From f9755ca36d0ab9112f7d0cb39908931171b61ac6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jan-Piet Mens
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 17:33:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] mail module: add MIME attachments, port and addresses with
phrases Add HTML-escaping to code examples in rST tempate of
module-formatter Add support for specifying port, addresses with phrases and
attaching files Add support for custom headers and document version_added
for new options X-Mailer header added :) protect empty address lists &
attachment list, and add bcc
hacking/templates/rst.j2 | 2 +-
library/mail | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
2 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/hacking/templates/rst.j2 b/hacking/templates/rst.j2
index e83b4e9652..a619f6a298 100644
--- a/hacking/templates/rst.j2
+++ b/hacking/templates/rst.j2
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
{% if example['description'] %}@{ example['description'] | html_ify }@
{% endif %}
-@{ example['code'] | indent(4, True) }@
+@{ example['code'] | escape | indent(4, True) }@
{% endfor %}
diff --git a/library/mail b/library/mail
index 5228080490..db8bf19d38 100644
--- a/library/mail
+++ b/library/mail
@@ -40,24 +40,24 @@ version_added: "0.8"
- - The email-address the mail is sent from.
+ - The email-address the mail is sent from. May contain address and phrase.
default: root
required: false
- The email-address(es) the mail is being sent to. This is
- a comma-separated list.
+ a comma-separated list, which may contain address and phrase portions.
default: root
required: false
- The email-address(es) the mail is being copied to. This is
- a comma-separated list.
+ a comma-separated list, which may contain address and phrase portions.
required: false
- The email-address(es) the mail is being 'blind' copied to. This is
- a comma-separated list.
+ a comma-separated list, which may contain address and phrase portions.
required: false
@@ -69,61 +69,169 @@ options:
- The body of the email being sent.
default: $subject
required: false
+ host:
+ description:
+ - The mail server
+ default: 'localhost'
+ required: false
+ port:
+ description:
+ - The mail server port
+ default: '25'
+ required: false
+ version_added: "1.0"
+ attach:
+ description:
+ - A space-separated list of pathnames of files to attach to the message.
+ Attached files will have their content-type set to C(application/octet-stream).
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ version_added: "1.0"
+ headers:
+ description:
+ - A vertical-bar-separated list of headers which should be added to the message.
+ Each individual header is specified as C(header=value) (see example below).
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ version_added: "1.0"
- description: "Example playbook sending mail to root"
code: "local_action: mail msg='System ${ansible_hostname} has been sucessfully provisioned.'"
+ - description: Send e-mail to a bunch of users, attaching files
+ code: |
+ - local_action: mail
+ host=''
+ port=2025
+ subject="Ansible-report"
+ body="Hello, this is an e-mail. I hope you like it ;-)"
+ from=" (Jane Jolie)"
+ to="John Doe , Suzie Something "
+ cc="Charlie Root "
+ attach="/etc/group /tmp/pavatar2.png"
+|X-Special="Something or other"
+import os
+import sys
import smtplib
+ from email import encoders
+ import email.utils
+ from email.utils import parseaddr, formataddr
+ from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
+ from mail.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
+ from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+except ImportError:
+ from email import Encoders as encoders
+ import email.Utils
+ from email.Utils import parseaddr, formataddr
+ from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
+ from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
+ from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
host = dict(default='localhost'),
+ port = dict(default='25'),
sender = dict(default='root', aliases=['from']),
to = dict(default='root', aliases=['recipients']),
cc = dict(default=None),
bcc = dict(default=None),
subject = dict(required=True, aliases=['msg']),
body = dict(default=None),
+ attach = dict(default=None),
+ headers = dict(default=None),
host = module.params.get('host')
+ port = module.params.get('port')
sender = module.params.get('sender')
recipients = module.params.get('to')
copies = module.params.get('cc')
blindcopies = module.params.get('bcc')
subject = module.params.get('subject')
body = module.params.get('body')
+ attach_files = module.params.get('attach')
+ headers = module.params.get('headers')
+ sender_phrase, sender_addr = parseaddr(sender)
if not body:
body = subject
- smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host)
+ smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host, port=int(port))
except Exception, e:
- module.fail_json(rc=1, msg='Failed to send mail to server %s: %s' % (host, e))
+ module.fail_json(rc=1, msg='Failed to send mail to server %s on port %s: %s' % (host, port, e))
- content = 'From: %s\n' % sender
- content += 'To: %s\n' % recipients
- if copies:
- content += 'Cc: %s\n' % copies
- content += 'Subject: %s\n\n' % subject
- content += body
- addresses = recipients.split(',')
- if copies:
- addresses += copies.split(',')
- if blindcopies:
- addresses += blindcopies.split(',')
+ msg = MIMEMultipart()
+ msg['Subject'] = subject
+ msg['From'] = formataddr((sender_phrase, sender_addr))
+ msg.preamble = "Multipart message"
- for address in addresses:
- try:
- smtp.sendmail(sender, address, content)
- except Exception, e:
- module.fail_json(rc=1, msg='Failed to send mail to address %s: %s' % (address, e))
+ if headers is not None:
+ for hdr in [x.strip() for x in headers.split('|')]:
+ try:
+ h_key, h_val = hdr.split('=')
+ msg.add_header(h_key, h_val)
+ except:
+ pass
+ if 'X-Mailer' not in msg:
+ msg.add_header('X-Mailer', "Ansible")
+ to_list = []
+ cc_list = []
+ addr_list = []
+ if recipients is not None:
+ for addr in [x.strip() for x in recipients.split(',')]:
+ to_list.append( formataddr( parseaddr(addr)) )
+ addr_list.append( parseaddr(addr)[1] ) # address only, w/o phrase
+ if copies is not None:
+ for addr in [x.strip() for x in copies.split(',')]:
+ cc_list.append( formataddr( parseaddr(addr)) )
+ addr_list.append( parseaddr(addr)[1] ) # address only, w/o phrase
+ if blindcopies is not None:
+ for addr in [x.strip() for x in blindcopies.split(',')]:
+ addr_list.append( parseaddr(addr)[1] )
+ if len(to_list) > 0:
+ msg['To'] = ", ".join(to_list)
+ if len(cc_list) > 0:
+ msg['Cc'] = ", ".join(cc_list)
+ part = MIMEText(body + "\n\n")
+ msg.attach(part)
+ if attach_files is not None:
+ for file in attach_files.split():
+ try:
+ fp = open(file, 'rb')
+ part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
+ part.set_payload(
+ fp.close()
+ encoders.encode_base64(part)
+ part.add_header('Content-disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(file))
+ msg.attach(part)
+ except Exception, e:
+ module.fail_json(rc=1, msg="Failed to send mail: can't attach file %s: %s" % (file, e))
+ sys.exit()
+ composed = msg.as_string()
+ try:
+ smtp.sendmail(sender_addr, set(addr_list), composed)
+ except Exception, e:
+ module.fail_json(rc=1, msg='Failed to send mail to %s: %s' % (", ".join(addr_list), e))