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Modify kubevirt_vm crud/wait logic (#54404)

1. Adds proper wait support for VM stops and starts
2. Detect https://github.com/kubevirt/ansible-kubevirt-modules/issues/177
   and return a sane error
3. Switch to openshift-restclient 0.9.x style wait code
This commit is contained in:
Mariusz Mazur 2019-04-04 11:36:38 +02:00 committed by John R Barker
parent 3eff72e886
commit d8bddc0d22
2 changed files with 140 additions and 115 deletions

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@ -10,37 +10,18 @@ from distutils.version import Version
from ansible.module_utils.k8s.common import list_dict_str
from ansible.module_utils.k8s.raw import KubernetesRawModule
from openshift import watch
from openshift.helper.exceptions import KubernetesException
except ImportError:
# Handled in k8s common:
import re
API_GROUP = 'kubevirt.io'
'name': {'required': True},
'namespace': {'required': True},
'state': {
'default': 'present',
'choices': ['present', 'absent'],
'force': {
'type': 'bool',
'default': False,
# Put all args that (can) modify 'spec:' here:
'resource_definition': {
'type': 'dict',
'aliases': ['definition', 'inline']
'merge_type': {'type': 'list', 'choices': ['json', 'merge', 'strategic-merge']},
'wait': {'type': 'bool', 'default': True},
'wait_timeout': {'type': 'int', 'default': 120},
'memory': {'type': 'str'},
'memory_limit': {'type': 'str'},
'cpu_cores': {'type': 'int'},
@ -59,6 +40,23 @@ VM_COMMON_ARG_SPEC = {
'cpu_shares': {'type': 'int'},
'cpu_features': {'type': 'list'},
# And other common args go here:
'name': {'required': True},
'namespace': {'required': True},
'state': {
'default': 'present',
'choices': ['present', 'absent'],
'force': {
'type': 'bool',
'default': False,
'merge_type': {'type': 'list', 'choices': ['json', 'merge', 'strategic-merge']},
'wait': {'type': 'bool', 'default': True},
'wait_timeout': {'type': 'int', 'default': 120},
def virtdict():
@ -144,18 +142,6 @@ class KubeVirtRawModule(KubernetesRawModule):
yield (k, y[k])
def _create_stream(self, resource, namespace, wait_timeout):
""" Create a stream of events for the object """
w = None
stream = None
w = watch.Watch()
w._api_client = self.client.client
stream = w.stream(resource.get, serialize=False, namespace=namespace, timeout_seconds=wait_timeout)
except KubernetesException as exc:
self.fail_json(msg='Failed to initialize watch: {0}'.format(exc.message))
return w, stream
def get_resource(self, resource):
existing = resource.get(name=self.name, namespace=self.namespace)

View file

@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ options:
- Set the virtual machine to either I(present), I(absent), I(running) or I(stopped).
- "I(present) - Create or update virtual machine."
- "I(absent) - Removes virtual machine."
- "I(running) - Create or update virtual machine and run it."
- "I(stopped) - Stops the virtual machine."
- "I(present) - Create or update a virtual machine. (And run it if it's ephemeral.)"
- "I(absent) - Remove a virtual machine."
- "I(running) - Create or update a virtual machine and run it."
- "I(stopped) - Stop a virtual machine. (This deletes ephemeral VMs.)"
default: "present"
- present
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ options:
type: list
- "Template to used to create a virtual machine."
- "Name of Template to be used in creation of a virtual machine."
type: str
- "Value of parameters to be replaced in template parameters."
- "New values of parameters from Template."
