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synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
Merge pull request #15221 from robinro/refactor_os_version_parsing
refactor distribution detection in facts.py
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 362 additions and 296 deletions
@ -31,16 +31,42 @@ import struct
import datetime
import getpass
import pwd
import ConfigParser
# python2
import ConfigParser as configparser
except ImportError:
# python3
import configparser
from ansible.module_utils.basic import get_all_subclasses
# py2 vs py3; replace with six via ziploader
# python2
from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
# python3
from io import StringIO
from string import maketrans
# python2
from string import maketrans
except ImportError:
# python3
maketrans = str.maketrans # TODO: is this really identical?
except AttributeError:
# Python 3
def iteritems(d):
return d.items()
# Python 2
def iteritems(d):
return d.iteritems()
import selinux
@ -118,23 +144,6 @@ class Facts(object):
_I386RE = re.compile(r'i([3456]86|86pc)')
# For the most part, we assume that platform.dist() will tell the truth.
# This is the fallback to handle unknowns or exceptions
OSDIST_LIST = ( ('/etc/oracle-release', 'OracleLinux'),
('/etc/slackware-version', 'Slackware'),
('/etc/redhat-release', 'RedHat'),
('/etc/vmware-release', 'VMwareESX'),
('/etc/openwrt_release', 'OpenWrt'),
('/etc/system-release', 'OtherLinux'),
('/etc/alpine-release', 'Alpine'),
('/etc/release', 'Solaris'),
('/etc/arch-release', 'Archlinux'),
('/etc/os-release', 'SuSE'),
('/etc/SuSE-release', 'SuSE'),
('/etc/gentoo-release', 'Gentoo'),
('/etc/os-release', 'Debian'),
('/etc/lsb-release', 'Mandriva'),
('/etc/altlinux-release', 'Altlinux'),
('/etc/os-release', 'NA'),
SELINUX_MODE_DICT = { 1: 'enforcing', 0: 'permissive', -1: 'disabled' }
# A list of dicts. If there is a platform with more than one
@ -170,7 +179,7 @@ class Facts(object):
# about those first.
if load_on_init:
@ -217,9 +226,7 @@ class Facts(object):
self.facts['userspace_architecture'] = 'i386'
self.facts['architecture'] = self.facts['machine']
if self.facts['system'] == 'Linux':
elif self.facts['system'] == 'AIX':
if self.facts['system'] == 'AIX':
# Attempt to use getconf to figure out architecture
# fall back to bootinfo if needed
getconf_bin = self.module.get_bin_path('getconf')
@ -234,6 +241,10 @@ class Facts(object):
self.facts['architecture'] = data[0]
elif self.facts['system'] == 'OpenBSD':
self.facts['architecture'] = platform.uname()[5]
machine_id = get_file_content("/var/lib/dbus/machine-id") or get_file_content("/etc/machine-id")
if machine_id:
machine_id = machine_id.split('\n')[0]
self.facts["machine_id"] = machine_id
def get_local_facts(self):
@ -260,14 +271,13 @@ class Facts(object):
fact = json.loads(out)
except ValueError:
# load raw ini
cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
cp = configparser.ConfigParser()
except ConfigParser.Error:
except configparser.Error:
fact = "error loading fact - please check content"
fact = {}
#print cp.sections()
for sect in cp.sections():
if sect not in fact:
fact[sect] = {}
@ -280,269 +290,6 @@ class Facts(object):
self.facts['local'] = local
# platform.dist() is deprecated in 2.6
# in 2.6 and newer, you should use platform.linux_distribution()
def get_distribution_facts(self):
Fills facts about the distribution name and version.
This is unit tested. Please extend the tests to cover all distributions if you have them available.
