying becomecmd
a repatch of https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/13451/ which was never committed to 'devel' branch.
* fix play_context test for become_method doas to match new becomecmd
* Allow subspec defaults to be processed when the parent argument is not supplied
* Allow this to be configurable via apply_defaults on the parent
* Document attributes of arguments in argument_spec
* Switch manageiq_connection to use apply_defaults
* add choices to api_version in argument_spec
* Stabilize ec2_vpc_vgw and ec2_vpc_vpn so tests for ec2_vpc_vpn_facts in PR 35983 can be run in CI
* Add updated placebo recordings
* ensure find_vgw uses the virtual gateway id if available
Add AWSRetry.jittered_backoff to attach_vpn_gateway to deal with errors when attaching a new VPC directly after detaching
Add integrations tests for ec2_vpc_vgw
* Sort VPN Gateways by ID
* a refactor of pool member and node modules to be inline with current f5 conventions
* Added priority_group_activation to pools
* various other small convention fixes and bug fixes
* Adds gnat provisioning to bigip_provision
* Adds special handling for AFM in bigip_provision
* Add device rebooting for provisioning as necessary
* Refactored route domain module to be inline with current f5 conventions
* Minor refactors across modules