type: dict
@ -219,17 +219,12 @@ import traceback
from ansible.module_utils.k8s.common import AUTH_ARG_SPEC
from openshift.dynamic.client import ResourceInstance
except ImportError:
# Handled in module_utils
from ansible.module_utils.k8s.common import AUTH_ARG_SPEC
from ansible.module_utils.kubevirt import (
@ -246,6 +241,9 @@ VM_ARG_SPEC = {
'template_parameters': {'type': 'dict'},
# Which params (can) modify 'spec:' contents of a VM:
VM_SPEC_PARAMS = list(VM_SPEC_DEF_ARG_SPEC.keys()) + ['datavolumes', 'template', 'template_parameters']
class KubeVirtVM(KubeVirtRawModule):
@ -257,84 +255,80 @@ class KubeVirtVM(KubeVirtRawModule):
return argument_spec
def _manage_state(self, running, resource, existing, wait, wait_timeout):
definition = {'metadata': {'name': self.name, 'namespace': self.namespace}, 'spec': {'running': running}}
self.patch_resource(resource, definition, existing, self.name, self.namespace, merge_type='merge')
def fix_serialization(obj):
if obj and hasattr(obj, 'to_dict'):
return obj.to_dict()
return obj
if wait:
resource = self.find_supported_resource('VirtualMachineInstance')
w, stream = self._create_stream(resource, self.namespace, wait_timeout)
def _wait_for_vmi_running(self):
for event in self._kind_resource.watch(namespace=self.namespace, timeout=self.params.get('wait_timeout')):
entity = event['object']
if entity.metadata.name != self.name:
status = entity.get('status', {})
phase = status.get('phase', None)
if phase == 'Running':
return entity
if wait and stream is not None:
self._read_stream(resource, w, stream, self.name, running)
self.fail("Timeout occurred while waiting for virtual machine to start. Maybe try a higher wait_timeout value?")
def _read_stream(self, resource, watcher, stream, name, running):
""" Wait for ready_replicas to equal the requested number of replicas. """
for event in stream:
if event.get('object'):
obj = ResourceInstance(resource, event['object'])
if running:
if obj.metadata.name == name and hasattr(obj, 'status'):
phase = getattr(obj.status, 'phase', None)
if phase:
if phase == 'Running' and running:
# TODO: wait for stopped state:
def _wait_for_vm_state(self, new_state):
if new_state == 'running':
want_created = want_ready = True
want_created = want_ready = False
self.fail_json(msg="Error waiting for virtual machine. Try a higher wait_timeout value. %s" % obj.to_dict())
for event in self._kind_resource.watch(namespace=self.namespace, timeout=self.params.get('wait_timeout')):
entity = event['object']
if entity.metadata.name != self.name:
status = entity.get('status', {})
created = status.get('created', False)
ready = status.get('ready', False)
if (created, ready) == (want_created, want_ready):
return entity
def manage_state(self, state):
wait = self.params.get('wait')
wait_timeout = self.params.get('wait_timeout')
resource_version = self.params.get('resource_version')
self.fail("Timeout occurred while waiting for virtual machine to achieve '{0}' state. "
"Maybe try a higher wait_timeout value?".format(new_state))
resource_vm = self.find_supported_resource('VirtualMachine')
existing = self.get_resource(resource_vm)
if resource_version and resource_version != existing.metadata.resourceVersion:
return False
def manage_vm_state(self, new_state, already_changed):
new_running = True if new_state == 'running' else False
changed = False
k8s_obj = {}
existing_running = False
resource_vmi = self.find_supported_resource('VirtualMachineInstance')
existing_running_vmi = self.get_resource(resource_vmi)
if existing_running_vmi and hasattr(existing_running_vmi.status, 'phase'):
existing_running = existing_running_vmi.status.phase == 'Running'
if not already_changed:
k8s_obj = self.get_resource(self._kind_resource)
if not k8s_obj:
self.fail("VirtualMachine object disappeared during module operation, aborting.")