# A list with OS Family members
OS_FAMILY = dict(
RedHat = 'RedHat', Fedora = 'RedHat', CentOS = 'RedHat', Scientific = 'RedHat',
SLC = 'RedHat', Ascendos = 'RedHat', CloudLinux = 'RedHat', PSBM = 'RedHat',
OracleLinux = 'RedHat', OVS = 'RedHat', OEL = 'RedHat', Amazon = 'RedHat',
XenServer = 'RedHat', Ubuntu = 'Debian', Debian = 'Debian', Raspbian = 'Debian', Slackware = 'Slackware', SLES = 'Suse',
SLED = 'Suse', openSUSE = 'Suse', SuSE = 'Suse', SLES_SAP = 'Suse', Gentoo = 'Gentoo', Funtoo = 'Gentoo',
Archlinux = 'Archlinux', Manjaro = 'Archlinux', Mandriva = 'Mandrake', Mandrake = 'Mandrake', Altlinux = 'Altlinux',
Solaris = 'Solaris', Nexenta = 'Solaris', OmniOS = 'Solaris', OpenIndiana = 'Solaris',
SmartOS = 'Solaris', AIX = 'AIX', Alpine = 'Alpine', MacOSX = 'Darwin',
FreeBSD = 'FreeBSD', HPUX = 'HP-UX', openSUSE_Leap = 'Suse'
# TODO: Rewrite this to use the function references in a dict pattern
# as it's much cleaner than this massive if-else
if self.facts['system'] == 'AIX':
self.facts['distribution'] = 'AIX'
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/oslevel")
data = out.split('.')
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data[0]
self.facts['distribution_release'] = data[1]
elif self.facts['system'] == 'HP-UX':
self.facts['distribution'] = 'HP-UX'
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/swlist |egrep 'HPUX.*OE.*[AB].[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'", use_unsafe_shell=True)
data = re.search('HPUX.*OE.*([AB].[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*', out)
if data:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data.groups()[0]
self.facts['distribution_release'] = data.groups()[1]
elif self.facts['system'] == 'Darwin':
self.facts['distribution'] = 'MacOSX'
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion")
data = out.split()[-1]
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data
elif self.facts['system'] == 'FreeBSD':
self.facts['distribution'] = 'FreeBSD'
self.facts['distribution_release'] = platform.release()
self.facts['distribution_version'] = platform.version()
elif self.facts['system'] == 'NetBSD':
self.facts['distribution'] = 'NetBSD'
self.facts['distribution_release'] = platform.release()
self.facts['distribution_version'] = platform.version()
elif self.facts['system'] == 'OpenBSD':
self.facts['distribution'] = 'OpenBSD'
self.facts['distribution_release'] = platform.release()
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/sbin/sysctl -n kern.version")
match = re.match('OpenBSD\s[0-9]+.[0-9]+-(\S+)\s.*', out)
if match:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = match.groups()[0]
self.facts['distribution_version'] = 'release'
dist = platform.dist()
self.facts['distribution'] = dist[0].capitalize() or 'NA'
self.facts['distribution_version'] = dist[1] or 'NA'
self.facts['distribution_major_version'] = dist[1].split('.')[0] or 'NA'
self.facts['distribution_release'] = dist[2] or 'NA'
# Try to handle the exceptions now ...
for (path, name) in Facts.OSDIST_LIST:
if os.path.exists(path):
if os.path.getsize(path) > 0:
if self.facts['distribution'] in ('Fedora', 'Altlinux', ):
# Once we determine the value is one of these distros
# we trust the values are always correct
elif name == 'Archlinux':
data = get_file_content(path)
if 'Arch Linux' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = name
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
elif name == 'Slackware':
data = get_file_content(path)
if 'Slackware' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = name
version = re.findall('\w+[.]\w+', data)
if version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version[0]
elif name == 'OracleLinux':
data = get_file_content(path)
if 'Oracle Linux' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = name
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
elif name == 'RedHat':
data = get_file_content(path)
if 'Red Hat' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = name
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
elif name == 'Altlinux':
data = get_file_content(path)
if 'ALT Linux' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = name
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
elif name == 'OtherLinux':
data = get_file_content(path)
if 'Amazon' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Amazon'
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data.split()[-1]
elif name == 'OpenWrt':
data = get_file_content(path)
if 'OpenWrt' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = name
version = re.search('DISTRIB_RELEASE="(.*)"', data)
if version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version.groups()[0]
release = re.search('DISTRIB_CODENAME="(.*)"', data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
elif name == 'Alpine':
data = get_file_content(path)
self.facts['distribution'] = name
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data
elif name == 'Solaris':
data = get_file_content(path).split('\n')[0]
if 'Solaris' in data:
ora_prefix = ''
if 'Oracle Solaris' in data:
data = data.replace('Oracle ','')
ora_prefix = 'Oracle '
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data.split()[1]
self.facts['distribution_release'] = ora_prefix + data
uname_rc, uname_out, uname_err = self.module.run_command(['uname', '-v'])
distribution_version = None
if 'SmartOS' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'SmartOS'
if os.path.exists('/etc/product'):
product_data = dict([l.split(': ', 1) for l in get_file_content('/etc/product').split('\n') if ': ' in l])
if 'Image' in product_data:
distribution_version = product_data.get('Image').split()[-1]
elif 'OpenIndiana' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'OpenIndiana'
elif 'OmniOS' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'OmniOS'
distribution_version = data.split()[-1]
elif uname_rc == 0 and 'NexentaOS_' in uname_out:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Nexenta'
distribution_version = data.split()[-1].lstrip('v')
if self.facts['distribution'] in ('SmartOS', 'OpenIndiana', 'OmniOS', 'Nexenta'):
self.facts['distribution_release'] = data.strip()
if distribution_version is not None:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = distribution_version
elif uname_rc == 0:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = uname_out.split('\n')[0].strip()
elif name == 'SuSE':
data = get_file_content(path)
if 'suse' in data.lower():
if path == '/etc/os-release':
for line in data.splitlines():
distribution = re.search("^NAME=(.*)", line)
if distribution:
self.facts['distribution'] = distribution.group(1).strip('"')
distribution_version = re.search('^VERSION_ID="?([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)"?', line) # example pattern are 13.04 13.0 13
if distribution_version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = distribution_version.group(1)
if 'open' in data.lower():
release = re.search("^PRETTY_NAME=[^(]+ \(?([^)]+?)\)", line)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
elif 'enterprise' in data.lower() and 'VERSION_ID' in line:
release = re.search('^VERSION_ID="?[0-9]+\.?([0-9]*)"?', line) # SLES doesn't got funny release names
if release and release.group(1):
release = release.group(1)
release = "0" # no minor number, so it is the first release
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release
elif path == '/etc/SuSE-release':
if 'open' in data.lower():
data = data.splitlines()
distdata = data[0]
self.facts['distribution'] = distdata.split()[0]
for line in data:
release = re.search('CODENAME *= *([^\n]+)', line)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0].strip()
elif 'enterprise' in data.lower():
lines = data.splitlines()
distribution = lines[0].split()[0]
if "Server" in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = "SLES"
elif "Desktop" in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = "SLED"
for line in lines:
release = re.search('PATCHLEVEL = ([0-9]+)', line) # SLES doesn't got funny release names
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.group(1)
self.facts['distribution_version'] = self.facts['distribution_version'] + '.' + release.group(1)
elif name == 'Debian':
data = get_file_content(path)
if 'Debian' in data or 'Raspbian' in data:
release = re.search("PRETTY_NAME=[^(]+ \(?([^)]+?)\)", data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
elif 'Ubuntu' in data:
break # Ubuntu gets correct info from python functions
elif name == 'Mandriva':
data = get_file_content(path)
if 'Mandriva' in data:
version = re.search('DISTRIB_RELEASE="(.*)"', data)
if version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version.groups()[0]
release = re.search('DISTRIB_CODENAME="(.*)"', data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
self.facts['distribution'] = name
elif name == 'NA':
data = get_file_content(path)
for line in data.splitlines():
if self.facts['distribution'] == 'NA':
distribution = re.search("^NAME=(.*)", line)
if distribution:
self.facts['distribution'] = distribution.group(1).strip('"')
if self.facts['distribution_version'] == 'NA':
version = re.search("^VERSION=(.*)", line)
if version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version.group(1).strip('"')
if self.facts['distribution'].lower() == 'coreos':
data = get_file_content('/etc/coreos/update.conf')
if data:
release = re.search("^GROUP=(.*)", data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.group(1).strip('"')
self.facts['distribution'] = name
machine_id = get_file_content("/var/lib/dbus/machine-id") or get_file_content("/etc/machine-id")
if machine_id:
machine_id = machine_id.split('\n')[0]
self.facts["machine_id"] = machine_id
self.facts['os_family'] = self.facts['distribution']
distro = self.facts['distribution'].replace(' ', '_')
if distro in OS_FAMILY:
self.facts['os_family'] = OS_FAMILY[distro]
def get_cmdline(self):
data = get_file_content('/proc/cmdline')
if data:
@ -781,7 +528,7 @@ class Facts(object):
def get_env_facts(self):
self.facts['env'] = {}
for k,v in os.environ.iteritems():
for k,v in iteritems(os.environ):
self.facts['env'][k] = v
def get_dns_facts(self):
@ -848,6 +595,326 @@ class Facts(object):
self.facts['python']['type'] = None
class Distribution(object):
This subclass of Facts fills the distribution, distribution_version and distribution_release variables
To do so it checks the existance and content of typical files in /etc containing distribution information
This is unit tested. Please extend the tests to cover all distributions if you have them available.