if k8s_obj.spec.get('running', False) == new_running:
return False, k8s_obj
if state == 'running':
if existing_running:
return False
newdef = dict(metadata=dict(name=self.name, namespace=self.namespace), spec=dict(running=new_running))
k8s_obj, err = self.patch_resource(self._kind_resource, newdef, k8s_obj,
self.name, self.namespace, merge_type='merge')
if err:
self._manage_state(True, resource_vm, existing, wait, wait_timeout)
return True
elif state == 'stopped':
if not existing_running:
return False
self._manage_state(False, resource_vm, existing, wait, wait_timeout)
return True
changed = True
def execute_module(self):
# Parse parameters specific for this module:
self.client = self.get_api_client()
if self.params.get('wait'):
k8s_obj = self._wait_for_vm_state(new_state)
return changed, k8s_obj
def construct_definition(self, kind, our_state, ephemeral):
definition = virtdict()
ephemeral = self.params.get('ephemeral')
state = self.params.get('state')
if not ephemeral:
definition['spec']['running'] = state == 'running'
processedtemplate = {}
# Construct the API object definition:
vm_template = self.params.get('template')
processedtemplate = {}
if vm_template:
# Find the template the VM should be created from:
template_resource = self.client.resources.get(api_version='template.openshift.io/v1', kind='Template', name='templates')
proccess_template = template_resource.get(name=vm_template, namespace=self.params.get('namespace'))
# Set proper template values set by Ansible parameter 'parameters':
# Set proper template values taken from module option 'template_parameters':
for k, v in self.params.get('template_parameters', {}).items():
for parameter in proccess_template.parameters:
if parameter.name == k:
@ -344,27 +338,72 @@ class KubeVirtVM(KubeVirtRawModule):
processedtemplates_res = self.client.resources.get(api_version='template.openshift.io/v1', kind='Template', name='processedtemplates')
processedtemplate = processedtemplates_res.create(proccess_template.to_dict()).to_dict()['objects'][0]
if not ephemeral:
definition['spec']['running'] = our_state == 'running'
template = definition if ephemeral else definition['spec']['template']
kind = 'VirtualMachineInstance' if ephemeral else 'VirtualMachine'
template['metadata']['labels']['vm.cnv.io/name'] = self.params.get('name')
dummy, definition = self.construct_vm_definition(kind, definition, template)
definition = dict(self.merge_dicts(processedtemplate, definition))
# Create the VM:
result = self.execute_crud(kind, definition)
changed = result['changed']
return definition
# Manage state of the VM:
if state in ['running', 'stopped']:
if not self.check_mode:
ret = self.manage_state(state)
changed = changed or ret
def execute_module(self):
# Parse parameters specific to this module:
ephemeral = self.params.get('ephemeral')
k8s_state = our_state = self.params.get('state')
kind = 'VirtualMachineInstance' if ephemeral else 'VirtualMachine'
_used_params = [name for name in self.params if self.params[name] is not None]
# Is 'spec:' getting changed?
vm_spec_change = True if set(VM_SPEC_PARAMS).intersection(_used_params) else False
changed = False
crud_executed = False
method = ''
# Underlying module_utils/k8s/* code knows only of state == present/absent; let's make sure not to confuse it
if ephemeral:
# Ephemerals don't actually support running/stopped; we treat those as aliases for present/absent instead
if our_state == 'running':
self.params['state'] = k8s_state = 'present'
elif our_state == 'stopped':
self.params['state'] = k8s_state = 'absent'
if our_state != 'absent':
self.params['state'] = k8s_state = 'present'
self.client = self.get_api_client()
self._kind_resource = self.find_supported_resource(kind)
k8s_obj = self.get_resource(self._kind_resource)
if not self.check_mode and not vm_spec_change and k8s_state != 'absent' and not k8s_obj:
self.fail("It's impossible to create an empty VM or change state of a non-existent VM.")
# Changes in VM's spec or any changes to VMIs warrant a full CRUD, the latter because
# VMIs don't really have states to manage; they're either present or don't exist
# Also check_mode always warrants a CRUD, as that'll produce a sane result
if vm_spec_change or ephemeral or k8s_state == 'absent' or self.check_mode:
definition = self.construct_definition(kind, our_state, ephemeral)
result = self.execute_crud(kind, definition)
changed = result['changed']
k8s_obj = result['result']
method = result['method']
crud_executed = True
if ephemeral and self.params.get('wait') and k8s_state == 'present' and not self.check_mode:
# Waiting for k8s_state==absent is handled inside execute_crud()
k8s_obj = self._wait_for_vmi_running()
if not ephemeral and our_state in ['running', 'stopped'] and not self.check_mode:
# State==present/absent doesn't involve any additional VMI state management and is fully
# handled inside execute_crud() (including wait logic)
patched, k8s_obj = self.manage_vm_state(our_state, crud_executed)
changed = changed or patched
if changed:
method = method or 'patch'
# Return from the module:
'changed': changed,
'kubevirt_vm': result.pop('result'),
'result': result,
'kubevirt_vm': self.fix_serialization(k8s_obj),
'method': method