('/etc/oracle-release', 'OracleLinux'),
('/etc/slackware-version', 'Slackware'),
('/etc/redhat-release', 'RedHat'),
('/etc/vmware-release', 'VMwareESX'),
('/etc/openwrt_release', 'OpenWrt'),
('/etc/system-release', 'OtherLinux'),
('/etc/alpine-release', 'Alpine'),
('/etc/release', 'Solaris'),
('/etc/arch-release', 'Archlinux'),
('/etc/os-release', 'SuSE'),
('/etc/SuSE-release', 'SuSE'),
('/etc/gentoo-release', 'Gentoo'),
('/etc/os-release', 'Debian'),
('/etc/lsb-release', 'Mandriva'),
('/etc/altlinux-release', 'Altlinux'),
('/etc/os-release', 'NA'),
('/etc/coreos/update.conf', 'Coreos'),
# A list with OS Family members
OS_FAMILY = dict(
RedHat = 'RedHat', Fedora = 'RedHat', CentOS = 'RedHat', Scientific = 'RedHat',
SLC = 'RedHat', Ascendos = 'RedHat', CloudLinux = 'RedHat', PSBM = 'RedHat',
OracleLinux = 'RedHat', OVS = 'RedHat', OEL = 'RedHat', Amazon = 'RedHat',
XenServer = 'RedHat', Ubuntu = 'Debian', Debian = 'Debian', Raspbian = 'Debian', Slackware = 'Slackware', SLES = 'Suse',
SLED = 'Suse', openSUSE = 'Suse', SuSE = 'Suse', SLES_SAP = 'Suse', Gentoo = 'Gentoo', Funtoo = 'Gentoo',
Archlinux = 'Archlinux', Manjaro = 'Archlinux', Mandriva = 'Mandrake', Mandrake = 'Mandrake', Altlinux = 'Altlinux',
Solaris = 'Solaris', Nexenta = 'Solaris', OmniOS = 'Solaris', OpenIndiana = 'Solaris',
SmartOS = 'Solaris', AIX = 'AIX', Alpine = 'Alpine', MacOSX = 'Darwin',
FreeBSD = 'FreeBSD', HPUX = 'HP-UX', openSUSE_Leap = 'Suse'
def __init__(self):
self.system = platform.system()
self.facts = {}
def populate(self):
if self.system == 'Linux':
return self.facts
def get_distribution_facts(self):
# The platform module provides information about the running
# system/distribution. Use this as a baseline and fix buggy systems
# afterwards
self.facts['distribution_release'] = platform.release()
self.facts['distribution_version'] = platform.version()
systems_platform_working = ('NetBSD', 'FreeBSD')
systems_implemented = ('AIX', 'HP-UX', 'Darwin', 'OpenBSD')
if self.system in systems_platform_working:
# the distribution is provided by platform module already and needs no fixes
elif self.system in systems_implemented:
self.facts['distribution'] = self.system
cleanedname = self.system.replace('-','')
distfunc = getattr(self, 'get_distribution_'+cleanedname)
# try to find out which linux distribution this is
dist = platform.dist()
self.facts['distribution'] = dist[0].capitalize() or 'NA'
self.facts['distribution_version'] = dist[1] or 'NA'
self.facts['distribution_major_version'] = dist[1].split('.')[0] or 'NA'
self.facts['distribution_release'] = dist[2] or 'NA'
# Try to handle the exceptions now ...
# self.facts['distribution_debug'] = []
for (path, name) in self.OSDIST_LIST:
# TODO: remove this hack if tested with Fedora and Altlinux
if self.facts['distribution'] in ('Fedora', 'Altlinux', ):
# Once we determine the value is one of these distros
# we trust the values are always correct
if not os.path.exists(path):
if os.path.getsize(path) == 0:
distfunc = getattr(self, 'get_distribution_' + name)
data = get_file_content(path)
parsed = distfunc(name, data, path)
if parsed is None or parsed:
# break only if parsing was succesful
# otherwise continue with other distributions
# to debug multiple matching release files, one can use:
# self.facts['distribution_debug'].append({path + ' ' + name:
# (parsed,
# self.facts['distribution'],
# self.facts['distribution_version'],
# self.facts['distribution_release'],
# )})
except AttributeError:
self.facts['os_family'] = self.facts['distribution']
distro = self.facts['distribution'].replace(' ', '_')
if distro in self.OS_FAMILY:
self.facts['os_family'] = self.OS_FAMILY[distro]
def get_distribution_AIX(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/oslevel")
data = out.split('.')
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data[0]
self.facts['distribution_release'] = data[1]
def get_distribution_HPUX(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/swlist |egrep 'HPUX.*OE.*[AB].[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'", use_unsafe_shell=True)
data = re.search('HPUX.*OE.*([AB].[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*', out)
if data:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data.groups()[0]
self.facts['distribution_release'] = data.groups()[1]
def get_distribution_Darwin(self):
self.facts['distribution'] = 'MacOSX'
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion")
data = out.split()[-1]
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data
def get_distribution_OpenBSD(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/sbin/sysctl -n kern.version")
match = re.match('OpenBSD\s[0-9]+.[0-9]+-(\S+)\s.*', out)
if match:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = match.groups()[0]
self.facts['distribution_version'] = 'release'
def get_distribution_Archlinux(self, name, data, path):
if not 'Arch Linux' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
def get_distribution_Slackware(self, name, data, path):
if 'Slackware' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = name
version = re.findall('\w+[.]\w+', data)
if version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version[0]
def get_distribution_OracleLinux(self, name, data, path):
if not 'Oracle Linux' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
def get_distribution_RedHat(self, name, data, path):
if not 'Red Hat' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
def get_distribution_Altlinux(self, name, data, path):
if not 'ALT Linux' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
def get_distribution_OtherLinux(self, name, data, path):
if 'Amazon' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Amazon'
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data.split()[-1]
return False # TODO: remove if tested without this
def get_distribution_OpenWrt(self, name, data, path):
if 'OpenWrt' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = name
version = re.search('DISTRIB_RELEASE="(.*)"', data)
if version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version.groups()[0]
release = re.search('DISTRIB_CODENAME="(.*)"', data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
return False # TODO: remove if tested without this
def get_distribution_Alpine(self, name, data, path):
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Alpine'
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data
def get_distribution_Solaris(self, name, data, path):
data = data.split('\n')[0]
if 'Solaris' in data:
ora_prefix = ''
if 'Oracle Solaris' in data:
data = data.replace('Oracle ','')
ora_prefix = 'Oracle '
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data.split()[1]
self.facts['distribution_release'] = ora_prefix + data
uname_rc, uname_out, uname_err = self.module.run_command(['uname', '-v'])
distribution_version = None
if 'SmartOS' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'SmartOS'
if os.path.exists('/etc/product'):
product_data = dict([l.split(': ', 1) for l in get_file_content('/etc/product').split('\n') if ': ' in l])
if 'Image' in product_data:
distribution_version = product_data.get('Image').split()[-1]
elif 'OpenIndiana' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'OpenIndiana'
elif 'OmniOS' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'OmniOS'
distribution_version = data.split()[-1]
elif uname_rc == 0 and 'NexentaOS_' in uname_out:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Nexenta'
distribution_version = data.split()[-1].lstrip('v')
if self.facts['distribution'] in ('SmartOS', 'OpenIndiana', 'OmniOS', 'Nexenta'):
self.facts['distribution_release'] = data.strip()
if distribution_version is not None:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = distribution_version
elif uname_rc == 0:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = uname_out.split('\n')[0].strip()
return False # TODO: remove if tested without this
def get_distribution_SuSE(self, name, data, path):
if 'suse' not in data.lower():
return False # TODO: remove if tested without this
if path == '/etc/os-release':
for line in data.splitlines():
distribution = re.search("^NAME=(.*)", line)
if distribution:
self.facts['distribution'] = distribution.group(1).strip('"')
# example pattern are 13.04 13.0 13
distribution_version = re.search('^VERSION_ID="?([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)"?', line)
if distribution_version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = distribution_version.group(1)
if 'open' in data.lower():
release = re.search("^PRETTY_NAME=[^(]+ \(?([^)]+?)\)", line)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
elif 'enterprise' in data.lower() and 'VERSION_ID' in line:
# SLES doesn't got funny release names
release = re.search('^VERSION_ID="?[0-9]+\.?([0-9]*)"?', line)
if release.group(1):
release = release.group(1)
release = "0" # no minor number, so it is the first release
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release
elif path == '/etc/SuSE-release':
if 'open' in data.lower():
data = data.splitlines()
distdata = get_file_content(path).split('\n')[0]
self.facts['distribution'] = distdata.split()[0]
for line in data:
release = re.search('CODENAME *= *([^\n]+)', line)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0].strip()
elif 'enterprise' in data.lower():
lines = data.splitlines()
distribution = lines[0].split()[0]
if "Server" in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = "SLES"
elif "Desktop" in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = "SLED"
for line in lines:
release = re.search('PATCHLEVEL = ([0-9]+)', line) # SLES doesn't got funny release names
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.group(1)
self.facts['distribution_version'] = self.facts['distribution_version'] + '.' + release.group(1)
def get_distribution_Debian(self, name, data, path):
if 'Debian' in data or 'Raspbian' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Debian'
release = re.search("PRETTY_NAME=[^(]+ \(?([^)]+?)\)", data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
elif 'Ubuntu' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Ubuntu'
pass # Ubuntu gets correct info from python functions
return False # TODO: remove if tested without this
def get_distribution_Mandriva(self, name, data, path):
if 'Mandriva' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Mandriva'
version = re.search('DISTRIB_RELEASE="(.*)"', data)
if version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version.groups()[0]
release = re.search('DISTRIB_CODENAME="(.*)"', data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
self.facts['distribution'] = name
return False
def get_distribution_NA(self, name, data, path):
for line in data.splitlines():
distribution = re.search("^NAME=(.*)", line)
if distribution and self.facts['distribution'] == 'NA':
self.facts['distribution'] = distribution.group(1).strip('"')
version = re.search("^VERSION=(.*)", line)
if version and self.facts['distribution_version'] == 'NA':
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version.group(1).strip('"')
def get_distribution_Coreos(self, name, data, path):
if self.facts['distribution'].lower() == 'coreos':
if not data:
# include fix from #15230, #15228
release = re.search("^GROUP=(.*)", data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.group(1).strip('"')
return False # TODO: remove if tested without this
class Hardware(Facts):
This is a generic Hardware subclass of Facts. This should be further
@ -1176,7 +1243,8 @@ class LinuxHardware(Hardware):
sysfs_no_links = 0
path = os.readlink(os.path.join("/sys/block/", block))
except OSError, e:
except OSError:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
if e.errno == errno.EINVAL:
path = block
sysfs_no_links = 1
@ -2035,8 +2103,6 @@ class LinuxNetwork(Network):
interfaces[device]['mtu'] = int(get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'mtu')))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'operstate')):
interfaces[device]['active'] = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'operstate')) != 'down'
# if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'carrier')):
# interfaces[device]['link'] = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'carrier')) == '1'
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'device','driver', 'module')):
interfaces[device]['module'] = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(path, 'device', 'driver', 'module')))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'type')):
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 9eb2b557cd08f2a6d381ec0360fa47750146b65a
Subproject commit 4549ea5e8550217412e032ed0340e9d4a0b38923
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit d9caac037cf10f0abaeff1430605387ab011d54f
Subproject commit 86f08bfcda17e95fb284f9a8b7c0a3cbf518173b
Add table
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